From the very beginning, it can be seen from Chen Jing's clumsy and stupid fighting method that compared to those true heroes of the old days, he has absolutely no talent for fighting.

Not considered waste.

Just pure garbage.

But the strange thing is that every time Chen Jing enters the near-death state, his body functions will be inexplicably enhanced, especially the speed of using deep space energy to repair himself...

in short.

Once you die, you become stronger.

This is not so much his personal talent as it is another weird power.

" hurts me so much..."

Chen Jing couldn't remember how many times he got up from the ground. When he was slapped into mud by Gu Shenxi before, even his visual system suffered a temporary loss. It seemed that his eyeballs were squeezed by huge pressure. exploded.

"It's almost time to set off, let's not fight for now..." Gu Shenxi saw Chen Jing's morbid excitement and couldn't help but waved his hands and said, "We'll talk about it when you come back... Please let me rest for a few days... …”

"There's still enough time, let's do it again!"

"I won't come, I won't come..."

To be honest, Gu Shenxi was a little afraid of Chen Jing at this moment.

Because in his opinion, Chen Jing was no different from a lunatic, as if he was choosing to commit suicide with a high-spirited attitude, and during the process, his pain never disappeared or became numb. Sometimes the pain was so severe that he wiped away tears. While screaming, he rushed forward to die.

"How long do you need to stay at the temple this time?" Ancient God Xi changed the topic.

"I'll be back after we finish talking about business, maybe in a few days."

Seeing that Xi really didn't intend to continue the discussion with him, Chen Jing suddenly became uninterested.

"To be honest, I even doubted whether I was mentally disturbed. During this time of sparring with you, I found that I seemed to be addicted to being killed by you..."

As he spoke, Chen Jing also recalled the tragic situation he had personally experienced before. The feeling of being near death and then reborn only made him inexplicably intoxicated, and he really had a tendency to become addicted...

Whenever deep space energy repaired his body, he could even hear the cells in his body rejoicing. The dented bones gradually reset and even regenerated out of thin air, and the missing organs also rejuvenated with the influx of energy.

"When I was beaten, it hurt a lot, but afterwards I felt quite good... When I come back, we will continue to have fun!"


"By the way, Brother Xi, after we leave the Western Continent, this base camp will be completely handed over to you."

"Call me Brother Xi when you are using me, and Xizi when you are not using me..."

"Doesn't that show that we are friendly?"

Chen Jing comforted him with a smile. There was a faint golden light in his eyes. These linear golden lights seemed to connect into an ancient pattern in his eyes. It was a totem similar to the Yellow King's mark... However, it was different from the real one. Compared with Huang Yin, it seems to be a little more complicated.

That is Chen Jing's own mark.

Just as King Huang expected.

He has steadily embarked on a completely different path from King Huang.

"I'll beg you to worry about it during this time. If someone dares to break into the Western Continent..."

"I know."

Gu Shenxi nodded and said lightly.

"Kill them all, leaving no one behind."

Chapter 522: Under the Temple·Jiju Capital (Part 2)

When Chen Jing used the power of deep space jumping to take the old man out of the city, everyone seemed a little reluctant...

Well, this statement seems a bit false. After all, everyone is busy building the Western Continent, and no one has time to pay attention to these two idlers who are on a business trip to the temple.

Not to mention the childish Wei Nan, even young and loyal believers like Ryan Anumona did not show reluctance. At most, they just told Chen Jing and others to pay attention to safety on the road, and then hurriedly ran to the "construction site" Helped.

Everyone is busy building their new homes.

Even Wei Nan is very excited about this "deep space utopia" that will be unveiled in the near future.

When Hassad's mechanical construction team arrived at the residential area, Wei Nan specifically told Hassad to ask the workers to use heavy materials, especially for the building she was interested in. She must add steel bars to the top and don't be afraid of wasting it. money……

Speaking of money... Actually, Chen Jing and the others don't need it.

This place is too far away from large-scale human settlements. Even the nearest homeless camp is tens of thousands of kilometers away, and they can't find any use for their money.

What's more, even if you go to those places, not many people would dare to trade with them.

During this time.

The wanted order for the deep space resuscitators has spread throughout the entire continent. Even the wanderers living in isolation in the wasteland know the appearance of Chen Jing and the people in the walled city, let alone settlements like Yongye.

It is no exaggeration to say that even a three-year-old child can recognize them at a glance!


During this period, almost all the building materials used to build Kakosa were excavated by Chen Jing from deep space, and then handed over to Hassad for refining. This is also the main reason for the slow progress of the Kakosa project... Materials The supply is too slow, and it is difficult for a real clever woman to make a meal without rice.

But it doesn’t matter if the progress is slower.

Anyway, everyone is still living in the walled city. As long as Chen Jing is there, countless metal minerals and other materials can be obtained even without trading with the outside world.

After all, the scope of deep space is too large... It's like an incomplete universe!

It is not difficult to mine some useful things on those uninhabited planets.

In fact, some people have suggested to Chen Jing that instead of living in the Western Continent, it is better to move into deep space with your family. At least that place is safer, and it is not too difficult to find a planet suitable for human survival.

But this proposal was rejected by Chen Jing shortly after it came out.

The reason is also simple.

His sequence level is not high now, and there is no way to ensure that the residents in the city live in deep space to avoid erosion, especially those ordinary people who are not even old descendants. It is completely a dream to live in deep space.

"Are the coordinates okay?"

"Well, this coordinate is in the temple of Polar Day City. I have already made a call there. As long as you can ensure the accuracy of the teleportation point, then outsiders will not be able to find out that we have gone to Polar Day City..."

