Chapter 621: The Distant Reveler (Part 2)

The news about Chen Jing's promotion to the rank this time was bigger and more exaggerated than the news about receiving the Yellow King's inheritance for the first time...

Starting from the Sea of ​​the Old Ones.

The erosion of the inner world by deep space has begun.

At first, these "neural networks" originating from deep space only appeared over the haze-filled Old Sea, but soon they spread until they completely enveloped the other world, turning the entire planet into a world covered by this... The target targeted by the "Spider Web".

The Day Capital, the Hanging City, the Evernight Market, and Kakosa.

Wasteland, old sea.

No matter where you are in the world.

No matter whether the area you are in is shrouded by some "enchantment" or "realm".

Just look up.

You can see those "neural networks" shining with strange light.

They are like the splendor of the deep sky.

The "streaming light" that appears from time to time in each nerve has a weird color. People can't use words to describe its color. It is a color that is beyond human cognition but can be seen intuitively through the visual system...

this moment.

The night sky in the other world is completely illuminated by it. The strange color that cannot be described in words is like the phantom in a dream that humans forget after waking up, dyeing the entire world without its original color.

The sky is occupied by it.

The sky is swallowed up by it.

The distorting.


Outside the Deep Sky Temple.

"Your 'king' has been promoted again." Xi and Yegetos squatted side by side on the steps outside the temple, looking up at the "brilliant" that swallowed up everything. "It seems that he is in the arsenal." What I got... was far more than just that sequence promotion..."

"This aura is so weird..." Jegertos stared at the sky intently, his voice almost trembling, "Far more pure than the Yellow King... It's like the arrival of deep space..."

"He will go further than King Huang." Xi sighed, "King Huang can conquer an era, and I believe he can too."

"Of course." Yegetos nodded, "Since my king is the end of troubled times, there are too many heretical sects in this world, and they need a big cleanup."

"Ji Zhoudu also needs it?" Xi asked rhetorically.

This time, Yegetos did not answer, but was really thinking about this question... because he could feel that Chen Jing had a different kind of feeling for the Great Buddha Mother Temple, and now both parties were in an alliance and became friends. In this state, there are some things that can only be thought but not spoken.

Accompanied by a scream that ripped through the air.

Baiaji rushed over quickly with Hassad and others.

"Is this the signal for A Jing's promotion?!" Wei Nan was the first to jump off Bai Aji's back and said excitedly, "This battle is so awesome! Even the golden holy light that enveloped Kakosa was destroyed by it. Dyed in an unconventional color!”

"It seems they went well." Yan Que also jumped down immediately.

"The noise is a little too loud. There might be some action from Xuankong and Yongye..." Hassad led Lawrence outside the temple, looked at Xi beside him with complicated eyes and said, "I'm afraid this time You need to worry more.”

Xi waved his hand and said that I would do it without you having to ask.

For Xi.

The stronger Chen Jing is, the more valuable his efforts are.

So he didn't mind working extra hard in Kakosha.

"He will be promoted to Sequence Six this time." Lawrence's voice was hoarse. The old man felt a little regretful that he could not come back in time to meet with Chen Jing and the others last time. "I heard from them that Sequence Six in deep space seems to be enough to develop a dependent clan. …”

"That must be me!" Wei Nan said excitedly, "I have already booked a place with him! Then I will be the first to become a member of the deep space! From now on, I can be promoted just by lying down like Yegetos and the others. Ha ha!"

In the eternal night.

At the center of Ghero's huge astral body.

At this time, the conspiracy between Xuankong and Yongye has ended, and Gehro has given Turing a positive answer.

And just when they were about to seize the time to install the "teleportation device", a sudden change in the sky interrupted everyone's movements.

"It's that damn resuscitator again..." The Pope gritted his teeth. He really hated the descendant of deep space to the bottom of his heart. "Maybe he has another adventure..."


After the discussion, Turing was in no hurry to leave Eternal Night City. There was no trace of human emotion on his face, which was made up of countless pixel squares. It seemed that he didn't care about the strange phenomena in the sky.

"This promotion should be to Sequence Six, and you are only one step away..."

"Shit!" The Pope couldn't help but cursed, "Is the deep space sequence so unreasonable?! How long did it take for him to transform into an old descendant?! In the blink of an eye, he is almost on an equal footing with me?!"

"This is deep space." Turing replied calmly, "This is the candidate."

"It seems that your concern is right..." The Pope clenched his fists calmly, and every word seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth, "I underestimated him too much..."

"That's right." Turing nodded, "Our war has begun. Everyone is scrambling for time and opportunities, so we must be one step ahead of him... and directly solve the problem fundamentally."

"That world is really as weak as you say? No creature can threaten the Moon God?" The Pope was still a little worried.

"No." Turing answered decisively, "If nothing unexpected happens, Chen Jing is the strongest in that world."

As soon as the voice fell, Turing gave another instruction.

"If possible, even Chen Jing and those candidates, kill them all without leaving a single one, and completely destroy that plane by the way. Only in this way can we be truly safe..."

"The Moon God knows, and the Moon God will do it." The Pope nodded and said, "We can take this opportunity to let them understand that this world is not a test site where they can do whatever they want. They lack respect for our world... They deserve to be punished by war!"

"Yes, this is a war, a war between two dimensions, a war between two worlds. For the continuation of civilization, only one side is destined to survive..."

