Tu Yan looked at 9527 with confusion, wondering why he asked this.

He didn't understand what contact there was between Oriel and 9527.

Oliel and 9527 stared at each other.

In the end, it was no match for 9527’s persistence.

Oriel sighed helplessly and said.

"I don't know if that's true, but the 9527 military division gives me a very familiar feeling."

"Is it a divine species?"

9527 asked calmly, without any emotion in his tone.

"Yes! That's what it feels like. I've also seen the God Seed once or twice. Every time I met, the God Seed appeared as a mysterious light group without any entity."

"But I feel the breath of the divine seed in you."

Oriel licked his dry lips, his expression full of horror.

Tu Yan was dumbfounded, opened his eyes wide, and looked at the blue projection villain 9527.

Spirit species?

How can it be?

Isn't 9527 a research object in the Nat City Scientific Research Institute? How could he be a god?


Tu Yan showed an expression of sudden realization.

9527 showed a rare evil smile!

He looked directly at Tu Yan and said slowly.

"Have you noticed it too? Have you forgotten how I introduced myself at the beginning?"

"Well, I remembered it. When we met, you said that you were an artificial intelligence developed by the scientists at the scientific research institute using extraterrestrial materials."

"Yes, after I regained consciousness and heard what you said about the fusion of planes and the seven major races, I had a vague feeling."

"Then I kept reading the information and found that my identity should be that of a god."

"It was just modified by the professors and turned into the so-called artificial intelligence."

When Tu Yan heard this, he couldn't help but swallowed his saliva.

What the hell, 9527 who has been following him all this time, is his true identity actually a divine species?

Oriel also broke the brief silence.

"Actually, I'm not too sure. The gods are a very strange race."

"If our other races can join forces to deal with the mourning beasts, then the gods have always been hidden behind the scenes."

"The two encounters with the divine species were just a coincidence, but they did not help us attack the mourning beasts."

"No other race has ever seen a race of gods show up to fight against the Legion of Soulless Beasts."

"In short, there has always been a veil of mystery surrounding the gods."

Later, Olier also looked at 9527. He didn't know what 9527 would do after knowing his true identity.

After all, during those two contacts, the Godly Plant gave Oriel a feeling that was not only mysterious, but also powerful!

It is crushingly powerful!

"Me?" 9527 also noticed Olier's eyes.

Then he looked at Tu Yan and said.

"Tu Yan, actually my memory has not been fully recovered yet, and I don't know if I am a god or not."

"But the only thing I can know now is that I am the brainchild of all the professors at the Nut City Scientific Research Institute, and the artificial intelligence 9527 on Earth is also the one."

After Tu Yan heard this, he pursed his lips, bent down, stretched out his hand, and touched 9527's disembodied body.

"You and I are one and the same. Have you forgotten how long your body has been living in my brain?"

"I trust you."

Tu Yan said solemnly.

"Believe me, you idiot. It's just that I might be a god. No matter what, I'm still the artificial intelligence 9527, the existence with the highest IQ on the earth."

9527 jumped onto Tu Yan's shoulder and looked directly at Olier.

"Hey, I don't mean anything else. If the 9527 military advisor is from our group, then that's great, hahahahaha."

Oriel also scratched the back of his head and said slightly embarrassed.

"It's okay. At least I am more convinced of my original identity. Let's talk about Wanchao County."

Immediately, 9527 told Oriel the importance of Wanchao County in great detail.

Then he asked Oriel to determine the status of the dragons that could help participate in the war.

Including everything from whether dragons are afraid of cold to flying speed.

When Tu Yan heard this, he couldn't help but complained in his heart, "Don't you have the DNA of a little lizard? Why do you continue to ask these things?" ’

"One last thing, are there any fresh dragon corpses here? I want to dissect them so that I can become more familiar with your dragon species." 9527 asked directly.

"Fuck! I'm sorry! Ollie! He, he, he. He's crazy, don't worry about it."

When I saw 9527, I directly asked them if they had any fresh corpses of their compatriots, and asked them to do an autopsy.

Tu Yan jumped up excitedly and apologized to Olier.

Oriel was also shocked at first, but when he saw Tu Yan's sincere apology, he was also slightly startled when he was about to get angry.

"Hey, 9527 Military Advisor, after dissecting the body of the dragon species, will it help defeat the zombie army?"

"Yes, and there should be a lot of injured dragons here, right? I saw a lot of treatment equipment, and we also have doctors here who can help you treat them."

The doctor 9527 refers to is Mark.

"Doctor? It would be great if you could treat the dragon species. But... the corpse of the dragon species"

"Alas, we dragons value corpses very much. A few days ago, a fellow died of an old injury. If it really helps to defeat the zombies, then I will take you there."

Ollier hesitated for a long time. It was very difficult for him to agree to this.

As he said, dragons value their own corpses. If they die in other planes, they will generally ask the "leading dragon" at that time to bury them well.

Dragons are very afraid of being tortured after death.

After all, most zombie dragons are bone dragons with half of their bodies missing.

Soon, Tu Yan and 9527 followed Olier to a small mountain.

Olier muttered something in his mouth and moved all the soil in front of him with powerful energy.

"Millia, I'm sorry. I disturbed your sweet dream. But we must defeat the zombie army!"

Ollier said silently.

After a while, a dragon corpse as high as a hill appeared in front of Tu Yan.

It can be seen that she has not been dead for long. One of her dragon wings may have been lost due to war or some other reason.

The remaining wing is also scarred.

After being buried for a few days, the dragon's body is full of traces of being stuck by the soil.

Because of the burial, the huge body is much more intact.

"Tu Yan, you guys go back first, tomorrow, if it's late, the day after tomorrow, anyway, wait for my news."

Although 9527 spoke very calmly, his fiery eyes betrayed him.

"Uh...Oil, let's go, 9527 is now in a frenzy, and no one can stop it."

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