"You old... boss! Don't speak so harshly!"

Keturt forcefully pulled back the word "thing". He was so retorted by Chen Bofu that he didn't know what to say. Although he wanted to lose his temper, the man in front of him obviously couldn't take it out on him. ...This is the biological grandfather of the King of Deep Space. Who dares to call him an old man?

"Finally I can help you." Xi seemed quite calm, but his voice was trembling slightly. He didn't know whether it was fear, excitement, or nervousness, "I have no objection to this matter!"

"If you have any opinions, you have to come forward!" Chen Bofu was in a depressed mood and would almost always snarl at everyone he met.

"Yes, yes!" Mr. Shu felt relieved at this moment and slowly got up from the ground, "You guys have been hiding in Kakosha paddling! It's time to play your role! Let the guy in the red king Let’s see the strength of this ancient god of the Western Continent!”

"Stop talking..." Xi was so embarrassed that he wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in. He wished he could set Mr. Shu's mouth on fire, "What ancient god of the Western Continent... there is also an ancient god from the Sea of ​​the Old Days here. ...and the old man..."

"Are you just waiting for your grandson to be ready now?" Keturt asked suddenly, looking up at the starry sky, "When he is ready, he can whip us up to use as a target. This is really... I am the same at any rate. A real ancient god has now been reduced to being treated as a trap. "

"Isn't it good to be a formation keeper?" Yegetos acted a little depressed from beginning to end, as if he felt that he was holding back Shen Kong. "If I were also a sequence eight creature, you wouldn't need to tell me, I would be able to do it." You change it."

"And me." Baiage curled up next to Yegetos like a downtrodden wild dog, and spoke in a very dull voice, "Isn't it enough to be qualified to fight alongside my king? Enjoy it secretly!"

Compared to Yagerthos, Baiage was actually the most troubled. After all, it was the deep space undead species that was the first to follow Chen Jing. It has been "fighting openly and secretly" with Yagerthos. It is precisely because of this The reason is...

It didn't want to hold Chen Jing back, and it didn't want others to underestimate its reputation as the number one follower, but the current situation did not allow it to have any objections.

Sequence eight.

This is a chasm that is difficult to cross.

It's okay to cross it, but if you don't cross it... you won't even be qualified to participate in the final battle.

This overwhelming sense of frustration made Baiaji not want to speak, and his mood was extremely low. Yagetos on the side was not much better. He sat with his head sullenly in a daze, and the cross broadsword on his knees was gone. Shine again.

"Ajing won't let us help unless it's absolutely necessary."

Seeing that the atmosphere was so solemn, Qiao Youning opened her mouth to explain to Chen Jing, and then looked at Keturt who looked nervous.

"The time you have spent with him is too short, so you can't say you know him well... In fact, he really doesn't like to cause trouble to others. If he can solve things by himself, he will never trouble the people around him."

"Yes." Li Mobai was also silently preparing at the side, squirming like liquid iron on the surface, "In order to get rid of the trouble of Turing, that kid went to our suspended city to play lurk and work as a spy. He didn’t ask you for help either…”

After hearing what Li Mobai and Qiao Youning said, Keturt stopped complaining and stared at the stars quietly, looking thoughtful.

As Li Mobai and the others said.

Chen Jing is such a person.

Unless absolutely necessary, if he encounters any trouble, he will always face it silently by himself, even if it involves risking his life.

Whether it is the old man who is related by blood, or friends such as Qiao Youning and Li Mobai who have deep feelings, or the family members such as Yegetos who have been following him for a long time... they all need to be "protected" in Chen Jing's eyes. "Object.

That's right.

Chen Jing never cared about "value" from beginning to end. He tried his best to protect Kakosa, his "hometown", but he really couldn't bear to leave them.

For someone like Chen Jing, who has been isolated and isolated since childhood, friends or relatives are really rare. From the bottom of his heart, he is unwilling to let them take risks for him.


Li Mobai suddenly said, and the body like liquid iron gradually rose up and condensed into a human form at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Black Star and Deep Sky Color have been recalled by him, and the coordinates for the first run of the reset orbit have also been locked... Are you ready?"

Chapter 872: The Disappearing Stars (Part 2)

In fact, Chen Jing was very reluctant to accept the "solution" developed by Li Mobai and the others. Although this was the only option at hand, his instinct or subconscious... was still unwilling to let the old man and the others take risks with him.

One life-threatening person is enough.

Now, apart from the Red King, the strongest person is me... If I can't even handle it, what's the use of taking them on an adventure?

Chen Jing's logic has been in an endless loop, although he knows that this idea is unrealistic. Without the help of the old man and the others, trying to push half of the deep space back to its original state as quickly as possible... This is simply not possible. It's possible!

"Xiao Hei, tell me... am I too useless?"

