From the monks’ perspective.

It was like a blasphemous beast with some human features and a hybrid of wild beasts. The horse head covered with scarlet hair looked particularly ferocious, and golden light dust was faintly jumping on the slender neck, which was the manifestation of deep space energy.

The moment the monks stepped into the inner city.

Baiaji, who had been hovering in the sky, swooped down suddenly, and his huge wings passed over the heads of the terrified people like a dark cloud, followed by Baiaji’s earth-shaking long roar...

"Welcome to the inner city."

Hassad smiled, and his scarlet artificial eyes kept flashing.

"This is the real Kakosha."

Chapter 599 Under the Deep Space · The Capital of God (Part 2)

The Royal Capital of the Deep Space.

The black star symbolizing disaster and destruction hung silently, and the nameless beast above the night sky was roaring, and everything was shrouded in the noble and sacred golden light dust...

The moment they stepped into the inner city.

The monks from the temple saw the palace belonging to Chen Jing at a glance.

It is no exaggeration to say that.

That palace is far more shocking than any religious building the monks have ever seen.

The golden palace is like a giant beast crawling in the center of the city. The towering obelisks on the left and right are like swords rising from the ground and rushing to the sky. The light and slender flying buttresses are like tentacles of the ancient sea gods connecting the buildings to each other...

Even if everyone just entered the inner city and stood outside the city gate, they could still feel the oppressive feeling coming at them.

It was as if it was not a palace.

But an ancient god.

Supreme and noble, solemn and solemn.

"Is that Chen Jing's palace?" Elder Sheng asked curiously, his eyes full of shock that had not yet subsided.

"Palace, temple, that's about it, but it's not completely finished yet... In fact, only part of Kakosha has been completed, please don't laugh at me." Hasad explained modestly, "There are still many subsequent projects lined up. When Kakosha is fully completed, Ajing will definitely invite you to have a good gathering."

"This... is not yet completed..." Elder Sheng looked at the temple hesitantly, not knowing what to say for a while.

Although the natives of Kakosha gave him a very lame feeling, the shock he brought to him by this city and the temple was indeed not small.

Although the scale is not comparable to the polar day... but the indescribable religious atmosphere and the oppression brought by the contamination of deep space are not comparable to the polar day.

So when he heard Hasad say that Kakosha was not fully completed, Elder Sheng almost instantly imagined the shocking scene of Kakosha being completely completed many years later.

"That creature is..."

"A friend of Jing, and half a mount, right?" Hasad said with a smile, and deliberately lowered his voice when he said the word "mount", because it was fine if Chen Jing said this word, and it was fine if the old madman said it, but if an outsider said it... I'm afraid he would be caught by Bai Aji and beaten up.

"Come on, I'll take you around the inner city."

"Thank you, brother Hasad."

It must be said that Hasad has a talent for being a tour guide. When he led this group of monks around Kakosha, he could still come up with a series of introductions, either talking about how tricky the style of this building is, or what stories this street had in the old days...

In fact, those were just a few words he heard from Yegetos, and then he mixed them according to his own imagination. The half-true and half-false stories sounded shocking, but they were a little more watery, but fortunately, these monks couldn't hear it.

"Why didn't Sister Youning come?"

"She's busy."

"Come and play for a few days before you get busy."

"Then I'll go back and talk to her."

"By the way, you should be the fattest person in your temple, right?"

"Yeah, I don't know what's going on. They are all much thinner than me. It's really weird..."

The fat-headed Wu Jixing was holding a jar of honey and walking at the end of the team. He was chatting with Wei Nan beside him and feeding himself honey.

Seeing Wei Nan staring at the jar of honey in his hand, Wu Jixing hesitated for a moment and decided to be generous.

"Do you want to eat it?"

"Yes, thank you." Wei Nan reached in and grabbed a handful, pretending not to see the pitiful candy Wu Jixing handed over, and couldn't help complaining, "You eat like this every day, it's strange that you don't get fat!"

"You're so talkative when you eat my snacks... impolite." Wu Jixing turned his head and ignored her.

Wei Nan gave a few candies to Yan Que beside him, and then raised his hand to throw the remaining honey into his mouth.

"I'm telling the truth, you don't want to hear it!"

"No, it's impolite."

In fact, Wei Nan and Yan Que were not interested in the guests of these temples. The main reason why they accompanied Hasad to make a trip in the middle of the night was to meet Qiao Youning, the elder sister.

After all, she spoke well, and took Chen Jing to play in the polar day and did not forget to buy local specialties for them, which really left a deep and good impression on them.

What was the result?

Qiao Youning did not come.

This group of strange-looking monks came.

But fortunately, there was a fat and big-eared guy who was quite interesting.

He first took the initiative to talk to Wei Nan and Yan Que, saying that Qiao Youning also missed them, but she was busy this time so she couldn't come...

"Is this the message that Sister Youning asked you to bring?" Wei Nan asked at the time.

"Yes." Wu Jixing also nodded, "She said that you definitely don't like the nagging of old men like Elder Sheng, so she asked me to tell you to stay in the Western Continent and don't run around. She will bring you more delicious food next time she comes."


"This is the Deep Space Temple."

When Hasad led everyone into the square in front of the temple, he introduced it to them like a competent tour guide.

"The one next to it is the statue of A Jing. The material used is very exquisite. If you are interested, you can go and see it."

"Can we go inside the temple?" Elder Sheng asked tentatively. He didn't have any other thoughts, but was just curious.

"I don't have the final say on this..."

