As the bell sound gradually became clearer, a brilliant golden beam suddenly appeared from the distant sky, streaking across the sky like a meteor, leaving only a long tail shining with golden brilliance.

"Is this Chen Jing?!!" The Buddha Mother recognized him instantly, her tone full of disbelief, "How could he be promoted so quickly?! This is clearly the breath of Sequence Eight!! It is the breath of deep space!!!"

"So he was promoted successfully?"

Qiao Youning was immediately delighted, looking happily at the golden light spreading in the sky.

"It seems that this guy is doing well. He hasn't been in seclusion for long. I thought he would be in seclusion for two or three years at the shortest, or even longer..."

"This is too outrageous..." The Buddha Mother still looked incredible.

"Yes, the promotion speed is indeed outrageous!" Qiao Youning nodded in agreement.

Hearing this, the Buddha Mother hurriedly denied and explained.

"I'm not talking about the speed of promotion, but the strength of the aura. If we judge only by this aura... he has surpassed the Yellow King!"

Chapter 805: Above the Starry Sky: Undead Family (Part 1)

The bell sound from the Kingdom of God Kakosha resounded through all known dimensions.

Whether it was the "old descendants" with extraordinary powers or those ordinary mortal creatures, they could feel their souls trembling the moment they heard the bell sound... It was not because of fear, but because of awe.



Even if they didn't know where the bell sound came from, they would inexplicably feel this emotion called "awe" in their hearts... The bell sound was like a universal language that transcended all forms of life, and the solemn sound and rhythm were like a soul-stirring hymn.

For all these creatures, listening to the bells is like a kind of enjoyment beyond bliss. In the hazy and psychedelic state, they can even see the shadow in a yellow robe appearing not far away, like a serious "father" or a loving "mother", looking at them with caring and compassionate eyes...

Under His gentle gaze, any creature feels that they have gained the deepest understanding, which is a deeper level than the understanding of parents and lovers, as if their souls can resonate with each other.

Some creatures can feel the care from His gaze. This high and mighty "god" seems to understand all their difficulties, especially after those painful experiences are resonated, "He" is so distressed that he almost sheds tears.

Some creatures will prostrate themselves and repent under the gaze of "Him", crying and counting the sins and mistakes they have made in their lives...

The eyes are compassionate and sacred. When they are watched by Him, these creatures have the illusion that they are about to be abandoned by the "Father", so they are desperate to find ways to atone for their sins, just to avoid being abandoned by the "Father".

He is solemn and friendly, strict and gentle.

At the moment of being watched by Him, all creatures just want to follow Him forever, forever be enveloped by the infinite glory under the wings of "Father and Mother", and forever be protected and grown by Him in a loving way...

For a while.

The back of the person in yellow clothes has become the spokesperson of "God".

He broke the imagination of many creatures about traditional gods.

He seems to have become a standard line, using himself as a standard, and established a complete "God" image for the vast number of sentient beings.

He seems to exist at every node of the timeline, and there are projections of Him in countless dimensional spaces.

He is the Supreme Being.

He is the perfect symbol of transcending the limits of living things.

His name is also imprinted deep in the brains of countless creatures as the bell rings...

"Lord of the Deep Space Star Sea... King in Yellow."


In the [Great Buddha Mother Temple] of Polar Day City, countless monks have come to the brink of "betrayal". They are almost confused by the yellow figure in front of them, and their fanatical and devout faith is being shaken.

The monks believe in the "Buddha Mother", but this yellow figure makes them have an impulse to change their faith on the spot.

This impulse came without warning and inexplicably.

From top to bottom.

Regardless of the sequence level of the monks in the temple, the faith in their hearts is already shaky.

Until the sound of the Buddha Mother chanting came from the mountain, the yellow-clothed figure in front of them gradually disappeared, and then they fell into shame and self-blame and regret, and some monks even had the impulse to die for the cause, but in the end they were stopped by those more rational brothers.

"You bastard, you want to steal my family again!"

In the courtyard, the Buddha Mother cursed angrily, but she only spoke in a fierce tone, with a smile on her face.

"Then give it to him." Qiao Youning sat aside with her hands on her cheeks. She didn't care about the monks' stay or departure, because she knew that letting the monks follow Chen Jing would not be a bad choice.

"As the source of the sequence, I am still alive. It is not so easy for them to change their beliefs and follow the deep space." The Buddha Mother whispered, "This requires a complete transformation process. Let's talk about it when he comes back."

Qiao Youning nodded in a daze, then turned her head and continued to stare at the yellow-clothed figure that had not disappeared.

