"Eternal Immortality" is triggered!

Resurrection again!

But this time it is in the pile of zombie corpses!

Tu Yan pushed all the zombies lying on him away with a force!

"Damn, it's disgusting."

After spitting at the pile of zombie corpses, he found a place and hid temporarily.

It turned out that after coming out of the small supermarket just now, in order to complete the daily death task.

Tu Yan shouted loudly to attract many zombies.

But this time it was not as easy as before.

Maybe this group of zombies have eaten enough, so after infecting Tu Yan into a zombie.

They will never eat Tu Yan's body again.

Tu Yan lost his human consciousness and turned into a zombie, confused.

This situation has also happened before.

After being infected into a zombie, Tu Yan can only wait for real death before he can be resurrected as a human body again.

And this wait is often uncertain.

Because Tu Yan in the zombie form has no consciousness of his own and cannot actively look for humans to die.

But this time, he was very lucky. It didn't take long for him to become a zombie.

Tu Yan followed the zombies to the basketball hall.

Because there were many people gathered in the basketball hall.

Some of them were originally there, and some were ordered by Heerlen.

No matter how they came to this basketball hall.

Their fate at this time was in the hands of Heerlen!

The huge basketball hall has become Heerlen's elf castle!

Humans? Just something to use!

After feeling the attack of the zombies, Heerlen didn't say anything.

Directly used the "Song of Sighs"!

She conjured a transparent bow and arrow out of thin air and gently pulled the bowstring.

When the bowstring was pulled to the most tense state, a long green arrow appeared!

Tighten and release, in a flash, everything was wiped out!

With this powerful skill, only the bodies of zombies were left in front of the entrance of the basketball hall.

This also included Tu Yan!

It was also with the help of Heerlen without knowing it.

Tu Yan finally met his death, was resurrected, and returned to human identity!

Counting it up, Heerlen has killed Tu Yan twice, it can be said that fate.

When Tu Yan saw today's death reward, he couldn't help but smile.

"Lucky, with this thing, that broken elf is definitely no problem!"

Then, Tu Yan kicked the zombie that was slashing at him.

A mace went down and directly shot his head!

"Ah? Zhang Dongjun?"

Unexpectedly, this zombie is still his "acquaintance". Classmate Zhang Dongjun.

Although his face was full of bite wounds and bruises.

But the facial features that Tu Yan remembered deeply were so familiar and so annoying.

In the past, Zhang Dongjun and Fat Tiger bullied him together.

Thinking of this, Tu Yan took out the mace and hammered the lingering "zombie Zhang Dongjun".

Completely ended his pitiful life.

Tu Yan suddenly remembered that Zhang Dongjun smoked, and then he felt around on his clothes.

"Found it!" Tu Yan held the lighter in his palm as if he had found a treasure.

"Haha, it's easy to deal with with fire."

Tu Yan looked at the basketball hall with a belief in victory.

"At worst, I'll die a few times. With the death stacking, as long as I don't faint from the pain, no one can be my opponent!"

Then Tu Yan came to the door of the basketball hall.

Perhaps because of the confidence of the strong, Heerlen did not block the door.

Instead, he had a "welcome" attitude.

Not only humans are welcome to come and join, but zombies are also welcome to come and die.

Stepping on the zombie corpses on the ground, Tu Yan came to the door and knocked on the wall next to him very politely.

"Hello, is anyone there? Where is Heerlen?"

"Come in, human." Heerlen's voice sounded from inside.

After Tu Yan went in, he found that there were probably dozens of people inside.

There were also many of his classmates.

The basketball court was filled with all kinds of supplies, such as mineral water, bread and food.

It was obvious that they were prepared by the people who hid here before.

They just happened to be presented to Heerlen.

Why do you say "present"?

Because Heerlen was sitting on a stool at this time.

And the classmates and teachers of Keli University were all kneeling on the ground!

They looked like they had been completely trained.

"That classmate, why don't you come and kneel down when you see Lord Heerlen!"

At this time, a boy standing next to Heerlen called out to Tu Yan.

Tu Yan knew him, he was the president of the Student Union of Keli University, 'Kong Hongcai'.

He was thin on weekdays, and always looked at others with a pair of gloomy eyes.

Under the round-framed eyes, there was a heart that fought for fame and fortune and climbed up at all costs.

At this time, Kong Hongcai was like a lackey, fanning Heerlen with a banana leaf behind him.

Only his treatment was different from that of the people kneeling on the ground.

Perhaps he got this treatment by sweet talk and flattery.

Tu Yan ignored him and walked straight towards Heerlen.

When Kong Hongcai was about to grumble, Heerlen stopped him.

Heerlen sniffed and looked at Tu Yan nervously.

No matter how she looked at Tu Yan, he looked like the body of the Desert Eagle she got yesterday.

"Your name."

"Human, Tu Yan." Tu Yan stood in front of Heerlen, neither humble nor arrogant.

"I seem to have seen you somewhere?"

"I am persuading myself to forget you?" Tu Yan didn't know why his brain was confused, and blurted out a lyric.

"What?" Heerlen was confused.

"Ah, no, no, no, I was wrong, respected elf girl Heerlen, I am sure that I have never seen you."

"I also heard that you are here and can protect us, so I came here."

"Oh? Then human, I ask you, why don't you kneel?" Heerlen's tone was murderous.

She didn't care whether she had seen Tu Yan or not. Even if Tu Yan didn't die yesterday, she just needed to kill him today!

"I'm not coming to surrender to you, I just want to come to cooperate." Tu Yan's eyes also burst out with murderous intent.

That sharp feeling is not inferior to Heerlen at all.

It can be seen how many zombies and humans Tu Yan has hunted recently!

"Cooperation? Why? Will you Earthlings cooperate with ants?"

"No, unless the ant can threaten me!"

"Oh? Then I'll wait and see. Haha." Heerlen stood up and stretched out his hand to launch an attack.

Tu Yan seized the opportunity, suddenly took out a bucket from his space backpack, and poured it towards Heerlen!

Caught off guard, Heerlen was soaked and sticky.

Why is the water sticky?

It's not water, but gasoline!

This is exactly Tu Yan's death reward today!

Eternal gasoline barrel!

Any liquid poured into it will turn into gasoline!

With this eternal gasoline barrel, Tu Yan, who doesn't smoke, only needs a lighter, and the lighter is provided by 'Zombie Zhang Dongjun'.

Everything is ready, just ignite it!

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