Chapter 538: Three Thousand Buddhas Sitting and Reclining in the Temple (Part 2)

The ruined temple in front of Chen Jing is only one floor high. It is like some small temples left over from the old times in the county. It is small but still filled with the smell of incense. However, looking at the state of disrepair... Chen Jing They are all afraid that the temple with their back feet will collapse as soon as they enter with their front feet.

In the silent and depressing atmosphere, Chen Jing carefully circled the temple several times, looked at it carefully for a while, and did not rush to enter.

The temple is not large in area.

At least from the outside, the interior of this temple only covers an area of ​​less than 100 square meters. Apart from this decaying main building, there are no other buildings such as the Tianwang Hall and Guanyin Hall nearby.

Perhaps because the climate in the mountains is too humid, many unknown black vines are clinging to the outer walls of the temple. Some of the vines even lifted off the blue tiles on the roof and penetrated into the temple.

They are like some kind of "animals", always climbing towards the target at an extremely slow speed, making a faint sound that is hard for Chen Jing to hear unless he listens carefully.

When Chen Jing walked back to the main entrance of the temple and stopped, the silk-like yellow robe gradually appeared, and the splendor of the deep sky became the spear and shield in his hands, just like the rushing sea water that never stops. , squirming violently in his wide and loose sleeves.

Ready to fight, Chen Jing stepped over the decayed wooden threshold and slowly stepped into the temple swallowed by darkness.



The moment Chen Jing stepped into the temple, he had the illusion that he was swallowed by something. When he looked back, the door to the temple had disappeared.

Ahead is an unknown darkness.

The same is true behind you.

"We can only continue to move forward..." Chen Jing's hands hidden in his long sleeves gently turned, and the colors of the deep sky flowed through his fingers like flowing water. "It seems that what the Buddha Mother wants to do is not to break through the seal and go to the outside world... "

"Kill!! Kill!! Kill!!!"

Shen Kong Yicai's IQ is still not as high as that of Bai Aji and others. When communicating with Chen Jing, in most cases he can only simply express his emotions.

Just like this moment.

This color floating at the other end of the universe perceives a great threat, which is in the deeper darkness... From the perspective of Deep Sky Color, that threat may hurt its owner, so it must be killed at all costs. To completely destroy it, even to erase all traces of its existence!

The threat it poses to its owner is disrespectful.

Just damn it!

kill! ! kill! ! kill! ! !

"Don't get excited...calm down..." Chen Jing softly comforted Shen Kong Yicai. Although he was a little uneasy in his heart, his steps were still steady and he continued to walk forward unhurriedly. "Originally, I planned to use Shen Kong Yicai to I can take the Buddha Mother out of this seal by jumping in the air, but now it seems that it shouldn’t be that troublesome..."

Chen Jing remembers it very clearly.

Erjia's request to him was to help the Buddha's mother get out of trouble, not to help the Buddha's mother break the seal or other delusions, so Chen Jing's idea has always been to save the country through curves.

As for directly destroying the seal and releasing the Buddha Mother... Chen Jing didn't even dare to think about such a thing.

After all, not even a Sequence Eight Buddha Mother can break this seal, let alone a Sequence Five scum like him?

Even if he is the successor of the Yellow King sequence, he can completely rely on the deep space to "do whatever he wants", but again, when manpower is limited, there are still many things he can't do at this stage, just like destroying the Buddha Mother. With the seal left behind, this is no longer as simple as a daydream.

Back to business.

After stepping into this temple, Chen Jing has gradually realized that the reality may be more complicated than he imagined... From the entrance of the holy mountain to here, Chen Jing has not touched the "seal" along the way. It is not like The first few explorations were able to directly sense the existence of the seal.

in short……

There is a great possibility that the seal has disappeared.

This is also what Chen Jing cannot understand the most.

Now that the seal is gone...why doesn't the Buddha Mother come out?

Hasn't it been struggling desperately to break the seal and break out?

Now there is no seal that can stop it.

But it did not leave the Holy Mountain...

Just as Chen Jing was frowning in deep thought, a flash of light not far away instantly attracted his attention.

The light was dim and dim, like a flickering candle...

Well, that's candlelight.

Chen Jing quickly walked forward and took a look, only to find that it was an altar dedicated to gods and Buddhas, and the light was the copper ever-bright lamp in front of the "Buddha statue".

This should be Buddha, right?

Chen Jing didn't quite understand. He looked at this strange-looking "Buddha statue" with suspicion. He felt that it looked like an irregular spherical object with many crater-like depressions on the surface.

If it weren't for the large word "Buddha" engraved on its "belly", I'm afraid it would be difficult for Chen Jing to connect this thing with a traditional Buddha statue.

After studying it carefully for a moment, I still found nothing.

Without any choice.

Chen Jing could only cross the Buddha statue and continue walking forward.

Not a moment.

Then he saw the second strange-looking Buddha statue.

It is still placed on the altar.

There is still that ever-burning light in front of it that seems to be extinguished at any moment.

Compared to the previous Buddha statue, this one was even more bizarre, with many sunken holes, but its general outline still showed an irregular spherical shape.

After studying it for a while.

Chen Jing continued to move forward.

Although the temple looked small from the outside, the internal space seemed endless. No matter how fast Chen Jing walked, no matter how far he walked straight forward... he could never reach the end.

But this journey was not without gain.

Because he saw one weird Buddha statue after another.

