In addition, the deep space also mentioned the "Supreme One".

At the beginning, the "Supreme One" was nurtured by the deep space for billions of years, and only when it was "complete" could it leave the deep space and have the opportunity to walk out of this ancient dimension that symbolizes the source of everything.

But Chen Jing does not need that long.

"From nothing to something, it takes billions of years, but you... only need a thousand years."

Among the information conveyed by the mother star to Chen Jing, this is the most important point, and it is also the most unacceptable to Chen Jing...

Although a thousand years is much better than billions of years, it is simply insignificant in comparison, as if it is a snap of the fingers... But even so, Chen Jing cannot accept that he has to spend a thousand years in the mother star.

Because the information conveyed by the mother star is very clear, as long as he returns to the embrace of the mother star and is "nurturing" by it, then the deep space will not even have the last support... The mother star will completely return to nothingness, like a beast hatching cubs, hiding itself with the supreme power.

Until Chen Jing is "nurturing" to "completeness", at that moment, the mother star and Chen Jing will return to the deep space.

In other words.

At least within a thousand years, deep space will become the slaughterhouse of the Red King. Whatever He wants to do to the creatures here...

No one can resist, and no one can stop him.

"Take their lives in exchange for my future..."

Chen Jing closed the "communication channel" for the clan's contact, and looked at the Red King who was forcibly transmitted to the other side of the universe from afar, with a trace of helplessness in his eyes as calm as dead water.

"I really can't do it..."

Chapter 889 The Man of Destiny at the End (Part 1)

Before actively cutting off the clan's communication, Chen Jing copied the information transmitted from the mother planet and then forwarded it to Li Mobai as an explanation.

Chen Jing knew that these things could not be said in person, because once he opened his mouth, Li Mobai would not be so easy to "let it go".

Although Li Mobai is the most rational person at the moment, and in a sense the most reliable person, facing such a life-and-death problem...I am afraid that even a semi-silicon-based creature like Li Mobai would find it difficult to make a decision.

He was just calm and rational enough, but not without emotion. Even if he let Chen Jing make a choice, he would use the "Original Equation" to analyze all possibilities in advance until he determined that Chen Jing's current choice was the optimal solution.

But obviously... there is no time now.

When Li Mobai analyzes the final result, it may be too late...

"You are crazy."

Hearing this familiar voice appear in his mind, Chen Jing subconsciously turned his head to look at the southeast star field in the deep space, and saw a pair of eyes appearing out of thin air in the dark chaotic space.

That's right.

Those are the eyes of the "Supreme One".

This bystander who has been hiding in the dark from beginning to end finally couldn't help the depressed emotions in his heart, and jumped out to greet Chen Jing.

"You are a lunatic!!!"

"Where am I crazy?" Chen Jing smiled, then turned his head and looked in the direction of the Red King.

Although that guy was temporarily blocked by the mother planet, he would soon break through the restrictions of the mother planet and kill directly here to fight Chen Jing.

"This is not your destiny!!! You are looking for death!!!" The Supreme almost roared this sentence, and there was undisguised anger between the lines.

It's no exaggeration.

In Chen Jing's memory, it was the first time that the "Supreme" lost his temper like this, so from this perspective, Chen Jing was quite proud... He could actually make this calm guy so angry.

"You knew from the beginning... If I choose to merge with the mother planet to advance to the sequence... The entire deep space will be slaughtered by the Red King and blood will flow like a river... When I complete the promotion and leave the mother planet... It will be a fucking monkey year..."

When Chen Jing said this, a trace of resentment could not help but reveal in his tone, because he felt that the "Supreme" was really insidious.

In order to let him advance to the sequence, this bastard directly pointed out the divine revelation that sent him to the promotion, and also pointed out the only way to revive the mother planet, but he just didn't reveal the key points that Chen Jing valued most...

In fact, at this time, Chen Jing had almost figured out the "Supreme"'s original plan.

In simple terms, it was to deceive Chen Jing all the way, deceive him to revive the mother planet, deceive him to advance to the sequence... But this guy just didn't guess that at this juncture, it was the mother planet that revealed the truth.

"Why..." The Supreme didn't understand, and couldn't figure it out, "At the beginning, when the mother planet hadn't sent you any information... it had clearly bound you... and was pulling you to the mother planet... Why would you take the initiative to cut off this connection?"

The connection that the Supreme was talking about was actually the call from the mother planet.

At the moment when the mother planet was revived.

