Hassad only felt someone tapping his shoulder gently. When he turned around, he saw that it was Wu Ji Xing, a fat-headed and big-eared monk.

"What's the matter?" Hassad asked subconsciously, but then he felt that his tone was too harsh. After all, the fat man was also a guest from afar, "What can I do for you?"

"I'm just curious..." The jar of honey in Wu Jixing's arms had already been snatched away by Wei Nan, so he simply exchanged it for a bag of dried potatoes. While eating, he asked, "Didn't you say before that Xi was Chen Jing's follower?" Really? Why did you say he was Chen Jing's friend when he came?"

"What the hell..." Hassad started to curse. He said in his heart that except for that lunatic Chen Bofu, he had never seen such a blind thing in his life. In the end, he could only lower his voice and replied, "Is this important? Can I ask you later?"

"I'm just curious..." Wu Jixing chewed snacks in his mouth, and his naive look showed that he had no other intentions.

"Oh, this problem is a bit complicated. Let's talk about it later..." Hassad hurriedly dragged Wu Ji Xing to the back of the team.

At this moment, Xi suddenly raised his feet and walked toward everyone.

"Am I a follower of Chen Jing?"

At this moment, it was too late for Hassad to find a place to hide. In the end, he could only look to Yegetos for help, hoping that Chen Jing's direct family members could stand up and take care of it.

"Isn't it?"

The speaker was Wei Nan, who had just walked up from behind the team and threw a piece of honey in the jar with a flick of her hand, while Xi subconsciously raised his hand to catch it.

"Last time, didn't you say that you were A Jing's most loyal follower? You also said that none of us are as reliable as you... Eat it! It's so sweet!"

Xi glanced at the honey in his hand, and then threw it into the gap between the withered vines.

"Hmm...it's quite sweet..." Xi slowly stopped and looked at Hassad who had been squeezing toward the back of the team. "Actually, I'm not his follower. If possible, I would rather become his." Familia, after all, the benefits of verbal followers are not as much as those of Familia..."

"That shit is so realistic." Wei Nan folded his arms and said loudly, "When he can transform us into a dependent clan, I will definitely be the first one, and you might have to line up behind us!"

Yanque on the side couldn't help but nod when he heard this, and complained crazily in his heart that this guy Xi's reason was too realistic.

As the saying goes, not being absolutely loyal means being disloyal.

He had obviously shown his loyalty to A Jing last time, but when he was away, he revealed his true thoughts. He was simply a bastard among bastards!

"They're all the same." Xi didn't care about Wei Nan's childish behavior and said with a smile, "Family clans are not divided into one, two and three. Otherwise, if we really follow this ranking, wouldn't Bai Aji become our boss?"

"That's true..."

During the conversation between Xi and Wei Nan, the elders and all the monks could not help but stare blankly. Only the fat man Wu Ji Xing stood behind and giggled. He seemed to have known Xi's personality for a long time, so he was not surprised.


Is this still an ancient god?

The elder felt a little unbelievable, because in his opinion, the status of Xi and the Buddha Mother should be the same, and they were both unattainable ancient gods... But the ancient god in front of him did not have any airs, and instead followed These pitifully weak old descendants were chatting and joking, and they were so approachable and frightening.

Is this reasonable? !

And did he just say that he wanted to become Chen Jing's dependent family? !

Ancient God.

Want to become a family member of the Five Old Sequence Descendants.

This is so fucking unreasonable!

Are deep space sequences really that scary? !

Is there an ancient god who has not yet risen and worshiped him? !

"It's so strange..." The elder couldn't help but sigh, but if he were to know the relationship between the Buddha Mother and Chen Jing, I'm afraid it wouldn't be described by the word "strange".

"Brother Hassad, let's find a place to hand over the supplies first." The elder turned to Hassad and said, "Before, I specially asked someone to draw up a list of supplies. You can take a look at it first..."

Chapter 601: Pohnpei swallowed by the whirlpool (Part 2)

During the two days when he was temporarily stationed in Inboga to survive the thunderstorm, Chen Jing was not idle. After all, he had been trying to "adapt" to the Old Sea environment and wanted to break free from the restriction of power.

Unfortunately, his attempts were in vain.

Jiuhai showed no mercy to foreigners like them. Even Chen Boxu couldn't break free from this "negative state", let alone his little descendant of Sequence Five.

"This is the suppression of blood." Armitage persuaded Chen Jing more than once, trying to get him to give up his struggle. "The only ones who are not restricted by the old sea are those dependents with the blood of Dagon flowing in their bodies, and we strangers It’s better not to be delusional.”

During the two days he stayed in Inboga, the old man was actually not idle. He kept dragging Armitage to discuss countermeasures, such as how they would escape after Chen Jing completed his promotion, and if they accidentally exposed the Deep Space Resuscitator. How to explain his identity to the second priest...