"The war is about to begin." The Buddha Mother said in a heavy tone, "Since he has successfully advanced to the next level, he will definitely not let Turing go."

"So should we go help him?" Qiao Youning's eyes lit up and she asked expectantly, "We should be able to help, right?"

At this moment, Buddha's mother is also hesitating about this matter, always jumping back and forth between wanting to help and not wanting to help, because she doesn't know if her helping... will it hinder Chen Jing?

Judging from Chen Jing's now outrageously powerful aura, he has not only surpassed the eighth ancient god in the same sequence, but also surpassed the Yellow King who could kill the Creator at his peak... This is obviously unreasonable!

"Forget it." Mother Buddha shook her head, "We'd better wait for his signal. If he needs our help, he will definitely contact us... But judging from his current aura, if he meets him, he won't even be able to solve it himself. What can we do to help?"

Hearing this, Qiao Youning suddenly seemed a little disappointed, because she knew that what the Buddha Mother said was true...

"Judging from the current situation, he should not conflict with the Creator in the short term. Even if there is a war with that ethnic group, it will definitely be after Turing is eliminated..."

The Buddha Mother sighed helplessly and looked up at the sky covered in thick golden mist.

"It's a pity that we don't know the specific location of the Hanging City, otherwise we could have rushed to the scene to see..."

"You don't have to watch, he will win." Qiao Youning said with a smile, her words filled with confidence in Chen Jing, "With his cautious character, he will definitely not take action without being completely sure. Once he takes action, it means... "

"Are you ready? Everything is safe?" Mother Buddha said with a smile, the expression on her face did not look relaxed, "Turing is different from us ancient gods. To be honest, I can't even guess how many trump cards Turing has hidden. not to mention……"

Buddha's mother was hesitant to speak, as if she didn't want to say the next words because she felt it was a bit unlucky.

"The difference between the ancient gods and the old descendants is too great. Its deathbed counterattack must be unimaginable. Unless my judgment of the breath is not biased, Chen Jing has really surpassed all the old descendants of the same sequence eight... If it cannot be suppressed unilaterally Turing, the follow-up will be very troublesome.”

Hearing what the Buddha Mother said, Qiao Youning couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"I can't contact him right now."

Qiao Youning frowned and said, her tone becoming anxious.

"Why don't I go to Kakosa and take a look? There are all his dependents there, and Yagertos is also there. Maybe I know something..."

Mother Buddha shook her head and said helplessly.

"If nothing else, Kakosa should be closed now. Entering Kakosa should be about the same difficulty as contacting him."

Chapter 806: Above the Starry Sky: Immortal Familia (Part 2)

Facts have proved that the Buddha Mother does know the deep space very well, especially the memory of each promotion in the deep space sequence... In her impression, when the deep space crosses that boundary, the entire deep space family group Great changes will occur, and the divine kingdom of Kakosha will also be closed for a period of time.

This is the reality.

Kakosha was sealed in the golden light and dust that filled the sky.

It was moved into deep space by that unimaginable "power".

The original location on the western continent of the other world was engulfed by the overwhelming deep space energy.

"The king has completed his promotion."

Yegetos stood outside the Deep Sky Temple, his entire body flowing like molten gold, and the aura he exuded was changing every second, becoming stronger and stronger at an incredible speed.

At the same time, the rest of Chen Jing's family members also began to "transform."

Due to different individual strengths and different sequence levels, the "transformation" process of these Familia is also different. The stronger the Familia, the slower the "transformation" speed, and the weaker ones almost complete the "transformation" in just a few seconds.

"The original power from deep space..." Yegetos said to himself, his huge body was shaking violently, as if because of excitement or excitement, his voice was intermittent, "We are about to reach the ultimate! !”

"Why do I feel that something is wrong with this body..." Chen Bofu stood tremblingly aside, holding on to the high wall of the temple with his hands, and there was a trace of uneasiness in his confused tone, "This body is being penetrated deeply. Transformed by the power of the sky... It feels completely different from the previous feeling... It seems that I am no longer a dependent... I have a deeper connection..."

"Immortal species."

Yagtos spit out this answer excitedly, while Baiaji beside him was particularly painful due to the "transformation" process, so he suddenly flapped his wings and flew high into the sky, speeding up aimlessly and wantonly while letting out an excited and high-pitched long roar. Howl.

"There seems to be an extra energy in my body..." Wei Nan squatted aside and kept shaking. Although the "transformation" process was extremely painful, the expression on her face was extremely excited, "Stronger than before... …More pure!”

