The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 112 Heaven Locks and Cuts the Moon!

Roar of Flame!

It hit a zombie on the edge of the city wall!

It exploded instantly.

It became an orange explosion ball with a diameter of dozens of meters.

All the zombies nearby were killed!

Even the city wall under their feet showed traces of black charring from the explosion.

But it was unscathed!

Tu Yan, who learned about this through the sniper rifle scope, couldn't help but smack his lips.

Although I know that this titanium alloy city wall is very strong.

But I didn't expect it to be so strong.

The explosion of Roar of Flame only achieved such a result.

Tsk tsk.

Tu Yan took the opportunity to fire another shot.

Go to the silver city wall.

This ordinary bullet, the moment it touched the silver city wall.

It was directly bounced!

And the place that was hit was not damaged at all!


Seeing this, Tu Yan had to put away the sniper rifle and sat back on the motorcycle.

Continue to move towards Wanchao County!

"As I thought, the Zombie Corps must have reinforced the city wall."

"Although I don't know what method they used, I can only continue to attack, clay bombs, gasoline barrel bombing, go!"

The voice was naturally 9527.

Tu Yan couldn't help complaining when he heard what 9527 said.

"That's easy to say, if you can do it, go ahead."

"Tsk, you deserve to be immortal."

"Hmph, you're not very nice to me at ordinary times, I won't say anything more, they're coming!"

The "they" in Tu Yan's mouth.

A group of flying Zombie beasts.

Most of them are bird-like creatures or bat-like creatures.

Some are huge pterosaurs!

But what remains unchanged is the black sticky substance all over their bodies.

It's disgusting to look at.

They bared their teeth and rushed towards Tu Yan.

It seems that they are going to cut Tu Yan into pieces.

"Location!" Tu Yan shouted.

At the same time, he slowed down the speed of the motorcycle.

Continue to take out the sniper rifle to deal with the enemies in the sky!

The attack on the silver wall just now was a fixed position, and 9527's instructions were not needed.

But the target now is constantly flying.

Therefore, 9527's high-speed brain must be relied on to predict the position of this group of enemies!

"Northeast 95! 56 degrees!"

"Northeast 107! 89 degrees!"

"North! 87 degrees!"

Cooperation is tacit!

9527 said a coordinate position.

Tu Yan didn't think about it and shot directly!

While the ordinary bullets of "Barrett's Black Katie Flame" were cooling down.

9527 quickly calculated the flying position of the next bird-like zombie!

Another shot!




The zombie's unwilling roar.

Coupled with Tu Yan's rhythmic shooting.

It became a symphony in the snow!

But as the number of enemies increased.

Tu Yan was attacked by a zombie that looked like a pterosaur.

One lost balance and fell heavily to the ground.

The Yanyu motorcycle also lost balance and staggered to the side.

Driving at high speed, Tu Yan was also seriously injured.

And this pterosaur was relentless.

With a huge mouth, it bit towards Tu Yan.

Under the huge attack power, Tu Yan's upper and lower body separated!

But, Tu Yan was resurrected immediately!

Taking out the magic knife Qianren is a set of counter-killing!

What a joke, Tu Yan's power points at this time can be said to be able to kill anyone except the Twelve Generals!

Not afraid at all!

But after chopping the pterosaur into pieces, all the other flying zombies came to Tu Yan.

Seeing this, Tu Yan had to take out a close-range weapon again and prepare for close combat!

The magic knife Qianren in the left hand, and the right hand is. Tensuo Zangetsu!

Zanpakutō! Tensuo Zangetsu!

It was the new weapon that Tu Yan got as a death reward last night!

And this knife is still in the Bankai form!

The dark blade flashed with cold light.

As if it was indestructible.

The handle was wrapped with black and red tape.

There was also a black iron chain at the end of the handle as a decoration, and the length was about half the length of the blade.

Zangetsu, provides 40 points of strength points, and provides 15% attack increase based on the user's strength points.

And can use 'Crescent Moon Sky Strike', 'Black Flow Fang', 'Moonless'

Crescent Moon Sky Strike, range attack, the energy on the Tensuo Zangetsu turns into a crescent-shaped black blade, flying out of the blade to attack the enemy.

Can cause 200 points of strength points of damage, and there is a great chance of knocking the enemy away, with a cooling time of ten minutes.

Black Flow Fang, black energy wraps the Zanpakuto, relying on the super-intensive concentration of energy, instantly pulls the user in front of the target, inserts straight, and releases the greatest destructive power at the moment of slashing the object.

Causes 100 points of strength points of damage, with a maximum attack range of 50 meters and a cooling time of ten minutes.

This is a skill similar to "charge" or "pig rush".

But there is a feature. If you don't select a certain object, you can teleport to any place within a radius of 50 meters with Tu Yan as the origin.

But because no object is selected, it can only be regarded as a short-distance teleportation skill.

Although the panel attributes of Tiansuo Zhan Yue are lower than those of Mo Dao Qian Ren.

But Tiansuo Zhan Yue has three more active attack skills.

It will definitely create different fireworks in battle.

I saw Tu Yan stacking the magic sword Qianbian in his left hand and the Tiansuo Zhanyue in his right hand into a 'cross shape'.

After taking a gentle breath, he stared sharply at the flying beast in the sky.

There are at least dozens of them!


Tu Yan is not timid at all!

There’s nothing to be cowardly about!

At this time, Tu Yan's panel attributes were already terrifying!

Able martial artist: Tu Yan

Level: LV35

Strength: 120 (+80+25%) (+40+15%) (+10%)

Speed: 50 (+10%)

Defense: 13 (+10%)

Attribute points: 0

Ability: Death is like the wind, always with me, the eye of the illustrated book.

Props: space backpack, eternal gasoline barrel

+80+25%, it is the Thousand Blades of the Demonic Sword.

And +40+15% is from Tiansuo Zhanyue.

Plus 10% to trigger a death stack.

After conversion, Tu Yan's panel strength points at this time were 240!

There is also a total of 50% blessing, and 60 more points of power out of thin air!

A full 300 points of strength!

One knife down! Is it a god or a ghost? Stay and go!

The moment Tiansuo Zhanyue touched the magic sword Thousand Blades.

The thousand-edged blade of the demon knife immediately broke into pieces and floated in front of Tu Yan.

Following Tu Yan's control, the fragments flew towards the flying mourning beast in the air!



Some lower-level mourning beasts with poor defense were directly penetrated by these blade fragments!

Then Tu Yan took a deep breath, took a horse step, and leaned back slightly.

He pointed Tiansuo Zhanyue behind him.

With one sweeping sweep, all the energy accumulated in the Sky Lock Zangetsu Sword spurted out!

"The crescent moon clashes with the sky"!

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