Chapter 891: The Original Light (Part 1)

For the "Supreme One", the day when Chen Jing rejected the invitation from his home star was definitely the darkest day in his life...

That's right, it's dark.

Because he had been waiting for hundreds of millions of years, and finally waited for this deep space descendant who was 100% able to break through Sequence Nine... The same kind was right in front of him, but this guy refused the invitation from his home planet.


Don’t you know how high the sky is and how high it is?


At this moment, countless words with derogatory connotations emerged in the mind of the "Supreme One", but they were not very appropriate when used on Chen Jing.

Among them, the more appropriate one is... seeking death.

Although the mother planet has been gathering energy for him, which is a phenomenon that has never occurred in ancient times, it is undeniable that the strength gap between him and the Red King is too big, and it is impossible to surpass the Red King in a short time.

At this moment, the restriction on the mother planet has been broken by the King in Red. The two sides are fighting to the death. Judging from the character of the King in Red, it is absolutely impossible to be merciful at this critical moment...

So it's no exaggeration.

Chen Jing is dead.


The Supreme One turned his eyes slightly and looked at the black star field in front of Chen Jing.

At this moment, the vacuum universe in that direction is filled with a sea of ​​blood, and everything is immersed in the thick red sticky fog. That is the body of the red king... No, to be precise, it is a body that has been refined by itself. Secondary body.


The King in Red has given up on promotion to the sequence. The method of relying on devouring material space to transcend the limit of the sequence is obviously not feasible...and this is not only unworkable at this stage, but he will also not have the opportunity to be promoted in the future.

To put it simply, Chen Jing has blocked his way. If the Red King wants to advance to the rank, he can only find other ways to transcend the limit...

"You damn bug."

When Chen Jing heard these words, the dark red blood mist in the distance had begun to shrink inwards. As the color became darker and darker, the sea of ​​blood that spread for nearly a million light years was gradually transforming into a blurry " human form".

"It actually cut off my path to promotion..." The Red King's voice became clearer and clearer, and as the clarity of his voice changed, the vague humanoid shadow gradually solidified.

At this moment, Chen Jing could see that the King in Red had compressed this body to the extreme. In order to gather the uncontrolled escaping energy, this old immortal could only do this... But even if it was compressed to the extreme, , His body also exceeds the size of a conventional planet, and during the compression process, at least one third of the energy is naturally lost.

This is also a key point that makes the Red King angry, because that energy should have been used in the promotion sequence to break through the pass. Every point was accumulated gradually by him devouring the material space, but Chen Jing blocked his way out. ...There is no chance of promotion. It is really difficult to relieve the hatred in my heart without killing him!

In order to escape from the state where he could only swallow material space, the Red King could only compress himself and refining his body, thereby wasting one-third of the accumulated energy. How could he not be angry?

"Why did I interrupt your path to promotion?" Chen Jing pretended to be confused and asked with a smile.

"When you destroyed deep space... you also destroyed those physical spaces... Do you dare to say that you didn't do it on purpose?!" the red king asked through gritted teeth.

"I was just careless." Chen Jing explained with a smile.

During the conversation, Chen Jing was also quietly digesting the original energy passed to him by his home star. Those energies were foreign objects to this body, but fortunately they were from the same sect, so it was quite easy to digest.

As Chen Jing digested more energy, his body expanded more and more. Even if he wanted to learn how to compress like the Red King, he didn't have the ability. He could only let his body "grow" naturally, which was visible to the naked eye. The speed... quickly caught up with the huge size of the Red King.

From beginning to end, the "Supreme One" watched very carefully, especially the changes that occurred in Chen Jing... Although he did not break through the limit of Sequence Eight, he, the beneficiary, did get a lot of benefits after the recovery of his home star. .

Not only did the energy aura exuding from the body become more and more terrifying, but the energy that could be contained in this body also became an astronomical figure. At least Chen Jing at this moment was more than ten times stronger than his previous state.

It is precisely because of this series of changes that the yellow robe on Chen Jing's body has also changed. The color has become darker and darker, with a metallic chill, and the deep space totem on the back has also "lived". come over.

It was like some kind of parasite attached to Chen Jing's back, like an insect or a snake, twisting and turning, faintly emitting a golden shimmer.

"call out!!!"