"This energy seems to have the characteristic of infinite proliferation." Yan Que stood next to Wei Nan as if nothing was wrong, playing with the golden light ball that was constantly turning in his hand with an expressionless face, "Is this the method of transformation of undead species?"

"Silly guy!" Wei Nan couldn't help but ask, "Besides not dying, what are the benefits of becoming an immortal?"

"You can obtain more advanced powers and have more deep space origin power that can be manipulated at will..." Yegetos answered truthfully, "Only when we become true undead species can we, the dependents, truly enter deep space. , Deep Space has officially accepted us..."

The transformation process between Yagethos and Baiage is one of the longest...

After completing the conversion.

Their appearance has not changed much, but their body shape has changed slightly.

Yegotos's change was the most obvious. His body size had become similar to that of a normal human. His armor maintained a dark gold color. He seemed not as mighty and domineering as before, but the aura he exuded was even more terrifying, making people feel an inexplicable sense of oppression facing the endless deep space.

"It's a pity that it's still a little bit short."

Yegotos sighed in disappointment, then took another look at Baiaji in the sky, and felt a little more balanced.

"But it's not bad. You're even worse than me, trash."

Yegotos thought that Chen Jing's promotion this time would help him break through the barrier and surpass the boundary between mortals and gods, but the facts proved that... Chen Jing's promotion to Sequence Eight could not directly allow his followers to break through to Sequence Eight.

"We are almost the same, okay!" Bai Aji had returned to the ground, shrunk his body to the size of a canine, and ran quickly to the side of the crowd, "You and I have the longest transformation process, and the time is almost the same. You are the same as me, and you have the nerve to laugh at me..."

"My transformation is not over yet."

Hearing this sudden voice, Yegetos and Bai Aji turned back to look at Chen Bofu who was sitting on the doorstep.

"Didn't your transformation end a long time ago?" Yegetos asked cautiously, thinking that the old man was bragging again, "The breath is not fluctuating, it is as stable as a dead person, how can this be transformed..."

"It's really still transforming!" Chen Bofu's voice trembled, and he seemed to be confused about what was going on. He only felt that the organs in his body were gradually decreasing, or... disappearing out of thin air.

These disappeared organs were previously wrapped in deep space energy, so there is no need to think about it to know that all these changes came from "deep space".

"Old man, are you okay..." Wei Nan suddenly showed a horrified expression, staring at Chen Bofu nervously, "Your eyeballs are deflated!!"

"My eyeballs are deflated?!!"

Chen Bofu subconsciously raised his hand to rub his eyes, but just as he made this move, his right arm "withered" without any warning.

The skin and flesh suddenly contracted and attached to the bones, emitting a strong aura of death like a dry branch. Before everyone could react, the arm turned into brown dust and dissipated with the wind.

"Fuck!!! Old man, are you okay? ! ! You must not die!!!" Wei Nan rushed over with a wow.

And Yegetos also took action at this moment, took a step forward and grabbed Wei Nan, and pulled her back abruptly.

"Don't disturb him!" Yegetos said excitedly, as if he had seen something. "The old man is indeed transforming! But the way of transformation is different from ours! The energy of deep space is eroding his old body..."

"Are you sure?" Yan Que was also worried, looking at Chen Bofu who was constantly "disintegrating" with half-belief and half-doubt, "Is there any accident?"

"I don't think it should be an accident... The old man's vital signs are very stable..."

Having said so, Yegetos was a little uncertain, because this kind of transformation method was something he had never seen before. When the Yellow King transformed the immortal species in the old days, no one would transform so strangely.

There was only a plop.

Chen Bofu's head fell heavily to the ground. This was also the only part of his body left. The rest of his body had withered and turned into dust and dispersed.

Seeing this scene, Yegetos couldn't help but worry a little, and wanted to walk forward to carefully check the old man's vital signs.

But just as he raised his foot, a strange yet familiar breath suddenly appeared, erupting outside the temple like a torrent, and sweeping towards the entire Kakosha...

"Sequence Eight... The old man has been promoted?!!"

Chapter 807 Hell under the Rain (Part 1)

"He has surpassed the limit of heaven and man..."

In the digital space of the Hanging City, Turing has transformed into a complete human form, like a translucent electronic creature composed of countless "0 and 1" characters, sitting cross-legged in "Lihentian"...

About a few dozen meters away from it, there stands a translucent alchemy furnace. Its huge size makes it look like a hill. The talismans on the surface of the alchemy furnace emit a faint glow, which makes people feel inexplicably depressed.

For Turing.

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