After the promotion sequence, there was so much information and data that poured into Chen Jing's mind at once, so he didn't have time to "look carefully" at all. He only knew what the information was about, and at this moment...

When he followed what Keturt said and began to carefully examine his own changes.

For a while.

He couldn't accept it anymore.

"I...I turned into this ghost..."

"Calm down." Keturt was obviously gloating, but he still said comforting words to Chen Jing, "Back then, even King Huang couldn't reach your level. You are much more powerful than him. This is a body in deep space... …If you want to be reborn in deep space in the future, this is a necessary condition!”

After saying that, Keturt put on an expression of eagerness to try.

"You must not be familiar with your new body yet, and you can't use your hands like an arm... So let me help you! I'll take you out! Your grandpa is still waiting for you outside!"

"Don't do it, new account." Chen Jing hurriedly advised, "Wait while I think about how to explain to the old man..."

"Does this need an explanation? He is your grandfather! Are you still afraid that he will harm you?" Keturt said happily, "Don't worry, your grandfather is happy!"


Chapter 623: Son of Deep Space (Part 2)

Kturt didn't give Chen Jing a chance to refuse. Without waiting for Chen Jing to say anything else, he directly raised his hand and made Chen Jing lose consciousness almost instantly.

When Chen Jing wakes up again.

He had arrived outside Keturt's mansion.

At first sight, I saw an old man with a face full of disbelief.

" this my grandson?"

"Yes Yes!"

This was not the first time that Keturt appeared in front of the old man. After Chen Jing entered the promotion ceremony, he also took the time to run out and meet the old man several times. The purpose was to find out some "gossip" about Chen Jing.

Although he can learn a lot about Chen Jing through the memory synchronization of the family members, and even has a good understanding of this "biological leap test", but compared to that, he is more curious about Chen Jing's native childhood in this world. How did you spend it...

After all, from a certain perspective.

Chen Jing is King Huang.

They are basically the same person.

So when he thought that King Huang had become someone's grandson, Keturt felt unspeakably happy about his misfortune.

As for the priests of Chagon and believers like Dagon...

Keturt didn't pay much attention to them. He just said hello and bowed down and passed by. Only the old madman Chen Bofu could keep him chatting happily.

"You fucking..."

Although Chen Bofu had shown great "respect" to Keturt before, this was because the strength gap between the two parties was too large. In addition, his grandson was still in the hands of the other party, and he still needed the help of this seafood leader to advance... But Now, Chen Boxu couldn't bear it anymore.

Haven't seen each other for a few days?

In the blink of an eye, you made my grandson look like this? !

"No swearing is allowed in Luoyan City!" Kturt reminded hurriedly, "In our time, anyone who cursed in Luoyan City would be beheaded!"

"This is my fucking grandson?!"

Chen Bofu pointed at the huge figure standing over Luoyan City. He couldn't help but tremble as he spoke, obviously out of breath.

"My grandson is only in his twenties! He can't grow up so fast!"

"People's physiques cannot be generalized." Kturt said this, but he still couldn't help laughing. It was obvious that the old man's reaction hit the point of laughter in his imagination, "Old man, your grandson is now His form is already comparable to that of an ancient god, aren’t you happy?”

"I'm glad you..."

Before Chen Bofu could say the dirty words that followed so that the ancient god could see them, the priest Chagong beside him couldn't sit still and hurriedly stepped forward and covered the old man's mouth with his hand.

"Polite! Brother Chen! You must be polite!"

"You're a fucking idiot too..."

Facts have proved that the old man really can't accept Chen Jing's current form, because he feels that no matter how his grandson advances to the rank, no matter how outrageous he becomes, he should not turn into a behemoth hundreds of meters tall... not to mention that this thing looks... Not like a human being!

Above Luoyan City.

Chen Jing's body is like a gathering of deep space nebulae. Since he has not yet completely mastered this new body, his body cannot remain in a stable state and is constantly changing every second...

At a glance.

It's like a gray haze hanging high in the sky, and those "stars" shining with strange brilliance are actually his exposed neuron cells...

"Grandpa, I'm fine."

When Chen Jing's voice appeared, the old man calmed down obviously. At least he was sure that his grandson was fine, but looking at Chen Jing's current appearance...

"My handsome grandson who can charm thousands of girls is gone!" Chen Bofu said sadly, "How can I find a wife like this now!"

"Find someone who looks similar to him." Keturt on the side was still gloating, "When I was traveling in the universe, I encountered those kind of nebula creatures. They look similar to your grandson, but they are different. Can they combine to have a baby..."

"Get out!" Chen Bofu yelled angrily.

At this time, Chen Jing's body spread again, almost turning into a bright nebula that could cover the entire Luoyan City.

"Wait until I get familiar with this body... maybe I can turn into a humanoid form..."

"Go out and get familiar with it." Ketuart said with a smile, "We in Luoyan City dare not keep you any longer."

"Are you in such a hurry to chase us away?" Chen Jing was stunned.

"After you wake up, those guys will also get wind of it. Although they can't find the specific coordinates of Luoyan City, they also know that your hiding place is probably in the Old Sea..." Ketuart shrugged, "If you don't leave quickly, we will be in trouble."

"Will they deal with you?" Chen Jing asked in confusion.

