Tsukano Koshiro originally wanted to ask a few more questions, but for some reason, when he saw that gentle and friendly face, he felt an indescribable sense of oppression, and all his doubts could only be digested in his stomach. .

"Go ahead and get this done."

Chen Jing said softly and patted Tsukano Kushirou on the shoulder again.

"An hour later, we were a family again."

Hearing this, Tsukano Koshiro didn't speak any more, but hurried away with Baiage and Yagetos.

Although he didn't know Chen Jing as well as others, he could also feel that Chen Jing's personality had undergone some obvious changes after his promotion.

Becoming more aggressive and aggressive.

Became less indecisive.

Becoming... more reliable than before.

Chapter 697: The Great Purge of the Table World (Part 2)

The internal cleanup of the candidate group is progressing very quickly, even ridiculously fast.

From the moment he left the Chen family's old house, Baiage took Tsukano Kushiro and Jagetos and began hunting unqualified candidates around the world.

From the beginning to the end, Tsukano Koshiro had no chance to take action.

He is only responsible for reporting coordinates.

The rest was in the hands of Baiage and Jagthoth.

Before Chen Jing was promoted to Sequence Seven, Bai Aji's speed was second only to him. Now that he has returned to his family status, Chen Jing has become an old descendant of Sequence Seven, so his speed is naturally not the same. .

So in Tsukano Kushiro's view, Bai Aji seemed to be flashing with them, killing and moving only in an instant, and it is no exaggeration to say... Tsukano Kushiro didn't know those candidates at all. How did he die? Because the picture in front of him changed so fast that it was almost always in a blurry state.

At close to fifty minutes or so.

The last candidate who was "luckily selected" was declared dead.

And Yagethos and Baiage also left. Before leaving, they kicked Tsukano Kushirou from the sky, and landed right outside the Deep Sky Temple in the provincial capital.

"Tsukano Koshiro?!"

"Kushiro! Why did you fall from the sky?!"

The square of the Deep Sky Temple was densely packed with candidates waiting for the transformation of the family members, so when Tsukano Kushirou landed, he was immediately caught by a few acquaintances... But even if he couldn't They couldn't even knock him to death. After all, Yegetos and the others knew the severity. They just kicked him from a place of a hundred or dozens of meters. It was impossible to kill such an old descendant.

"I just..." Tsukano Kushiro was still a little confused and couldn't calm down for a while.

Before Tsukano Kushiro could explain, the candidates who gathered around looked at him in astonishment, as if they didn't understand what happened to him.

"You look like you're injured..." The young woman on the side looked particularly nervous. After all, Tsukano Koshiro is Chen Jing's confidant in the eyes of these candidates. Although he is not as good as Jegertos and others, his status is It is definitely not comparable to ordinary candidates.

So...why is he hurt?

Is it possible that there are still people who dare to injure Chen Jing's cronies regardless of the consequences in this world where deep space beliefs are spread wantonly? ?

"Fuck! Who dares to touch our people!! Fuck him!!!"

"Kushiro! Who hurt you?!"

"I...I'm fine..."

Tsukano Kushiro climbed up from the ground with difficulty, raised his hand to wipe the blood gushing from his nose, and his voice clearly showed a kind of morbid weakness, but this was indeed not caused by being beaten, nor was it because of Jagerthos' unceremonious kick.

He was just... so tired.

I don’t know what kind of method Bai Aji used to directly create some subtle connection with his thinking. When he led the way to clean up the candidates, he didn’t need to report the coordinates at all. He only needed to have such a thought in his mind. Just by looking at the light screen in front of him, Bai Aji will somehow know where the coordinate point is...

Perhaps because his brain was overwhelmed, Tsukano Kushiro felt that he had a severe headache. The strong dizziness and vomiting made him grit his teeth. The nosebleed lasted for almost a minute before it slowly stopped.

"Kushiro, someone asked me to ask you just now..." A middle-aged man with a shaved head squeezed into the crowd of candidates, his expression a little nervous, "Suddenly there are a lot of people missing from the list of candidates... Do you know about this? ?”

"I know." Tsukano Koshiro nodded, took the tissue handed to him and wiped the blood on his face, "There are six digits less candidates, right?"

"Yes!" The man nodded hastily.

"They are all dead." Tsukano Kushiro said, and then raised his head and glanced at the candidates with different expressions. "According to the instructions of Boss Chen Jing, I took Baiage and Yegertos to kill them all. Disposed of."

"Dealed?" The man was startled and asked in a low voice, "You mean...killed them all?"

"Yes." Tsukano Koshiro admitted without hesitation.

After hearing this affirmative answer, the square outside the Deep Space Temple fell into an eerie silence for a while, and the candidates who had gathered around before seemed particularly silent.

"The reasons for killing them will appear on the forum soon, so don't worry too much... This is the preparation we have to make in order for us to successfully pass the next round of exams."

Hearing this, everyone could only nod without thinking. After all, they would soon be Chen Jing's dependents. What if they showed the slightest hesitation at this moment and were said to be "not loyal enough" afterwards?

After all, no one can afford to wear this hat.

To put it seriously, it is a fatal matter!

"Is not fun."

When Baiaji and Yegetos returned to the Chen family's old house, they saw Chen Jing sitting in the yard and basking in the sun in a daze.

"Why isn't it fun?" Chen Jing looked at Bai Aji with a smile.

"It feels like squeezing an insect to death. It's not challenging at all." Bai Aji instantly transformed into a puppy form, ran to Chen Jing's side in three steps and then jumped into that familiar embrace, " One mouthful of candidates almost filled me up!"