Armitage's answer was also quite irritating. Even the answer he gave without hesitation made Chen Bofu want to kill his whole family.

"If you want to go to Yihasrei, you must rely on the power of the Dagon Secret Cult, so the advice I give you is just how to get in... As for how to escape in the end, this can only depend on you."

"Are you kidding me?" Chen Bofu asked back then.

"This is the truth. You should act according to the situation. Try not to kill him anyway. If possible, you can use your emotions to understand him. After all, you can find the legendary Luoyan City. This is a great success for the esoteric sect. It’s a great favor, and I guess he won’t embarrass you.”

"What if you have to embarrass us?" Chen Boxu asked again.

"Then it's none of my business. You can kill him when the time comes, or hold him hostage to keep you out of this sea area..." Armitage's answer this time was still without hesitation, "Anyway, this time When you go to sea, I will pack my bags and prepare to run away. I will hide inland for a while. "


"If you come back alive, I will go back to the Western Continent with you. I have studied almost everything that can be studied on the Old Sea. I also want to change my taste and study some inland things..."


"Anyway, my help this time is not in vain. The favor I owed you originally has been repaid."

"What the hell..."

After a thunderstorm.

Chen Jing and the others boarded the ship to Pohnpei at the port of Inboga.

The man driving the boat was Armitage.

At the beginning of the night, the swineherd and others were not left behind.

They planned to send Chen Jing and his grandson to Pohnpei first, then turn back and pack their luggage, then return inland as quickly as possible to a village near the fishing town of Bruna to temporarily escape the limelight.

"You are nothing!" Chen Bofu has been scolding him since he got on the boat. After all, in his opinion, Armitage, the old immortal, is really unloyal. We are going to have an adventure in Ihaslei here. Well, you are already ready to run away, and you are not even thinking of a way to meet us!

"Old Chen, you just think things are too simple." Armitage was not angry even after being scolded, but patiently explained, "If we have the ability to go to Pohnpei to meet you, we can still use it. Run away?"

Armitage is telling the truth. After all, the Old Sea has restrictions on them. What's more, even if there are no restrictions, they are not Chen Bofu's opponents. If even this old madman has trouble settling the situation, then they also have It's just death.

But Armitage still has confidence in Chen Bofu.

Because he felt that after the incident, it was not so unreasonable to want to leave this sea area...

"These Dagon Secret Cult dependents all have one thing in common, that is, they are only good at ritual arts. Unlike you, a lunatic who is good at killing people with bare hands, their level of close combat is quite poor, so you have a chance... ..." Armitage reassured the old man more than once, "As long as you find a close opportunity to kidnap the old guy, you can escape."

Pohnpei is not too far from Inpoga.

Following the route planned by Armitage, they sailed for almost forty-three hours before entering the sea area called Pohnpei.

to be honest.

This place doesn't look dangerous at all.

Different from the dark old sea that Chen Jing and the others had seen before, here the sun was bright, the sky was blue and the clouds were white, and even the sea water became clear. The pure blue sea surface also soothed their slightly nervous hearts.

"Kakosa sent me a message just now, saying that the supplies sent by the temple have been used."

"That's fine."

"I heard from them that most of the supplies sent by the elders are food and medical supplies, and the rest are daily necessities. As for the materials for infrastructure... I'm afraid we still have to find a way to get them from the Hanging City. Restock.”

"Then just wait..."

Chen Jing and Chen Boxu stood on the deck and chatted quietly about Kakosha. The pigherd beside them was already lying on the ground and began to snore. Bai En and Yu Hui stood at the stern of the ship and observed what was going on behind them. The sequence in the cabin Ye and Armitage were planning their escape route after returning to Inboga.

"Didn't Armitage say that there are so many polluting species in Pohnpei? We didn't meet any of them along the way..." Chen Bofu held a cigarette in his mouth and looked at the blue sea and muttered, "Damn it, if it weren't for the restrictions in this place... If your grandpa shows his strength, I have already captured that priest and led us the way!"

at this time.

Su Ye suddenly walked out of the cabin, dressed as simple and smart as ever, but this style of suit pants and white shirt seemed a bit out of place on this dirty fishing boat.

"We can land on the island this afternoon." Xu Ye walked over to Chen Jing and the others and said with a smile.

"I think that place is quite close, but we have to wait until the afternoon..." Chen Jing looked at the green island in the distance.

"The same principle applies to the sea." Xuye said with a smile, "There may be some bumps for a while. You should pay attention and don't accidentally fall into the sea."

"I know, don't worry, sister." Chen Jing nodded.

