The thunder light in the hand of Taoist Xunhai was about to cover the three of them, and the magic sword in the hand of another Taoist Xunhai also fell.

For a moment, Canary and the others' faces were ashen, and they made no move to resist or escape... Of course, this can also be said that they are smart enough and know the truth of early death and early reincarnation. After all, judging from their current strength, they want to It is completely impossible to escape from the patrolmen.

Just wait to die.

What else could be done?

Being burned into ashes by the [Turing Research Association]'s thunder method is quite satisfying, but it's better than falling into the hands of the [Blue Dragon Palace] and being tortured, right?

And just when Canary and the others closed their eyes in resignation, preparing to face these "humanoid thunder tribulations", an extremely familiar voice suddenly sounded in their cochlear microphones.

"Sorry, there was a little accident."

Chen Jing's tone of voice was still slow and leisurely. Although he knew that Canary and the others were scared to death, he didn't care about that much at this time, and he didn't have the leisure to comfort them.

Because things are getting a little troublesome.

As he said...he encountered a little accident.

"Damn it! Bro, you are too strong!"

When Tuoke and the others opened their eyes, they saw that the two Taoist priests had stopped and stood there like sculptures. The one on the left was still trying to hit someone with his palm thunder, and the one on the right was tall and tall. The raised magic sword was only slashed halfway.

The frozen movement seemed a little funny, but it was still scary.

" this causing them to shut down?" Canary asked cautiously.

Before Chen Jing could give an answer, the two Taoist priests suddenly trembled violently, and the "pseudo-spiritual orifices" behind their skulls also lit up with a red light indicating malfunction.

With two muffled sounds.

The Taoist patrolman who had been like a magician fell to the ground in the increasingly dazzling red light of the malfunction.

" won't kill them, right?" Canary asked tremblingly, her tone full of disbelief, "You still have this ability?!"


Chen Jing's dull voice sounded, and he seemed not to be in a very high mood.

"I just stopped them temporarily, but I was a bit heavy-handed. In the end, the plug-in given to me by 'True Immortal' is more useful..."

I have to say that "True Immortal" is a good reason.

In the eyes of believers like Canary, the "True Immortal" played by Li Mobai is an omnipotent existence, so it is not impossible for him to give Chen Jing the power to overthrow Taoist Xunhai. .

"Fuck!! What were you doing before?! These two patrolmen are about to tear our heads off!!" Mad Dog couldn't help but curse.

But before he could curse any more, Chen Jing's voice sounded.

"Shut up."

Hearing Chen Jing's cold reply, Mad Dog was about to get angry, but he seemed to suddenly realize something, and the expression on his face changed again and again.

"You...fuck, I was wrong, okay! Brother, don't worry!"

Facts have proved that when going on a mission, hackers are always the ones in the lead. No matter how arrogant, domineering and bad-tempered the mercenaries are, they are always full of fear of these hackers who can roam freely in cyberspace...or so to speak. Awe.


This is the reality.

Assuming that Chen Jing wants to punish them, he only needs to disconnect from the Internet, and they will be no different from "blind people". If he is more ruthless and pretends to accidentally trigger the alarm system of [Qinglong Palace], then the three of them will definitely be there. In a short period of time, he ended up dead without any body parts.

Of course, Chen Jing can't do this kind of thing, but what Canary and the others would think is another matter, because at this moment they can feel that Chen Jing is a little irritable, inexplicably irritable...

Is it because of the cursing mad dog?

"Brother, don't mind!" Tuo Ke noticed that the atmosphere was a bit heavy and immediately stepped in to smooth things over. "Mad dog has such a stupid temper. When we get back, I'll tie him up for you and beat him up to vent his anger, okay?"

"I'm not angry with him."

Chen Jing explained helplessly, fearing that these three idiots would think too much.

"What this idiot said was just like farting. I never took it to heart. I just encountered a little trouble..."

"What's the trouble?" Canary asked hurriedly, her tone of voice becoming worried, "Has our infiltration operation been exposed?!"


Chen Jing only felt that today's action was different from what he expected. It didn't seem to be that smooth, and it couldn't be that smooth.

