"Then let's give it a try." Yegetos nodded, "You can arrange the rituals, and if you need our cooperation, please speak."

"No objection." Baiaji snorted, his huge body floating freely in the vacuum universe, like a bright and endless sea of ​​stars, "As long as our death is valuable, I can do anything."

For Yegetos and Baiage, dying calmly on the battlefield is nothing. If it is valuable... it would be an even greater honor to die while helping Chen Jing.

Rather than hiding behind and lingering as two dragnets, they would rather choose this vigorous ending.

Just death.

it's not a big deal.

What's more, in the past hundreds of millions of years... they have lived enough.

Jagerthos and Baiage thought so.


Mu smiled and then prepared to arrange the ritual.

And at this moment, Yegetos suddenly asked her.

"We are going to die as Deep Space Familia. What about you? What is your identity?"

Mu could hear the implication of Jegertos' words. He was just a little doubtful... After all, Mu was the creator, and her identity lay here.

"My identity?"

Mu was stunned for a moment, looking at the vast deep space in front of him, and countless memories suddenly came to his mind. That was billions of years ago... no, it was a memory that was older than billions of years.

"I should be considered his senior, right?" Mu smiled, "It's just a life to guide this qualified successor, it's no big deal."

Chapter 880: Glory Belongs to Deep Space (Part 2)

"You should know that you can't tell Chen Jing about this."

"I know."

"At this critical time, if there is news that needs to be blocked, block it, even if it means blocking everyone's mouths."

"I know."

"If Chen Jing succeeds in the end and the Red King is eliminated by him, remember to wake up Xiaowu."

"I know, what do you want to say..."


In the last communication with Li Mobai, Mu directly interrupted Li Mobai's words and calmly arranged the ritual in front of him.

"I have lied to her many times in my life, and this time is no different... You just need to remember that you must not let Chen Jing know about this, do you understand?"


In the other world, Li Mobai and Mu ended their last call.

During the call.

Mu has briefly informed Li Mobai of the operating principles of this ritual, and Li Mobai also used equations to calculate the final success rate... The probability that Bimu said is higher, it should be 90%. About five.

That's right.

There was a ninety-five percent chance that the ritual would work, successfully delaying the Red King for one minute.

Don't look at it for just a minute.

at this time……

One minute is enough to affect the direction of the battle.

"Will they come back?"

Wei Nan squatted next to the sleeping Mr. Wu. While asking questions, he also raised his head to look at Yan Que, his face full of worry.

"The Creator obviously wants to take Yagerthos and the others to die...but Yagerthos and the others are undead...they shouldn't die..."

"have no idea."

Yanque looked at the sky expressionlessly, with unconcealed guilt in her eyes... She was not a person who liked to be a dragster. If possible, she would be willing to fight alongside Chen Jing and the others even if she died. , but now there is obviously no such opportunity.

According to Mu's instructions, Li Mobai did not give any explanation, nor did he let any information be passed to Chen Jing. When talking to Chen Jing, he simply reported the coordinates and changed the route.

That's all.

Nothing superfluous was done.

The red light spots on the metal screen kept flashing.

Sometimes it goes out, sometimes it lights up.

Compared with before, there were obviously more red light spots that were extinguished at once. Although they would light up again soon, it was enough to show that the situation on Chen Jing's side was so severe that there was no room for any mistakes.

"It's okay, there's still a chance."

During the call that just started, Chen Jing was comforting Li Mobai, telling him not to think too much about useless things, but to just calm down and provide coordinate points.

We still have a chance.

Chen Jing kept saying this.

But Chen Jing knew it very well.

This opportunity...may not be that easy to get.


After another long-distance jump, Chen Jing instantly brought the four "hubs" of death back to life. This time, the ones killed by the Red King were not only the "Three Musketeers of the Old Sea", but also... the old man .

At this moment.

Chen Jing is used to it.

This is the old man's fourth rebirth. Chen Jing doesn't know if there will be another one next.

Although when he saw the old man being killed for the first time, he was nervous and almost collapsed, but fortunately he quickly calmed down... After seeing everyone being killed one after another, Chen Jing gradually got used to it.

It doesn't matter.

Just kill.

As long as I am alive, I can continue to use the power of deep space to bring them back to life. In this dimension, there will be no real death at all.

This is Chen Jing's confidence.


But it was enough to calm his nerves that were on the verge of collapse.

"Fuck, dear grandson, it's so frustrating that you can't fight back!"

"Yeah, I am the king of the Old Sea after all. He keeps messing with me... Does this bastard really think I have no temper?!"

"Ah Jing, don't be afraid. I'm here... I'll help you convert the scattered energy. Anyone who dies can come back to life!"


The old man and his friends have become accustomed to the identity of "hub". Their consciousness has long been awakened in the process of being killed. So Chen Jing took them away and took time to comfort them... After all, it's not a good feeling to be dying and living all the time. Chen Jing is really afraid that they can't hold on and cause the ritual to collapse.

"Our current progress is approaching 40%. It won't be long before I can revive the mother planet. By then... I will avenge you personally!"

