As the person involved, Chen Jing watched his missing body grow back little by little. Starting from the nerve pipeline below the neck, the defective neural management system was gradually supplemented, followed by bones, internal organs, muscles, skin, etc.

In fact, from a certain perspective, the old descendants of the Turing sequence are quite useless.

Chen Jing discovered this a long time ago.

Their self-healing ability is very poor.

It seems that because of long-term exposure to Turing technology, they have become dependent on biological prostheses, and then their self-healing ability has gradually deteriorated... For example, the body of "Huai Jing Zhenjun", in addition to replacing those missing prostheses, it is basically impossible to grow back the incomplete body by himself.

But it is undeniable that Turing is still good.

This kind of technical content of rubbing prostheses out of thin air made Chen Jing envious.

"The whole set of prostheses I replaced for you... is my latest prototype... It is stronger than the prostheses of the previous presidents..." Turing's voice was intermittent, and I don't know if it was because of the impact on the auditory system, it sounded a little unclear.

"Master, you are so kind to me." Chen Jing sighed with mixed feelings as he looked at the new body that was gradually being completed.

"Huai Jing, you are my most valued disciple. If I don't treat you well, who else can I treat well?" Turing said with a smile, "After reshaping the body, it is the key to advancing to the sequence. You must keep your mind clear and must not have any other distracting thoughts..."

When Turing's voice fell, Chen Jing's auditory system also completely crashed, and the visual system seemed to be affected as well, and the scenery in front of him quickly became blurred.

"During the time when Master is in seclusion, the Hanging City will be handed over to you..."

Chapter 796 The Divine Revelation of Sequence Eight (Part 2)

Currently, there are only two choices in front of Chen Jing.

Either, take the risk of sending the dimensional core directly into deep space and take a chance to impact Sequence Eight.

Or, calm down and wait... wait for Turing to go into seclusion and wait until a suitable time. At that time, the risk will be smaller.

However, a small risk does not mean a high success rate.

It was easy to break through the outer layer of restrictions at the bottom of the [Turing Tower], which was almost no difficulty for him, but to break through the deepest layer of restrictions at the bottom of the tower... Chen Jing really didn't have much confidence.

To be honest, after several careful observations, he felt that the probability of successfully breaking through was no more than 30%, which was still the most conservative and optimistic estimate.

This floor where the treasure house is located.

There is no elevator directly to it.

If you want to go down, you must go through the wall.

But Turing is just guarding against outsiders having such a trick, so it has arranged many countermeasures here, whether it is the talismans outside the metal door, or the intaglio patterns on the inner wall... Its original breath is everywhere, which shows that it will strictly guard to the end.

Judging from the current situation, let alone sneaking into the treasure house, even if you just cross to this floor, Turing will be aware of it.

Even if you take a step back.

When you come to this floor, you don't trigger those defensive restrictions, so what should you do next?

This treasure house has been contaminated by the "dimensional core". The degree of spatial distortion is beyond Chen Jing's control. He can't get close to the "dimensional core" in a conventional way. Even if he uses deep space jump, he will only get lost in the dimensional turbulence.

So what to choose, Chen Jing already has the answer in his mind.

The risk of a second infiltration is too great.

Once Turing notices it, he might be killed by it before he can get close to the target "dimensional core"...

"Take a gamble." Chen Jing gritted his teeth. After thinking about it, he could only choose this. Robbery is the best solution at the current stage.

As long as he can ensure that he reacts quickly enough, at the moment when the "dimensional core" is transmitted into deep space, he will also escape into deep space, then all the life-threatening troubles will be gone. The only risk of this choice is whether he can escape in time...

If he escapes, he will live, and if he can't escape, he will die.

"How do you feel?" Turing asked suddenly, seeming to be very concerned about the progress of his apprentice. "You should be in the process of promotion sequence. Are you uncomfortable?"

"No discomfort." Chen Jing answered truthfully, "I feel that this new Dantian furnace seems to be lit, and more and more energy is accumulating in it. It will soon be able to run a big circle."

Hearing Chen Jing say this, Turing was relieved immediately.

"Everything is normal. It may take about ten minutes. You should be calm and don't move around. Slowly wait for these energies to flow to your limbs and bones, let them help you open up those closed acupuncture points, and the sequence promotion will be completed!"


In the process of receiving the "initiation", Chen Jing was also carefully feeling the changes in this body... It seems that the sequence promotion of the Xuankong City alchemists is different from that of other old descendants.

Let's put it this way.

Unlike the old descendants of other sequences, they feel like they have reached the sky in one step every time they are promoted.

The promotion of the alchemists of the Turing sequence seems more stable.

It's like there is a bucket in the Dantian.

Daily practice is like adding water to the bucket, and accepting Turing's "initiation" is also like adding water to it... When the bucket is completely full, the bucket will instantly become larger, and the sequence promotion will be completed.

As for what new powers they gain...

Most of them are based on their own magical powers.

If they are lucky, they can also pick up leaks from Master Turing.

"I installed a new 'magic power' for you. I just made it some time ago. This is the only one that has no backup."

"Thank you, Master!"

"I see that the 'magic powers' installed in your Lingluo treasure house are mainly for online fighting, so this time I gave you a new magic power [Demon Seal], which can just make up for your actual combat shortcomings."

Hearing Turing say this, Chen Jing kept thanking him, and from time to time he would blow a few rainbow farts to Turing... But his attention had actually been attracted by the "dimensional core" in front of him.

This thing is different from ordinary people or things.

Transporting into deep space is much more troublesome than imagined.

How to describe this subtle feeling...

When transmitting other "people and things" into deep space, you only need to establish a "grabbing anchor point" on the target, and then throw it back into deep space.

But the "dimensional core" is not like this.

I don't know if it's too heavy or there are other reasons.