That call was like a means of "anchor binding", which directly fixed Chen Jing's coordinate point and forcibly pulled him in the direction of the mother planet... But at the moment when Chen Jing was about to passively move, he took the initiative to cut off this connection without any hesitation and rejected the invitation of the mother planet.

At that time, Chen Jing had not received the information sent by the mother planet, and naturally didn't know that the advancement sequence would waste so much time, so this inexplicable act of cutting off contact with the mother planet seemed to the "Supreme" like suddenly going crazy.


The Supreme One doesn’t understand.

But to be precise, Chen Jing doesn’t understand either.

“I don’t know.”

Chen Jing didn’t evade the question and shook his head directly.

"Maybe my intuition told me not to go... The moment I was bound to my home planet... I couldn't feel any excitement or positive emotions... I felt a little scared for no reason..."

At this moment, the expression on Chen Jing's face revealed a feeling of lingering fear, and he was obviously not lying.

"You should know that feeling... No... You shouldn't know... An extraordinary creature like you... must have never tasted the taste of fear... But I understand, I was so scared that my hands were shaking! "

Chen Jing raised his hand and looked at his trembling palm, the fear in his eyes undisguised.

"That feeling of fear came without warning... At first I thought it was a sign of danger... But soon I understood... That fear was a fear of losing everything... I actually had I have an ominous premonition...I will lose everyone around me..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Jing paused for a moment, then put down his hands again.

"By the time I realized this, the connection between my home planet and me had been cut off. That should have been my instinctive reaction...I didn't even realize I had done this."

"You are a madman!!!" The Supreme One no longer tried to hide it at this moment. His angry expression only made Chen Jing want to laugh. "The road to promotion is right in front of you!!! You actually gave up the opportunity to be promoted. ! Go to a pointless death!"

When Chen Jing heard this, he instinctively wanted to say something to him, but he gave up as soon as the words came to his mouth, because this guy was obviously acting up and couldn't listen to anything at this juncture.

"You won't understand." Chen Jing shook his head.

"What don't I understand?! Aren't you just afraid of losing those relatives, friends and family members?!" The Supreme One roared angrily, "Do you know what a precious opportunity you have given up!!! You will be chewed to pieces by the Red King. !”

"Is this opportunity valuable?" Chen Jing asked, "In your opinion, being promoted to Sequence Nine and becoming your kind... is this more important than their lives?"

"Nonsense!" The Supreme One was still furious, "You are the stupidest and most ridiculous deep space successor I have ever seen!!!"

"Your evaluation is a bit unobjective. It should be because our concepts are different, right?" Chen Jing said in a dumbfounded voice, "For me, even if I become the 'Supreme One' standing at the top of living things, if they don't exist around me, I don’t think my existence has any meaning either…”

As he spoke, Chen Jing suddenly paused again and turned back to look at Him with a smile.

"You have no friends or relatives, so you won't understand how I feel..."

It is no exaggeration to say that this is the first time that the Supreme One has been stabbed in the heart by another creature after living for so many years.

"You...are so stupid!!!"

Chapter 890: The Destined Man at the End (Part 2)

"Actually, I don't want to give up."

Chen Jing had no intention of quarreling with the "Supreme One". Instead, he acted calmly. Before the red king broke through the restriction, he also wanted to take this opportunity to have a good chat with the "Supreme One".

"But no matter how I calculate... they are all dead... so for me this is the optimal solution..."

Upon hearing what Chen Jing said, the "Supreme One" immediately calmed down and began to communicate with Chen Jing in an insinuating way.

"Now you still have a chance!" The Supreme said calmly, "If you go to your home star for promotion now, it doesn't matter even if the Red King completely destroys deep space. After you complete your promotion, you can resurrect them..."

"Do you think this is funny?" Chen Jing looked back at the Supreme Being, as if looking at a fool.


"After a living thing dies, it completely disappears, from existence to non-existence. This is part of the law of the universe. No one can change it, including you..." Chen Jing said with a smile, "If you have the ability to resurrect living things, Shouldn’t those descendants of deep space who you treat as test subjects still live?”

"This... this is their destiny! I can't interfere!" The Supreme One explained through gritted teeth.

"No, no, no... this has nothing to do with destiny... because you know very well... even if the energy escaped from the dead thing is re-aggregated... and those basic particles are assembled according to the original sequence... the living creature will not It will be the first creature."

Chen Jing understood this the day he broke through to Sequence Eight, so he never thought about resurrecting anything from beginning to end. Even if both Yergetos and Baiaji died in the hands of the Red King... Chen Jing did not dare to Desperately hoping that he can resurrect them.

"That is also resurrection!" The Supreme Being was still insisting.

