As if mumbling to himself, Baiage slowly flapped his brilliant wings, constantly displacing the stars within several light years, like a kitten playing with a ball of yarn. He seemed to find this kind of thing quite interesting.

"We are the king's most loyal dependents...after we die...the king's other dependents may not have us..."

"Do you think they are not as loyal as us?" Yagtos interrupted Baiage, and then scolded him in a low voice, "Stop playing with those stars! If there is too much movement for a while, you may be discovered by the king!"

Upon hearing this, Bai Aji immediately retracted his wings so obediently that he crawled on one end of the scale like a giant beast in the sea of ​​​​stars, still muttering to himself.

"How long have those dependents been with the king... how can they compare to us..."

"That's true." Yegetos nodded, and then expressed relief, "But after we leave, they will always follow the king's footsteps, perhaps for longer than hundreds of millions of years..."

"I can't bear to leave him a bit." Bai Aji stopped pretending, and suddenly a whimpering sound came from his throat. He looked back towards the vast sky, as if he wanted to find that familiar figure, "I can't bear to leave Ajing."

"That's the king!" Jegertos couldn't help but cursed, "Why don't you have any manners at all!"

"I'm too lazy to explain to a wooden head like you who only sticks to the rules." Baiaji responded unceremoniously. At this juncture, it really wasn't afraid of Yagertos at all, let alone his hands. That giant sword, "Before you recovered, I was always following him..."

In the eyes of Yegetos and Baiage, Chen Jing is actually a completely different image.

Although the former can feel that Chen Jing is approachable, he always insists that the king should have the dignity of the king and should never get involved with the family members. It doesn't matter whether he is stubborn or his brain can't turn around. That's the case with Yegetos. I think so, and have always thought so.

But what about Bhaiaj?

It doesn't have the "military background" of Jegertos. It has been used as a mount for the Yellow King from the beginning... To put it more appropriately, I am afraid it should be regarded as a pet. The relationship with the Yellow King is more like the relationship between a kitten and its owner.

Bai Aji likes and respects the Yellow King very much, but this respect is different from that of Jegertos and the others, and has more emotional factors.

So... Chen Jing is not like a master to him. After all, Chen Jing does not have the withdrawn character of Huang Wang. His withdrawnness is limited to treating outsiders, and he always treats Bai Aji like a pet.

Before the biological leap exam started, Bai Aji had already followed Chen Jing.

At that time, there was no stubborn old man like Jagertos around, so Baiaji could let his own character go, occasionally playing mean tricks on Chen Jing, and occasionally acting coquettishly towards Chen Jing... He liked this master who was gentler than King Huang very much.

Especially when Chen Jing asked him to call himself A Jing in Sentinel Ridge in the outer world.

Bai Aji could feel that Chen Jing didn't want to dominate any living thing. He didn't want to be the king of any living thing, nor did he want to be that kind of aloof being...

It is no exaggeration to say that in Bai Aji's view, Chen Jing has been pushed by the overall situation to get to where he is today. If possible, he would not even be willing to found Kakosa... Compared to the so-called god In Capital City, Chen Jing obviously prefers his home in Yongye.

"I feel like I can still do a lot for him...but he is already very strong now...I know he no longer needs us..."

Baiaji murmured to himself, and Jegertos did not speak again, but listened silently, with a trace of reluctance in his eyes.

"Ajing didn't know how to jump in deep space before... He would take me with him every time he traveled far away... So I have always been proud of my speed..."

At this point, Baiaji's eyes suddenly became trance-like, as if he had returned to the night at Sentinel Ridge before the Biological Leap Examination.

It told Chen Jing that he could travel freely in the deep space and the sea of ​​stars, flying faster than the light in the universe.

It still remembered Chen Jing's surprise when he heard these words. His eyes that widened involuntarily seemed to glow faintly in the dark night, and were even more beautiful than the stars in the sky.