"I just encountered a problem on the internal network of [Qinglong Palace]... It's not really a trouble... You continue to rush to the warehouse, and move a little faster."


Although Chen Jing did not speak clearly, Canary and the others knew that now was not the time to be curious. After receiving the instructions, they quickened their pace and continued running towards the [Qinglong Palace] warehouse.

"I didn't expect him to be able to beat the 'Sea Patrolman'..." Mad Dog muttered as he trotted, "I really want to take a high look at this kid!"

"There are a lot of troubles in this place, and the 'Sea Patrolman' is just one of them. If we accidentally disturb that thing in the main hall..." Canary said with a stern face, "Although that thing has never been seen in the outside world. , but I grew up listening to its legends since I was a child.”

"Are you talking about Prime Minister Turtle being nine thousand years old?" Tuoke asked curiously.

"That's right."

Canary nodded and glanced in the direction of the main hall with some concern.

"I heard that Prime Minister Turtle is the server administrator of [Qinglong Palace]. I suspect that the trouble that Bailong is talking about is it..."

Chapter 764 Prime Minister Turtle·Nine Thousand Years Old (Part 2)

It turns out that sometimes women's intuition is quite accurate.

The trouble that Chen Jing encountered was indeed "Prime Minister Turtle Nine Thousand Years Old". This "intelligent AI" created by the Lord of [Qinglong Palace] was indeed more powerful than Chen Jing expected.

Three minutes ago.

Chen Jing felt that something was not right.

Although he broke through the firewall of [Qinglong Palace] very smoothly in a "soft way", and even did not encounter any obstacles when entering the host defense system, he always felt that something was wrong... It was as if there was a pair of eyes staring at him from behind, silently watching everything he did.

At that time, he thought it was his own illusion. After all, he was doing something bad, so he would inevitably feel a little guilty and sensitive, but at the moment when the patrolman appeared, he found that it was not an illusion...

In just a moment.

His connection with the host system of [Qinglong Palace] was disconnected.

This inexplicable disconnection came without warning, just like forcibly pulling out the USB flash drive from the computer, directly cutting off the connection in a nearly physical way.

"Is there a master here?"

This was Chen Jing's first thought, and also his instinctive reaction.

Fortunately, he was not the "underground hacker Bailong", but the "Huai Jing Zhenjun" of Weiyang Palace, so at the moment of being disconnected, he forcibly connected to the host of [Qinglong Palace] in an almost unreasonable way.

This might expose his true "fighting" level, but at this moment he couldn't care so much. If he hesitated for two or three seconds, the three people of Jinsi Canary would definitely be beaten to pieces by the patrolling sea Taoist...

"After this is done, just erase all traces." Chen Jing thought so, and he had enough ability to do so.

But at this moment.

Chen Jing, who was in the virtual network space, suddenly felt a strange pulling force. Before he could react, his digital body was forcibly pulled away from the original plane, and instantly experienced a continuous jump of hundreds of network nodes.

If Chen Jing was really the underground hacker Bai Long, then during the process of crossing the network nodes, he would have been "scared to death" by the overwhelming data codes... But as the master of Weiyang Palace, Chen Jing was not surprised by this method, and it had almost no lethality.

So he did not resist in the process. After hacking the brain of "Patrol Sea Taoist", he just let it go and followed the strange traction to the source... because he wanted to see who the real owner was.

When Canary and the others continued to rush to the warehouse.

Chen Jing also stopped leisurely.

"Another [Qinglong Palace]..."

Looking at the ancient building simulated by digital code in front of him, Chen Jing was slightly surprised, and then he sensed the repulsive force faintly emanating from the outer wall... It should be right, this is the deepest firewall in the [Qinglong Palace] server!

"Well...close the door...don't you want to see guests?"

Chen Jing strolled around the outside of the hall and found that the "doors" of this building were sealed. Hundreds of yellow talismans were clearly posted on the doors, clearly not wanting people to open them casually.

