
Chen Dingding nodded, and then used the family members' contact method to directly connect point-to-point with Li Mobai.

"We are all ready, your feedback chart over there..."

"Don't worry, it's done!"

In the other world, Li Mobai has completely lost his human form. At this moment, he is like a metal screen made of molten iron. In the complex and changing star map... there are eight red light spots flashing continuously.

Those are the eight deep space family members who entered the ritual and became the "hub".

"They are already in place." Mr. Shu sat in front of the metal screen, staring intently at the eight light spots. "We can let Chen Jing inject energy to start the ritual."


Li Mobai was about to deliver the message to Chen Jing as Mr. Shu said, but he hesitated before speaking.

"There should be no loopholes in the ritual we have optimized, right?" Li Mobai murmured.

"Probably...no?" Mr. Shu's tone of voice was also very uncertain. He raised his hand and touched the two beards he had made with stickers. There was also a trace of worry on his extremely anthropomorphic face, " The specific optimization direction was discussed together, but the success rate of this thing... is up to you alone! If it fails, the problem will definitely be yours!"

"Damn you!" Li Mobai couldn't help but cursed, "Your calculation efficiency is too rubbish. If you don't rely on me to calculate, you will have to calculate until the end of the year of the monkey?"

"Oh, it's actually not that big of a risk. Didn't you say that you have performed the calculation 360 million times? So many times, every time it was a success, and there was no case of failure in the ritual operation..." Mr. Shu saw that Li Mobai was a little confused. He was anxious and immediately spoke to comfort him, "Besides, we should trust Chen Jing. With his help in controlling this ritual, there will definitely be no problem!"

Hearing this, Li Mobai just sighed.

"Yegthos, worship Aggi."


Suddenly being called by Li Mobai, Yegertos and Baiaji who were sitting nearby were a little surprised and looked at him with doubtful eyes.

"If the ritual fails, you must remember...the first thing is not to fight the Red King, but to tear down the book and throw it into the fire."

"Okay." Yegetos replied without hesitation, then he tightened his grip on the Deep Space Holy Sword in his hand, and added calmly, "I will burn the book first, and then kill it with one strike. you."

"...You're not a fucking thing either."

Although Li Mobai cursed like this, he thought about it and added.

"Just chop me to death. They are all dead and I don't want to live anymore... A Jing! Can you hear my voice!"


"Start the ritual."

On the metal screen transformed by Li Mobai, eight red light spots were flashing crazily. As he asked Chen Jing to start the ritual, there were also bursts of weird dull sounds high in the sky.

It was like a sob that was suppressed to the extreme, and like the horn that was blown before the war in the old days.

The battle between deep space and the Red King... begins!

Chapter 874 The Second Hand of Doom (Part 2)

The dull and suppressed sound of the horn resounded throughout deep space. It broke the basic law that sound cannot be transmitted in a vacuum environment, and spread to all planes in deep space without any medium...

at the same time.

The "Reset Ritual" optimized by Li Mobai and the others was also officially launched.

From Chen Jing's perspective, this ritual is very much like a complete celestial system... Everything starts from the black star located at the deepest part of the ritual. When the majestic deep space energy is introduced into it by Chen Jing, The black star that looked like a star began to rotate continuously, and the huge traction force caused the old man and the others to "run" along with it.

Beyond the black star is the splendor of the deep sky. It is an important tether that helps the black star stabilize its traction. If it were not for the existence of this strange creature that can act as a "damper", Chen Bofu and the others would have been destroyed the moment the ritual started. The huge pulling force tore it into pieces.

Beyond the splendor of the deep sky, there is Chen Bofu, followed closely by Keturt, Dagon, Tejili, Xi...

Qiao Youning is on the outermost star track of the ritual. She is different from other "hubs". She is in this special position where she can have a bird's-eye view of the entire ritual. She is also responsible for helping Chen Jing transform the excess escaping deep space energy. .

"here we go……"

Chen Jing looked at the unfamiliar giant ritual in front of him, with unconcealable worry in his eyes.

The first time the ritual was started, that is, the moment the black star's traction force first appeared, Chen Bofu and the others were enveloped by the incoming deep space energy, and in an instant they turned into "planets" composed of gaseous energy. ”, the main body completely disappeared.

The smallest of these "gas giant planets" that evolved from the deep space family is larger than Jupiter in the original solar system, and they are always in a state of constant expansion, and their volumes are also doubling at a speed visible to the naked eye...

Where did the old man and their bodies go?

Is it obscured by these gaseous energies?


Although Li Mobai and the others didn't mention this issue, Chen Jing didn't need to ask, because at the moment when the old man and the others changed, Chen Jing clearly saw...the bodies of these deep space family members were cracked, and they were The deep space energy in the body burst the skin.

At that moment, Chen Jing even heard the muffled groans of old gods such as Ketuert and Xi. It was obvious that they were in extreme pain and could not bear it anymore. However, from beginning to end, the old man and Qiao Youning did not make any sound.

Is it because they are stronger than Ketuert?

Of course not.

They just know Chen Jing too well and know that not making any sound now is the best comfort for him. They all know how soft that guy's heart is...

"Li Mobai, you bastard, why didn't you say it earlier... At least let me prepare myself mentally..." Chen Jing couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

At this moment, the ritual has entered the formal guidance stage.

Black Star, Deep Space Color, Chen Bofu...

The distance between these "hubs" is fixed, but it is always changing. The distance between each other has quickly extended from hundreds of kilometers at the beginning to two light years, three light years...

No matter how it changes, the distance between "hubs" is always at the same standard. They just keep rejecting each other because of their self-expansion.

It only takes a few seconds.

The diameter covered by the ritual exceeds tens of millions of light years...

