"Are you ready to die?!" Mother Buddha asked angrily.

"Yes." Qiao Youning still had the same gentle and soft temperament. She spoke softly and did not hear that the Buddha Mother was speaking angrily. "He helped me before, and I want to help him back. This way I don’t owe him any more.”

At this moment, both Buddha's mother and Qiao Youning knew that there was no time to waste. Every second wasted would increase Chen Jing's chance of death, but they were still instinctively fighting for control of their bodies...

"Let me save him." Mother Buddha gritted her teeth and said, "Please be more at ease with me. After I save him, I only need to sleep for a while. When I recover, I will be fine. It's not like you want to risk your life!" "

Qiao Youning shook her head and tried her best to control her body without giving up an inch, trying to continue flying towards Chen Jing.

"You idiot!"

The Buddha's mother was so angry that she couldn't help but cursed.

"If you die because of saving him! How can I explain to him in the future?! Do you want him to feel guilty for the rest of his life?!"

"I...I'm not..." Qiao Youning was startled and hurriedly explained, "I just want to take this opportunity to return his favor, and then you can..."

While Qiao Youning was distracted in explaining, the Buddha Mother suddenly exerted her power and completely covered the body from consciousness to body.

In an instant.

The Buddha Mother took control of this body, and Qiao Youning's consciousness was driven to the depths of her mind.

"I'll just come..."

Mother Buddha let out a long sigh of relief, and then looked up at Gehro, who could no longer scream. Its so-called intention to perish together with Deep Space was, after all, just an unrealistic joke.

Those white flames that seemed to be able to annihilate everything could not affect the progress of deep space devouring it at all.

Now only a small half of Gehro's body is still outside, and the rest of the parts that were dragged into the deep space cracks have been melted...

"You said you don't know why you are alive. It seems so easy to talk about death. But have you really thought about what you will do if you regret it? Where will you find regret medicine at that time..."

Mother Buddha comforted Qiao Youning, a stupid family member, in her heart, and then strode forward to hug Chen Jing's broken body into her arms.

"Everything will be fine, I promise it will be fine..."

When the Buddha Mother said this, her voice had become smaller uncontrollably, her eyes were full of scarlet light, and the majestic vitality from the life sequence was poured directly into Chen Jing's remains.

"I'm going to sleep for a while."

"It'll be okay."

"Believe me."

Chapter 683: A gift from the supreme will (Part 2)

It is a rare cosmic spectacle like deep space swallowing up living stars.

So before falling asleep, Buddha Mother deliberately looked up for a while, only to feel that Shekong's teeth were good, and it slowly "chewed" Gehro in one bite before swallowing it.

In fact, when it was swallowed to three-quarters.

Gehro was already unconscious.

No different than death.

Only the fading white flames showed that it still had a breath left.

However, this tone did not last long.

Probably another thirty seconds or so passed.

When the last flame that looked like moonlight was completely extinguished, Gehro's aura gradually disappeared. In a true sense, it was completely wiped clean from the inner and outer world by deep space.

From the perspective of deep space, the so-called body of God is probably no different from unpalatable food, only a little bit tooth-piercing...

Deep space can see everything happening below.

Naturally, one can see Chen Jing's broken body being held in the arms of the Buddha Mother.

Feeling that extremely pure life energy, no matter how stupid Shekong was, he knew that his heir had a way to survive.

So before the gap that tore the dimension "healed", Shen Kong took one last, deep look at the Buddha Mother.

Although there are no organs like eyes in deep space, Mother Buddha felt it very clearly. Her gaze was full of gratitude and guilt, just like an older mother looking at the benefactor who saved her child's life.

"You actually know how to thank me... It seems that A Jing's guess was right... You are not only a living creature... you also have independent thinking..."

The Buddha Mother couldn't help laughing, and then checked the ritual arrangement under her feet. After making sure that there was no problem, she started to heal Chen Jing.

When deep space disappears.

The ritual at the feet of the Buddha Mother also slowly lit up.

It was a disk with a diameter of about several kilometers and covered with mantra totems.

The Buddha Mother located at the center point of the circle is the medium, and Chen Jing’s residual body is the “service object” of this ritual.

When the ritual began to emit a dazzling blood-colored light, the consciousness of the Buddha Mother also began to gradually become confused. The majestic life force, with the help of the ritual, continued to repair Chen Jing's missing body...

"Why are you both so stupid?"

Seeing that Chen Jing's vital signs were gradually stabilizing, Mother Buddha dared to take a deep breath. There was a trace of complaint in her soft words, as if she couldn't understand what the two young men were thinking.

"Am I wrong... or should I tell him clearly from the beginning..." Mother Buddha looked at Chen Jing with some confusion, and whispered as if talking to herself, "She and I are obviously the same person. Come on... you idiot, why do you have to be so clear about the score... stupid..."


Chen Jing's missing torso and limbs were gradually repaired, and the vitality lost due to the "séance" was quickly replenished. The only problem that could give the Buddha a headache was... the hidden injuries left by him forcibly opening the deep space channel and then sending Gehlo into it.

