"No." Mr. Wu spread his hands, "Everything is normal in Kakosa. During your absence, they have recruited many believers from the other world. The main city has also begun a second expansion. It is developing really well and has a bright future. A bright light."

"That's good..." Chen Jing breathed a long sigh of relief. For him, Kakosa was his hometown, so it was a lie to say he wasn't worried. It wasn't until he heard the answer given by Mr. Wu that he slowly felt relieved. Come.


Mr. Wu turned his head, glanced at Chen Jing strangely, and then shook his head.

"I feel bad."

"..." Chen Jing didn't know what to say for a moment. Although he wanted to kick this self-indulgent creator to death, he thought about it and endured it. After all, from a certain point of view, this could be regarded as "one of his own" .

"Your enemies are not in the other world." Mr. Wu said softly, "So how the other world develops has nothing to do with you. Those guys should be the ones who need your attention."

"You mean...the Creator Clan?" Chen Jing asked tentatively.

"Yes." Mr. Wu nodded, looking away from Chen Jing and looking at the gradually brightening deep sky in front of him. "They have been very strange recently. They have been too low-key. This is not a good sign."

"Did you discover something?" Chen Jing asked tentatively.

"In order to ensure fairness... ah, as fair as possible, the 'Supreme One' has blocked my perception of the outside world." Mr. Wu raised his finger and pointed to the sky and said calmly, "Before I was blocked, I had already noticed Some of the aura of old acquaintances has disappeared.”

"Those fellow Creators of yours?" Chen Jing looked thoughtful.

"Who else could it be but them?"

Mr. Fog laughed, with disdain in his words.

"Those guys are not emperors in red, so their aura is easy for me to detect, just whether they are near or far away. In short, the perception feedback is quite clear... But just two days ago, their aura disappeared,' The Most High' also blocks my perception of the outside world, and the explanation for this is to be fair."

Hearing this, Chen Jing's face suddenly became solemn, because he had already guessed some "possibility" that he least wanted to encounter.

"You should also know what happened to you, right?" Mr. Wu said with a half-smile, "That superior existence blocked the Creator's perception of us, so we were lucky enough to be able to pull off a 'big job'... Now It’s the other way around.”

Chapter 798: Light in the Dark Universe (Part 2)


It's the other way around.

Offense and defense have changed.

The ones who were unlucky before were them, those unreasonable creators, but now the unlucky ones...maybe they are themselves!

"Wait, wait for me to take care of you." Chen Jing covered his head and muttered to himself with an ugly expression, "I have always felt that the 'Supreme One' is on our side, and there should be no reason for Him to kill him. Us?"

"Who gave you this illusion?" Mr. Wu asked funnyly, "I admit that the 'Supreme One' is more partial to you, but He always yearns for fairness in his heart, and He wants to see you kill him in the fierce biological competition. Survive the siege, instead of being escorted by Him to destroy the entire Creator clan..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Mr. Wu smiled and shrugged, and his tone gradually turned into gloating. He seemed to have almost forgotten that he and Chen Jing were a grasshopper on the same rope. If Chen Jing really died, he would also suffer great misfortune. .

"Are you laughing your ass off?" Chen Jing glared at Him and said angrily, "You are happy to see me unlucky, right?"

"Otherwise?" Mr. Wu spread his hands, "Whether I am happy or not, you will definitely be in bad luck, so I might as well be happy. Maybe this optimistic attitude can help us succeed!"

As he said that, Mr. Wu raised his hand and knocked on his head.

"You humans have a saying... People who love to laugh will not have bad luck?"

"Can you learn something better!" Chen Jing said angrily, "Stop playing humor with me at this juncture!"

"Anyway, this is the specific situation." Mr. Wu lay bored in the void, with his hands on the back of his head and his legs crossed, as if it had nothing to do with him. "According to my analysis, the reason why the 'Supreme One' If you help those creators, it’s probably because you’re progressing too fast.”

"This is none of my business???" Chen Jing was stunned for a moment, with a puzzled look on his face, "How did you come to this conclusion???"

"Does this need analysis? Isn't it obvious?" Mr. Wu asked, "From the beginning to the end, the 'Supreme One' wants to control the winning rate of both of you to about 50%. Whoever has a higher winning rate, He will Try every means to get it, and it would be even better if someone cheats, taking this opportunity to directly lower your winning rate..."

