[Li Mobai]: Otherwise, how could it be fake? If I really encountered a dilemma that would lead to my death, I would definitely ask you, my living father, to help me!

[Chen Jing]: My dear son.

[Li Mobai]: Damn it... Anyway, I just want to tell you in advance that after tonight's hanging ceremony, I will have to go to the digital space to chant sutras and recite Turing. I will definitely not have the opportunity to chat with you in a short period of time. I guess we will have to wait until we return to the surface world to meet again.

[Chen Jing]: Do you really not need me to save you?

[Li Mobai]: No, I am sure that Turing dare not kill me at all. That guy has been waiting for me to grow up and wants to take my body...

[Chen Jing]: Then I am relieved.

[Li Mobai]: Brother! What are you worried about? ! I am talking about taking over the body!

[Chen Jing]: But you also said that it will be fine in the short term, at least you have not grown to the level that Turing needs!

[Li Mobai]:... Although what you said makes sense, I always feel that something is weird.

[Chen Jing]: I will help you.

[Li Mobai]: Not now.

[Chen Jing]: Come to think of it, you told me not to trust you before. Does that mean that if you ask me for help in the future, it might be a false signal released by Turing after he takes over my body?

[Li Mobai]: Well, I don’t know what it will do with my body in the future... It’s hard to say whether it can take over my body successfully, and it may not take over my body even if it says so. It seems that it depends on the degree of compatibility. Anyway, you just need to be careful. If I say something inexplicable, don’t believe it.

[Chen Jing]: Got it.


Accompanied by a familiar sound of footsteps, Chen Jing and Qiao Youning looked back and saw the old man trotting up in flip-flops and holding a cigarette.

“My dear grandson! The Jiutian Yingyuan Palace that you asked Hasad to repair has been completed! The old guy asked you to go and see it now!”

Hearing this, Chen Jing immediately moved his eyes away from the chat box and couldn’t help getting excited.

That was the killer weapon of the [Turing Research Society]. If Hazard really restored it, then he would have one more trump card!

"He can really restore it?? I remember that thing was in pieces when I brought it back..."

"I'm not sure, anyway, he asked us to go there now... By the way, what were you two talking about on the rooftop? Why are your expressions uglier than each other? Did you have a fight?"

Chen Bofu looked at Chen Jing and Qiao Youning with a puzzled look, thinking that the two of them have always had a good relationship and didn't seem like the type to have a fight...

"No, we just talked about some things in the past."

Chen Jing smiled and perfunctorily said, then calmly changed the subject and mentioned the invitation to the temple.

"Grandpa, You Ning just received news that the temple wants to invite us to go to Polar Day City. Their abbot Erjia wants to see us."

"That old guy is back?" Chen Bofu was stunned, his face full of surprise, "I saw that he hasn't been back to Polar Day City for so long, I thought he died outside... Damn, he is still alive?!"

Chapter 520 Possession and Dilemma (Part 2)

In Hasard's laboratory.

Chen Jing and his friends were staring at a pile of metal fragments, while Hasard sat aside, holding a cup of expensive hot coffee robbed from the Hanging City caravan and drinking it slowly, smacking his lips from time to time to indicate that the taste was not very good.

"Is this what you mean by repair completed?" Chen Bofu pointed at the pile of metal fragments in front of him and asked in disbelief, "You are so bold now, you dare to lie to me?"

"I didn't lie to you." Hasad said without any guilt, "I just said that the repair was completed, not that it was well repaired. It's up to you to understand it in a different way. You can't blame me if you misunderstand it."


Chen Jing subconsciously stopped the old man who rolled up his sleeves to hit Hasad, and his face showed an expression of "as expected".


As early as when he brought back the remains of Jiutian Yingyuan Palace, Chen Jing felt that this thing was unlikely to be repaired.

This thing was broken too badly. If nothing unexpected happened, the difficulty of repairing it should be about the same as rebuilding it.

But even so, he still wanted Hasad to try...after all, there is always a chance of something happening!

Chen Jing still remembers how excited Hazard was when he heard that he had brought it back to Jiutian Yingyuan Palace, and how he was in disbelief when he saw that it was a pile of metal fragments. It is no exaggeration to say that his expression was like he had eaten shit... There was a sentence written all over his face.

Are you kidding me?