"The king no longer needs us." Jegertos said. "He has his own life, and in that life... we may not exist, nor do we need to exist."

Hearing this, Yegetos whimpered twice and slowly curled up on the scale.

"He doesn't need us anymore, but we need him. Don't you feel happy staying with him?" Baiaji asked.

"I am very happy..." Yegetos did not deny it because he could not think of a reason to deny it. "But now there is no other choice. Even if we can't let him go, we can only do this..."

"He's going to be devastated."

Baiage whispered, then looked away.

"I know him best."

Chapter 882 Glory to my king (Part 2)

From beginning to end, Mudu listened to the conversation between Yegthos and Baiaji, without expressing any opinions or having any thoughts of chatting with her, because now she was also immersed in her own emotions...

From the day he became the Creator, Mu always remembered the reason for his life and his "unrealistic" ideal...

Kill all creators.

Let all creatures in billions of dimensions be truly free.

For this ideal, Mu can do anything, including her own life... For her, if she can't achieve this ideal, there is no difference between living and dying.

That's right.

Mu feels that she can sacrifice everything and pay any price. She has no complaints and cannot have any complaints... But the actual situation is not like this.

When Chen Jing opened the sequence door and became the successor of Deep Space, Mu was targeted by the Creator Clan more than once, and even had several dangerous times in prison, but Mr. Wu always stood on the same front with her...

He tried to save her and clear her suspicion. In short, no matter how big the trouble was, Mr. Wu would help her solve it without hesitation.

In fact, there was a time...

Mr. Wu got too close to Chen Jing (the time he almost killed him), so there were some special voices within the Creator Clan. They all said that only crazy people like Mr. Wu, who had a lot of brains and a lot of heart, would deal with the descendants of Deep Space.

Combined with some of Mr. Wu's dark history.

For example, after completing the exam, he wanted to kill the examiner as a candidate...

So during that time, many creators suspected the relationship between Mr. Wu and the descendants of deep space, and even found an explanation for Mu... saying that all this was a smokescreen, and the real mastermind was Mr. Wu.

"Why don't you push me out?" Mr. Wu asked Mu about this idea at the time, and his tone of voice was extremely calm, with a smile on his face, "Use my life to help you get rid of suspicion, and then you will have no trouble, and wait for the descendants of deep space to grow up and then avenge me..."

"No." Mu rejected this proposal without hesitation, and she didn't even know why she rejected it so decisively.

As Mr. Wu said, this is a useful and practical solution, which can not only help Mu clear suspicion, but also allow the creator tribe to temporarily remove the surveillance of Mu, so that she can do more things...

But Mu still refused.

It was also from that moment that she found that she could not sacrifice everything for her ideals, at least there were some people she was reluctant to sacrifice.

"They are coming."

When Mu suddenly said this, Yegetos and Baiaji also sensed Chen Jing's breath and hurriedly looked back...

In an instant.

They saw the giant ritual that appeared out of thin air across the sea of ​​stars, and at the edge of the ritual, the familiar figure was still standing there. Although it had become an almost translucent energy state, Yegetos and the others could still recognize it at a glance.

That was their king.

Their friend in billions of years.

"It's started."

Mu stood up slowly with a calm face, and the ritual like a balance began to sway left and right. The violent distortion of the dimensional space caused the energy inside the ritual to begin to dissipate uncontrollably.

"Is that the body of the Red King?"

Yegetos clenched the cross broadsword in his hand. After breaking through to Sequence Eight, his body, which was no longer suppressed, had expanded to the size of a planet, like a golden giant standing in the boundless sea of ​​stars.

At this moment, he looked at the surging blood waves gradually sweeping in front of him, and felt that his heartbeat had never been so fast... No, do I have a heartbeat?

Yegetos didn't understand.

He didn't understand where this intense emotional tearing came from.

He only knew that he was very excited, very excited, and very... sad.

Just like what Bai Aji said.

They would never have the chance to accompany the king again.

