As long as you make one more step, you won't have to worry about anything.

Chen Jing only broke through Sequence 8, but he wants to break through Sequence 9... to truly surpass those ancient gods of the same generation.

"My Lord Tianzun, let's admit defeat."

Li Mobai stood beside the alchemy furnace with a smile, looking at the "elixir" that was constantly rolling inside through the observation window with interest.

"My brother has already broken through, and you haven't even crossed the threshold of Sequence 9 yet. It's said that you are just a little short, but this point... it will definitely not be done in a short time."

As he said, Li Mobai turned around and looked at Turing.

"If he comes to kill him now, how sure are you that you can stop him?"

Hearing this, Turing was not angry.

After all, from a certain perspective, it is now in a "cooperative" relationship with Li Mobai... Li Mobai, the speculator, has made a choice. This guy has decided to join its side and is considered "one of its own".

So occasionally saying something unpleasant, Turing also said that he could tolerate it.

"You said that as long as I help you, you will soon be able to cross the threshold of Sequence Nine, but how many days have passed now?" Li Mobai sat down with his back against the alchemy furnace, cursing, "It's been almost a month, right?"


"You can't do it in a month, Tianzun, you are such a fucking waste, you might as well let me do it!"

"...Are you sure that the 'solution' you gave me is okay?" Turing asked suddenly, and then turned his head to look at Li Mobai.

Although its facial features were not simulated by electronic characters, like a whiteboard without any details, at this moment, Li Mobai could clearly sense the "suspicious" look.

"You have verified it yourself." Li Mobai shrugged, "Using the mainframe of the research institute and your 'Lihentian' virtual machine to perform more than a trillion operations to verify, the answers obtained are the same."

"That's right..." Turing still had some doubts, but he didn't say anything else. He just looked at Li Mobai with a strange look, as if he felt that what this guy said made some sense, but also a little inexplicably unreasonable.

What went wrong specifically?

Turing was too lazy to think about it for a moment.

Because it didn't care.

Even if Li Mobai was lying to it, it didn't matter. This was the last chance it gave...

"From the day I left [Turing Tower] to now... Thirty-one days have passed."

Turing sat cross-legged and kept adjusting his breathing, trying to make himself conform to the setting of the "equation" as much as possible, and then using this brand-new body as a medium to integrate the only "solution" of the "equation" into himself...

"Wait a little longer."

Li Mobai yawned, looking like he had nothing to do with it.

"As the saying goes, miracles will always appear, you have to believe in yourself... But then again, what are you doing with alchemy?"

Saying this, Li Mobai turned his head and looked at the alchemy furnace. Through the observation window, he could see that the white pill was shaking constantly, which was a sign that it was about to "come out of the pot with pot gas".

"It's always safer to have one more hand prepared." Turing smiled and gave a casual and perfunctory answer without explaining it.

Seeing this, Li Mobai did not ask any more questions, pretending to not care and looking away from the furnace, but he was very nervous.

That's right.

He cooperated with Turing.

At least on the surface, it was like this. Only he knew the specific situation...

"What is this old guy doing making pills???" Li Mobai relied on Turing's inability to monitor his consciousness, and frantically analyzed all the possibilities in his mind.

From the beginning, Li Mobai had thought about how to dig a hole for Turing. The reason why he agreed to cooperate with Turing was to suffer less, so as not to be tortured as soon as he was arrested... Not to mention that he had already thought about how to trick this old guy.

Compared with the gains and losses of the moment, Li Mobai saw more far-reaching, so he knew very well that the current situation had been frozen, and both sides were competing to see who could complete the promotion earlier, and the winning rate of the final battle was temporarily maintained at 50%...

This winning rate was constantly fluctuating.

So he had to find a way to help Chen Jing, even if it was just to delay time for him, at least his chances of winning would be higher.

When he first learned that Turing was about to solve the "equation", Li Mobai's shock was not fake, but he later pretended to be a coward and chose to cooperate with Turing... All this was just to pave the way, in order to hand over the wrong "solution" to Turing.