Before setting off, Chen Jing specially confirmed with Qiao Youning once, and confirmed again and again that the coordinates were correct, so he dared to set off with the old man.

Although the attitude of [Great Buddha Mother Temple] is very clear, and the management of the temple has not said anything, Chen Jing still thinks... to keep a low profile.

The current situation is not difficult to understand.

Turing and Gehlo have joined hands.

Although Chen Jing heard that they had a conflict a few days ago, the two families did announce that they had signed a new contract and formed an alliance, and they also sent people to Polar Day City, wanting to contact the management of the temple to discuss the plan of working together to deal with the deep space resuscitator...

Therefore, Chen Jing thinks that this time when he goes to Polar Day City, he must keep a low profile.

It is best if no outsiders find out that they have gone to the temple, otherwise... the temple may be in big trouble.

Chen Jing's base camp is in the Western Continent.

It is extremely far away from the Eternal Night Hanging City, and there is also an ancient god covering it, so it is not so easy for Turing and his two families to deal with Chen Jing.

However, Polar Day City is a different story...

Although the geographical location is close to the pole of the continent, there are too many mature routes leading here, and there are hundreds of millions of residents in Polar Day City. Once Chen Jing's whereabouts are exposed and the temple becomes the target of public criticism, the first to suffer are the ordinary people living in Polar Day City.

Chen Jing is not unwilling to cooperate with the temple, but at least at this stage, Chen Jing thinks that even if they cooperate, they should keep a low profile.

They don't even need the temple's help, as long as they can ensure that they don't wade into the muddy water.

As for whether the temple should express its attitude and stand in the end, it is definitely necessary, but the timing is not right now, and we have to wait a little longer...

From the Western Continent to Polar Day City.

During the whole process, Chen Jing made eleven deep space jumps.

Chen Bofu didn't feel anything, but Qiao Youning was almost dizzy.

When completing the last deep space jump.

Qiao Youning felt that she was finally free.


In the temple in the far north.

Outside the [Buddha Mother Hall].

A group of old monks with strange looks have been waiting here for a long time.

"Elder Eye, can you observe the route they are moving?"

"It's too blurry, I can't see clearly!"

"Elder Ear, can you still hear the voice of the resurrected person?"

"I can't hear it."

"Alas... To be honest, I am really curious about the power of space folding. I have seen records of this deep space power in ancient books, but unfortunately the content of the records is not detailed."

The bald old man who spoke stood in front of the team. His dress was no different from that of ordinary monks, and it could even be said to be shabby. Even the elders standing behind him looked more elegant and luxurious than him.

Judging from his appearance, he should be about the same age as Chen Bofu, but compared to the crazy Chen Bofu, he gave people a more gentle and kind feeling. In his eyes as soft as water, there was a hint of compassionate Buddha nature.

He is Erjia.

He is the leader of the [Great Buddha Mother Temple].

He is also a true legend in Polar Day.

He is also the only monk who has witnessed the full appearance of the Buddha Mother.

"Lord Erjia, I think you don't even need to come. It's nice of us to have so many elders come to greet them. I guarantee that the old madman won't say anything!"

Hearing this, Erjia just smiled gently, and his voice seemed to have a magic that could calm people down.

"Kill elder, since we have all decided to cooperate with Deep Space, why should we put on airs for others to see? What's more, You Ning came back with them, and that's the child of our temple..."

Hearing Erjia say this, the elder suddenly didn't know how to persuade him, but there was still a little resentment in his heart.

After all, Erjia is the master of the temple, and he represents the entire Buddha Mother Temple... Does he have the ability to accept this face given to the Deep Space Resuscitator?

Suddenly, Erjia's eyes lit up, as if he noticed something, and suddenly turned back to look behind him.

And at this moment.

Three clear figures appeared out of thin air in the team of elders.

Before everyone could see the face of the person coming, a familiar shouting and cursing sounded in the temple again.

Just like the one decades ago.

"Why am I standing with you old fools..."

At this moment, the old man among the three spoke, cursing without any courtesy.

"It's so damn unlucky!"

Chapter 523 Paradise in troubled times (Part 1)

Chen Bofu is not a good guy.

In addition to Chen Jing not agreeing with this statement, even Chen Bofu himself thinks so.

After all, he couldn't remember what good things he had done decades or even hundreds of years ago, but he did a lot of immoral things.

It is no exaggeration to say that almost all the major sects and even wasteland forces in the inner world have dealt with Chen Bofu, and he has disgusted them several times in the process of dealing with them, such as the [Great Buddha Mother Temple]...

When Chen Bofu first dealt with the temple, it was because of the ownership of a certain ancient relic. Although it was reasonable that the ancient relic should be under the name of the temple, and the geographical location of the relic was also within the temple's sphere of influence... However, Chen Bofu felt that it was his, and the reason he gave was also outrageous.

"I like it." Chen Bofu said to Erjia at that time, "What's more, my name is engraved on the gate. Who would believe it if it's not mine?"

"Didn't you carve it yourself just now?" Erjia was stunned at that time, and only suspected that Chen Bofu's carving on the gate in front of everyone half a minute ago was his illusion.

"Just tell me if that's my name!" Chen Bofu replied like a rolling knife, clearly trying to be a rogue.

"Oh, that's not the reason. Come on, brother Chen, let me talk to you..."

Although Erjia had heard of Chen Bofu's fierce reputation a long time ago, and knew that he was a madman who had no reason to talk to, as a "high monk", Erjia still couldn't help but want to argue with him.

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