It was no exaggeration to say that the total number of these Buddha statues shocked him, and he even felt an inexplicable fear. There were more than 2,000 of them just before... Not only that, the appearance of these Buddha statues seemed to be changing step by step.

At first, it was just a spherical object with unknown meaning.

Then it twisted like a flattened spider or vine.

Later, it turned into some slender and weird "bugs".

It probably started from the 1,900th Buddha statue.

Their faces and bodies gradually became acceptable to Chen Jing.

The insects turned into various strange-looking fish.

The fish turned into four-legged salamander-like animals.

Then, the salamander turned into a dwarfed version of a hippopotamus, the hippopotamus turned into a hairy "mice", and the mice turned into small apes with long tails.

As Chen Jing's pace became faster and faster, the frequency of these Buddha statues also increased, like a slide show playing quickly in front of him.

Until he saw the ape Buddha statue turned into a hunched "human".

Until he saw the 3,000th Buddha statue.

At this point.

Chen Jing finally stopped.

"Is this the history of human evolution..."

Chapter 539: Thousands of Nirvana Clone (Part 1)

Chen Jing stood in front of the 3,000th Buddha statue, looking at this face that was almost identical to his own, and wondered if the Buddha Mother had some brain problems...

The last time he saw it simulated in the underground space, it was modeled after himself, and now even the Buddha statue has been made to look like himself.

Perhaps because he was always used as a "model" by the Buddha Mother, Chen Jing suddenly got angry and felt indescribably upset when he looked at the Buddha statue in front of him.

What exactly does the Buddha Mother want to do? ? ?

His intuition told him that the Buddha Mother was not just trying to get out of trouble, and it didn't seem like he had been worried about it, that she was going to murder the "nutrients" in the outside world, or directly attack Qiao Youning's direct family.

The Buddha Mother didn't want to do those things.

If she wanted to, she could go now.

Even if Chen Jing, the deep space resurrectionist, was there, or Erga and Chen Bofu were's no exaggeration to say that no one could stop it.

In the current situation

No one can stop a "god" who can move freely.

So Chen Jing was really confused.

The Buddha Mother tried her best to break the seal and get out, but now the seal is gone but she refuses to leave here... What does she want to do?

"I can't go back now..." Chen Jing looked at the endless darkness in front of him and felt a terrible headache. "I can only go to it first... see what it wants to do... But fortunately, this guy doesn't seem to be hostile to me..."

Just as Chen Jing comforted himself like this.

There was a rustling sound coming from far to near.

It seemed that many insects were crawling in groups in the dark.

Chen Jing raised his hand and waved his yellow long sleeves, and the deep space color poured out from the cuffs like a torrent of colors, rushing straight into the darkness in front.

There are many strange things about this temple. Not only is the area observed inside and outside different, but Chen Jing also noticed something... There seems to be something in this building that can swallow light.

Whether it was the colorful light in the deep space or the golden holy light in his body.

All external light sources were suppressed.

It can even be said that the candlelight in front of the Buddha is much stronger than the holy light.

Fortunately, Chen Jing has the basic night vision ability of the old descendants, so it is not too difficult for him to see things in the dark, not to mention the dim light of the deep space...

"Is this... human nerves??"

When Chen Jing saw the "monster" that was constantly walking towards him quickly, his first feeling was not fear but astonishment, because the other party's body, which was like a dead branch, only reminded him of the human nerve specimens he had seen in the surface world.

It was a giant "creature" that was fifty or sixty meters tall.

Under the milky white brain, there were countless "ginseng whiskers"-like objects connected to the complete brain tissue, and these long whiskers with a deep red color were connected and separated from each other, like wildly growing vines and branches, forming a rough human shape.

Seeing this strange creature running towards him, Chen Jing was shocked and raised his vigilance to the highest level. He began to retreat quickly without thinking, leaving only Deep Space Color in the front.

At this moment, Chen Jing had only one thought, or... a doubt.

Is the Buddha going to kill me? ? ?


When Chen Jing encountered the monster in the ancient temple, the people who stayed on the holy mountain had been silent for a long time.

Ever since Chen Jing jumped into the "Holy Mark", the atmosphere here has become extremely depressing.

"Brother Chen, don't worry too much. I think everything will be fine." Erjia sat cross-legged on a big rock. Seeing Chen Boxu smoking one cigarette after another, he could only comfort him. , "Your grandson is a deep space resuscitator. Even if the Buddha Mother goes crazy and wants to cause trouble for him, he will definitely..."

"If you dare to say that he has his own destiny, don't blame me for my big mouth and slap you..." Chen Boxu glanced at Erjia, not wanting to hear him fart.

"You have no confidence in your grandson?" Erjia asked calmly, intending to comfort Chen Bofu from another angle.

"Yes, of course, he is my grandson!" Chen Bofu slapped his thigh, and then his tone became dangerous again, "But I have no confidence in you, especially you Ega... Why do I always feel that something is wrong with you? Hiding it from me?"

Upon hearing this, Erga shook his head hastily.

"How is that possible! You are really overthinking this! I will never hide it in such a big matter!"

Seeing that Erjia refused to admit it, Chen Bofu just sneered twice, then raised his head to look at the night sky that was gradually becoming weird.

"Anyway, it's okay if nothing happens to my grandson. If something does happen, you should know my temper..."

"I'll pay for it!" Erga said helplessly.

After hearing what Erga said so "sincerely", Chen Bofu immediately stopped attacking him, but he still had an indescribable feeling in his heart. He always felt that this matter was not as simple as it seemed...

It's still raining in Jiju Capital.

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