"If they take the rules into consideration, they won't deal with me, but they will inevitably hold a grudge against me..." Ketuart said with a smile, "Don't even think about taking me out. I won't show up in the outside world until the war is over."

"With your help, the chances of winning are greater." Chen Jing wanted to persuade.

"When the war starts, you will understand. It's the same whether I am there or not... It's a war between Deep Space and Them. Ancient gods like me are not qualified to intervene." Ketuart said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Ketuart gave Dagon a look.

"I have spent billions of years for Deep Space. In the next period of time, I should find a place to relax..."

"If you are afraid of death, just say it." Chen Jing said with a smile, "I was thinking of asking you to help flatten the entire continent first."

Hearing this, Ketuart just smiled, then turned around and led Dagon to the Eternal Mansion.

"After Luoyan City is closed, you will be directly teleported to Ihasre. It's up to you how to go next... That's right!"

Suddenly, Ketuart seemed to remember something and reminded him calmly.

"I have a family waiting for you in Ihasrei, you should be careful..."

"Are you talking about Notoya?!" Priest Shagon immediately guessed who the family Cturt was talking about.

"It should be." Cturt nodded, "Anyway, I don't care about the things outside Luoyan City, you can do it yourself, just don't destroy Ihasrei, otherwise we won't have the coordinates to return to this plane..."

Cturt and Dagon slowly walked into the mansion, and the figures of the two became more and more blurred in the eyes of Chen Bofu and others.

"Chen Jing, your current form should be able to get rid of the constraints of the Old Sea. Although my family has been promoted to Sequence 7, you and your grandfather will join forces... It shouldn't be a big problem."

"These are all trivial matters..."

Chen Jing didn't take Notoya to heart, because after successfully advancing to Sequence 6, he was not afraid of the old descendants of Sequence 7, not to mention that the constraints of the Old Sea could not affect his "deep space body" at all.

At this time, he silently looked at the direction where Cturt and Dagon disappeared, and finally couldn't help shouting.

"Mr. Cturt! I will win this war for King Huang!"

"Not for him or for others, you have to learn to do it for yourself..."

Cturt couldn't help laughing when he heard Chen Jing's rare politeness to him, and waved his hand without looking back.

"I hope you can eventually reach the realm that King Huang imagined, let the deep space stand above all races, and let those creators hear your name and be scared to pee their pants hahahaha!"

Chapter 624 Nebula that erodes Ihasre (Part 1)

Notoya was very angry.

As the first priest of [Dagon Esoteric Cult].

When he got the news that outsiders had invaded Ihasrei, his first reaction was disbelief, because he knew very well how important this ancient relic was to the esoteric sect, so not only did they leave internal members stationed on Pohnpei Island for a long time, but they also set up forbidden rituals to prevent outsiders from approaching Ihasrei...

Even if someone could break through the first line of defense on the island, it would be impossible to open the door to the deep sea through the ritual, and it would be even more impossible to pass through the defense line formed by the deep divers unimpeded.

"Even creatures of sequence seven cannot break the ritual, let alone pass through the group of deep divers unscathed..." When Notoya thought of this, he only analyzed one possibility in his mind.

That's right.

There is an insider.

So when he heard that the people on the island were transferred away by Shagong.

From this, he got the answer.

It was Shagong who brought outsiders into Ihasrei.

It was Shagong, that ignorant thing, who broke the rules of the esoteric sect.

Let outsiders set foot in the holy land?

And let outsiders stay in the holy land for such a long time?

What on earth does he want to do?

Notoya couldn't figure it all out, so he decided not to think about it.

Just kill that rubbish Shagong.

A fool who only knows how to collude with the inland people... A fool who only asks the inland people to help improve the history of the old sea...

There is no need to keep such a rubbish.

After making up his mind, Notoya ended his retreat and rushed to Ihaslei as quickly as possible... He thought that Shagong and his party were still in the holy land, so he came with the idea of ​​making the holy land bleed.

As a result, when he got here, there was not even a ghost.

Ihaslei was empty.

Even the "ancient gods" who often lingered near the holy land disappeared.

This series of situations caught Notoya off guard. He thought that those bastards heard the news and heard that he was coming, so they all chose to run away, but the reality seemed to be different...

The light of Ihaslei disappeared.

It seemed that something important was missing here.

But there are many more "folding marks" nearby that have never been seen before.

This is enough to show...

Someone has made a long-distance space folding here.

Not only that.

Notoya also felt the breath of Shagon in Ihaslei. Although it was a little vague, it did exist, was invisible and intangible, and there was no way to find the location of Shagon's body through the breath coordinates.

Notoya has never encountered such a strange situation in the years when he was rampant in the Old Sea...So, he planned to guard in Ihaslei, and he wanted to see what was going on.

From the increasingly clear breath of Shagon, Notoya guessed that they would fold back, and Ihaslei should be their coordinate point, but...where would the other coordinate corresponding to this coordinate point be?

What kind of strange place is it that requires folding from Ihaslei?

With all kinds of curiosity and puzzlement.

Notoya has taken root in Ihaslei.

He guarded here for three full days.

From the last day, he could clearly feel that Shagon's breath moved.

Getting closer and closer to Ihasrei.

It seems that soon...

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