When the "Supreme One" heard this scream that sounded like the air was torn apart, the red king who was several light years away had disappeared, and the space where Chen Jing was was suddenly distorted and deformed. A red beam of light appeared out of thin air and directly penetrated his body...

This is the method used by the Red King to kill the "hub" before. Although it looks low-key and inconspicuous, it seems that it is just a laser beam with no lethality... But those "hubs" that were instantly broken by the beam are living examples.

"Do you lose now?"

There was a trace of unconcealable disappointment in the eyes of the Supreme One, but this was also expected by him. After all, the difference in strength between the two was so great that it was not impossible for him to be killed instantly by the Red King in one encounter.

But soon the "Supreme One" discovered that the situation was not that simple.

Chen Jing, whose body was pierced by several beams of light, suddenly dissipated without struggling or resisting. His body, which seemed to be made of energy, almost instantly disintegrated into a piece of golden light dust... But his breath was still there!

"If you only have this level... I can fight you till eternity..."

At this moment, not only the king in red could hear Chen Jing's voice, but even the "Supreme One" could hear it clearly.

The golden light and dust suddenly dissipated, and Chen Jing's body appeared several light years away.

It seems that what was hit before was just an afterimage...or a fraudulent projection constructed using energy...

"That's not right." The Supreme One's eyes turned slightly, unable to conceal his surprise, "The person who was hit just now is clearly the main body. Whether judging from the breath or the formation pattern of energy... it is the main body!"

"Resurrected from the dead?" The Red King sneered, "You lived quite quickly."

"How could I be killed by such means?"

Chen Jing shook his head and gently waved the sleeves of his yellow robe, causing golden light dust to fill the sky.

"If you want to kill me, you have to show your skills, otherwise I really won't die."

Chapter 892 The Light of Origin (Part 2)


When these three words appeared in the minds of the "Supreme One" and the King in Red at the same time, the golden light dust in the sky had spread, and its spreading speed was so terrifying that it was close to a space jump, and it covered half of the sky in an instant. Deep space……

It wasn't until this moment that the King in Red realized that deep space was Chen Jing's home field, not his own.

"Your current body strength is simply not strong enough to withstand 'Annihilation'. If you are hit, you will definitely die. It is impossible to survive..." The red king forgot to continue the attack at this moment, staring at Chen Jing intently, trying to get An explanation.

"Maybe you started too lightly?" Chen Jing asked with a smile. At the same time, his hands hidden in his long sleeves were trembling slightly, quietly arranging a counterattack ritual.

At this moment, Chen Jing's voice suddenly sounded in Chen Jing's mind.

At this moment, the "Supreme One" was no longer so condescending, nor was he educating Chen Jing full of resentment. Instead, he asked him questions carefully in a tone that was curious to the core.

"After the mother planet recovered, in addition to the energy instilled by external forces... did you also get other things?"


Chen Jing had no need to hide anything, because the neutral identity of the "Supreme One" was iron-clad, so he didn't have to worry about what this guy would reveal to the Red King.

"Have you gained new powers?" the Most High asked curiously.

"No, it's authority."

Chen Jing raised his hand again, and when his long sleeves brushed across the vacuum universe in front of him, the golden light dust spreading among all things began to tremble violently, and seemed to be transforming into a liquid state at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"The mother planet told me that it was sorry that it couldn't help me much, so it could only send me a few other things to make up for my incompetent child."

The inner world plane.

When Chen Bofu and the others returned to Kakosha, Li Mobai quickly jumped with the stars in the other world's plane, trying to get as far away from the battlefield as possible... The distance from the battlefield was getting farther and farther. The farther they go, the higher their chance of survival, which is what Chen Jing hopes.

However, because his movements were too big, Chen Bofu and the others noticed it before the deadly battle between Chen Jing and the Red King began.

"Why do I feel like this plane is moving??"

Chen Bofu walked up to Li Mobai in a few steps and looked at this amorphous creature with suspicion.

"Xiao Li, can you contact my grandson now? Ask him what's going on!"

"I...can't contact him." Li Mobai could only reply like this.

"You can't contact A Jing either?!" Qiao Youning stepped forward and said with worry, "Our contact with him is now disconnected. It seems that he took the initiative to cut it off..."

"Maybe he is busy with other things." Li Mobai continued to perfunctory, and continued to speed up the star to jump to the edge of deep space.