"It's all for fun." Jegertos shrugged and said helplessly, "I don't even have the desire to draw my sword against those trash."

"I thought you could finish it in ten minutes, but I didn't expect it to take so long..." Chen Jing gently stroked the mane on Bai Aji's back, with a smile on his gentle face, "It's because of Tsukano Kushiro Is the coordinate report too slow?”

"How do you know?!" Bai Aji was stunned.

"If those coordinates are in your mind, I'm afraid it won't even take you five minutes to clean up all the scum." Chen Jing said with a smile. He knew the strength of Bai Aji and the others very well, so he also It's not an exaggeration, "It's a pity that it's not convenient for me to take action this time, otherwise..."

As he spoke, Chen Jing suddenly paused, as if he remembered something.

"Is it almost time?"

"Yes." Jegertos nodded, "On the way here, I saw that the candidates were almost gathered."

"Then it's my turn to take action..."

Chen Jing put Bai Aji in his arms on the ground, slowly left the chair and stood up.

In this process.

The ordinary casual clothes he was wearing were also changing into yellow robes at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Are you two mentally prepared?" Before putting on his hood, Chen Jing turned back and smiled at Jegertos and the others.

"What other mental preparations do we need?" Jagertos' face was full of questions.

Chen Jing smiled and shook his head, put on his hood and took a step forward.

"Of course I am prepared to welcome three million of my kind..."

Chapter 698: Live Broadcast of Execution

Under the pilgrim-like gazes of Yegetos and Baiaji, after Chen Jing slowly took a step forward, the figure in yellow clothes became inexplicably illusory, as if covered by a layer of translucent ripples. The whole person is looming as if hidden in the gap of dimensions...

"Kakosa can finally be lively."

Chen Jing raised his head and let out a long sigh, as if he felt relieved.

"King, this is just the beginning!"

Yegertos's laughter was full of enthusiasm, as if he had foreseen the glorious future of Kakosha.

"One day, the creatures in these two worlds will become believers in our deep space, and everyone will follow your footsteps until the end of time and space!"

It only lasted for a few dozen minutes.

The number of candidates returning to the table world dropped by six figures.

These disappeared candidates did not leave any traces, and there were no signs before disappearing. Most of the candidates even disappeared out of thin air in full view of the public, so... this matter cannot be hidden, and it is impossible to hide it.

Started twenty minutes ago.

This has been discussed on the forum all the time.

At first, people thought that there was a lurking "alien" causing trouble, or some mysterious supernatural phenomena. But soon... people realized that these missing candidates had one thing in common.


They are all candidates who have not obtained the qualifications for family transformation.

Different from those candidates from Jiju City, they should have all applied for it, but for some reason, they were not selected by the "god". After signing up, they quickly received a reply from the "god agent" Tsukano Kushiro , saying that their special physiques are not suitable for becoming the dependents of deep space.

Because of this, when millions of candidates are gathering at the thirty-two temples, they are still scattered around the world and do not join in the fun. They just go to the forum to complain from time to time, hoping to get a more detailed explanation. Why can't I become a dependent of deep space?


After people realized that the missing candidates were these losers, they quickly set their sights on the distant Sentinel Ridge.

They wanted Chen Jing to give an answer.

But none of them dared to say this.

Even on the forum, I didn’t dare to ask Chen Jing by name.

after all……

This guy has too many fanatical followers! ! !

Chen Jing didn't even come forward to explain.

Those fanatical believers found reasons for the "gods" they believed in.

"This is the punishment imposed on those candidates by the King of Deep Space!!! They must have committed a serious crime!!!"

"The merciful Deep Space will never harm innocent people!! Those candidates who disappeared deserved it!!!"

"Yes!! They are all sinners!!!"

Facts have proved that the analysis direction of these fanatic believers is correct, especially when [Dawn Foundation] and [Ether Association] explained to people in the forum, everyone only found that the guesses of the fanatic believers coincided with the reality.

Judging from the files of the deceased published on the forum, the candidates who disappeared from the world were all sinners without exception.

They may have committed serious crimes in the outer world.

Or he did something shameful in the other world.

all in all.

In order to prepare for the increasingly difficult biological leap exam in the future, after consultations between the [Dawn Foundation] and the [Ether Association] as well as the political systems of various countries, everyone has reached a unified conclusion.

"For the true unity of mankind, these black sheep must be eliminated from human society as a priority, so the King of Deep Space once again spared no effort to help us. He will lead the candidates to work tirelessly through the next round of exams. Please You believe that the future of our humanity is definitely bright!”

Chen Jing had been observing the changes in the direction of the forum, and he was not surprised at all when he saw that the direction was gradually turning one-sided.

After all, that's how humans are.

Easily influenced by public opinion.

It’s easy to be led around...

Although the explanation given by Tsukano Kushiro and others on the forum was the truth, the speed of the change of wind direction was indeed beyond Chen Jing's imagination. He thought that some people would continue to question it, but after searching for a long time...

not a single one.

"It's good to have someone to help with public relations..."

Chen Jing couldn't help but laugh, and then his entire body suddenly disintegrated and turned into countless "glimmer threads" that dispersed towards deep space temples around the world.

"It seems that this great purge has not had a great impact on human society. At most, the overly concerned candidates will have random thoughts, but the situation has always remained within control. Well... it should be fine!"

Tsukano Koshiro closed the light curtain in front of him with confidence, then turned around with a relaxed expression, and looked at the golden statue standing outside the temple with the candidates beside him.

It was a solid statue modeled one-to-one based on Chen Jing himself, wearing a yellow robe, with a totem of deep space engraved on the back.

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