"Are the Nine Palaces and Eighteen Palaces powerful?" Chen Jing couldn't help but ask. Whether from the perspective of the "King of Deep Space" or from the perspective of "Zhenjun Huaijing", he felt that the Nine Palaces and Eighteen Palaces were powerful. The palace is no big deal, the real power is the Turing standing behind them.


Chen Jing soon realized that he could talk while standing without pain in his back.

If we change the angle and look at it from the perspective of "Hacker White Dragon", the Nine Palaces and Eighteen Palaces seem to be really huge...

Hanging City pays attention to science.

It pays attention to the use of technology to transform the living things themselves.

But who dares to say that there is no "theocratic power" in this city?

In the Hanging City, Turing is the supreme god, and the Nine Palaces and Eighteen Palaces are its minions.

"Don't talk sarcastically!" Mad Dog cursed and said, "We are the ones going out for adventure! When we encounter trouble in [Qinglong Palace], we have to fight with real swords and guns! It's not like you who can hide in the rear! Even if we are destroyed by the group, It won’t have any impact on your body!”

"Although what you said is true, I feel weird when I hear it...I am not the kind of person who is greedy for life and afraid of death." Chen Jing said helplessly, "How about I go in with you?"

"Stop making trouble." Canary advised, "Even if a hacker like you comes with us, he will only act as a dragster. When the time comes, he will have to be distracted from protecting you."

"Aren't you greedy for life and afraid of death?"

Mad Dog seemed to have found a way to stabilize his mood at this moment. When he was madly complaining about "White Dragon", he only felt that his heart was getting lighter and lighter, and the remaining "outlaw superiority" occupied the high ground again.

"I heard Fatty Hei said that except for the special job you took this time, you never showed your face in front of outsiders before. If I want to contact you, I can only send private online messages. You hide your head and tail day by day..."

"Brother, I'm a fucking hacker!" Chen Jing felt his head was numb and he almost couldn't keep up with Mad Dog's thinking logic. "As a hacker, isn't it normal for me to operate behind the scenes?"


"If you continue to complain about me, believe it or not, I will sell you out in a moment?"

Hearing Chen Jing's words, Mad Dog immediately shut up, because he knew very well that Chen Jing was not joking, and this operation was not complicated at all for him. It was those underground hackers who often betrayed their teammates during the operation. Things to do.

"Mad dog, can you stop disrupting the morale of the army before taking action?" Tuoke couldn't help but scolded, "Have you forgotten what Fatty Hei told us yesterday? Bailong is famous for his loyalty. !”

Hearing these words, Chen Jing felt a little embarrassed. He thought to himself that after Turing pretended to be a fat black man and restored communication with them, he seemed to have taken this opportunity to take pictures of a lot of his rainbow farts...


How did Turing come up with this idea?

Bailong is famous for his temper when he sees money. It is too outrageous to use this point to shoot rainbow farts, but...if this was said by the fat black man who talks about running trains, it would not be surprising, and even extremely It fits the personality of his broker.

"It's almost time, let's make one last plan."

Chen Jing opened the holographic map in front of them for the last time and led them to review the route of action.

"Different from our original plan, there was no assault or fighting this time. We entered [Qinglong Palace] as sneakily as possible. Enter from the second door on the left side of the [Qinglong Palace] industrial plant and go straight forward along Line B. Go to the third intersection and find the freight channel..."

"Canary is at the front of the team. After all, her best skill is sneaking in under disguise. Mad Dog and Tuoke, you two are responsible for covering her."


"I will turn off the monitoring probes you pass along the way. You are only responsible for entering the warehouse and taking the 'parametric suspension'. Leave the rest to me."

"What to do with those 'sea patrollers' wandering in [Qinglong Palace]?" Mad Dog asked anxiously, "I heard that [Qinglong Palace] also raised a tortoise prime minister in the main hall. That thing is called 'Nine thousand years old' or something..."

The so-called "Hai Patrolmen" are the intelligent androids "free-range" in [Qinglong Palace]. They are considered as the armed staff of [Qinglong Palace]. The consciousness carried in their brains comes from the "Three Tan Haihui". It is said that it is an AI refining system developed by the owner of [Qinglong Palace] himself.

As for the "9,000-year-old Turtle Prime Minister" mentioned by Mad Dog, that is an armed staff member of a higher level than the "Sea Patroller"... or in other words, a man-made pollutant species.

