There was a clang.

There was a heavy ingot of silver on the man's tray.

Without waiting for the other party to thank her profusely and express his willingness to do something more for her brother, Qiao Youning dragged Chen Jing out of the crowd and walked away, still smiling.

"The fireworks show hasn't reached its climax yet. We can just make it there in time, but we can't delay any longer!"

"Sister Qiao has a lot of money..." Chen Jing couldn't help but sigh, "If you hadn't helped me pay just now, I would have had to find a crack in the ground to crawl into."

While the two were chatting, they turned another street corner.

It was different from the alleys Chen Jing had seen before.

The alley at the corner was particularly dark, with only pink lanterns hanging high.

No figures could be seen in the alley.

Only the sounds of men and women playing could be vaguely heard.

"This place..." Chen Jing paused for a moment, smelling the extremely thin scent of rouge and powder in the air. He always felt an indescribable feeling, as if he had seen similar scenes in some film and television works... Yes, it was familiar!

"What's so good about this place!"

Qiao Youning felt that it would be a sin to let Chen Jing stay here for one more second, and hurriedly pulled his hand to continue walking forward.

"What's the matter... I'm not a child..." Chen Jing was immediately amused by her reaction, "Isn't this just some red-light street Kabukicho..."

Hearing Chen Jing say that he was not a child, Qiao Youning was stunned, then stopped and looked back at him.

"Well... you are really not a child anymore..." Qiao Youning said calmly, with a hint of playfulness in her eyes, "How about I wait here and you go in to see more?"

"Forget it." Chen Jing shook his head hurriedly, "I am not interested in this place. Maybe Li Mobai likes it. Let him come here to apply for a card next time..."

The two chatted and laughed all the way, and soon they arrived at Fuyue Building, which was closest to the fireworks show.

This quaint building is a rare high-rise building in the outer city.

Its height is at least 150 meters.

It is different from what Chen Jing saw from a distance.

Fuyue Building is not a single-story building. There are still some shorter pavilions around it, and the main building is connected to them.

The difference between the buildings is as beautiful as the arc of a waterfall, and the totems outlined by the eaves and corners have elements of the temple's mother.

After hearing the waiter shouting that the distinguished guests from the temple had arrived, Chen Jing was led by Qiao Youning into the Fuyue Building.

Before entering the door.

Chen Jing could still see that the Fuyue Building was full of noise. Among the constant calls for drinking, there would be a few songs sung by pretty ladies from time to time. But after they entered the door... For a moment, everything was silent, and even the guests who were drunk subconsciously became quiet.

In the outer city area, those who can enter the Fuyue Building to consume are all the best among people.

So compared to those ordinary residents, the guests in the Fuyue Building have a deeper understanding of the people who come out of the temple, and they are more aware of the horror of the temple...

This moment is also a rare silence for Chen Jing.

At least no one dares to stare at his square head casually.

Came to the top private room.

Chen Jing and Qiao Youning stood side by side on the viewing platform.

He first glanced at the fireworks on the riverside, then lowered his head to look at the surging crowd on the street, and suddenly felt a sense of being high up and overlooking the mountains... Of course, in other words, he also felt the power of money.

The viewing angle is perfect, and the dining environment is perfect.

This money is worth spending!

"Ah Jing, how did you play today? Are you happy?" Qiao Youning looked at Chen Jing beside her eagerly, her bright eyes full of expectations, but also a little uneasiness, as if she was afraid that the answer would be negative.

"Of course I'm happy." Chen Jing supported the railing on the side of the observation deck with his hands, and smiled without looking back, "Although there are so many people on the road, I feel it's fun and the food is delicious..."

"Just be happy, I'll let you try the special dishes of Fuyue Tower later, you will definitely like it!"

Qiao Youning finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She was inexplicably satisfied that Chen Jing had a good evaluation of the polar day, just like making an outsider like her hometown, that feeling is very subtle.

"This restaurant is a place I always check in every time I come to the outer city. I still have their membership card. I'll take you there later..."


Hearing Chen Jing's sudden change of tone, Qiao Youning was stunned and subconsciously began to wonder if she had said something wrong to annoy him.