"Resurrection is nothing. Even if they look exactly the same, and even have the same personality and the same memories... they will not be the same person after all."

When Chen Jing said this, his expression became more and more depressed, because sometimes knowing too much... would only make him more pessimistic.

"According to your definition of resurrection, I might as well go to other parallel universes... to find an almost identical creature as a substitute, but do you think this makes sense?"

"Timeline." The Supreme said without hesitation, "At my level, you can roam around the timeline at will. You can eventually do things that you can't do!"

"Have you done it?" Chen Jing was not bewitched by the "Supreme One" at all, and asked directly without hesitation, "If it is so easy to play with the timeline according to what you said, then you should have had similar people long ago... Why wait until today?"

Hearing what Chen Jing said, the "Supreme One" immediately fell silent.

"But I believe you can see the timeline...otherwise you wouldn't know so much about destiny..." Chen Jing said with a smile, "To put it bluntly, you are still not strong enough at this level. If you can really manipulate time at will, Lines, changing the causal relationship of the material world at will... What kind of realm would that be?"

Speaking of this, Chen Jing couldn't help but become curious.

"How many kinds of destiny have you seen...through the timeline?"

Seeing Chen Jing asking straight to the point, the "Supreme One" no longer had the need to hide it, and he answered happily.

"About 132.62 million."

"How many of them have completed the final promotion?" Chen Jing asked again.

"Less than a third," answered the Most High.

After getting this answer, Chen Jing couldn't help but secretly exclaimed that there was a lot.

"Those destiny...are all made of human lives...either you made a mistake...killed your grandfather or others during the Red King's last attack...or it was at the moment when the mother planet revived... ...You have neglected to control the other world..."

After Mu's death, Mr. Fog also fell into a deep sleep. The other world and the stars with biological civilization became "ownerless things". Without Chen Jing to help them move around and change the coordinates of the stars, the Red King found them. Very easy thing.

"Among those destiny, the king in red didn't continue to chase me?" Chen Jing asked.

"Yes, you neglected to take care of the other world, and the Red King happened to wake up at that time, and directly made a long-distance jump to completely wipe out those stars. Even if you win, it will be as uncomfortable as having to cut off your flesh. ”

"It seems that my luck is pretty good." Chen Jing murmured, "Even if I keep changing the astral coordinates for the other world, it is not impossible for the King in Red to catch up with them... I can only blame the old boy for not being sober. , chasing us to the point of losing our minds.”

"The King in Red is now trapped by the restrictions of his home star. You still have a chance to regret it... When he breaks through the restrictions, you won't even have a chance to regret it." The Supreme One was still unwilling to give up persuasion.

"Have you seen my destiny, my destiny at this moment, in the timeline?" Chen Jing suddenly asked.

"...No." The Supreme One hesitated for a moment before replying, "Only two members of the clan died, and there was a traitor from the Creator clan. I have not seen this kind of destiny that can revive the mother planet with the sacrifice of only three creatures. Pass."


Chen Jing smiled noncommittally. At this moment, he could only sense that the red king was approaching rapidly. Obviously, the restriction imposed on him by his home star had expired.

"I can't see your future now." The Supreme Being suddenly became much calmer and said these words without any resentment. "To be precise, you should have no future... Although the mother star has been helping you gather energy, This energy is definitely not enough to break through that natural chasm.”

"Have you seen this in other Destinies?" Chen Jing asked, "You can't advance to the rank after leaving your home planet, right?"

"I don't know." The Supreme One sighed, "Actually, except for you, I have never seen other Chen Jinghui get active help from the mother planet in other timelines, but I firmly believe that you will not violate the destiny. It will end well."

"Then can you help me?" Chen Jing asked with a smile.

"Yes." The Supreme One replied without hesitation, "I will help you kill the Red King now, but you have to bear all the consequences after that."

"forget it."

Although Chen Jing had known the answer for a long time, he was still a little disappointed at this moment. He thought that destiny was really impossible to change through external forces.

"I actually hate the word destiny...even if it really shouldn't be used as a stepping stone by the sacrifice of other people...I would rather not have this kind of destiny that is piled up with human I am now Eat your own bitter pill..."

Chen Jing had already seen the blurry scarlet figure at this moment, which was the king in red who came to kill him.

"Maybe I can create a miracle." Chen Jing said with a smile.

"What if we lose?" the Most High asked.

"Then just watch carefully..."

Chen Jing turned around, his yellow robe faintly dancing with golden light.

"Let's see how I, this uniquely destined person, will die..."

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