"I said that."

Chen Jingfeng Danyun smiled softly and closed the holographic map.

"Leave the rest to me."

Chapter 762: Taoist Patrolman (Part 2)

The research association's affiliated institution [Qinglong Palace] is located in the "Wanghai District" of Hanging City.

When the Hanging City was still in the other world, "Wanghai District" was the only city area where you could overlook the old sea. Because of this, the housing prices in "Wanghai District" were considered to be in the highest echelon of the Hanging City. The so-called " "Sea view rooms" are emerging in endlessly...

Compared with the other main buildings of the Nine Palaces and Eighteen Palaces, the palace of [Qinglong Palace] appears to be much more primitive.

Under the blue wall paint.

Portraits of the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas can be seen everywhere.

Antique and lifelike.

It's as if the real dragons that light up the eyes have come to life, and can break free from the shackles of the world at any time and soar into the sky.

However, in the Hanging City, the so-called simplicity is only a decoration, and modern technology is the main theme, especially when entering through the gate.

In the majestic palace, aquatic creatures composed of holographic images are roaming freely in the air. In addition to the common fish, shrimp, turtles and crabs, there are also some extremely rare marine pollutants... Even some of the rare creatures have never been seen by Chen Jing, such as the strange fish with human legs. That thing looks outrageous no matter how you look at it.


"Bai Long, we have arrived at the No. 2 gate on the left side of the factory building, and no staff members are following us."

"I said they are going to make a performance report, and no one will come in a short time. There is only surveillance here... Well, now there is no surveillance!"

Hearing this voice coming from the cochlea, the three people standing in the corner of the side door looked at each other.

"Let's go, what are you still hesitating about!"

Chen Jing, who was in charge of the overall situation in the rear, spoke again, and his tone was particularly urgent.

"We have limited time, hurry up, or someone will come soon!"

"Got it."

Canary replied, then gave a look to Tuoke Crazy Dog, signaling them to follow him.

"Fuck!" Mad Dog couldn't help but be surprised, and his voice was shaking, "This guy is really good! He can even hack into the monitoring system of [Qinglong Palace]!"

"Nonsense, if this guy is not good, the 'True Immortal' would not let him enter our organization so easily." Tuoke smiled, "Hurry up and do it. After this mission is over, I don't know what reward the 'True Immortal' will give us..."

"Don't just give us a verbal reward." Mad Dog muttered, "It would be better to give us a batch of new prostheses like last time. I feel that the current prostheses are not functional enough. It would be great if we could get some high-end products from the research institute."

"Shut up!"

Canary couldn't help but curse out loud, and then quietly leaned against the corner, like a chameleon in nature, the whole person instantly merged with the wall...

"Fuck, I also want to install an optical camouflage system like yours, but it's a pity that the 'True Immortal' won't give it to me." Mad Dog sighed.

"The hardware He gave you is more practical, everyone just has different directions, the function and grade of the prosthesis are similar." Canary urged, "I will go ahead to explore the way for you, you cover me!"

"Let's go, aunt, we will help you keep an eye on it."


In the hotel, Chen Jing has entered a state of "wandering", and the system operation interface in front of him is like a light screen for an exam.

On the holographic map.

Chen Jing can see the three small red dots that are constantly moving.

"Canary...Tuo Ke...Mad Dog..." Chen Jing stared at the three small red dots with interest, "These talents discovered by Li Mobai...are so similar to him...They have a lot of Jianghu habits..."

For Chen Jing, this operation is almost not difficult, so he is not worried about any accidents.

After all, as the "Master of Weiyang Palace", it would be easy for him to manipulate the [Qinglong Palace] at will. Even if the [Qinglong Palace] reacts and the two sides go to war directly without playing those empty tricks, Chen Jing is 90% sure that he can hack into the brain-computer system of everyone in the [Qinglong Palace]. It is not difficult to make the [Qinglong Palace] permeate with the aroma of roasted brains...

"Be gentle."

Suddenly, a subtitle formed by code flashed in front of Chen Jing's eyes. He knew that this was Turing's instruction to him.

"Master, don't worry, I know the severity of my attack."


Three minutes later.

Canary and his group have arrived at the freight channel of the [Qinglong Palace].