"Your statement... sounds quite reasonable..." Chen Jing knelt down with a grimace and looked at Mr. Wu thoughtfully. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this matter was a bit subtle, "I seem to be saying this. I've heard it somewhere, it sounds familiar..."

"Huh?" Mr. Wu showed a hint of curiosity, "Where have you heard of it?"

"On the Internet." Chen Jing whispered, "I used to like playing online competitive games, but then I stopped playing them. Do you know why?"

"Why?" Mr. Wu asked curiously.

"Just because I encountered the kind of sanctions you mentioned, as soon as my winning rate was high, they tried every means to mess with my winning rate. When my winning rate dropped, they allowed me to enjoy a few smooth waves, pulling me back and forth... "

Speaking of this, Chen Jing was a little angry, but he quickly realized that now was not the time to complain about these old events.

"I understand what you mean. The 'Supreme One' now wants to balance the odds between us, but what means will He use to balance it this time... Do you have any clues?"

Chen Jing looked at Mr. Wu, still holding a glimmer of hope in his heart. After all, this guy is also the Creator. Although he is being chased like a dog now, his knowledge is definitely better than his own...

"Brother? You ask me about this?" Mr. Wu asked in surprise, with a look of you think too highly of me, "Didn't I tell you that my perception of the outside world has been blocked, and the 'Supreme One' directly threw me into the deep space without giving me a chance to react. Where the hell is there a clue?"

"...That's right." Chen Jing sighed and held his head depressed, "I thought I was You are going to be lucky. Everything you did in the Hanging City went smoothly before, and now you can be promoted to the sequence immediately. Isn’t this the template for a Jedi comeback... "

"So, the 'Supreme One' underestimated your luck. He didn't expect you to be promoted so quickly, so he could only intervene forcefully... to barely increase the winning rate. "Mr. Wu smiled and then looked at Chen Jing, "Tell me about your experience in the Hanging City, and let this creator help you analyze it. "

"Okay. "

Chen Jing glanced at the deep space star field in front of him, only to find that the "dimensional core" had completely disappeared from his sight... If nothing unexpected happened, it should have gone to other places to "paint" until the entire deep space turned into its color, and then it would stop.

Seeing that the promotion sequence could not be rushed, Chen Jing patiently talked to Mr. Wu about his experience in the Hanging City...

"By the way, you have made an indispensable contribution to my smooth progress in the Hanging City." Chen Jing did not hesitate to express his gratitude, "The body you found for me is so useful!"

"Is it so useful?" Mr. Wu was stared at with such gratitude by Chen Jing, and was a little confused for a moment, "I just randomly picked one that meets the requirements. You are so lucky?"

"Hey, you don't know, when I first entered the Hanging City, it was just..."

When Chen Jing began to talk to Mr. Wu about the past of Infernal Affairs, in the inner world outside the deep space, in the [Turing Tower] of the Hanging City.

Turing was almost crazy.


Three minutes ago.

Turing was still floating in the same place in a daze, and the head composed of countless pixel blocks was motionless, and it kept flashing as if it was stuck... Yes, it has not recovered from the accident of its apprentice disappearing from the world.

In just a moment.

The apprentice disappeared.

The "World Hub" on the altar also disappeared.

Although it felt a very familiar breath at the moment when the apprentice disappeared, the violent impact of reality made it a little slow to recover for a while, and it just thought that something had happened to the apprentice.

Was there something wrong with the "initiation method"? !

Or did the "dimensional core" break away from the restriction and attack the contactor? !

No... it doesn't seem to be the case.

The breath just now was clearly... the breath of deep space! ! !

"Chen Jing? ! ! "

Turing reacted in an instant, but its reaction was not completely correct, at least it was wrong at this stage.

"He should still be Sequence 7 now! How did he invade here?!"

Turing was furious and desperate, because he knew very well what the consequences would be if the "World Hub" was taken away.

"I set up so many restrictions in [Turing Tower]... It's impossible for him to sneak in without triggering it... How did this guy get in?!!"

Chapter 799 They Will Witness My Promotion (Part 1)

"So... you fooled that guy?"

"Of course!"

Chen Jing sat cross-legged next to Mr. Wu, and couldn't help showing a smug expression when talking about this.

"Turing is almost open-hearted to me, which makes me feel embarrassed..."

"That's right."

Mr. Wu suddenly clapped his hands, as if he had discovered something, and his tone became excited.

