At this moment, Li Mobai is performing extremely fast calculations. His body seems to be unable to maintain a human form, and its limited functions can only supply all the energy to the brain...

In the astonished gaze of everyone, the countless metal cubes that made up his torso began to squirm silently like ocean waves, like a piece of molten iron covering the surface of the earth.

"This ritual is too complicated...I need some time..."

When Li Mobai said these words, everyone saw a complete human brain tissue slowly emerge from this pool of "metal water".

That's Li Mobai's brain.

It is also the storage medium of the "Yuanchu Equation".

"How long will it take?" Chen Jing asked subconsciously.

"have no idea……"

The answer given by Li Mobai made everyone present feel heavier, because they could tell that this was not a joke, and Li Mobai did not mean to deceive everyone, and did not want to give them false hope.

"This ritual is more complicated than I thought. Even if you use equations to calculate... it won't be very efficient."

Li Mobai's brain was like a gray-black metal cast. When he talked about the difficulty of analyzing rituals, a metal filament only as thick as a hair suddenly stretched out from the frontal lobe of his brain.

It was like the paintbrush Li Mobai used to draw blueprints, constantly twisting, extending, and entangled in the air... simulating the ever-improving ritual formations one after another.

"This ritual looks quite complicated... but this place seems to have something in common with some of the deep space rituals in my memory..."

Mr. Shu suddenly squeezed out from the crowd and ran to Chen Jing's side with two legs made of paper cuts.

"This place..." Mr. Shu pointed at the ritual array simulated by Li Mobai and said eagerly, "There are some deep space rituals with extremely complex structures that also use this 'three-hub' method to transform energy. , thus driving the entire ritual..."

"Do you also know about rituals and rituals?" Li Mobai suddenly asked.

"I understand!" Mr. Shu said hurriedly, "From the old days to today, 90% of the rituals have been memorized in my mind, and that... Armitage!"

"I'm coming!"

Hearing Mr. Shu's greeting, Armitage hurriedly held his glasses and ran out of the crowd. Following the old professor was Kturt.

"He also knows rituals very well!" Mr. Shu introduced Li Mobai, "We should be able to help you!"

"And me!" Keturt said anxiously, "In the old days when all the kings came together, I was able to fight the Yellow King back and forth with the power of ritual..."

Keturt was not exaggerating. Although for some reasons, he and the entire Old Sea group have been forgotten by the world, Chen Jing knew very well that this guy's strength should not be underestimated. He was also the only one who could compete with Huang. The old king of arm wrestling.

What's more, regardless of his strength, this guy is indeed proficient in the art of rituals. The entire Sea of ​​the Old Sun is an old descendant who is good at using various rituals. Even an old scholar like Armitage went there specifically. study……

"Okay, then it'll be the three of you." Li Mobai said without hesitation, "No matter how many people there are, I can't carry them. Three is just right..."

As soon as he finished speaking, three more "metal arms" extended from the frontal lobe of Li Mobai's brain. Before Mr. Shu and Armitage could react, two of the "metal arms" directly penetrated their skulls. ...Whether Mr. Book has a skull or not is hard to say, but Armitage was regarded as a candied haws skewer.

"What are you hiding from??" Li Mobai cursed impatiently.

"What are you doing??" Keturt was the only one who successfully avoided the puncture of the "metal arm and foot". Although he didn't know what the use of this thing was, it felt like it wasn't a good thing.

"Data connection line!" Li Mobai couldn't help but want to curse, "How can we have the same consciousness if we don't connect you together?! You... you are hiding!"


Under the signal from Chen Jing's eyes, Keturt gave up his dodge and allowed the metal arm to pierce his skull.

Only for a moment.

These three "external hardware" were brought online by Li Mobai.

"I think if you want to improve this ritual, you must start from the root and calculate the optimal energy running path..."

“The transformation efficiency of the hub needs to be further strengthened.”

"If you strengthen it any further, it will explode! There is no way Black Star can withstand such a huge energy impact!"

"How about changing the operation method? Just replace the hub..."

"If you want me to change my mind, just increase the power and give it a try!"

"If you ask me to tell you that all three of you are stupid..."

Since everyone communicated using the family members' contact information, no one could hear the conversation between the four of them except Chen Jing...

It turns out that in this field of academic research, the four of them (including Li Mobai, the big fool), all have a subtle thing in common.

That's right, when it comes to coming up with ideas, no one accepts anyone else's advice.

They all felt that the other three people were all stupid.

"Can you do something serious..." Chen Jing was so angry that he almost had brain congestion. He couldn't help but forcefully access their "communication channel", "You don't have much fucking time and you're still making noise?!"

"Shut up!" the four of them said in unison.

"What the hell..."