Hassad scratched his head helplessly, and his eyes couldn't help but glance at the man sitting outside the temple in a daze.

Hearing this, everyone followed Hasad's gaze and saw a huge humanoid figure sitting cross-legged outside the pointed arch of the temple.

The man was wearing scarlet armor.

On his knees was a huge cross-shaped broadsword.

Like the most devout pilgrim.

He was staring at the statue of Chen Jing in silence.

Compared to the terrifying beast hovering in the sky, this figure seemed too small, but Elder Sheng and the others felt that... the oppression brought to them by the beast was far less than that of this man in armor.

If Elder Sheng felt threatened by Bai Aji.

Then when facing Yegetos hundreds of meters away.

He felt an inexplicable fear.

That silent figure was always shrouded by extremely pure deep space energy, like a black hole that could swallow everything... It only made him feel suffocated from the bottom of his heart.

"Is that Yegetos?" Wu Jixing seemed to know the personnel deployment of Chen Jing very well, and asked while eating honey.

"Yes." Wei Nan nodded, and tried to reach out to grab the honey, but Wu Jixing, the fat man, dodged it very skillfully.

"The aura is really terrifying..." Wu Jixing exclaimed, then raised his hand and pointed to the bell tower on the top of the temple, "Who is the person standing on the bell tower? I saw him suddenly appear just now. Is he also from your Kakosha?"

After hearing this.

Elder Sheng and the monks subconsciously looked up, and they couldn't help but feel a little frightened, because the man did not emit any aura when he appeared. Even a high-level old descendant like Elder Sheng did not notice how the other party appeared. It seemed that Wu Jixing was the first to discover "him".

"That is..."

Elder Sheng looked at the thin figure vigilantly. He saw that the man was wearing a Taoist robe similar to that of the Taoist priests in the Hanging City. He was as thin as a bamboo worm and a stick. His whole head was entangled by countless withered vines, revealing only a black and white eye.

The man was like the most ordinary human being. There was no aura of the old descendants on him. Although his appearance was extremely strange, he did not smell like a polluted species or other special creatures.

"Who is that..." Elder Sheng turned to look at Hasad, with a hint of inquiry in his curious eyes.

"Come, let me introduce him to you."

When Hasad saw the man appear, he was obviously stunned for a moment, and then his expression returned to normal.

"This is the former master of the Western Continent and the best friend of Ajing..."

"Ancient God, Xi."

Chapter 600: Ponape swallowed by the vortex (Part 1)

These monks from the temple did not expect to see the ancient god who had long been revived in the Western Continent in Kakosha, and even more did not expect the ancient god to appear so quietly...

Of course.

These stereotypes are all from the Buddha Mother.

After all, whenever the Buddha Mother appears in the Polar Day City, her huge momentum always leaves a deep impression on them.

"Ancient God Xi?" Elder Sheng looked at the thin figure with vigilance, and saw that the other party suddenly jumped up and jumped straight down from the bell tower of the temple, and landed silently.

Seeing this scene, not only Elder Sheng was a little nervous, even Hazard on the side became nervous.

Although "Xi" chose to stand on the side of deep space, and played a significant role in the reconstruction of Kakosha, and occasionally showed some friendliness to "mortals" like Hazard, but to be honest... Hazard and others are still quite afraid of this guy.

After all, from a certain perspective, the ancient god Xi only reached a "cooperation contract" with Chen Jing, and the only person who can command him is Chen Jing.

He didn't even listen to the words of the old madman Chen Bofu. If he really accidentally made him angry, and it happened to be during the time when Chen Jing and others were out, it would be a lot of fun...

But fortunately, there are still the relatives left by Chen Jing here.

Compared with the ancient god Xi.

Hazard and others think that Yegotos seems much more friendly.

Although this guy looks scary, he has lived with everyone in the fortress for a while, so everyone knows him well. He is just a quiet idiot. As long as you show your absolute "piety" to Chen Jing in front of him, he will treat you as his own.

On the contrary.

If you say something in front of him that doesn't make sense, even if you gossip about him behind Chen Jing's back, you will at least get a few slaps if you are caught by Yegetos.

"Are you done?"

In the eyes of Hasad's surprise and surprise, Yegetos, who was sitting outside the temple in a daze like a sculpture, finally stood up slowly and walked to Xi's side.

"Well, the first stage is almost over. I will digest it for a while before entering the second stage. That pill..." When Xi said this, his voice stopped abruptly, and then he turned around and looked at everyone, "These people all have a strange smell. It should be another ancient god..."

"Respected ancient god Xi."

Although Elder Sheng had an instinctive fear of the ancient god Xi, at this moment he still plucked up the courage to speak up and introduce himself, unwilling to embarrass the temple.

"We are the family of the Buddha Mother."

"Buddha Mother?" Xi raised his thin arm like a stick and scratched his head, "Is it the one in the northern wasteland?"

"Yes." Elder Sheng nodded hurriedly. Seeing that Xi seemed to know the Buddha Mother, he couldn't help asking, "Do you know the Buddha Mother?"

"No, I haven't seen her."

Xi shook his head and said frankly.

"But I have sensed her breath more than once. She has awakened now, right?"

"The Buddha Mother has left the seal and returned to the world." Elder Sheng smiled.

"That's good." Xi nodded, then turned back to look at Yegetos, "Where's your master?"

Yegetos said a few words in a low voice, probably summarizing the reasons why Chen Jing and the others left Kakosha, and Xi nodded again and again.

"That's good too, it seems that his path is much smoother than mine, worthy of being a descendant of the deep space..."

At this time.

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