"Tianzun, do you think he has been promoted to a sequence at this critical moment. Does it affect our plan?" The Pope suddenly asked.


When Turing said these two words, he suddenly fell silent, and there was a hint of uneasiness in his tone, but it was a pity that the Pope could not hear it.

"Even if he is promoted once, he is only Sequence 6. Compared with your Moon God, he is still far behind..."

When Chen Jing gradually woke up, he didn't know where he was, let alone how much time had passed. The moment he opened his eyes, he only saw the light curtain that had been lit up at some unknown time.

There was little information on the light curtain.

But it is enough to prove that he has successfully survived...


[Candidate number: 0]

[Candidate name: Chen Jing]

[Ultimate sequence: Deep space]

[Current sequence: Sequence 6 · Distant revelers]


Chapter 622 Son of Deep Space (Part 1)


[Candidate number: 0]

[Candidate name: Chen Jing]

[Ultimate sequence: Deep space]

[Current sequence: Sequence 6 · Distant revelers]

——Deep space finally chose you, but this is just an unfortunate beginning. You may soon understand how terrifying the deep space and what you are facing are. Believe me, the deep space you chose is a dead end, and the deep space's choice of you, a damn human, is also [Invalid characters detected][Invalid characters detected][Invalid characters detected]...


Chen Jing remembers very clearly that every time he completed a sequence promotion, there would be a prompt on his candidate light screen, which was generally related to his personal information after the promotion sequence.

In the past, the information displayed in front of him was very official and rigid, but this time it was not... Because he could see from the few lines on the light screen that there were extremely emotional things in it.

It's like...

Because of this sequence promotion, I accidentally angered a certain existence?

"The only ones who can use the examinee's light screen to vent their personal emotions are the Creator's bastards..." Chen Jing quickly got the answer in his mind, but he was also curious about which Creator had such a bad temper.

It shouldn't be Mu, because He wouldn't be so boring and childish, not to mention that He is on the side of deep space, so... is it Mr. Wu?

Although Mr. Wu has done many disgusting things, and judging from His personality, it is very likely that he would do such a low-level "prank", but for some reason... Chen Jing always feels that it is not Him.

But after thinking about it, it can only be Him.

There can't be anyone else, right?

"It seems that you succeeded..."

Hearing this familiar voice, Chen Jing subconsciously turned around and saw that the surprised Ketuert was standing not far from him. There was a hint of disbelief on his handsome and aristocratic face.

"I thought you would fail..."

"Are you looking forward to my death so much?" Chen Jing asked helplessly.

"That's not the case, but you can get the recognition of the deep space so easily... I am really surprised. I thought you would spend hundreds or thousands of years to "convince" the deep space." Ketuart said with a sigh.

"It takes so long?!" Chen Jing was stunned and asked subconsciously, "How long has it been since I lost consciousness?"

"About seven days." Ketuart smiled, "It should be a few days before you return to the surface world, just in time to catch up."


Chen Jing looked at Ketuart in confusion, thinking that this guy seemed to know everything, and even calculated the time to return to the surface world better than himself.

"By the way, I'm a little curious..." Chen Jing asked tentatively, "If I didn't wake up in time before, would I continue to be in a coma after being teleported back to the surface world?"

"I don't know." Ketuart shrugged, "I'm not a candidate, I don't have this experience."

As soon as the voice fell, Ketuart circled Chen Jing twice, like a floating ghost, and his figure looked a little blurry.

"I've been promoted to Sequence 6... I should have gotten a lot of benefits, right?"

"Well, the power I got this time is much more than what I got in my previous promotions..." Chen Jing nodded, not intending to hide anything, then looked around and asked curiously, "Where is this place? Or is it in your mansion?"

From the moment he woke up, Chen Jing realized that he was in a strange space... It was like a vast void, with no end in sight, and there were many "big meteors" passing by in all directions.

Take a closer look.

These meteors with a diameter of thirty or forty meters are not passing through the void. They are all wrapped in a translucent film, just like a train running at high speed in a tunnel, and the moving route is fixed...

"Of course not." Ketuerte said with a smile, "After you completed your promotion, you naturally left my mansion. After all, my house is so small that it can't accommodate a great god like you..."

"You sound weird." Chen Jing said suspiciously.

"By the way..." Ketuerte looked up and down at Chen Jing, smiling with some ill intentions, "After waking up, didn't you have time to observe the changes in your body?"

"Changes in my body?" Chen Jing looked down and said helplessly, "Isn't it just becoming transparent? It seems to be affected by this space. It should be normal after going out..."

"Not necessarily." Ketuerte said with a strange smile, "You became like this not because of the influence of space."

"Don't scare me." Chen Jing frowned.

"Weren't you curious about where this was just now?" Keturt raised his hand and pointed at the "shooting star" that was passing by not far away, and said with a strange smile, "Those glowing things are your nerve signals, and the translucent pipes are your network nerves, so... where do you say we are?"

When Keturt said this, Chen Jing subconsciously thought of the answer, but this answer made him hard to believe and a little unacceptable...

"Don't say you are in my body." Chen Jing said carefully.


Keturt showed an excited expression and laughed with his hands and feet dancing.

"My current location should be in your brain. Your current form has finally separated from mortals... Young man, you have the potential to become a god!"

"My form..."

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