Ol's tone was full of courage to move forward.


Tu Yan turned around handsomely and took the Yanyu Chariot out of the space backpack.

Tu Yan has 120 strength points.

It was easy to lift the half-ton Yanyu Chariot.

But when Tu Yan was about to open the door and sit on it, 9527's voice sounded.

"Wait, Tu Yan."

"What's wrong?"

"We don't know what the situation is in Wanchao County. We don't know whether we should attack in full force or hide secretly."

"The dragons are too big. My suggestion is that we set off first, and then Oriol will wait for our signal in the small town near Wanchao County."

"I have shown Oriol the map to Wanchao County. If we use blue fireworks, it means we will not move."

"If it is red, then we will attack together."

After listening to 9527's plan, Tu Yan nodded and thought it made sense.

Fifty dragons went out together. That scene was amazing.

It is better to find out the situation in Wanchao County first.

But Tu Yan still took a breath and complained.

"You are ready for everything, why do you still need to tell me."

"It's just a formality." 9527 showed an inexplicable expression.

Tu Yan also shook his head indifferently.

"Well, let's go, Mark, get in the car, let's go pick up that loser woman."

Tu Yan, sitting in the driver's seat, looked at O'Ail.

Smiled slightly, and his expression was full of warmth of "comrade, waiting for you".

"O'Ail, it seems that the little lizard still likes to be with me."

Tu Yan touched the little lizard that came to the Yanyu chariot.

"That can't be helped. To him, you may be his father."

"Tu Yan, have a good trip, see you then!"

"Well, let's go."

The accelerator was stepped on, and the sound of the engine remained in this square.

All the dragons stretched their necks and stared straight at the distance of the Yanyu chariot.

Until the Yanyu chariot disappeared in the streets and alleys of Zicheng Township.

"Okay! Fellow countrymen! The instructions given to us by the 9527th Military Advisor are dusk operations!"

"Bring your courage! And your hatred! Get ready!"


All the dragons roared with determination before parting!

The whole Zicheng Township seemed to have experienced a small earthquake under such enthusiasm.

Tu Yan grabbed the steering wheel, grinned, stepped on the accelerator, and left straight away.

When he came to a shabby shopping mall, he stepped on the brakes.


The horn sounded wildly, pulling Margaret, who was still in the 'bloody battle', back to reality.

Margaret ran out with a lot of bags.

She quickly sat in the back seat, closed the door, and said with full preparation.

"Report to the captain! Tianyi Margaret is ready to go at any time!"

"I thought you would be reluctant to leave here." Tu Yan smiled slightly and slowly drove out of Zicheng Township.

"How could it be? If we don't defeat the Zang Beast Army, all of this will be just passing clouds."

"Enjoy? Life? These are things that will happen after we defeat the Zang Beasts!"

The firmness and determination in Margaret's eyes were completely different from the drunken girl who was shopping in the supermarket yesterday.

Tu Yan said nothing more, but stepped on the accelerator hard and increased the speed to the maximum.

The rumbling sound of the engine was speeding along the entire highway intersection.

Northward, northward, target, Wanchao County!

"At this speed, we should be able to resist Wanchao County in the evening.\

,""Look at the map, Tu Yan just drive safely, listen to me."

9527 snapped his fingers and directed the satellite map to the back seat.

Mark and Margaret listened to 9527's explanation seriously.

Including the situation of the cities around Wanchao County, which can be used as ambush points and transfer points.

And the urban history of the entire Wanchao County.

"We can see that the terrain of Wanchao County is very strange, and there are several large icebergs not far away."

"These mountains are covered with ice and snow all year round, and there are only two large cement roads connecting Wanchao County."

"The nearest small town to Wanchao County is also built on the hillside, and it is also a few kilometers away from Wanchao County."

"Now we have prepared winter supplies, and it depends on what the situation is over there."

Speaking of this, 9527 rarely took a breath of cold air.

There is too little information, too little information about the entire Wanchao County.

9527 only knows that a large amount of military supplies are stored in Wanchao County.

To put it bluntly, if Wanchao County catches fire, the entire Yanlong Kingdom may be blown away!

The amount of gunpowder, explosives, and even atomic bombs stored in it can be said to be the largest in Yanlong Country!

This is also the reason why 9527 is very eager to occupy Wanchao County.

No matter how much it costs!

As long as we can wait for the "arsenal" of Yanlong Country.

Then when we can use technological weapons, we will be able to take the initiative!

Tu Yan sped all the way and finally arrived near Wanchao County at sunset.

"Tu Yan, go up the snowy mountain, don't take the main road." 9527 said hurriedly after Tu Yan got off the highway.

Tu Yan also nodded.

On the national highway, he suddenly turned the steering wheel and directly broke through the railing on the side of the road.

Rushed towards the snowy mountain.

"Put on your winter clothes quickly, don't get cold."

Tu Yan looked at the white area beside the car window and exhaled deeply.

It seems that going to Zicheng Township to find winter clothes first is the right choice.

"Well? I don't need it." Margaret waved her hand, indicating that she didn't need winter clothes.

"Huh? You are wearing so little, aren't you afraid of freezing to death."

Tu Yan glanced at Margaret.

Margaret was still dressed in the same outfit, with a small vest and shorts, which was very cool.

"No, we Tianyi can control our body temperature, but Mark may need it."

"Our beastmen have a constant body temperature, so we only need some clothes, not so many."

Mark only took a thin down jacket, and judging from his expression, he seemed to think it was too hot.

"Uh" Tu Yan felt a little speechless.

In the end, the only one who needed these winter clothes was Tu Yan, a human.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"It's useless to tell me, you have to wear them."

A beastman and a wingman unexpectedly complained in unison.

"Forget it then." Tu Yan shook his head and drove on the snowy mountain with the powerful horsepower of the Yanyu Chariot.

At the same time, the dragons in Zicheng Township had already taken action.

Not long after the group of dragons left, a figure rushed over in a dusty manner.

She was a young and beautiful woman riding a demon as a mount.

When she came to the fence of Zicheng Township, she asked.

"Excuse me. Has a human named Tu Yan been here?"

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