Looking at the almost complete body in front of her, the Buddha's heart was still hanging, because she could see that the inside of the body had become a honeycomb, and it was not an exaggeration to describe it as riddled with holes. If those hidden "holes" could not be repaired first, it would be in vain to send more vitality.

"What are you looking at?"

The Buddha continued to heal Chen Jing's injuries with great concentration, and inadvertently found that the eyes far away at the other end of the universe were looking at her.

At this moment.

The Buddha clearly saw an emotional expression in those eyes.


Yes, it was the kind of pure curiosity like a child, without any impurities.

Was He curious about why he wanted to save Chen Jing?

Or was he curious about the means by which he saved Chen Jing?

The Buddha Mother didn't know, and she wasn't going to ask, because she was very self-aware. She didn't want to waste any more words on this extremely difficult to communicate existence.

But in the end, the Buddha Mother couldn't help but speak.

But she didn't ask anything, just kept complaining.

"You can obviously help him... Even if you want to hone him, you don't have to let him work so hard... Isn't this obviously bullying him..."

The Buddha Mother kept scolding "Him".

"Him" stared at the Buddha Mother without saying a word.

Until half an hour later.

The Buddha Mother repaired the last "leak" for Chen Jing, and the life energy that was constantly being sent into his body finally stabilized, and it would not leak out as soon as it was sent in like before...

Maybe it was to make sure that Chen Jing would not die.

"Him" looked at the Buddha Mother for the last time, and then closed his eyes.

The moment those eyes closed.

The material universe returned to its normal state again.

Darkness is still the main color of the material universe.

Depressed, dull, dead silent... but it makes people feel inexplicably at ease.

Because this kind of universe is the universe that everyone is familiar with.

There are no strange and high creatures.

At least you can't see them at first glance.

"Ah Jing?"

When Chen Jing regained consciousness, he heard someone calling his name, and he thought it was an illusion... because he felt that the voice was far away from him and a little unclear.


Am I not dead?

Chen Jing was still immersed in the previous heroic sacrifice, and his brain couldn't react for a while. Until his consciousness became gradually clear and the drowsy feeling completely subsided, he realized... He seemed to be still alive!

The breath is still there.

The perception of the outside world is still there.


Should I still be in the universe?

Chen Jing carefully felt all the feedback from the outside world. For this previously disabled body, he had a process of getting familiar with it again...

About two minutes later.

Chen Jing could finally open his eyes and see the outside world.

He saw Qiao Youning holding him in his arms, and also saw the surface world that was safe and sound not far away.

"Youning... you saved me?" Chen Jing asked curiously, his voice sounding a little clumsy as if he had just learned to speak.

Seeing Chen Jing finally wake up.

Qiao Youning was relieved.

"It wasn't me." Qiao Youning's smile was a little forced, but Chen Jing couldn't see it, "It was the Buddha Mother who saved you."

"The Buddha Mother saved me?" Chen Jing felt that his mind was still a little unclear, so he shook his head vigorously, and suddenly felt more dizzy, "She... where is she?"

"She went to sleep."

Qiao Youning slowly let go of Chen Jing in her arms, letting him stand in this empty universe.

"She may have to sleep for a long time."

Hearing this, Chen Jing was stunned for a moment, and was about to ask Qiao Youning if this was the price of saving him, but at the moment he opened his mouth, the light screen of the examination system suddenly popped up in front of him.


Promotion Tips:

Candidate No. 0's awakening sequence is "Deep Space".

Candidate No. 0's current sequence level is "Sequence 6·Distant Reveler".

If the candidate wishes to be promoted to the Old Descendant of Sequence 7, the following conditions must be met first.

1: Those rubbish that created obstacles for you and almost violated the rules have always hated you outside the dark dimension. I can hear their cunning and vicious whispers, and I can also see that they will do anything to kill you, but these are all normal phenomena. As long as it is within the rules... I allow it.

Because I always believe that you are the offspring of deep space, and you have the oldest and most noble blood in billions of dimensions flowing in your body, so you will never fall down halfway. You... should be able to kill that unknown ancient god, right?

——【Progress: Completed】

Chapter 684 Conqueror of Dimension (Part 1)

Since the light screen of the examination system can only be seen by the examinees themselves, Qiao Youning didn’t know why Chen Jing was in a daze, and thought he felt guilty because of the Buddha Mother’s sleep...

“She’s fine, she just fell asleep.” Qiao Youning comforted softly, “Don’t be too sad, she...”

“It’s good that she’s still alive.” Chen Jing came back to his senses, and his tone of voice sounded uneasy, “I didn’t expect that I owed her another favor...”

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Jing turned around and looked at the planet covered by the deep space barrier. Those substances that were like thick fog outside the atmosphere were constantly operating according to Chen Jing's original instructions. This layer of fuzzy distorted space was the protective shield they created...

So it was quite surprising that the Buddha Mother could use Qiao Youning's body to pass through this barrier, but on second thought, this guy seemed to know deep space very well, so it was not surprising that he could break through that barrier.

"She just fell asleep. Is she injured or something?" Chen Jing asked worriedly.

"No." Qiao Youning shook her head, "She will wake up after sleeping for a while. We can't wake her up in the middle. We can only wait."

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