It's a coincidence that before Chen Jing finished speaking, several scarlet beams appeared out of thin air and pierced through six "hubs" in an instant... The Three Musketeers of the Old Sea, the old man, the black star, and the deep space color.

When they were hit by the beam, they had no time to react. They didn't even have the chance to curse the old man. They were directly blasted into energy that fled wantonly...

But fortunately, Chen Jing had already mastered the operation of "rebirth from death". While continuing to escape with the ritual, he directly brought the six dead "hubs" back to life.

"Fuck... This thing is really unreasonable..." Chen Bofu's tone was no longer so arrogant, and he spoke with a lingering fear, "My dear grandson, can you still hold on?"

Chen Bofu was both a part of the ritual and a direct family member in deep space. He could easily sense Chen Jing's condition at this distance... He could sense how fucking bad he was!

It's no exaggeration.

Chen Jing now has no fighting power at all.

He used most of the energy he could mobilize to "rebirth" his family, and a small part... was used to make the ritual jump over long distances.

Apart from this, Chen Jing really couldn't do anything. He couldn't even take care of his own body. His body was almost in an unstable energy state, as if it would dissipate at any time.

"I'm fine! I can hold on!" Chen Jing heard the old man's question and hurriedly responded for fear that the old man would think too much, "Youning has been helping me transform the energy of the deep space origin. Every time it is consumed, it can be replenished in time. No problem!"

"Yes! Don't worry, old man!"

Qiao Youning also spoke at this moment. Although her voice was still so natural, Chen Jing could hear that her seemingly full-bodied voice had revealed a kind of fatigue, which was definitely not a good sign.

"Youning, why don't you take a break? The energy conversion consumes too much of your body. If you keep acting as a reactor, I'm afraid you will..."

"I'm fine!" Qiao Youning interrupted Chen Jing hastily, "It's not far from 50% progress! I can hold on! Don't worry about me! It's important to do business first!"

At this moment, the "second hand" of the ritual has completed a complete circle, and Chen Jing is also ready to seize the time to jump to the next coordinate point. The scarlet wave appeared several light years away a second ago. Maybe if he runs faster this time, he can...


Chen Jing's movements suddenly froze, because he saw three familiar figures in the scarlet wave...slowly emerging from nothing, as if they had been waiting there since morning.

That was the creator Mu.

And Yegotos, and Bai Aji who showed his body.

"What are they doing here?!"

Chen Jing had an ominous premonition in his heart, and at this moment he saw a brilliant smile on the face of Yegetos, the dead man who was criticized by others.

He saw Yegetos raise the Deep Space Holy Sword in his hand, and also saw Baiaji flap his wings and roar.

"Glory belongs to the deep space!!! Glory to my king!!!"

Chapter 881 Glory to my king (Part 1)

Before Chen Jing took the ritual to the current coordinate point, Mu had already arranged the ritual, and Yegetos and Baiaji also followed Mu's instructions and stood on the left and right ends of the ritual.

From a distance, this ritual emitting a golden glow looked like a translucent balance made of energy.

Yegtos and Baiaji were at the two ends of the balance, and Mu, the person who presided over the ritual, sat cross-legged in the center of the ritual.

Before Chen Jing and his team came here, Mu had already activated the ritual and put the entire energy scale into a latent state.

After all, Mu is one of the descendants of the deep space. Although she is only a predecessor and her understanding of this dimensional space is not as good as Chen Jing, she is at least comparable to the Yellow King... So when she uses the increasingly chaotic laws and rules of the deep space to perfect this ritual, even Chen Jing can hardly detect it.

In a latent state.

Mu and Yegetos Baiaji are hiding in the chaotic cracks of the deep space.

That is the "carbuncle" caused by the deep space being constantly devoured by the Red King. Not only do they hide their figures in it, but even their breath is covered by these chaotic space turbulences.

"I feel that I have never been so powerful..."

Yegetos stood at one end of the scale. Due to the deep influence of the ritual energy, his breath was rising rapidly, and he crossed the pass of Sequence Eight in a few breaths.

And Baiaji on the side is the same.

Its body was already enormous, and it expanded even more at this moment. Its wings wrapped in energy light could almost cover half of the galaxy. A slight flap of its wings could cause planets within several light years to move.

They are creatures from the Yellow King Era.

But even in the Yellow King Era, in those ancient days, their peak strength could not cross the limit of Sequence Eight, and they were always trapped in Sequence Seven... until today, billions of years later.

Yegetos and his companions knew very well that the Sequence Eight they had at the moment did not really belong to them. It was just an "illusion" brought by the ritual. In Mu's words, it was almost impossible to maintain this state for a long time.

"What are you mumbling about?"

Suddenly, Yegetos looked back at Baiaji with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"I remember you were not so afraid of death, why are you mumbling now..."

From the moment Mu performed the ritual, Baiaji mumbled something in his mouth, but he did everything he could to cooperate with it, without any complaints or hesitation.

"I'm just a little worried..."

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