The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 105: Take a comfortable bath

Tu Yan, who had been with 9527 for a long time, naturally understood the passion in 9527's heart at this moment.

It was a kind of sleepless desire to study the unknown in front of him and burn everything!

Oliel also felt 9527's enthusiasm.

He was more afraid of and admired his extreme personality of being cold on the outside and warm on the inside.

So he took Tu Yan back to the square of Zicheng Township.

"It seems that I still have to stay here for another night." Tu Yan shrugged his shoulders and said apologetically.

"It's okay, I'll let the human race here prepare a place for you to sleep."

"Then trouble you, hey, Mark, this way."

Tu Yan saw Mark from a distance and raised his hand to greet him.

Let him come over.

After seeing Tu Yan, Mark rushed over with A Mai.

A Mai was originally resistant, because the dragons were all beside Tu Yan.

His respect for the dragons in his heart did not allow him to come directly in front of the dragons.

But unable to resist Mark's insistence, Ama finally followed Mark to the square.

Awkward, extremely awkward, enveloped Ama's heart.

But Mark looked indifferent, he looked at Tu Yan and said.

"Brother Tu Yan, what's wrong? Is your hand bone hurting?"

Mark's words attracted O'Leary's attention. Just now, his mind was on 9527.

He didn't notice the injury on Tu Yan's hand, but now he noticed it.

O'Leary asked hurriedly.

"What's wrong? Are you injured?" The tone was very kind.

But it was a bit harsh in Ama's ears.

Ama was panicking at this time, what was going on?

Why did the giant dragon O'Leary care so much about Tu Yan?

Before Ama could react, O'Leary's sharp eyes pierced Ama.

Among all the races present, only Tu Yan and Ama were wrapped in bandages. If you think about it with your feet, you can understand what must have happened to these two people.

Before O'Leary asked, Tu Yan said immediately.

"It's okay. It's just the wound I got from the sparring with you."

Tu Yan also saw the murderous look in Oleil's eyes when he glanced at Amai, and hurried to help Amai get away.

After all, Amai was also Mark's friend. Although he was a little stubborn, there was no need to let Amai fall into despair.

"Oh? Really? That's good."

Seeing that Oleil wanted to blame Amai, Tu Yan continued to change the subject.

"This beastman is the universal doctor that 9527 told you about. You can take him to see the wounded here."

"Oh? So you are the doctor, but can the beastman doctor treat the dragon? Forget it, I'll treat the dead dragon as a living dragon. Come on, doctor, please come this way."

Although Oleil didn't believe it, his body was very honest.

He took Mark to see the wounded directly.

Mark also felt the embarrassment, so he didn't take Amai with him this time.

So, only Tu Yan and Amai were left there.

Ama, who dared not breathe, panted violently only after Oriel left.

Just a moment ago, he really felt the threat of death!

It was a death threat from the supreme authority!

After swallowing hard, Ama's eyes changed when he looked at Tu Yan.

Not only because Tu Yan just helped him to absolve himself of responsibility.

More importantly, Tu Yan had sparred with the giant dragon Oriel! And survived?

And why did Oriel feel so respectful to Tu Yan!

What happened in the middle!

When Ama thought about how he had just provoked Tu Yan fearlessly, he wanted to slap himself to death.

Tu Yan didn't realize what Ama was thinking now.

He said to him directly.

"Well, your boss said that he would arrange a place for me to live. Do you take me there or wait for the human race here to take me there?"

Tu Yan stretched his body and was also a little sleepy and hungry.

"Ah, I'll take you there."

"Well, then find a place for two men and one woman, one beastman, one human, and one Flügel. And if possible, prepare some food for me."

Since he has become an ally and guest of honor of Zicheng Township.

Tu Yan naturally wants to enjoy the benefits of this identity.

Under the leadership of A Mai, Tu Yan came to a small hotel.

The overall atmosphere of this hotel is still more like a homestay.

Fortunately, in this doomsday, it is well preserved.

The overall feeling is still light, elegant, and peaceful.

Of course, we have to ignore the surrounding buildings that have been bombed into ruins.

Tu Yan also tasted the food of Zicheng Township and then took a hot bath.


Tu Yan, who was soaking in the bathtub, couldn't help but sigh about life.

I don't know how long it has been since I took a hot bath.

Although I stayed in Quan'an Mansion for a long time, Quan'an Mansion was at a critical moment of reconstruction.

How can you indulge in such extravagant behavior as taking a hot bath?

There was a sound of the door being pushed open, and it was Margaret who came back.

And behind her were several people of different races.

They only had two things in common, that is, they were all males, and they were all carrying large and small bags.

"Tu Yan! I'm back! Great harvest!"

"I'm taking a bath!" Tu Yan couldn't help but feel a headache when he heard Margaret's wanton voice.

Luckily, Margaret took all those things directly without buying them.

Otherwise, no amount of money would be enough for her to spend.

"Come on, put all the things here, and then you can go back."

Margaret instructed the men behind her to put the things in the small courtyard, and then let them go back.

"Hey, so many followers?"

Tu Yan, wrapped in a large white towel, walked out of the bathroom and said.

Margaret looked at the "watery" Tu Yan, and her eyes were fixed.

She even swallowed her saliva.

"Little brother, I haven't had sex for a long time, aren't you tempting me like this! Hehehe"

"You are a ghost, those men are all kneeling under your pomegranate skirt, working like cows and horses for you?"

Tu Yan asked while putting on his shirt.

"Yes, you refused to help me carry those things. I'm so tired."

"You're tired. There's something to eat on the table. Let's take a shower after eating. It's hot."

Tu Yan climbed up to the second floor and said to Margaret on the open-air terrace on the first floor.

"Won't you give me a massage?" Margaret took off her red high heels.

Her beautiful feet, like jade carvings, were exposed. The red nail polish made her skin look whiter and more charming.

Tu Yan couldn't help swallowing his saliva and felt a burst of heat in his throat.

"Sister, your feet are a little smelly. Please, you've been shopping all day. How smelly are you? You don't know, damn!"

Tu Yan walked into the room without looking back.

"Hey, hey, hey, why do you say that about beautiful women? Where's Mark? Hasn't he come back yet?"

"I'm looking after the injured dragon species. I don't know when he'll be back. I'm going to sleep first."

Tu Yan shouted loudly wrapped in a quilt.

Then he fell asleep.

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