"It's okay, it's normal that it can't be repaired." Chen Jing persuaded the old man, fearing that the old man would get angry and beat Hazard to death in the laboratory.

"Please, I'm a scientific researcher, not a magician. I've tried my best, okay!" Hazard still explained without knowing whether to live or die, and the way he mocked people while drinking coffee was full of sarcasm.

From common sense, Hazard is a typical coward. Compared with Lawrence, a guy who was beaten to death, he has not even been beaten by the old man, but he is still scared to death.

But now, he is very tough.

Chen Jing felt that the main reason was that he had been too exhausted during this period. Whether it was the reconstruction project of Kakosa, the "security line" on the periphery, or even the sewer pipes, he had to worry about them... The heavy work pressure had already made the old man a little overwhelmed. In addition, Chen Bofu wanted him to perform a magic trick, it would be strange if he didn't have some resentment!

"Although I can't repair the Jiutian Yingyuan Palace, the metal materials used in the Hanging City to make the Yingyuan Palace are also useful to us. At least I can refine them and use them in my new prosthetic body."

As Hassad said, he raised his hand to clasp the black line under his face.

The black line is no more than the thickness of chopsticks.

It looks a little concave.

Chen Jing had never seen him before. At least when he met Hassad two days ago, the old man didn't have such decorative lines on his face.

"Thankfully, these materials came in time. I modified my own prosthetic body. Not only did I improve the performance of some of the prosthetic bodies, I also upgraded the overclocked brain computer, which not only ensured my own safety, but also ensured that the overclocking process was successful. In this state, the overloaded brain computer will not be detected by the hanging city..."

With that said, Hassad opened his face, revealing the interior of the silver-white metal structure... It is undeniable that this scene may seem a bit scary to outsiders, but for Chen Jing and others who came out of Yongye City, For the old people, it is considered a standard light taste.

"Judging from the external situation, the [Turing Research Society] should have been using certain means to conduct a deep search of the entire world, just like a large-scale scan covering the entire world... In fact, the last time they found the Walled City, You can’t blame me! They will find that place sooner or later!”

Speaking of this, Hassad also glanced at Chen Jing.

"I can't bear the blame alone! Your grandson also has a share!"

Upon hearing this, the old man became even more angry. He picked up the flip-flops on his feet and smashed them over.

Hassad seemed prepared.

He dodged the old man's padded slippers with a deft dodge.

"It's really... I'm too short-tempered to say it..."

At this time, Chen Jing was holding the old man with his left hand and patting the old man's back with his right hand to help him calm down. Qiao Youning on the side also hurriedly came over to persuade the old man not to argue with a metal head like Hassad.

"Ha, I think you haven't been beaten for a long time and your skin is a little itchy. I will loosen it for you today..."

"Grandpa, calm down first. I have something to ask Grandpa Hassad."

"Ask him! Ask me if you have anything to do! He knows a lot!"

"It's about the Hanging City."

Hearing this, Hassad couldn't help showing a curious expression, and then gave the old man a proud look, meaning that I may not know as much as you about other things, but when it comes to my old club, Hanging City...

"Child, ask." Hassad pushed back his uncovered face, and faced Chen Jing with a kind face.

"Grandpa Hassad, I remember that the members of the research society in Hanging City should all be members of Turing's family...especially the alchemists. They have a close relationship with Turing, and the powers they obtain also come from Turing."

"That's right."

"What if...I mean what if! If a warlock accidentally offended Turing, would he still have a chance to survive?" Chen Jing asked carefully, "Is it easy for Turing to kill him? He didn't even run for his life. Chance?"

"In most cases, it's what you said. It's really easy for Turing to kill his own family members. He only needs a thought..." Hassad said slowly while drinking hot coffee, "After all, everything about the family members is All come from Turing, including his own prosthetic body.”

"Neurofeedback circuits, brain-computer integrated chips, bionic functional organs, mimic firmware, etc..."

"These things seem to be high-tech products, but in fact they all require authorization from 'Turing', so if Turing wants to kill the family members, he only needs one command, and the family members can be disintegrated in an instant."


"Oh, wasn't I also targeted by Turing back then? I was tricked into entering the digital space by those warlocks. You've been there too, so you should know the horror there, right?"


"If you ask me, that place is Turing's Nigouzi. It is filled with all kinds of garbage data, just like your grandfather's Nugouzi is filled with shit."