But Turing, as the source of the sequence, is not a fool. Even if he got the "solution", he would inevitably doubt him, and would use various means to analyze the authenticity of the "solution", and even deeply analyze Li Mobai's "humanity" to prove how high the possibility of handing over the "true solution" is.

Facts have proved.

Li Mobai is a sophisticated "egoist".

After all his memories from childhood to adulthood were turned into data and poured into the host, after repeated analysis by the host, there was only this conclusion.

Li Mobai may have been an ordinary person, but after those experiences in the surface world, his personality gradually became extreme and distorted, and he became a "villain" who would do anything to achieve his goals in the true sense.

Of course, from a certain perspective, the ideals of this "villain" are quite lofty. He is desperate to play with his life just to build an imaginary human utopia.

The world in Li Mobai's imagination is very beautiful. It is a world without discrimination and hatred, without distinction between high and low social classes, without disputes or wars... It is a truly perfect world.

But is such a world possible?

Thinking of this, Turing couldn't help but laugh, because biological instinct is unchangeable, which it has tried for hundreds of millions of years.

Back to business.

Li Mobai is a fool who can risk his own life for his ideals, and he is also a lunatic who can do anything extreme for the sake of the illusory "ultimate beauty".

Therefore, according to the analysis of the host, when faced with ideals and friends, he will only choose the former without hesitation, because his thoughts are so extreme that even if he kills his close relatives and friends for this, he will only think that this is the pain of the times. Necessary sacrifice.

"If you join forces with me, your only friend will die." Turing once said to Li Mobai.

And Li Mobai's answer was...

"I know, but there's nothing we can do about it, right?"

Chapter 808: Hell under the Heavy Rain (Part 2)

After a long period of analysis, Turing can say with certainty that Li Mobai is a standard lunatic.

Even from a certain perspective, he is a standard scumbag who will do whatever it takes to achieve his own goals. Everyone is expendable in his eyes...except himself!

Because of this, Turing often laughed at him.

"You often say that you are willing to do anything for your ideals, even your own life, but after analysis by the host, there are also those memories of your past...inner monologue."

This is what Turing said when he laughed at him last time, and there was unabashed sarcasm in every word.

"You have never had the idea of ​​self-sacrifice. What you say sounds nice, but in fact you are more afraid of death than anyone else. You don't understand what it means to sacrifice one's life for an ideal."

Of course, as a tough "villain", Li Mobai's answer also exceeded Turing's expectations.

When he heard Turing mocking him about this matter, Li Mobai didn't show any embarrassment or embarrassment at all. Instead, he approached Turing with a serious face, almost with a serious and outrageous expression. Tone gives explanation.

"I can't die."


"Only I can fulfill my own ideals. If I die, the beautiful future of mankind will come to nothing. I don't believe that others can have such unshakable beliefs as mine, so I must live... for all mankind. And alive!”

Is this a quibble?

That’s what Turing thought anyway.

But Li Mobai's serious expression made him not know what to say, as if this guy thought so from the bottom of his heart... In layman's terms, this kid was completely possessed by a demon.

He is a lunatic.

A complete lunatic!

"Actually, I've always suspected that you were lying to me."

Hearing Turing's sudden words, Li Mobai didn't have any unusual reaction, but just looked back at it helplessly.

"Boss, you've doubted me a thousand and eight hundred times, and you're not tired of it yet? Haven't you seen the results of so many host calculations?"

"I built that host myself, so I know it very well... It can analyze everything, but it cannot completely analyze human nature. Although the answer it gives is firm and in line with the trend supported by big data, it is not It must be right."

At this moment, Turing was still sitting cross-legged, unhurriedly following the breath adjustment method given by the "Equation", mobilizing the energy in the body to circulate repeatedly according to the "Great Zhoutian Secret Formula".