Perhaps because Chen Jing's "authority" to transfer is insufficient, Li Mobai can only take away the other world planes at the moment. As for other world planes, he does not have the ability to move them away, so these dependents of Kakosa Only then did he realize that something was wrong so quickly.

But this is normal. After all, the stars in the sky are constantly changing their positions, and the colors and sizes of those stars are also constantly changing. If you can't find this, then you can only say that these dependents of Kakosa are blind. .

In fact, when Chen Boxu asked the question for the first time, Li Mobai subconsciously wanted to tell them the truth, but after thinking about it, he decided to keep his mouth shut because he knew very well what kind of character Chen Boxu was...

No, to be precise, it's too damn clear.

Once Chen Boxu, a grandfather, knew that his grandson was taking risks and was going to have a one-on-one fight with the Red King, he would have to rush over and watch even if he didn't help. This old man has no sense at all...

As for leading the plane jump in the inner world, Li Mobai still felt that he couldn't bear it. It was best to pretend that he didn't know anything and then push it all to Chen Jing... It happened that they couldn't contact Chen Jing now. , which means no one will come to stop Li Mobai or add chaos to this already chaotic battle situation.

"No, I have to go and see." Chen Bofu frowned and said, "That kid likes to adventure alone the most. The Red King is still alive... Damn, I always have a bad feeling!"

"You can't get out." Li Mobai sighed.

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but turn their eyes to him, especially Chen Bofu, who was suspicious by nature.

"How do you know I can't get out?" Chen Bofu asked doubtfully, with a trace of vigilance in his eyes, "Do you know something?"

"Didn't you find out?"

Li Mobai smiled helplessly, and then gradually solidified his amorphous body into a humanoid form with distinct limbs.

"Before our world began to move continuously, the surface of the plane was banned by A Jing, and no one could get out..." Li Mobai raised his hand and pointed to the sky.

Everyone looked up and found that there was nothing wrong in the sky. Except for the stars that were constantly changing, there was nothing special.

"I'll try." Chen Bofu said, and then he rose from the ground, and quickly left the surface with a means similar to space jump... until he hit the "restriction" that could not be observed by the naked eye before.

That was when Chen Bofu was about 10,000 meters above the ground. Everyone saw the "characters" that kept wriggling in the sky, like some kind of variant of the deep space totem...

They were light golden and translucent.

Before Chen Bofu left the surface, they always maintained a state that could not be observed or perceived by the naked eye. Until Chen Bofu triggered the restriction, these strange characters emerged one after another.

What do they do?

It's obvious.

The moment Chen Bofu touched them, he was teleported back to the original place.

"See, I told you that you couldn't get out." Li Mobai looked at Chen Bofu who had returned to him, and explained helplessly, "I sensed something spreading outside the surface before, but I didn't know what it was. I could only sense the faint breath of deep air... I guessed it must be done by A Jing!"

"You noticed it before?" Chen Bofu frowned, his face getting uglier.

"The dimensional laws of this world plane have always been changing under a certain stable law, but it changed before... It's not difficult to calculate their effects through the equations in my mind." Li Mobai pointed to his head.

"Damn it."

Chen Bofu gritted his teeth and cursed, feeling more and more uneasy.

"Something must have happened!"

"Don't worry." Hassad stepped forward and whispered to comfort him, "Maybe A Jing went to be promoted to the sequence."

"Then what about the Red King?"

Qiao Youning suddenly mentioned it, her eyes full of uneasiness.

"A Jing has been making this world plane constantly move... Could it have something to do with the Red King..."

Just as Chen Bofu and the others racked their brains to analyze why Chen Jing wanted to "exile" the other world, the battlefield hidden in the depths of the universe also entered a white-hot stage.

When the Red King was gradually submerged by the flowing golden liquid, the exclamation of the "Supreme One" suddenly sounded in Chen Jing's mind.

"This is... the original light?!!"

Chapter 893 The First Light in the Universe (Part 1)

The golden light dust summoned by Chen Jing spread wantonly in the material universe. Although half of the deep space has been abandoned, and nearly one-third of the remaining area has been swallowed by the Red King, the remaining material universe can still be described as vast and boundless...

The strange golden light dust is filled in these remaining material spaces. While they are spreading wantonly, they are also rapidly liquefying.

The golden liquid that submerged the Red King's body was liquefied from those light dusts.

That kind of extremely refined and pure energy obviously did not belong to Chen Jing himself; it clearly came from the mother star in deep space!

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