Chen Jing sat cross-legged in the ethereal deep sky, looking at the galaxy in front of him that was locked by the energy of the deep space, stroking the black star that was as big as a ball in his hand, and murmuring softly to himself.

"Father... don't say that..." Black Star's voice was a little unclear. Obviously, as the only hub before, the consumption of its body was extremely terrifying. "You are the greatest existence in deep space... ...It is also the ultimate creature that surpasses the ancient kings...How could it be useless..."

"The sect of all kings, the end of all kings, these are the words that King Huang gave me." Chen Jing sighed, turned over and lay down on the colorful clouds formed by the deep sky, "But now it seems... this doesn't look like What kind of words are you saying...I always feel like I am going to follow the same path of the kings of the past..."

From the day when the Biological Advancement Examination began, to this moment, Chen Jing has encountered the so-called desperate situation more than once... But he still survived, and even broke through the barriers that even the Yellow King could not reach.

What does this mean?

talented? Feeling angry?


Chen Jing is very self-aware. He only thinks that he is lucky and that's all.

But there should be a certain level of luck. Chen Jing doesn't think he can continue to be lucky this time... The risk this time is too great. If there is even the slightest deviation, the entire deep space will come to an irreversible end.

It would be easy to say if the opponent was just an ancient god like Turing. Even if he faced Mr. Mu and Mr. Wu, Chen Jing would not be so desperate. But the problem is that he is the fucking king in red...except for "The Supreme One" ”, the first creature in the universe to break through the limits!

"How are you preparing?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Chen Jing didn't bother to get up. He tilted his head and glanced back, only to see Mr. Wu and Mudu standing there.

"It's still a little bit close." Chen Jing said softly, "When I'm ready, I can pick up the old man and the others."

"I'm sorry that I can't be of any help..." Mu spoke in a somewhat ashamed tone. He wanted to say something more, but he didn't know what to say.

"Don't mention it... you can help me with something!"

Chen Jing seemed to have suddenly thought of something, so he turned over and sat up. Looking at the confused Mr. Mu and Wu, he grinned.

"After our ritual starts running, you will go back to the inner world plane and help me keep an eye on Kakosa. I will give you the right to control the inner world plane and help me take it to escape to the other side of the universe... "

"Afraid of being affected by the battle?" Mu asked.

"Yes, if we fail..." The light in Chen Jing's eyes dimmed, and his voice lowered involuntarily, "You just take the other world and escape with you. You can escape as far as you can. I can still open it." The deep space passage will take you to the outside world..."

"Chen Jing, if you fail, we will still die even if we escape to the ends of the earth." Mr. Wu said with a frown.

"At least I can live a little longer." Chen Jing smiled.

"Are you so unsure of this ritual?" Mu asked in a low voice.

"It's not that I have any confidence... Actually, I quite believe in Li Mobai and the others... But the problem is... I was too lucky before."

Chen Jing sat cross-legged on the shining clouds, with a trace of confusion on his solemn face.

"It's like a trap set by a casino for gamblers. He lets you win from the beginning and keeps winning until you doubt your life. It's like the goddess of luck is always around you, causing you to have delusions and only feel that you are He is the son of destiny, destined to succeed, but in the last game..."

Chen Jing caressed Black Star in his arms, and his voice became lower and lower.

"You put everything around you on the card table as a bet, planning to win a big one and then stop playing, but in the end you lost everything."

"Your idea is too pessimistic."

Mu wanted to comfort Chen Jing, but the reality was that Chen Jing didn't need comfort at all.

"It's not that I'm pessimistic, it's that I figured it out all at once... It's definitely not a good thing to win too much and live too smoothly." Chen Jing murmured, "The 'Supreme One' came to me before and talked to me about destiny. …”

"Destiny?" Mu was startled.

"Yes, what he means is... my destiny is to become a descendant of deep space. When I break through the last hurdle and cross the limit that billions of creatures cannot cross, I can become his clansman and become a descendant of deep space." His relatives, this is my destiny." Chen Jing said.

"Isn't this good?" Mu asked tentatively, "Isn't this a good sign?"

"What about other people's destiny?" Chen Jing looked up at Mu, and his tone became more and more confused, "Now that I calm down and think about it carefully, I find that everything is too coincidental... I can't push half of the deep space away. Back to the original, but Li Mobai and the others can help me.”

"The ritual that Li Mobai and the others have optimized requires eight hubs. In addition to the black stars and the splendor of the deep sky, the old man and the others have just enough..."

Hearing this, Mu was stunned for a moment. She wanted to say something but didn't, because she found that all these things were connected... It seemed to be too much of a coincidence.

"Tell me about Li Mobai again. That kid got his original equation from Turing. When the equation first fell into Turing's hands, the Creator almost destroyed him. In the end, it was the 'Supreme One' who came forward to help him." It was preserved..."