"This 'dimensional core' is the key to your promotion. Before you get it, the 'Supreme' should have determined that you can get it, so during that time period... I was thrown in!"

Hearing what Mr. Wu said, Chen Jing nodded silently, thinking that this guy's analysis was quite reliable.

"So you don't have to worry about Turing anymore." Mr. Wu said suddenly, and Chen Jing was stunned with just one sentence.

"I wasn't worried about it in the first place." Chen Jing asked in confusion, "When I get promoted to Sequence 8, won't it be easy for me to deal with Turing?"

"I mean, you need to worry about those guys." Mr. Wu said in a deep voice, and every word he uttered was solemn. "In the eyes of the 'Supreme One', Turing is no longer a threat to you, so if you want to lower your 'win rate', you can only start with others."

"In fact, He can also choose Turing." Chen Jing frowned and said, "According to Turing, it is only one month away from being promoted to Sequence 9. If my promotion process is long and it is promoted smoothly, then even if I go out, I still can't beat it."

"But you can run." Mr. Wu whispered, "This is your biggest variable, and the only trump card that can prevent you from a disastrous defeat after your win rate is lowered."

"...I don't know."

Chen Jing shook his head, his expression a little confused.

"Actually, I don't know how strong I will be after being promoted to Sequence 8, but I feel that Sequence 9...the kind of realm that even the Yellow King dreams of, is definitely not something I can defeat at Sequence 8."

As he said that, Chen Jing couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"You said I can run, but what if I can't?"

"That makes sense!" Mr. Wu touched his chin and said loudly, "Maybe what the Creator has prepared is a backup plan left by the 'Supreme One' for you. Its main function is to block your retreat. Turing is the killer move that lowers your winning rate.”

"Anyway, there are two dead ends prepared for me. Either I advance slower than Turing and will be killed by it when I get out, or I am faster than Turing, but the Creator is waiting to kill me..."

Chen Jing sighed helplessly, leaned back, and lay carelessly in the void.

"I don't know why, but I always have a feeling...this exam is almost over."

"You can let it end now if you want."

When Mr. Wu said this, Chen Jing suddenly caught a glimpse of a stream of light approaching them quickly. It was the "culprit" that had "polluted" the deep space completely...

"Crush it." Mr. Wu said calmly, "As long as the exam is over, you will not face any risks anymore, because according to the rules set by the 'Supreme One', as long as this exam is over, you will There is no need to take any more risks, He will send you to a safe place.”

Chen Jing smiled noncommittally and said nothing.

"You, an inferior creature, still don't believe me!" Mr. Wu cursed impatiently, "It's like this in every exam! Even if you have a problem with the Creator tribe, they won't dare..."

"It's different." Chen Jing sighed.

Although Mr. Wu's words were very beautiful, in the past, Chen Jing might not be able to help but feel moved after hearing them, but now that he has experienced so much, Chen Jing has understood... The Creator Race will laugh at him because of the rules. Grudge?

If he is not a sequence creature in deep space, then of course it is possible. After all, the Creator is not a "small-minded" creature. With the "Supreme One" watching them, they really don't dare to mess around.

But the problem is...

Chen Jing's sequence is too special.

without any exaggeration.

This is a path to the kindred of the "Most High".

As long as you follow this path of advancement to the end, you will be able to transform into that supreme existence...

Beyond the Creator.

It also surpasses all mortal creatures in this universe.

It also surpassed the "Emperor in Red".

"There are two sequential roads in deep space. One is King Huang's old road, and the other is my current road."

Chen Jing just raised his hand, and the shining ball of light rushed towards him quickly. I don't know if it was contaminated by deep space. The volume of the "dimensional core" was larger than before, and its diameter expanded to dozens. Rice is like a translucent irregular crystal.

It listened very much to Chen Jing.

Like Chen Jing's most loyal family member, they maintained a suspended posture when they came to Chen Jing, waiting for the master's close contact.

"If I were to follow the old path of the Yellow King, I would only be Sequence Nine in the end, so what you said may come true. The Red Emperor and the others might really be able to let me go, but it's a pity that I'm not taking that path. …”

The moment Chen Jing raised his hand to touch the "Dimension Core", he immediately understood what he should do.

"I'm walking on an endless road, and it's also a dead end. Until now... I can't turn back."


Chen Jing's voice became blurry when he spoke.

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