"We have to end the latent state." Mu reminded them, meaning that they should be mentally prepared.

"The king will see us..." Yegetos frowned, with a hint of pleading in his tone, "Can you please not let him see us..."

"Yes!" Bai Aji frantically flashed his wings and kept circling around one end of the scale, "I remember he is the softest! He will definitely cry when he sees us die!"

Mu did not respond to their request, because this was simply impossible. If they did not end the latent state, they would not be able to stop the Red King. If they ended the latent state... let alone Chen Jing, even the "hubs" in the ritual would probably be able to see them at a glance.

In an instant.

This ritual that looked like a balance ended its dormant state and faced the overwhelming scarlet wave. Mu, the person who presided over the ritual, was naturally submerged by the first wave of scarlet waves.

"The king has seen us! What should we do!" Bai Aji was pressed down by the scarlet waves and returned to one end of the scale in embarrassment.

"There is no way..."

Yegtos murmured, staring at the familiar figure intently.

"But the king can no longer stop us... He won't let his emotions ruin the big thing... I believe he won't!"

As he said, Yegettos suddenly raised the cross broadsword in his hand, and the dazzling golden light began to spread in all directions along the sword body like energy ripples.

"Glory belongs to the deep space!!! Glory to my king!!!"

Yegtos's hoarse roar broke the shackles of the vacuum universe, and Bai Aji on the other end of the scale also flapped his wings, suddenly whistled and flew straight to the direction of Mu.

At the moment of following Baiaji, Yegetos couldn't help but look back again... On his face, which was not good at expressing emotions, a smile from the heart appeared.

The old days.

Sleep after the defeat.

Billions of years of waiting.

At this moment, the value was finally reflected.

"This is our destiny... Help the new king ascend the throne... This is our destiny..."

Yegtos laughed hoarsely, his laughter was neither sad nor sorrowful, but full of undisguised joy and happiness.

In the red king's fragmented "chewing sound", he finally turned around and rushed forward without hesitation.

"Old stubborn... Can you still see me... I can't see myself..."

"I can see!"

"I feel like He is eating me..."

"The king will avenge us!"

"I want to go back to Sentinel Ridge again. There are a lot of snacks he bought for me in that old house..."

"Don't say it!!! Hold one end of the scale!!! The longer the ritual lasts, the safer the king!!!"

"I know..."

Bai Aji's voice gradually faded away, as if he was being pulled away from the deep space dimension.

"The king has always believed that people will turn into stars after death... He also gave me a chance to take him to the sky to see... But I can't take him there... Will he be angry..."


Yegtos said without hesitation. Before the cross broadsword was completely swallowed by the oncoming scarlet wave, he mobilized the energy in his body and swung the sword forward again.

"The king will not be angry with us."

"Well... yes... I remember he was the most gentle..."

Bai Aji murmured, his voice getting softer and softer.

"Just now I saw him seem to cry..."

"I saw it too."

At this moment, the cross broadsword in Yegettos's hand completely shattered, but the smile on his face was always so bright.

"Those clans are so damn unreliable... Is there no one to remind him... The king can't cry!"

Chapter 883 The Sorrow of Deep Space (Part 1)

Yegtos and Bai Aji died in front of Chen Jing.

Even though they were dozens of light years away, Chen Jing could still see clearly how the Red King devoured them and how he chewed them into pieces...

Chen Jing didn't know why they came here, but it was not difficult to guess that it was related to him... Because no one greeted him, even Li Mobai, who was always paying attention to the progress, didn't say anything, and there was a familiar figure standing in front of Yegetos and the others.

That was Mu.

Perhaps because of the difference in strength, Mu, who first greeted the Red King, was not the first to be devoured. She was chewed into pieces by the Red King slowly after Yegetos and Baiaji completely disappeared.

Mu's fate was the same as Yegetos and Baiaji.

After being chewed, it turned into countless golden light dust, which was absorbed by the Red King in just an instant.

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