At this moment.

The eyes of the statue have lit up, as if they will come alive at any time. The pair of eyes with exquisite carvings are constantly trembling...

"Finally, the transformation can begin!" Tsukano Kushiro heard someone beside him talking excitedly, "I have sensed the breath of deep space! It's in the statue!"

"Me too!" someone answered.

"The energy seems to break through the statue and rush out!!"

"What should we do now?! Kneel on the ground to be baptized?! Or should we pose in a worship posture..."

"No need for either."

Tsukano Kushiro is an old man who has had experience once after all. With his hands in his pockets and a calm face, he calmly explained to these "country bumpkins".

"Everyone just stands there and waits for the transformation. Don't do anything extra. The transformation process should be very fast. Maybe... huh??"

Suddenly, the statue that had been trembling before fell into a dead silence, as if it had returned to the appearance of a "dead object", and it was motionless without any warning.

The deep space energy gathered inside the statue also disappeared in an instant, and even their existence could not be sensed.

"What's going on..."

Tsukano Kushiro looked puzzled, and felt something was wrong.

"Is this also part of the transformation of the family? Or... something went wrong?"


In the puzzled eyes of Yegetos and Baiaji, Chen Jing, who had just disintegrated his body, suddenly returned to his original state.

"Why did this thing pop up..."

Chen Jing didn't bother to explain to them. He looked at the light screen that popped up automatically in front of him and was a little surprised. He just wondered if this thing had a bug.

At this time.

The light screen had turned white without any warning. There was no text or pattern on the screen, just a strange snow-white, and even a buzzing electric current noise.

After about two or three minutes.

When Chen Jing began to wonder whether he could force this thing to restart, the snow-white light screen gradually returned to normal.

The picture soon became clear.

There was no text, only images.

Like... live broadcast?

"What are those Creators planning to do to me?" Chen Jing looked at the screen in front of him in confusion. The light in the screen was extremely dim, as if it was inside a large stone building.

As the "camera" continued to move forward.

Chen Jing soon saw the familiar figure kneeling in the shadows, wearing a gray robe.

"Fuck! Isn't that..."

At the moment when Chen Jing's eyes gradually widened, a few scarlet words suddenly appeared at the top of the screen.

"Death penalty live broadcast."

Chapter 699 Traitors of the Creator Clan (Part 1)

"Boss Chen, the statue on the temple square suddenly stopped moving. Is there something wrong with you?"

"...My exam system seems to be stuck."


"The screen is stuck."

Chen Jing looked at the chat box that suddenly popped up in the screen in front of him. He only felt like a computer crashed and out of control. He couldn't even find the button to close it... Fortunately, normal communication was not affected, but there was only a slight freeze occasionally.

"Screen? Are you talking about the holographic screen of the examination system?"

"Well, the screen is stuck and can't be moved." Chen Jing asked hurriedly, "Is your examination system normal?"

"Normal." Tsukano Kushiro replied immediately, "I'll ask a few people for you to see what's going on with them."


About half a minute later, Tsukano Kushiro's message came again.

"Their examination systems are all normal. What's going on with you? Do you need us to help you on the forum..."

"No need." Chen Jing looked at the embarrassed and dejected figure in the live broadcast through the translucent chat box, and his expression gradually became complicated. "Tell them that it takes time to transform the clan, and ask them to wait patiently..."

"Okay." Tsukano Kushiro replied quickly, probably because he had been staring at the chat box just waiting for Chen Jing's arrangement, "Then I'll go to the forum and tell them."

I don't know if it was because Tsukano Kushiro closed the chat box.

It was only in an instant.

The chat box in front of Chen Jing also disappeared, and the sizzling noise of the electric current was also reduced a lot.

"So... this live broadcast is specially made for me?"

Chen Jing was still suspended in the sky, his yellow robe rustling in the wind. Except for a little surprise at the beginning, he was calm at this moment, and could even be said to be calm... Maybe this is the sequelae of being promoted to Sequence 7?

When the familiar figure appeared in the live broadcast, Chen Jing recognized it at a glance...

It was no one else.

It was the long-lost examiner "Mu".

"Live broadcast of the death penalty...Are you creators going to teach me a lesson...Using 'Mu' to scare me?"

Chen Jing analyzed all the possibilities, looking at the light screen with a dim gaze.

"You didn't choose to broadcast live worldwide, nor did you choose to broadcast live to the group of candidates. It's obvious that you only want to watch it for me..." Chen Jing muttered to himself, "So you are also afraid of being seen by the candidates, afraid of letting them know that 'God' can also bleed, right?"

When Chen Jing said this, the light curtain in front of him suddenly trembled violently, and the "Mu" in the live broadcast screen slowly raised his head, as if he heard Chen Jing's words.

"It seems that you will go further than King Huang..." Mu's voice was very weak, with a sickly hoarse sound, which was slightly harsh like metal friction, "They are afraid of you..."

As he said this, Mu suddenly laughed.

However, this kind of laughter was obviously laborious, and Chen Jing could tell that she was seriously injured.

"I may not be able to save you."

Chen Jing looked deeply at the "Mu" in the live broadcast screen, and his calm tone made it impossible to hear the anger, sorrow, or joy. It was as if he was an outside audience, unable to feel any of the emotional fluctuations that humans should have.

"Of course you can't save me." Mu smiled, "Just live well."