"Although on such a happy day, we shouldn't talk about unhappy topics, but I really can't help it... Youning, don't blame me for ruining the atmosphere."

"It's okay, you say." Qiao Youning smiled.

"In fact, I suspected from the beginning that once the Buddha Mother leaves the seal and comes to the world, it will definitely have an impact on your direct family, but I don't know how big this impact is... Can you tell me?"

Chen Jing supported the railing with his hands and slowly looked back.

And just then.

Accompanied by a loud bang and the cheers of countless passers-by, another dazzling firework rushed straight into the sky.

"The east wind blows thousands of flowers at night, and blows down the stars like rain...Every time I stand here to watch the fireworks, I feel shocked, as if I will never get tired of watching them no matter how many times."

Qiao Youning rarely took her eyes off Chen Jing, and her charming eyes reflected the fireworks.

When the beauty of the moment completely disappeared from her eyes, leaving only the wisps of green smoke hanging in the air, she lowered her head and looked at Chen Jing, saying coquettishly with her hands behind her back.

"Look at the fireworks, why are you looking at me? I'm not as pretty as the fireworks!"

Chen Jing saw that she was unwilling to answer his question, and he immediately guessed the answer in his heart.

"The fireworks are not as pretty as you."

Chen Jing looked back in the direction of the temple, and a little golden light flashed in his clear eyes.

"Really?" Qiao Youning asked with a blink.


Chen Jing retracted his gaze and tactfully stopped talking about the topic of the Buddha Mother.

"It's far worse than you."

Chapter 535 Under the Holy Mountain (Part 1)

During the two days when the elders of the temple were preparing, Chen Jing had been very idle.

Apart from sleeping time, he spent almost all his time shopping with Qiao Youning. Chen Bofu also went out to play with them during the trip, but it was only once... After that, the old man never went again.

"There are too many people. I can't help but want to slap them all to death." Chen Bofu said this when he came back. Although he didn't have any social phobia, it was true that too many people around him would make him upset.

For example, during the time he lived in the city, the old man was fine when he was in a good mood, but when he was in a bad mood... Hearing the noisy and chaotic sounds in the city, his mood would only get worse. There were several times when he even wanted to flatten the building of the city.

Fortunately, the old man also had acquaintances in the temple, so when Chen Jing went shopping with Qiao Youning, the old man could still find someone to chat with him, such as Qiao Youning's master, Grandma Hong, and the old bald donkey Erjia who avoided him like a disaster.

There was a friendship between him and Grandma Hong.

With Erjia... they could barely be considered to "appreciate" each other.

After all, there are too few sequence 7 creatures in this world, and even fewer that can stand in the same camp, so the concept of mutual respect is not difficult to understand.

But to be honest, Erga hates Chen Bofu.

Because he thinks Chen Bofu is a complete lunatic. He talks to you with a smile in the previous second, and rolls up his sleeves to kill your whole family in the next second. When there is a misunderstanding and you want to explain, he will not listen. Before you can open your mouth to reason, your mouth will be torn by him.

But even if he hated Chen Bofu, what could he do...

After all, the polar day still had to rely on his grandson to save it...

"Old thief, take me to the treasure house of your temple. I don't mean anything else, I just want to broaden my horizons!"


"Given our relationship, you won't be reluctant, right?" When Chen Bofu said these words, he seemed to be particularly close to Erjia, almost like a brother with his arm around his shoulder. "I'm just curious and want to take a look. I promise I don't mean anything else."

"Then... OK."

In fact, Erjia has a lot of brains. When he heard that Chen Bofu wanted to go to the treasure house, his mind immediately became active.

It would definitely not work to directly reject Chen Bofu. After all, judging from the old man's personality, it would be like slapping him in the face to refuse his face. Who knows how much trouble he would cause.

But if he agreed to him like this...

It would work.

The treasure house is now basically one-third empty. The important things have long been taken out of the city by the elders, and what is left are only some insignificant gadgets.

So Erjia thought carefully for a moment, and finally pretended to be reluctant and agreed to Chen Bofu's request.