Chen Jing was about to say swear words, but Li Mobai forced them back.

"The hour you calculated just now is not accurate, because we need to analyze and calculate based on the actual situation. You just said that half of deep space must be pushed back to its original state to ensure that you can be promoted to Sequence Nine..."

Li Mobai's tone was very serious, and there was a feeling of gritting teeth and being forced to work overtime between the lines.

"One hour is the time it takes for the Red King to devour the entire deep space, but it only takes half an hour to eat half of it. It only takes half an hour for that guy to drive us into a dead end. As long as thirty minutes pass, you There is no chance for promotion anymore..."

Chapter 870: Origin Equation·Resetting Deep Space (Part 2)

It is no exaggeration to say that after hearing Li Mobai's detailed analysis, Chen Jing was suddenly broken into a cold sweat because he realized that he seemed to have made a mistake...

The Red King does not need to swallow the entirety of deep space.

Just eating more than half of the material space is enough to seal his only way to advance to sequence nine.

"The transformation power of the strengthened hub is obviously not shown. Black Star cannot withstand such a strong energy impact, but we can change the angle..."

Mr. Shu suddenly had a flash of inspiration that filled his heart, and he hurriedly mentioned something.

"Just get a few more hubs!"

"Bullshit." Li Mobai cursed without hesitation, "I would have done a few more hubs if I could! The problem is that they can't be added!"

According to the operating principle of this set of rituals, the Black Star as the hub is not only the eye of the formation, but also the key to the operation of the entire set of rituals. It not only plays the role of converting energy, but also needs to maintain the stability of the entire set of rituals... …

"At the moment when this ritual is started, countless energy pours into the ritual's veins. The black star is like a tuned mass damper in a high-rise building. While converting energy for the ritual, it will continue to move. And rotation, to adjust the energy oscillation frequency inside the ritual..."

Li Mobai said this, his tone getting heavier.

"So the 'hub' is a crucial stabilizer. It won't work if it's too much, and it won't work if it's too little..."

"Why not more?" Armitage suddenly asked, "As long as we adjust the connections between multiple 'hubs' and make these 'hubs' tend to be in a stable state, the energy inside the ritual will not be able to break through. they."

"How to adjust?"

Li Mobai's brain machine was calculating rapidly, and the brain tissue exposed to the air was almost burned red, and bursts of white high-temperature steam filled the air.

"According to my calculations, no matter how cleverly the positions of these 'hubs' are adjusted, the possibility of them being penetrated by energy is as high as 80%. What's more, we can't find a suitable foreign object to serve as a 'hub'. In A Jing's hands, Just a black star..."


Keturt made a prompt decision and stated his plan without any hesitation.

"These energies all come from the source of deep space. They are different from energy in the conventional sense. To put it simply... they have a nature that repels foreign objects. If you want to reduce the possibility of the 'hub' being penetrated, you only need to let It would be nice if they regarded the 'hub' as one of their own."

Hearing Keturt's words, Li Mobai suddenly fell silent and began to calculate quickly according to the plan given by Keturt.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The atmosphere in the field also became more solemn.

Since outsiders didn't know the inside story and couldn't hear their conversation, the old man and the others didn't know what the specific situation was.

"My dear grandson, what's going on?" Chen Bofu approached Chen Jing and asked cautiously, "Why are these guys so silent..."

"Still calculating." Chen Jing whispered, "Just wait a little longer."

Under everyone's puzzled gazes, Ketuart and Mr. Bookman Armitage, after they "connected" with Li Mobai, their entire bodies were gradually enveloped by a sheet of white steam emitting heat, and now they are even more so. exaggerate……

Mr. Shu's open "book page" has gradually emitted a choking smell of burning paper, and Keturt's face turned red, and hot white smoke continued to pour out from his seven orifices. As for Armitage...he There is already a faint smell of barbecue.

Just when Chen Jing was about to remind Li Mobai to take it easy and not burn Old Professor Armitage to death, Li Mobai suddenly spoke.


Li Mobai's tone was very urgent, with a hint of excitement.

"If we use the Deep Space Familia as a 'hardware hub' and reset the ritual context according to the optimization path we just discussed, as long as this ritual can run stably, the energy conversion efficiency can be increased by at least a thousand times... or even ten thousand times. Also a possibility!"

"Yes, a thousand times improvement is a guaranteed minimum estimate, and a ten thousand times increase should be the highest limit, but the stability of this thing is uncertain..." Kturt was still a little worried, and said helplessly, "But at the moment From the looks of it, there is no better optimization direction.”

"The more 'hubs' there are in the ritual, the higher the stability." Armitage's voice was a little blurry when he spoke, and it was obvious that the body could no longer hold on, "But you can only add seven 'hubs' at most. Too...Black Star can’t hold it back.”