Chen Jing slowly turned his eyes and looked at the burly figure that suddenly appeared in the corner of the screen. It was a humanoid creature...with clear limbs and a complete torso, very similar to the structure of humans.

It is also wearing the same robe as Mu.

He should also be a Creator.

"Of course I will live well. If I have the chance in the future, I will destroy the entire Creator family to avenge you." Chen Jing said calmly, then looked at the ax in the hand of the strange Creator, and couldn't help but complain, "Fucking In what era do you, the Creator clan, still use axes for execution?”

Want to behead? What if it was cut in half?

Or some other punishment?

Chen Jing didn’t know anything.

All he knew was that Mu was dying.

At this moment, Chen Jing had no intention of saving Mu, not because he was unkind, but because... he was self-aware.

He knew that he was like an ant before the Creator.

But actually don’t say it’s him.

Even the ancient gods of sequence eight are no match for the Creator.

What's more, he doesn't know where the execution will be.

And to say the least, if they confront the Creator now, God knows whether it is a violation of the rules. If they still have self-defense, it will be over... Maybe this is what they insist on giving themselves." The reason for "renovation"?

Thinking of this, Chen Jing's evaluation of the Creator Race suddenly dropped to the freezing point... No, it was negative, because it was already at the freezing point before.

"You want to use this to provoke me?" Chen Jing wanted to look away from the live broadcast. After all, witnessing "Mu"'s death with his own eyes would not do him any good. Instead, it would affect his judgment on certain things. "It seems that after Gehro's failure, you are all anxious..."

Facts have proved that the Creator Race came here to disgust Chen Jing, because no matter how much he looked away, even if he closed his eyes... the scene of the execution would be accurately projected into his consciousness.

So in the end, Chen Jing stopped hiding and stared directly at the live broadcast.

At this moment, the Creator holding the ax suddenly walked towards the "camera", and the face hidden under the hood came into Chen Jing's eyes.

"Chen Jing, you should know why we want to execute 'Mu', right?"

"You look good, but you just don't care." Chen Jing looked at the extremely pale face in front of him without any fear in his heart. "Kill if you want. Why is there so much nonsense?"

Do we still need to ask why "Mu" was executed?

Isn’t this all obvious?

Colluding with candidates and practicing favoritism.

This alone is enough to punish "Mu".

"How dare you talk to me like that?"

"You ask your boss to come. I have the same attitude. Everyone wears robes. Don't think that your boss can become the emperor just by wearing a red robe. Aren't you the plaything of the Supreme Being like me?"

Chen Jing looked at the creator who was on the verge of rage with amusement, and felt that the creatures of this group were really interesting...Creator? Do they deserve this title? Aren't they just a group of extraordinary creatures with superior combat power and mastery of some of the laws of the universe?

Everyone is the same.

They are all the playthings of the Most High.

Just like what Deep Space said...

"The Most High is your destiny, and it is now my destiny."

There was a hint of sarcasm in Chen Jing's calm tone, without any respect for the Creator.

"So we are all worms in a vat, there is no distinction between high and low... Are you worthy of showing off in front of me?"

Chapter 700: Traitors of the Creator Clan (Part 2)

Chen Jing didn't know how these things about Mu were exposed, but judging from the current situation, the Creator Race should know a lot of important information, and it was precisely because of this that they executed the examiner "Mu" so decisively.

"Where's Mr. Wu?" Chen Jing turned his gaze away and looked at the embarrassed Mu.

"Run away." Mu smiled, "I asked her to run away. There were many creators in the clan who ran after her, but no one could catch her..."

"Her fate is good." Chen Jingding nodded, "I can't guarantee anything else, but I will definitely avenge you. You can leave in peace after a while. Anyway, stretching out my head and shrinking my neck with a knife is just one knife..."

"If you don't know how to comfort people, just shut up, okay?" Mu couldn't help laughing and coughed. "After Gehro's death, there will be only one person in the world who can block your way..."

"Turing." Chen Jing said without hesitation, "It poses a far greater threat to me than Gehlo. It is not easy to deal with it... As the saying goes, a dying man speaks well. Do you have anything to tell me before you die? Just give me some tips on dealing with Turing!"

Just as Chen Jing was eagerly waiting for Mu to feed him another wave of important information before he died, the Creator standing in front of the camera holding a giant axe could not listen anymore and slapped the camera.

"What do you think this place is!! How dare you stand in front of me..."

"If you don't agree, come out." Chen Jing said impatiently, "Why are you standing behind the camera pretending to be a big shot? If you have the guts, come out and kill me!"


"I really don't know what you stupid creators are thinking. You don't do anything aboveboard, but do some worthless things that hurt your virtue. You still have the nerve to call yourself a creator? To put it bluntly, my grandfather is more dignified than you!"

Chen Jing's words were not polite, because he was indeed angry despite looking calm, but it was not as obvious as before... How could he not have a temper?

After all, Mu was an important person who helped him through the difficulties in the early stage. Although they didn't have much friendship, Chen Jing always remembered to owe her a favor.

Now Mu was going to be sentenced to death because of her own reasons. How could Chen Jing feel good?

It was also fortunate that he was promoted to Sequence 7 and his personality changed a little. Otherwise, when he faced this situation, he would definitely show extreme behavior, and it was even possible that he would accidentally fall into a trap.

"How about... you come in?"

The Creator holding the giant axe took two steps back and then took one step to the right, as if to make way for Chen Jing.

"She is your friend, don't you plan to save her?"

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