The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 109 Heerlen's Footsteps

"Lord Tu Yan? Who are you?"

Amai asked with a frown.

Amai Ben was reluctant to say goodbye to Mark today.

But when I think about my good friend Mark’s medical skills,

He even saved many giant dragons, and even Oriel respected Mark.

I am also very proud to be a good friend of the ‘universal doctor’ Mark.

However, pride is pride, Tu Yan's mystery and power still left an indelible impression on Amai's heart.

It turned out that most of the dragons had left just now.

Unexpectedly, another beautiful woman would show up to see Tu Yan.

"I am Tu Yan's friend. Tu Yan has been here before, right?"

This girl is riding a demonic species - an earth dragon.

Earth dragons are creatures of the demonic species.

Although there is a dragon in the name, it has nothing to do with the dragon species.

If we insist on involving other things, it should only be that the earth dragon is very similar to the giant dragon.

But the earth dragon has no wings and is very small, about the size of a horse.

Its forelimbs have degenerated and are basically useless.

But the two hind limbs are very developed, and it can walk quickly whether it is forest, desert, river beach or iceberg.

There are also some soft black feathers on its head and tail, which are more like bird feathers.

The person riding on this earth dragon is an elf girl.

It’s Heerlen!

In Nat City, Tu Yan was the first 'person' of other races that he recognized.

He is also Tu Yan's most loyal comrade in Nat City.

But for some reason, he originally wanted to find Heerlan, his fellow elf, in Nat City.

Now it appeared in Zicheng Township, a hundred miles away.

"Yes, there is, but he has left."

Amai licked his mouth and swallowed.

For some reason, the elf girl in front of him had a strange charm.

As a result, Amai's eyes were always glued to Heerlen.

That is a different feminine charm from the Flügel 'Margaret'.

Margaret is the kind of person who is stunning when she appears. She has a strange magical power about her that keeps all eyes glued to her.

To be more specific, it is 'sexy' and 'charming'.

And Heerlen has a clean and heroic feeling.

At first sight, it might be nothing.

But I don’t know why, but I can’t control my eyes and glance at Heerlen.

If you want to describe it, maybe there are only words like 'pure' and 'next door'.

"Then where did he go?"

Heerlen also jumped down from the earth dragon and stood in front of Amai and asked.

"Well, I don't know your identity, right? Who knows if you are his friend."

Amai scratched his head and showed an embarrassed expression.

"Well, it's really hard to prove this."

Heerlen pursed his lips, feeling a little at a loss.

She could indeed tell many of Tu Yan's characteristics, but these characteristics could also be said in terms of his enemy's identity.

"Is this city called Zicheng Township? Is the top commander here here?"

"Well, forget it, they've all gone out. It seems that you are not a bad person. Tu Yan seems to have gone to Wanchao County."

Immediately, Amai told Heerlen what he knew.

Fortunately, Mark is a good friend of Ah Mai.

Before leaving, they also informed Amai of their itinerary.

Including the assistance of dragon species.

After listening to the information provided by Amai, Heerlen bowed down gratefully to thank him.

"Thank you very much. I'll go find him now."

After saying that, Heerlen was about to ride on the earth dragon and continue setting off.

Amai quickly stopped him when he saw this.

"It's already night, otherwise, would you like to stay in Zicheng Township for one night before leaving?"

"Is this convenient? We are meeting for the first time, will it disturb you?"

Heerlen was also very excited when he heard that there was a place to stay.

She has been staying overnight these days and hasn't had a good rest for a long time.

But before getting kind help, she was still cautious to determine whether it would disturb others.

"No, it's okay. Tu Yan and the others just left and left behind a B\u0026B. Besides, there are a few giant dragons staying here to stay."

It was obvious that Amai's last words contained the slightest hint of warning.

After all, they are strangers to each other.

"Great! Thank you so much!"

In this way, Heerlen, who traveled north from Nat City and was looking for Tu Yan, also came to Zicheng Township.

And what about Tu Yan?

Big crisis? Not even close to the question.

The powerful horsepower of the Hell Chariot drove directly over the entire mountain range.

Tu Yan and his party also arrived at the small town closest to Wanchao County.

It is located halfway up the mountain.

If you use a telescope, you can still barely see the situation in Wanchao County.

When Tu Yan drove the Hell Chariot to this small town.

He was immediately surrounded by soldiers of different races.

"Come down!" One of the leaders of the elves yelled angrily.

Tu Yan frowned. This was his first time seeing a male elf.

He looks very delicate and handsome.

After all, we are on someone else's territory. If we don't talk nicely, we won't be able to get things done.

Tu Yan had no choice but to quickly put on his warm clothes, warm clothes, and down jacket and walked down.

At the same time, he raised his hands high to show that he had no ill intentions.

"Hey, okay, we are not passing by, we are here to see the situation in Wanchao County, I am the human Tu Yan. May I ask who you are?"

"Tell me! Did the Zang Beast Corps send you here! Have you betrayed your own race!"

The elf man held a sharp spear and pointed at Tu Yan and the others and asked them relentlessly.

"Yu Yinyi! Don't treat strangers with such an attitude!"

At this time, a strange-looking creature came out.

It can be judged that this is a demon species.

It looks very similar to the "Qilin" in the legend of Yanlong Country.

But this Qilin is all black and has three horns on its head.

He looked solemnly at the elf man named "Yu Yinyi".

"Yes, Lord Sanlin."

It can be seen that Yu Yinyi respects this demon species very much and immediately makes way for him.

"Hello, human species, I am a demon species, Sanlin. May I ask where you are from?"

Sanlin may be the person with the highest status in this small town.

Because all the races nearby were looking at Sanlin with longing.

"Hello, I am from the southern city of Yanlong Country. These are my companions, Margaret of the Skywing race and Mark of the Werebeast race."

"The reason we came here is to capture Wanchao County. There should be a teleportation device for the Zang Beasts there, which can continuously send the Zang Beasts out from here."

Tu Yan and the others were actually very sure that Wanchao County must have a teleportation device.

Because from a distance, there were footprints all around Wanchao County!

There were footprints everywhere on the snow!

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