The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 9 Come on! Stupid zombies!

"If you want to live, come to me, I will protect you!"

"It's in the basketball hall of Keli University, I'll wait for you here!"

Tu Yan opened his mouth wide and couldn't believe what he heard.

"Damn, elves? The nearby races?"

Tu Yan realized that all his guesses were correct.

The earth is no longer the earth, but a planet merged with other planes!

Then the elf named Heerlen seemed to want to gather all the living forces nearby.

Make Keli University his base.

But Tu Yan already knew that Heerlen was a murderer. In her eyes, perhaps humans were just like ants.

After thinking for a while, Tu Yan planned to go to the basketball hall tomorrow.

Intelligence, whether it was about the 'dead beast' or the 'plane', he must get it.

To survive in the end times, intelligence is the top priority!

Why wait until tomorrow?

Because of the existence of the 'death reward'!

Now Tu Yan has no Desert Eagle, so he can only pin his hopes on tomorrow's death reward.

Thinking of this, Tu Yan also began to prepare for tomorrow.

But before leaving the music classroom.

Tu Yan also came to Chen Feilong's body, stepped on his head, and ravaged it for a while.

"You were so arrogant just now, right? And you have a golden bell? Haha."

Then, Tu Yan left.

Target, the infirmary! Small supermarket!

Medical equipment and food and water are the most important supplies.

Tu Yan grabbed the mace in his hand and swung it at the oncoming zombies!

Directly hit the most deadly part of the zombies-the head!

It was like a machine for harvesting zombie heads!

In this way, Tu Yan, who came to the door of the infirmary, had reached level ten.

All ten attribute points were added to strength.

At the same time, he also found that most of the zombies in Keli University could no longer give him energy to upgrade.

Using the Eye of the Illustrated Book, he also found that the zombies he faced were at most level six.

It is impossible to obtain any energy below level three.

Tu Yan kicked open the door of the infirmary.

There were only a few human corpses inside, and they were unrecognizable.

It seemed that they were eaten by zombies directly.

But Tu Yan still recognized the identity of one of them by the white coat and bracelet on his body.

"Teacher Zhang" Tu Yan pursed his lips, and felt dry mouth.

Teacher Zhang is the teacher in charge of the infirmary.

He is also the person who takes good care of Tu Yan in Keli University.

As an orphan, Tu Yan was bullied a lot on weekdays, but Teacher Zhang always gave him care and greetings.

The stench of corpses, the screams outside, and the miserable situation in front of him.

It made Tu Yan's nerves completely relax and cry loudly.

In the world where the apocalypse broke out, Tu Yan had been beaten and scolded and was sent by others.

After layers of killing, he finally returned to his original student appearance and cried confusedly.

At this time, he was more like an ordinary student, not Tu Yan who had killed people and zombies.

After a good venting, Tu Yan covered Teacher Zhang's body with the hanging medical white robe.

Then he searched for useful supplies.

He muttered while searching.

"I want to survive, I want to survive in this horrible world!"

"Zombie? Elves? This is not the place for you to be unbridled, this is the earth, the earth!"

Tu Yan spread the collected things on the ground and counted them carefully.

Hemostatic patches, alcohol, burn pain relief ointment, Voltaren, Yunnan Baiyao, gauze bandages, etc.

And the most important thing.

Isatis root granules that are said to be able to cure any disease!

If Tu Yan hadn't worried about zombie infection at all, he would have eaten all the Isatis root granules now!

Isatis root granules are the legendary virus killer.

After Tu Yan put the things in the space backpack, he looked at Teacher Zhang's body.

"Teacher Zhang, I'm leaving."

Then, Tu Yan opened the door of the infirmary.

Leaving behind a free and easy figure with a military green backpack and a mace in his right hand.

The next place, a small supermarket!

But Tu Yan arrived a step too late.

Most of the things in the small supermarket had been cleared out long ago.

There were also several more corpses inside.

Humans and zombies were mixed together, and it was no longer possible to tell who was with whom.

Perhaps it was because this supermarket was on the first floor and was surrounded by glass on all sides.

It was a place that was "easy to attack but difficult to defend."

No one thought of using it as a temporary base.

Tu Yan didn't hesitate and went straight to the most important thing.


Others don't have Tu Yan's space backpack, which can store fifty square meters of things.

Therefore, a lot of mineral water was left.

While taking the mineral water, Tu Yan didn't forget to plunder all the Red Bull.

Your energy is beyond your imagination!

Under the stimulation of taurine and caffeine, Tu Yan can operate his brain better.

As for food, the problem of hot water has not been solved yet, so instant noodles were eliminated by Tu Yan.

But there are only some canned food and bread left.

Tu Yan didn't despise it, he just ate and drank with mineral water.

Then he came to the cashier and smashed it with a mace!

With the blessing of 40 points of strength, the cash register was smashed to pieces!

Tu Yan's target was the money inside.

In the end of the world, mobile payment has become a daydream.

Only banknotes and coins can work.

There will be some places that cannot be conquered by force alone, only banknotes and coins can work.

After Tu Yan took away all the money, he wanted to leave an IOU.

But on second thought, he couldn't help but feel that he was stupid.

This world? It's completely messed up, take care of yourself first.

Then, Tu Yan came to the staff rest area and prepared to go to bed early.

Before going to bed, he still took out his mobile phone out of habit and found that there was still no signal.

Since the first day of the catastrophe, communication equipment around the world has been paralyzed.

Tu Yan pursed his lips and his thoughts returned to the orphanage.

He was very worried about the situation of the director and other children.

After deciding to get information from Heerlen, he would go to the orphanage to take a look.

Tu Yan was tossing and turning with a lot of thoughts in his mind, but he finally fell into a deep sleep due to the pain and fatigue.

When he woke up again, it was already early morning.

After guzzling down a bottle of mineral water and filling his stomach, Tu Yan came to the school road.

He shouted loudly, "Come on! Stupid zombies!"

The zombies walking sluggishly beside him heard the voice of "Dinner is ready".

Finally, they perked up.

They rushed towards Tu Yan.

Tu Yan was going to accept death with a smile, but the pain from being bitten all over his body made him show a painful expression.

When he regained his human consciousness again,

he had already arrived at the entrance of the basketball hall, which was the basketball hall that Heerlen mentioned.

There were a lot of zombie corpses here.

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