The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 107 Little lizard? God of dragon species?

But seeing the other dragons were very happy.

Tu Yan no longer had the desire to complain.

He could only smile helplessly at 9527.

"So, your purpose was this from the beginning?"

"That's not the case. It's just that if you want to dissect, it's better to do it with Mark."

"Then Mark saw that so many dragons had broken arms and arms, so he made such a suggestion."

"Plus your universal screwdriver is indeed universal. It can create any mechanical material I want, and it's the kind that is generated out of thin air."

Hearing this, Tu Yan frowned.

He asked in confusion.

"Didn't you say that the universal screwdriver broke after modifying the Yanyu Chariot?"

"You dare to believe what I say? Anyway, it's useless to keep it in your hands, so you might as well continue to let me use it."

9527 looked at Tu Yan with a look like a mentally retarded person and complained.

"Well, where did you get these mechanical materials?"

"In the city, just loot them directly from Zicheng Township. If you want to synthesize and assemble them, you can do anything with a universal screwdriver."

"Okay. After all, this is your goal, to build a powerful dragon army."

"I've said it before, my goal is to get the DNA of the dragon."

"Oh? What do you want to do with it?"

"It's not convenient to tell you this, but you will know it later. Also, the reason why I want to dissect the corpse of the dragon is for the little lizard."

"Little lizard? By the way, where is the little lizard? Why can't I see him?"

"He was taken to drink dragon milk by other dragons. They said it's good for the body."

"Uh, dragons have milk?" Tu Yan rolled his eyes and kept constructing the image of a dragon with a nipple in his mind.

When the strange picture appeared, Tu Yan shuddered. The picture was so strange.

"What are you thinking about? I looked at the corpse and all the dragon DNA that had undergone surgery. But the little lizard may not be a dragon species, or it may be."

"Huh? What do you mean? Not a dragon species?"

Tu Yan asked in confusion.

"Yes, I compared the sequences of all DNA. In genetic science, if this sequence exceeds..."

"Wait, speak human language. I don't understand your professional terms." Tu Yan quickly stopped 9527's chattering.

"Okay, sorry, I overestimated your IQ. Listen carefully, theoretically, the little lizard cannot be a dragon species."

"Why? Uh, is it a demon species?"

The little lizard looks like a dragon. If it is not a dragon, it can only be a demon.

"No, although I don't have the DNA of the demon species, I can judge that the little lizard is definitely not a demon species, he is a giant dragon species!"

"Uh, you say he is not, and then you say he is not, what do you mean?"

Tu Yan was a little dizzy because of 9527, and he didn't know whether the little lizard was a giant dragon species.

"To be precise, his DNA is only 50% similar to the DNA of the giant dragon species, so theoretically they are not the same species."

"But their sequencing method is the same. If you put it another way, the little lizard may be the ancestor of the giant dragon species."

9527 licked his lips, as if he, the projection figure, also felt thirsty.


"If it is not the ancestor, it will be the god who created the giant dragon species."

"Do you understand what I mean? And I have carefully sequenced the DNA, and the little lizard is obviously stronger than the ordinary giant dragon species."

"Wow, so the little lizard is the special kind of giant dragon species?"

Tu Yan finally understood what 9527 meant.

"That's right."

"Do O'Neill and the others know?"

"I don't know. I haven't told them yet, and there's no need. And the last time you defeated Feiyan, didn't you only level up a few levels?"

"Yeah, that's right."

"I compared it and found that the little lizard gained most of the energy experience points."

"So, I'm considered to be someone else's bride? Forget it, the fat water should not flow to outsiders. The little lizard is originally in the same group with us."

"Well, it's good that you can think so. Get ready. We will leave here after lunch and continue to go north."

After saying this, 9527 turned around and ignored Tu Yan.

Put all your thoughts on your conscious brain that is like a 'supercomputer'.

Tu Yan saw this and stopped talking nonsense.

I went around Zicheng Township by myself.

Tu Yan returned to the square near noon.

Most of the dragons who didn't sleep last night also woke up.

Tasting the delicious food prepared by the human species in Zicheng Township.

Olier saw Tu Yan from a distance and also pushed his big bowl to Tu Yan, indicating that he wanted to eat together.

"Brother. Your bowl is custom-made. It's so big. How can I eat it?"

Tu Yan looked at the giant iron basin in front of him and was speechless.

Fortunately, a human chef next to him discovered Tu Yan's existence.

He quickly handed Tu Yan a normal-sized bowl and chopsticks.

"Today's food is pork ribs and squid porridge. That. You seem to be very powerful, a hero, thank you."

The chef was a man in his thirties.

I didn't expect that he had such a shy side.

Tu Yan was a little dazed when he heard the chef's thanks.

He didn't expect that he could get gratitude from others.

Everything he did was very simple and straightforward, that is, killing all the mourning beasts.

"Ah no need"

Tu Yan quickly took the bowl and chopsticks and started eating happily.

Mark also came over at this time and started having lunch with Tu Yan.

It was obvious that after a good night's sleep, Mark's mental state improved a lot, and he looked full of energy.

"Hey, where's Margaret?" Tu Yan asked.

"She had something to eat and then went shopping." Mark pursed his lips and returned.

"This prodigal bitch"

After eating and drinking, it’s time to get ready to hit the road.

Olier also came to Tu Yan at this time.

"Tu Yan, yesterday I said that we could dispatch twenty giant dragons, just because we have more wounded soldiers, but they have been rejuvenated by Dr. Mark's wonderful hands."

"We still have thirty dragons that have recovered from surgery and are ready to fight."

"Total, fifty giant dragons! That Wanchao County will definitely be captured!"

The words just fell.

The forty-nine giant dragons behind Oriel roared one after another.

That is the determination to be ready to "throw your head and shed your blood" and "burn your life on the battlefield until the last moment."

Although Tu Yan felt that his eardrums were about to be shattered, he was also very pleased to see so many dragons helping.

A total of fifty dragons!

Thirty of them are 'mechanical dragons'!

With such powerful reinforcements, Tu Yan is even more confident in capturing Wanchao County!

"Thanks, Oriel."

"What are you talking about? The mournful beast is the enemy of all our races!"

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