Waking up the next day, it was a beautiful morning.

Tu Yan stretched and walked out of the room.

He looked at the empty room next to him and shook his head.

This empty room belongs to Mark.

The mattress inside was neatly arranged.

It was obvious that Mark had stayed up all night again last night.

The door of the room next to him was half-closed.

Margaret was sleeping inside.

Tu Yan walked into Margaret's room.

He looked around the room with eyes looking at a rotten fish.

Spring light suddenly exposed? Indeed.

Half of Margaret's body was exposed outside the quilt with a good figure.

She was curvy and looked like an artistic sculpture.

She was dressed as always, with a slightly heaving chest, and the four words "surging waves" were lying carelessly on the touch. It was so sad.

But we have to ignore the smell of alcohol that permeated the whole room.

The empty wine bottles on the ground spoke of the heroism of last night.

Tu Yan showed a contemptuous expression, but smiled slightly after changing his mind.

"I thought you would bring some stinky man here to make a scene."

Then, Tu Yan was ready to walk out of the room.

In a trance, he heard Margaret's mumbling.

It seemed like a dream talk, and it seemed to be responding to Tu Yan's words.

"I'm still a virgin."

Then Margaret turned over and continued to snore.

Tu Yan shook his head, walked to the first floor, left the B\u0026B, and came to the square.

There were already more than a dozen dragons in the square, including Oriel.

Oriel's red eyes were the evidence of a sleepless night.

The same was true for the several dragons next to him.

The atmosphere in the square was very strange.

Not only serious, but also a lot more solemn.

There was a tense atmosphere in the air.

Tu Yan was also afraid to breathe because of the sticky air, and walked carefully to the center of the square.

Because the dragons' attention was all in it.

Olier was even more exaggerated. He didn't even notice Tu Yan walking past him.

When Tu Yan came to him, he realized what happened.

"Okay, huh. This way, the last one succeeded." Mark's voice sounded.

Although his voice was a little trembling due to staying up all night.

But it must be said that he looked very energetic.

As if he had conquered some difficulties.

After saying this, Mark staggered and almost fell.

Seeing this, Tu Yan hurried forward to support him.

"Brother Tu Yan. You are here, ahahaha, I am really a genius."

After saying this, Mark fell asleep directly on Tu Yan's shoulder.

Tu Yan looked distressed and wanted to help Mark go to the B\u0026B to rest.

But 9527, who was standing in the middle, signaled Olier to ask a human species to come and help Mark go back to sleep.

Tu Yan saw 9527 was also here.

He couldn't help but feel cold in his heart.

If Mark and 9527 stayed up all night together, then something terrible must have come out.

Like last time, the "Anti-Toxin Cleanser" was created by the two of them.

When Tu Yan wanted to ask 9527 what happened.

O'Leary was the first to speak.

"Tu Yan, thank you so much for letting Dr. Mark see my compatriots."

O'Leary said gratefully.

He had already expressed his gratitude to Mark in person.

He was just short of thanking Tu Yan.

"Well, what's the situation now?"

Tu Yan looked at O'Leary with a confused face.

At this time, 9527 also spoke.

"O'Leary, you go to sleep first, and all the dragons who didn't sleep last night go to sleep. We will set off in the afternoon."

"Yes! 9527, the military advisor!"

The dragons next to him responded one after another.

It was a very strange scene to see these creatures as big as hills being so respectful to a blue projection man.

Before Tu Yan could react.

9527 told everything that happened last night.

It turned out that 9527 first asked the dragons to help move the dragon's body to the square.

Then he and Mark dissected the dragon with their bare hands.

Just like a butcher dissecting a cow, all the dragon's muscles, bones, meridians, and blood vessels were dissected.

The enthusiasm in Mark and 9527's eyes even scared the dragons who were helping around and made them retreat three feet.

Finally, 9527 got the dragon data he wanted.

With the consent of O'Leary and the previously injured dragon.

Mark started his operation!

The 'dragon transformation' with 9527!

It turned out that many dragons had injuries of 'missing arms and legs'.

It was impossible to help them recover through surgery.

If they had to go through ordinary surgery, they would only be relieved of pain.

But 9527 proposed 'mechanical transformation'!

That is to transform mechanical limbs with Tu Yan's previous 'universal screwdriver'!

Installed on the dragon!

When O'Leary learned about this, he wanted to refuse on the spot.

But seeing the fanatical eyes of Mark and 9527.

He finally agreed.

The birth of the first 'mechanical dragon' also completely dispelled O'Leary's doubts.

Because the first dragon that underwent surgery had both wings missing.

After installing the mechanical wings, it can not only move freely, but also become more powerful!

Because 9527 added some bad taste in it, that is, the front part of the mechanical wings has added a flamethrower.

The dragons who underwent this operation also said that they could fly in the sky again.

It was a great blessing for him.

All the injured dragons became better after seeing their compatriots undergoing surgery.

They were also very enthusiastic and expressed their willingness to accept such "mechanical limb transformation surgery".

Even the dragons who were originally in good condition wanted to transform themselves.

But under the persuasion of Mark and 9527 that "mechanical limbs also have their own disadvantages, there is no need to cut off limbs for mechanical limbs."

Those dragons had to give up and helped on the side.

Some dragons' injuries were not broken limbs or wings, but internal injuries. Mark also solved them one by one smoothly.

A doctor like Mark is not only good at surgery and internal medicine, but also a genius who can conduct medical research by himself.

He is also a genius who can treat all seven races!

Olier couldn't help but feel itchy when he saw it, and wanted to use it for himself.

After listening to everything, Tu Yan twitched his mouth and looked at the dragons that were undergoing "mechanical transformation" surgery not far away.

One of them was a dragon with mechanical forelimbs installed, and its sharp mechanical claws could crush steel in one go.

One of them was equipped with hind limbs, and a light kick could knock over a tall building.

And so on.

Most of them were equipped with wings and limbs, and a small number were equipped with mechanical tails.

Tu Yan rolled his eyes, and there was a complaint in his mind that he didn't know whether to say or not.

That is. Bone dragons are not enough, and they have to toss out mechanical dragons?

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