While Li Mobai and the others were optimizing the ritual, Chen Jing was always in a state of listening, and each of the blueprints for optimizing the ritual that the four of them were constantly exchanging in their minds passed by Chen Jing's eyes.

So Chen Jing knows very well what this ritual will look like after it is optimized...

Yes, after the orbit optimized by the four of them, the overall structure is extremely similar to some kind of stable celestial system, consisting of a "star" and seven "planets".

The "star" among them is the "black star". It is the only one that has the ability to sit in the center, and as a crucial "hub" in the ritual, it can arbitrarily distribute energy to other "hubs" and has extremely strong traction, which can make the seven "planets" in the ritual run stably according to the planned path.

In short.

The black star is only responsible for rotation traction and energy transportation, while the other seven "hubs" will continue to revolve around the black star according to the planned path to offset the energy agitation and piercing impact inside the ritual.

"A Jing, this is the situation."

After ending this "brainstorming", Li Mobai immediately cut off the connection with the other three people, and also took out the "data line" that penetrated their skulls.

There was nothing wrong with Ketuerte, except that his body temperature was a little high, but he looked like a normal person.

But Mr. Shu and Armitage were obviously a little exhausted. The former fell to the ground and fell into a coma, while the latter was almost 80% dead. If Qiao Youning hadn't acted in time and used the power of the life sequence to perform first aid, Armitage would probably have been reborn again...

"In addition to the black star, there are seven hub positions, but these seven hubs must be held by the deep space clan, and their strength... It is best to be in sequence eight, only in this way is the safest!"

"What about the deep space color?" Chen Jing asked.

"Because the rules of this set of rituals have been optimized by us, the deep space color can be used as a vein, it can serve as one of the hubs." Li Mobai explained, "The deep space color, plus the black star, there are still six missing."

"Then..." Chen Jing hesitated for a moment, and did not give a list directly, but asked, "How safe is this set of rituals?"

"Eighty percent is fine, two percent is completely destroyed." Li Mobai did not hide it, and said directly, "But if you still hesitate, everyone will die... Now we can only bite the bullet and fight!"

"Can I be a hub?" Chen Jing asked.

"You can't." Li Mobai rejected it immediately. "This set of rituals optimized by us needs someone to take charge of the overall situation. Only you can play this role."


Chen Jing looked back at everyone. Although he didn't want others to take risks with him, he had no other choice.

"The deep space clan of Sequence 8...then it's the old man, Ketuart, Dagon, Tejili, Xi, and Youning."

Chapter 871 The Vanishing Stars (Part 1)

Chen Jing had thought about letting Mu and Mr. Wu "go to the front line", but the problem is that they have special identities and are not deep space clans at all...

Li Mobai has made it very clear that if you want to integrate into the ritual and become a crucial "hub", the most basic condition is to have the identity of a deep space clan, plus the strength of Sequence 8.

So after all the calculations, there are only a few people.

Black Star and Deep Space Color, they have cooperated with Chen Jing to perform the ritual before, so the other six are standard "newcomers".

There is no need to say more about the old man.

After being transformed into a deep space clan by Chen Jing, he directly broke through to Sequence Eight in one fell swoop, reaching Li Mobai's standard line with an extremely perfect posture.

Ketuert, Dagon, and Tekili.

The three of them are ancient gods from the old days. They broke through the limit of Sequence Eight billions of years ago. When they fought against the Red King derivatives before, they were "packaged" and transformed into clans by Chen Jing, so it was just right to arrange them to "go to the front line."

As for the ancient god "Xi" of the Western Continent, this guy is also an old man of Kakosha, but he was only recently transformed into a clan by Chen Jing... But in the end, it's time for this guy to play. Since the day Chen Jing met him, this guy has been paddling like crazy. If he doesn't play a role, he will probably be kicked out of Kakosha's team.

The last of the six newcomers... Qiao Youning.

It was a pure accident that she could break through Sequence 8. Even Chen Jing had never thought that she could cross the "biological limit" at such a fast speed. Although the way she broke through Sequence 8 was a trick, and she passed the pass after merging with the Buddha Mother, her strength was real after all, so it also met the standards proposed by Li Mobai.

"So this is to let us team up to go to the front line?" Ketuerte smiled a little hard on his pale face. It was obvious that this guy was used to hiding and was unwilling to show up and take risks from the bottom of his heart.

"What else?" Chen Bofu frowned, without any fear on his face, but the speed at which he smoked half a cigarette in one breath was enough to show that his heart was not so calm. "If you don't fight hard now, you will die sooner or later. You can't understand such a simple truth. Are you still an ancient god?"

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