Although this number is still a little far from the diameter of deep space of 200 billion light years, at least the gap between them can be seen.

"It seems that Li Mobai and his team are quite reliable... They said that they can increase the coverage diameter by ten thousand times... They are really not joking..."

Chen Jing sighed secretly while continuously moving the previously locked stars over long distances...

Based on the marking line of promotion to sequence nine, Chen Jing and his team only need to restore 50% of the deep space, so for those planets with creatures in deep space, this will not pose any threat at all.

Chen Jing's move was just to clear the obstacles on the path, so that those planets with creatures can stay away from this battlefield and go to the edge of the universe where the inner world plane is located.

When the horn sounded more and more deafening, the revolution of all the "gas giant planets" began.

These giant planets transformed by the old man and his team formed a terrifying energy cantilever in the universe, and formed a vertical long line with the "black star" located in the middle of the ritual.

As the "black star" continued to accelerate its rotation, this giant cantilever made of deep space energy also began to revolve around the "black star".

Looking down from Chen Jing's perspective.

This ritual... is like a giant clock.

There is no hour hand, no minute hand, only the second hand is constantly turning.

At first, the "second hand" turned very slowly, but when it reached one-third of the position, the speed of the "second hand" began to accelerate exponentially with the increase of the traction of the black star...

Chen Jing looked at it silently until the "second hand" completed the first circle.

In just a moment.

The material space of tens of millions of light years in radius was distorted in an instant, and began to retreat at a speed that Chen Jing found incredible... Whether it was the basic material structure or the laws and rules, everything was pushed back to the original state in an instant, and everything was immersed in chaos!

This is just the beginning...

After dealing with the first piece of material space that needed to be retreated, this doomsday clock, which used a horn instead of a "ticking sound", began to jump horizontally. With Chen Jing's guidance and the coordinates set by Li Mobai as the direction, it instantly crossed tens of millions of light years to the next star field...

Because the "jumpers" of this jump were too large, they almost tore the original chaos in the process of jumping. The disordered space-time structure was destroyed by them. The chaotic void that passed by became embarrassed and exuded a breath of decay.

It is no exaggeration to say.

The power of this ritual has exceeded the maximum value estimated by Chen Jing.

The chaotic void that can swallow everything and annihilate and assimilate it has almost become a disposable plastic tablecloth with countless holes poked by a child.

"Ah Jing! What's the situation?! I see that you have jumped to the second coordinate point..."

When Li Mobai's voice sounded in Chen Jing's mind, the second round of the second hand had completed a complete circle.

"The ritual runs stably and efficiently. The second coordinate point has been cleared. If this speed can be maintained, we may be able to get ahead of the Red King... By the way! How is that guy now?!"

"He seems to have heard the bell."

"You mean..."

"He is chasing you."

Li Mobai's voice was a little heavy, and there was a warning between the lines.

"And it seems that it is not the clone that is chasing us, but His real body..."

Chapter 875 The Tsunami that Devours the Universe (Part 1)

As the only king of deep space.

The entire deep space is under the control of Chen Jing, so he knows very well what the Red King wants to do now, because he has been observing that madman from beginning to end.

The Red King's physical clone has disappeared, and at this moment, only the real body remains in the deep space...Yes, it is that scarlet tsunami.

That should be the product of some supreme energy, like the foreign seawater that invaded from another dimension. When they first appeared at the edge of deep space, everything they touched changed color...became as red and hot as blood.

At this moment, the Red King's body has no humanoid features, nor biological features, so what exactly is He now?

Chen Jing didn't know what to say.

Perhaps only the "Supreme One" could understand what kind of existence the Red King is at this moment.

The seemingly indestructible deep space dimension that can be infinitely reborn and evolved is riddled with holes under the erosion of the Red King's body. It even loses the chance to heal itself. Everything is swallowed up by the Red King's body and is completely destroyed. Become a part of Him...

Matter, energy, laws, laws.

The King in Red swallows everything.

It can also digest these things that even Chen Jing has difficulty assimilating.

"A Jing! Did you hear what I said?"

"Fuck! Mr. Shu! Is there something wrong with the communication? A Jing seems..."

"I can hear it."

Chen Jing looked at the celestial body in front of him that was constantly pushing the deep space back to its original orbit. He calmed down a little and replied to Li Mobai.

"I was just distracted to see the red king. The guy seemed to have gotten bigger."

In deep space.

Any matter or energy can be temporarily turned into Chen Jing's "eyes and ears".

So it is not difficult to keep an eye on the King in Red.

"At first, that guy was only the size of a regular galaxy, but now... it's millions of light-years in size, which I didn't expect."

It is precisely because Chen Jing can observe the red king at any time that the tone of his words at this moment is so shocking... The volume of that guy is expanding too fast, even exceeding the natural expansion speed of the material universe.

At a glance.

Almost the entire universe was dyed as red as blood by the King in Red.

He is like a giant liquid beast that devours all things. Chen Jing has noticed before the ritual started. That guy is always approaching him, and it seems that he has completely given up on attacking the inner world as a priority...

I have to say this is a wise choice.

If the King in Red didn't know Deep Space's plan from beginning to end, then Chen Jing can only praise him for his keen intuition. He must have sensed an irresistible risk before he changed direction and came to chase everyone...

"That guy is traveling faster and faster. If you change positions more slowly, I'm afraid it will only take two minutes for him to catch up with you."

"Can't catch up."

Chen Jing said softly, his tone still calm.

"We just need to scramble the coordinates of the 'clearing point' and don't push them back into deep space in a sequential manner. The guy can only spin in place."

"Yes! That's what I think!" Li Mobai said hurriedly, "I'm using equations to calculate the optimal path! I will synchronously transmit the coordinate points updated at any time to you! You take them there!"


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