This is also the thing he regrets most in his life.

Because he found that he underestimated Chen Bofu's face.

Erjia thought that Chen Bofu had a high vision and would not put ordinary relics and magic tools in his eyes. He might even scold you for being ignorant and daring to pollute his eyes with such garbage... But the fact is that Chen Bofu finds everything new.

"This string of beads is nice. I don't think you need it. It's better to give it to my grandson than to leave it here to gather dust. I'll take it away!"

"This magic bell... it's a bit rubbish, but my grandson likes it. I'll take it back and give it to him. Do you have any objection?"

"Oh, this, this, this... although they are all low-quality rubbish, they look quite fresh. You know my grandson is young and likes these strange little things. Your temple is big and powerful, so you shouldn't miss this..."

"Brother Erjia, do you have any objection?"

Chen Bofu is a particular person. Every time he takes away a relic or magic tool, he blurts out the word "you". After a series of polite "you", the temple's treasure house is basically empty.

Chen Bofu was so excited that he even took away the shelves used to store relics in their treasure house. He took them all away without any hesitation and stuffed them into his stomach.

Before Chen Bofu came, there were nearly 2,800 relics and magic tools left in the treasury. After he swept through and left, there were probably only two or three hundred left...

"You are really not picky!" When Erjia sent Chen Bofu out, he hurriedly ordered the elders to replace the new lock as quickly as possible, and he had to force a smile on his face even though his heart was bleeding. "You actually look down on these rubbish... I really overestimated you before!"

"I don't have to spend money to buy them, why should I look down on them?" Chen Bofu's answer directly broke Erjia's defense. It was just two simple sentences, but it almost gave him a heart attack.

After emptying the treasure house.

Chen Boxu was too lazy to pay attention to Ojia, a tool man. He walked back leisurely with his hands behind his back, thinking in his mind...

The Western Continent is still in a period of development. Although these relics and magic weapons are not top-notch goods, they are just right for those wastes. Besides... My grandson is so helpful, why don't you do this? Even a little bit of blood is considered a big profit!

It’s time to help Buddha Mother break the seal.

It happened to be the night when Chen Bofu came to meet Ejia to catch the autumn wind.

So when he was suddenly notified by the elders to meet at the Holy Mountain, Chen Boxu couldn't help but mutter in his heart, this couldn't be Oga's revenge, right? How come there was no letter beforehand? He called us out of the blue and was about to go do some business?

Compared to Chen Bofu.

Chen Jing seemed much calmer. After all, he had heard Qiao Youning say before that one of the many preparations made by the elders was to open the Holy Mountain Passage for them, which was the closest position to the formation eye sealed by the Buddha Mother...

"My dear grandson, why do I feel that the atmosphere here is weird?"

When Chen Bofu followed Chen Jing up the mountain, he kept smoking with a cigarette in his mouth and looked a little uneasy.

"Because the temple has reached its limit." Chen Jing said with a smile, looking up at the dark clouds that were gathering in the sky. "The impact of the Buddha Mother's seal is a huge threat to the temple. If we delay it for another day and a half, I'm afraid they won't be able to control it. Already..."

I don’t know if it’s because the Buddha Mother is constantly attacking the seal. Qiao Youning said that the scenery is better than the Big Buddha Mother Holy Mountain in the 5A scenic spot. At this moment, it seems to have nothing to do with the beautiful scenery.

The mountains and plains are covered with withered plant remains, and even the yellow mud underfoot has become hard and dry. Every step feels like stepping on the desolate Gobi Desert.

When Chen Jing and the others followed the elders to the top of the Holy Mountain.

It was also raining heavily in the sky.


Erjia came over as soon as he saw Chen Jing. The past few days of getting along with him also made him imitate the old man and call Chen Jing's nickname, so cordially that it didn't look like he was pretending.

"The seal of the Buddha Mother is down there, and I will... depend on you!"

Chapter 536: Under the Holy Mountain (Part 2)

"All the people in your temple have fled?"

Chen Bofu looked at the shabby team behind Erjia, his eyes widened for a moment, and he asked in disbelief.

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