The sea called Pohnpei seems a bit empty, and there is only one isolated island in sight... That island is called Pohnpei. It is the place where they made an appointment with the Chagun priests to meet, and it is also the name of this sea area. source.

According to Armitage, this island has a very special significance in the Dagon Esoteric Cult because it is the only entrance to Ihasrei, and it is a veritable "holy place" in the minds of those dependents.

In fact, there is no need to listen to these legends.

Chen Jing can also see the specialness of this island.

Because this is the only island in Chen Jing's memory that is enveloped by a whirlpool.

"Hopefully this ship is stronger than we thought..."

Chapter 602: The Stone Pillar Leading to the Deep Sea (Part 1)

When the fishing boat Chen Jing and his companions were on entered the whirlpool of Pohnpei Island, Chen Jing clearly heard a sound of metal tearing, followed by a huge traction force, causing the fishing boat to completely lose control...

"Fuck!? Is this how you drive a boat?!" Chen Bofu's scalp was numb when he saw Armitage coming out of the cabin with a pipe in his mouth, "You didn't take the helm at the critical moment?! You came out to play..."

"Hey, don't say dirty words." Armitage knew Chen Bofu very well, so he interrupted him before he finished speaking, "After entering this sea area, there is no need to take the helm. Dagon will protect us to Pohnpei."

"Dagon will protect us?" Chen Jing looked at Armitage curiously, and at the same time subconsciously grabbed the handrail beside him. The huge traction force made the fishing boat start to spin wildly and uncontrollably. This wonderful feeling made Chen Jing suddenly feel like going to an amusement park to play a spinning cup.

"Dagon won't, but Shagon will."

Armitage took the binoculars handed over by Xuye, put them in front of his eyes and looked carefully at the beach of Pohnpei Island. He soon found a familiar figure in a robe.

"There is a passage to Ihasre on Pohnpei Island, so this is the most important place for sacrifice in Dagon's secret religion. Usually, many fanatics are stationed here to protect this holy place..."

Armitage slowly put down the binoculars, and the expression on his face became much more relaxed.

"If nothing unexpected happens, Shagong has cleared the stationed personnel on the island. It seems that he also knows that too many people can easily lead to bad things." Armitage took a slow puff of his pipe. "He has made a lot of efforts for this operation. You must thank him later." "Well, I thank his eight generations of ancestors!" Chen Bofu held the handrail tightly. He had seasickness to begin with, and now he couldn't help but want to vomit because of the shaking. "How long will this shaking last!!" "About ten minutes." Armitage smiled. He had several experiences of landing on Pohnpei Island, so he knew how long it would take to complete this wonderful landing ceremony. "The whirlpool will take us to Pohnpei, don't worry." "Will this ship not be torn to pieces?" Chen Jing was a little worried, because he could hear the abnormal hissing from the bottom of the ship from beginning to end, like the sound of metal being torn and cracked by some force. "No." Armitage was full of confidence and comforted him softly, "If we were lunatics who rashly broke into Pohnpei, I'm afraid that the moment we came into contact with the whirlpool, this boat would be torn apart by Dagon's power, but don't worry... Shagon has opened a back door for us."

As Armitage said.

Although this fishing boat seemed to be about to collapse and disintegrate at any time, it was only an appearance. No matter how terrifying the sound of metal tearing was, this boat never became as broken as Chen Jing imagined.

After more than ten minutes of dizziness.

Chen Jing and his team were finally pulled to the shore by the whirlpool.

When the fishing boat stopped steadily at the port of Pohnpei, even though Chen Jing didn't suffer from seasickness, he couldn't help but feel nauseous...

"This damn place... I will never come here again..."

When Chen Jing got off the boat, he was still mumbling, and he had to support the old man who couldn't walk in a straight line. When he walked down by himself, his legs were twisted crookedly. This embarrassing scene made Armitage and the others laugh.

Of course.

They only dared to twitch their lips slightly, after all, the old man who was cursing was still angry, and no one dared to offend him at this time.

"Did you have a smooth journey?"

Seeing Chen Jing and the others get off the fishing boat one after another, the Shagong priest who had been waiting on the shore couldn't help but get excited and quickly met the crowd.

"It went smoothly." Armitage smiled, "Did you send away those fanatics on the island?"

"Well, otherwise there will be too many people and it will be easy to do bad things." The Shagong priest smiled.

In fact, the moment he saw the Shagong priest, Chen Jing knew that the old man must be very excited. This was not seen from his enthusiastic and attentive attitude, but from his dress... Unlike the last time they met in Inboga, the Shagong priest was dressed more elegantly today.

The delicate and soft robe was still dark red, but there were thousands of melon-seed-sized golden scales on it. The religious headdress on the top of the head should have been maintained. It was no longer the dull color seen last time, but the reflection was a bit dazzling.

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