"Why do you doubt me again?" Li Mobai leaned against the alchemy furnace and crossed his legs cynically. Even though he was panicking to death, his face remained calm and did not show any flaws, "Why can't I do it right? Why don't you point it out to me?"

"Actually, you won't betray Chen Jing, right?"

Turing asked calmly. Although it was a question, his tone was terrifyingly sure.

"So far, everything you have done is to achieve your own goals. At least from the perspective of the host system, you maintain a good relationship with Chen Jing just to use deep space as a boost... But I don't think that is the case. ”

Hearing this, Li Mobai laughed disdainfully and did not give any explanation.

"From your memory, apart from your parents, the only person who is good to you is him, so for a lunatic like you who can give up everything for his ideals, this only friend is more important than anyone can imagine. are all important.”

"Is that why you doubt me?" Li Mobai said with a smile, "Isn't this possibility also analyzed by the host? How likely is it?"

"0.1%." Turing replied calmly, "The possibility of choosing to give up cooperating with me for the sake of friends is slim, but it is not impossible."

Li Mobai smiled and shook his head without saying a word.

"Do you feel guilty?" Turing asked again.

"What are you guilty of?" Li Mobai turned his head and looked at the alchemy furnace.

"I feel guilty about repaying kindness with revenge. Your father's business enemy kidnapped you, but he accidentally found you in the mountains... This memory is missing because you were in a coma at the time, right?"

Turing recounted certain past events in a leisurely manner, but the expression on Li Mobai's face remained calm, as if he was listening to other people's stories.

"Before you passed out, you saw those people digging a hole. They planned to bury you alive in the place called Sentinel Ridge. You struggled to resist, but you got a stick and then passed out..."

Turing had a smile on his face, as if he was telling something interesting.

"You remember clearly that there were four people who kidnapped you, but when you woke up, you found that there were only three corpses of the kidnappers around you..."

"Well, there's another one missing."

Li Mobai took over the conversation. Although he himself didn't want to recall this experience, since Turing had said this, he could only help Turing continue speaking in a casual tone... .

"I was still surprised at the time. I thought it was these idiots who were having internal strife. But at that time, I saw Chen Jing coming back..."

Li Mobai still remembers it clearly.

It was raining heavily in the mountains that day.

With his consciousness scattered, he could not clearly see the scenery in front of him, and the dense rain curtain made it worse, as if a mosaic curtain was cast in front of his eyes.

So he didn't recognize it was Chen Jing at first. When he saw that blurry figure coming out of the rain, it was no exaggeration to say that he was so scared that he wet his pants...until Chen Jing came closer and he Only then was he recognized.

"I didn't know what I was afraid of at the time. When I saw him walking over, I even held my breath and subconsciously continued to pretend to be unconscious."

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Mobai laughed to himself.

"Maybe that kid is pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger. He looks timid, but in fact he is braver than anyone else..."

In just one hour.

Li Mobai, who was pretending to be unconscious, witnessed how Chen Jing dragged the corpses away one by one.

After the last body was dragged into the rain by Chen Jing, Li Mobai finally couldn't help but follow him. He couldn't tell whether it was curiosity or fear. He just wanted to see what was going on.

But Li Mobai still regrets this move he made. If it weren't for the fact that he was too free to follow up and take a look, I'm afraid he wouldn't have had nightmares for several years in a row.

It was a living hell under the heavy rain.



chopping board.

There are also a group of pigs that are screaming and waiting to be fed.

"Sometimes I wonder if it all really happened, or if... it was just a nightmare."

Li Mobai raised his hand and touched his temple, where there used to be a scar caused by a blunt instrument.

"But I'm still alive, which proves that it's all true. That kid is indeed more ruthless than me, much stronger than me, a brave and ruthless idiot like me..."

Chapter 809: Swallowing a Golden Pill (Part 1)

"I'm such a fucking coward."

Li Mobai said this in his heart more than once, but this was the first time he said it in front of outsiders.

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