Chen Jing raised his finger and pointed at himself, a trace of suspicion suddenly flashed in his confused eyes.

"I feel that all objective factors are helping me, including the 'Supreme One'. Although that guy talks about fairness and justice, he is always on my side...so you know how I feel. I feel like I’m being controlled by Him!”

"But He just wants to push you up." Mr. Wu said, "It's not like he has any bad intentions towards you. What are you afraid of?"

"No bad intentions toward me, but what about other people?"

Chen Jing turned back to look at the galaxy not far away, and saw that the shining stars were extinguishing one by one. This was a sign that the orbital coordinates were locking it.

"What if He lets others become my stepping stones in order for me to fulfill my destiny..."

Chen Jing's fear of "Destiny" became more and more serious, but it was all based on his analysis and there was no real evidence to prove it, so he had a headache and was helpless.

"Actually, I think 'destiny' is more like a planned destiny. The more difficult the final goal is, the more ill-fated the destiny will be. That may be how the descendants of deep space died..."

"Then what do you mean..." Mu looked at Chen Jing thoughtfully.

"I suspect that the 'Supreme One' has found a way to manipulate destiny... spread out the difficulties in destiny evenly... and let other creatures bear the 'risks' that those with destiny are destined to experience..."

Chen Jing raised his hand and threw the "Black Star" out. He saw the little guy growing in the wind, becoming as big as a star in just a second.

"These are just my guesses, but I can't find any evidence. I just hope that this is all my overthinking and that I am judging a gentleman's heart with a villain's heart... After all, we have no other way to go."

Chen Jing looked back at Mr. Mu and Wu, with a helpless smile on his face.

"You guys go back, the ritual is about to start..."

Chapter 873 The Second Hand of Doom (Part 1)

No way out, no choice.

Chen Jing knew very well what situation he was facing now. No matter how reluctant he was to let the old man and the others accompany him to take risks, the current situation no longer allowed him to hesitate...

Not willing to risk their lives?


It would be better if everyone died together.

At least there is a chance of winning if you give it a try. As long as you are careful, maybe...

"Take care." Mu left these last words, and then took Mr. Wu back to the other world, preparing to help him take care of the world according to Chen Jing's instructions.


Before leaving, Mr. Wu ran over again and patted Chen Jing hard on the shoulder.

"There was a misunderstanding between us before! Now I want to apologize to you! I'm sorry!"

"...Why do you say this as if I am not going to die soon?"

"Oh, I'm afraid I won't have a chance to say it again!" Mr. Wu patted Chen Jing's shoulder again, and then followed Mu without looking back, "Come on, the last heir of deep space..."

After Mu and Mr. Wu left this galaxy, Chen Jing quickly used those positioned coordinates to directly teleport the old man and the others over one by one.

Li Mobai had greeted them before coming, so the old man and the others didn't show much surprise when they were suddenly transported to a strange place.

"Damn it, I'm in the universe..."

Chen Bofu looked around eagerly, looking at the vast vacuum universe in front of him, his old muddy eyes shining with excitement.

"Not all the ancient gods of the old days can escape from the original plane. It seems that I am much stronger than them!"

Compared to Chen Bofu's excitement, Keturt and the other three ancient gods from the Sea of ​​the Old Ones were obviously much calmer. After all, they had been staying outside of time and space for these years, which was between the dimensions of the material universe. It was... like the brilliant scene of twinkling stars around them, which they had seen more than once.

"Is this my position?" Keturt looked back at Chen Jing.

"This is it." Chen Jing nodded, then looked at the others, "I have asked Li Mobai to adjust the call frequency for family members. In an environment where the rules of the dimension are constantly breaking down, our calls should be able to remain smooth. "

"There is no sea water..." Dagon still looks like a mermaid hybrid. The mucus on his body has long been dried, and his scales look wrinkled. "There is no fun in the sea here..."


Although Tejili on the side is not as strong as the first two, its mentality is obviously much better. From the moment it joined the battle with the Red King's derivatives until it was thrown into the vacuum universe as a formation eye... From the beginning to the end, it was... Acting very happy, like a giant black ball of wool bouncing around in a vacuum environment.

"This is much more powerful than the war between kings in the old days..."

Xi also returned to the universe outside the plane for the first time. Looking at the vast sea of ​​​​stars in front of him, he couldn't help but fell into a brief shock. He only found that the so-called Sequence 8 creatures were as insignificant in the universe as dust...

"Ajing, it's okay, don't worry!"

Qiao Youning stood closest to Chen Jing, which was also the "pivot point" that she needed to protect. Although Chen Jing didn't show his inner annoyance, she could still see it at a glance.

"If we all work together, we will be able to overcome this difficulty!" Qiao Youning clenched her fist and waved at Chen Jing, standing there lively, with a bright smile on her face, "Don't worry about us, take care of yourself. Just do it!”

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