In order to send it to deep space, Chen Jing needs to arrange at least hundreds of "grabbing anchor points". This thing is not something that can be created with a thought. After all, he is still wearing the skin of "Huai Jing Zhenjun". If he is not careful, he will expose the breath of deep space, so he can only take it slowly...

Facts have proved.

Turing's prediction of time has always been very accurate.

That is, ten minutes later, Turing's "initiation" was over, and Chen Jing could clearly feel the change in his own breath.

"You should have finished the promotion?" Turing asked worriedly, his tone sounded a little weak, obviously helping outsiders to upgrade the sequence is not an easy thing, "Are there any adverse reactions?"


Chen Jing answered without hesitation, and then arranged the last few "grabbing anchor points" on the "dimensional core".

After making all these preparations, Chen Jing finally relaxed and began to adjust his mentality.

Chen Jing always remembered the words that Mr. Wu said at the beginning.

For example... this body is very fragile. Once the power of deep space is used, or the energy of deep space is actively emitted, this disguise will be completely destroyed.

So Chen Jing did not dare to make too big a move from beginning to end. He could only use his eyes to work, use his eyes to determine the coordinates, and mark them as "grab anchor points" one by one...

"I feel that the energy stored in my body is more than a hundred times more than before, and the fire in the Dantian furnace is burning more and more vigorously... Master, if it weren't for your help, I might not be able to break through the limit of sequence six in the past ten years."

"I didn't help you much." Turing smiled, "All this comes from your efforts and your talent, so you don't have to always feel that you owe me something..."

"I do owe you a lot."

Chen Jing sighed helplessly, and his right hand slowly clasped the exposed corner of the 'dimensional core'.

"Master, I owe you so much that I feel like I can't pay it back..."

"Then I won't pay it back."

Turing smiled nonchalantly, and just when it was about to persuade Chen Jing not to be so distant, in an instant, the "dimensional core" on the altar disappeared, and Chen Jing also disappeared in an instant, leaving Turing with a dull expression standing there.

Chapter 797 Light in the Dark Universe (Part 1)

"You said you wouldn't pay it back... It's not that I don't want to pay it back..."

When Chen Jing instantly escaped into the "deep space", he was still mumbling to himself in his heart. Although he was always determined to kill Turing, it was undeniable... He was a little embarrassed to play Infernal Affairs to this extent.

But there was nothing he could do about it.

Turing played too well.

Not only did he seal the doors of the Hanging City, but he also sent the entire city to the depths of the universe beyond the starry sky. Moreover, this guy also knew that the "Dimension Core" was an important prop for his promotion, and he always guarded it tightly.

So there is no way.

He can only play dirty.

Moreover, this is also the way out that the "Supreme One" and "Mr. Fog" have found for themselves, and under the current situation, there is probably only one way out except for plundering, so there is no choice...

Do you feel guilty about Turing?

Not really.

Just a little embarrassed.

Although from the perspective of the "Supreme One", all this is what Turing deserves. The last time it teamed up with the Creator to cheat and got Gehro to the surface world... So this is the punishment for them!

But having said that, Chen Jing was indeed a little embarrassed, especially when he heard Turing calling him his apprentice, seeing its pitiful appearance with great effort, it was like an old man who entrusted all his expectations to his younger generation.

Well... I'm a little embarrassed.

But you still have to die.

I can't sleep if you don't die...

Returning to the familiar "deep space", Chen Jing subconsciously stretched, and then his movements froze, looking at this strange "hometown" motionlessly, with question marks written all over his head.

"Is this... mutated?"

At this moment.

The "deep space" in front of Chen Jing is no longer the "deep space" he is familiar with.

This is no longer the dark universe. A colorful and strange light is flying freely in the "deep space" like a meteor. It is the "dimensional core" flying at a very fast speed!

As soon as it came here, it seemed to be alive, and its body was covered with bright light. It kept turning back and forth at various weird angles, leaving one straight tail after another in the dark universe.

These trails of strong light never dissipated.

For a moment, the entire deep space universe seemed to have turned into a piece of black drawing paper, and the "dimensional core" flying at high speed was like a brush dipped in paint, smearing it frantically to change the background color of the drawing paper.

In just a few seconds, the scenery that Chen Jing saw was completely changed. Whether it was the empty areas in the universe or the stars that emitted strange colors or were lifeless, they all turned into the color of the "dimensional core".

That color was very strange, as if it also had the unspeakable characteristics of the "deep space strange colors". Even though Chen Jing had been promoted to Sequence 7, he still couldn't accurately describe what kind of color it was.

He could only come up with a vague description.

But that was also one of the characteristics of the "dimensional core".

"This is the color of life..." Chen Jing looked at the "dimensional core" that had already flown to the other side of the universe, and there was only this evaluation in his heart.


This is the original color of life.

Although he couldn't accurately describe this strange color, he could feel it... This colorful and strange color is the embodiment of life and the symbol of the source of life. As long as he sees this brilliant color, anyone can feel the overwhelming vitality!

"Good luck."

Hearing the voice beside him, Chen Jing nodded subconsciously.

"Well, good luck, but I feel a little... Why are you here!??"

Because the scene in front of him was too shocking, Chen Jing was stunned for a while and didn't realize that there was an acquaintance next to him.

When he reacted, the person next to him had already sat down.

"Sister Wu, you feel at home." Chen Jing looked at her with amusement.

"I thought you would have to toss for a year or two. It seems that I underestimated your luck." Mr. Wu ignored Chen Jing's courtesy and sat lazily in the void beside Chen Jing, "But you'd better speed up. Time waits for no one."

"Isn't this fast enough?" Chen Jing asked in confusion, as if he realized something, and asked hurriedly, "Is there something wrong with Kakosha?"

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