"It's a pity that I'm not Bai Long...that guy may never be able to break this firewall in his entire life...but I'm different..." Chen Jing muttered in his heart, and finally stopped outside the main door of the hall, then raised his right hand and slowly patted it.

Just when he was about to use tough means to break this last layer of firewall, the blocked door suddenly opened by itself, and the yellow talismans turned into ashes and disappeared...

"What's going on??"

Chen Jing was also a little confused for a while, thinking that I haven't even had time to implant the virus in the treasure house, and I haven't mobilized the brain-computer computing power to crack the underlying code of the firewall...this door opened by itself? ?

But even though he was confused, Chen Jing was still very curious, what on earth dragged him here?

Step into the hall.

Chen Jing looked around and found that the place was empty. It was just a simulation of the appearance of the main hall of [Qinglong Palace], with nothing but a facade.

"Who is coming?"

Hearing this sudden dull voice, Chen Jing subconsciously turned his head and saw that in the empty hall a second ago, there was suddenly a turtle?


It should be a turtle.

It was a giant turtle shell about 30 meters long.

It was slightly different from the traditional turtle shell. It did not only have gaps in the limbs and neck, but had nine black holes.

The voice came from the turtle shell.

"Are you the Turtle Prime Minister Jiuqiansui of [Qinglong Palace]?" Chen Jing simply mobilized the information in the memory bank and quickly determined what this turtle was.

"Why did you trespass into my [Qinglong Palace] host system?" The voice asked straight to the point.

Before Chen Jing could answer, eight different voices came from the turtle shell.

"He deserves to be killed!! He deserves to be killed!"

"The lunatic should be executed."

"Dear, you have violated Article 36 of the [Hanging City Cyber ​​Security Law], and you should be executed according to the law!"

"Whose general is this?!"

"Hehehe, there's something fun."

"I want to smoke, who can give me a cigarette, even a cigarette rolled up in newspaper will do!"

"Why is there no music player here?"

"If you smoke, I'll pour water on you, believe it or not, I'll spray you in the face?"


Hearing these messy voices, Chen Jing was even more confused for a moment, because there was not much information about "Prime Minister Turtle Nine Thousand Years Old" in his memory bank. He only knew roughly what kind of "creature" it was, but more specific and detailed information... that was considered the top secret of [Qinglong Palace], and as an outsider, he was not qualified to know.

"Are you guys telling crosstalk here?" Chen Jing blinked his eyes, and instinctively wanted to grab the target's information data.

But he didn't know until he grabbed it, and once he grabbed it... he was even more confused.

The data information obtained from the target was a mess of garbled codes, and the characters "锟斤拷" and "404" were like a bullet screen, jumping back and forth in front of his eyes like crazy.

At this moment.

The turtle shell suddenly moved.

In the nine dark and gloomy holes in the turtle shell, animal heads of various shapes suddenly emerged.

"It seems that the Lord of [Qinglong Palace] has created a hybrid..." Chen Jing couldn't help but widen his eyes, because those animal heads can correspond to the information in his database, which is the ancient legend of Hanging City... The dragon gave birth to nine sons, each of which is different.

"Qiuniu, Yazi, Chaofeng, Pulao, Suanni, Baxia..." Chen Jing touched his chin thoughtfully, muttering, "Fusing the nine dragon sons into one creature will become Prime Minister Turtle... It's not possible to combine a one-star hero into a two-star hero like this..."

Suddenly, Chen Jing's eyes lit up inexplicably.

Although this hybrid thing looks weird, it is really a good thing. It just so happens that many of Weiyang Palace's methods cannot be used during this period. If it is subdued, there will be one more way... This is called making the best use of things!

Use the things of [Qinglong Palace] to do your own business, and no one can trace it back to Weiyang Palace in the future, so let's do it!

"Old Nine."

Under the puzzled gazes of the nine beast heads, Chen Jing slowly rolled up his sleeves simulated by digital information, and showed a kind smile on his face.

"Why don't you come with me and be my mount, or be my 'guardian god'..."

Hearing these ignorant words, the nine beast heads of Prime Minister Turtle suddenly became furious and roared in unison.


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