In the previous journey of only a few thousand meters, they saw no less than 200 surveillance cameras.

Without exception...

The surveillance cameras were all lit with a red "downtime" light.

Obviously, they had been hacked by the "White Dragon".

"I told you this guy is reliable!" Tuoke sighed more than once, as if he felt proud to work with "White Dragon". "Look! All the cameras in [Qinglong Palace] are black! This technology is so damn hard! It's even better than some of mine..."

"Fuck! Stop talking!"

Mad Dog suddenly pulled Tuoke, and his tone was full of fear.

"Look over there!"

After hearing what Mad Dog said, Tuoke followed his instructions and looked to the right front. He saw two floating figures pacing back and forth at the fork in the road two hundred meters away...

Black Taoist robes, embroidered with blue dragons.

And the deformed human head with dragon horns.

"Patrol Taoist..."

Tuke was silent and could only mutter in his heart.

"It should be fine... Bai Long can definitely handle it... right?"

It's no secret that the Patrolmen are in the Hanging City, especially in the "Wanghai District" ruled by the [Qinglong Palace]. The Patrolmen are a means that the [Qinglong Palace] often uses to maintain local public security.

It's a coincidence.

Just a few months ago, Mad Dog and his team witnessed with their own eyes how the Patrolmen maintained public security...At that time, there was only one Patrolmen, and it faced more than 20 fully armed private mercenaries. It is said that it was because of some business conflicts that the [Qinglong Palace] wanted to teach a local enterprise a lesson.

In an instant.

The battle began.

After 30 seconds.

The battle was over.

Those heavily armed mercenaries were only slightly stronger than the mad dogs, but even so they were unable to withstand the terrifying abilities of the patrolmen, and were directly torn into pieces bleeding on the ground...

"Holy shit, shit!! Why hasn't Bailong moved yet?!!"

At this moment, Mad Dog's artificial heart had already issued a warning to him, and his heart rate soared so much that the brain-computer system thought he was about to die suddenly.

"Wait a moment." Tuoke held Mad Dog firmly and whispered.

At this moment, the two sea patrol Taoists seemed to have noticed something. They suddenly looked back in the direction of Mad Dog and the others, and then quickly moved towards this side with their feet off the ground like ghosts.

It is no exaggeration to say that Mad Dog was almost scared to death. After all, he had seen with his own eyes how powerful the Taoist priest was. What's more, there was only one person that time, but now there are actually two. Isn't this fatal? !

"We can't even deal with one of them. Now both of them are coming towards us. Run away..." Mad Dog said tremblingly.

at the same time.

The masked faces of the two Taoist priests suddenly began to tremble violently, and a hoarse and unpleasant electronically synthesized human voice came out of their mouths——

"When Yin Yin touches the stone, the gas is like a rainbow, Guan Mang drives out the chemical industry, dragons and snakes are boiling in the four seas, and a pool of fish and turtles traces the clouds... Those who trespass into the Dragon Palace will die and should be killed!!"

Chapter 763 Prime Minister Turtle Nine Thousand Years Old (Part 1)

The two "haitao patrolmen" were like wandering souls that had escaped the gravity of the earth. Along with the shrill screams caused by the friction of the air, they turned into blurry shadows that were difficult to distinguish between the two visual systems. The momentum is approaching everyone.

Its sound is like thunder, and its shadow is like flowing light.

Under Mad Dog's desperate eyes, the patrolman on the left suddenly raised his right hand. The "Lightning Method Generator" in his palm was fully charged, emitting dazzling blue-purple electric light.

The Taoist patrolman on the right pulled out the "spiritual weapon" from his waist, pinched his fingers with his left hand, waved the magic sword with his right hand, and muttered something in his mouth - that was the chaotic sea of ​​orthodoxy from the [Turing Research Association] Decide!

"Fuck, it's over."

Mad Dog had only one thought in his mind, and the same was true for Tuo Ke and Canary. No matter how much they trusted "White Dragon" before...seeing that the Taoist priest had already killed him, it was useless to talk about trust now.

Tuoke didn't have as many thoughts as Mad Dog. His mind went blank and he didn't even know he was afraid. He just stood there stupidly.

"Bai Long! What are you doing!" Canary couldn't help but use real-time communication to contact Chen Jing. This was the last message she could send just one second before the Taoist patrol came to kill.


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