"Bullshit!" Chen Bofu also took off his other padded slipper.

Chen Jing hurriedly stopped the old man and asked eagerly.

"Then how did you escape in the end?"

"I didn't escape." Hassad shrugged, with an indifferent expression, "I have backed up my consciousness a long time ago and hid it in more than a dozen secret strongholds inside and outside the Hanging City, so I just died in the end. One of the consciousnesses is just a backup, and you can still live in another body!"

Chapter 521: Under the Temple·Jiju Capital (Part 1)

In the past few days before leaving the Western Continent, Chen Jing had not been idle. Apart from racking his brains to help Li Mobai get out of trouble, the rest of his time was spent on the ancient god Xi.

Although this guy could only be regarded as the true "end of kings" in the old days and a standard crane-level character, at this stage... Chen Jing could only use him to familiarize himself with his power.

It is no exaggeration to say that Chen Jing has not even bothered to sleep in the past few days, and has not even had a good meal with the old man and the others a few times... He has been busy competing with Ancient God Xi, and the battlefield is in deep space.

After entering the arsenal and acquiring the inheritance, the deep space today can accommodate creatures of around Sequence 8. As long as the other party agrees to the "invitation" from Chen Jing, the Lord of Deep Space, and does not resist during the process of entering deep space , then the main body can smoothly step into deep space.

"You're crazy."

When Gu Shenxi couldn't remember how many times he had beaten Chen Jing to the point of near death, he sat beside Chen Jing, who looked like a pool of rotten meat, wearing a Taoist robe, and his tone became a little scary.

Because even in the old days, he had never seen anyone risking his life like Chen Jing.

"I can't do anything..." Chen Jing's vocal organs were severely damaged, but fortunately this was deep space, with endless deep space energy to speed up the repair of his own injuries, so he could barely speak, "It's come to this... If you don't work hard, you will fall sooner or later..."

In fact, Chen Jing has a clear positioning of himself. He knows that he is not a child of destiny. Compared with those who are born with strong fighting talents, he seems to be closer to ordinary people... Yes, ordinary people.

Just an ordinary person with better luck.

If there is no pressure from all parties and even the Creator, I am afraid that Chen Jing will choose to follow his original temperament and be a "crazy third generation" in peace and stability. With the old man's protection, he can lie as flat as he wants.

But reality does not allow it.

Whether it is Turing Gehe Luo or the high Creator.

None of these guys are easy to deal with.

Once you fall, you may never be able to get up again in this life.

Chen Jing doesn't want to die.

He doesn't want the old man and others to pay with his life.

So he can only find ways to squeeze his potential.

Even if he doesn't have such a thing as "potential", he wants to use this method to get familiar with those powers, and wants to use those powers that he has just learned.

Of course, this kind of "cultivation" method similar to self-mutilation is difficult to understand in the eyes of the ancient god Xi.

At least in the old days, no old descendant would use this method to train himself... According to Chen Jing's requirements, Xi did not hold back every time.

So Xi almost didn't spend much effort to force Chen Jing to a near-death state, leaving Chen Jing only one step away from real death.

At the beginning.

The ancient god Xi could do all this in just a moment. After all, the gap in strength between the two sides was too large, and it was not an exaggeration to say that he bullied Chen Jing.

But as Chen Jing continued to "resurrect from the dead", his proficiency in deep space powers was also increasing... Gradually, it was not so easy for Gu Shenxi to beat Chen Jing to the brink of death.

Until now.

Under the premise that Chen Jing did not use deep space jumps to dodge, Gu Shenxi would need at least 31 seconds to beat Chen Jing to the brink of death...

Yes, although this progress seems extremely small, it is only a few seconds later to die, but in Gu Shenxi's view, this is an impossible miracle!

Because as an old descendant who had risen in the old days, Gu Shenxi knew very well that the level of sequence could not be crossed.

No matter how familiar Chen Jing was with the use of deep space powers, he could only delay his death for two or three seconds at most.

But now he is making rapid progress and can hold on for dozens of seconds before being defeated by his own hands...

For a while, Gu Shenxi couldn't help but wonder if he was too rubbish, and he couldn't even kill a sequence 5 old descendant instantly?

But then he thought about it.

Is it possible that Chen Jing is a genius?

Of course...there's no fucking chance of that.

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