The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 113 Gasoline Barrel Red Line Array

The black and red blade energy left the sword.

It expanded and became bigger instantly.

It turned into a black crescent moon!

The powerful impact force.

It even blew away a lot of the blood under Tu Yan's feet!


With a loud bang.

Several flying zombies were directly blown into pieces!

Although several flying zombies did not die, they were also blown away to unknown places.

The two swords came out of their bodies and instantly repelled dozens of flying zombies!

After the combo was successful, Tu Yan immediately ran to the Yanyu motorcycle.

He put the two swords back into the space backpack and drove the motorcycle to continue moving forward!

During this time, he continued to hold the sniper rifle and shoot at the zombie soldiers on the wall one by one.

The wall of Wanchao County had already become a mess.

Finally, a consul's zombie slowly came on stage and barely controlled the situation.

Demon species, Xius Flame Demon!

He was responsible for patrolling and guarding the south wall of Wanchao County.

‘The name is as good as the person’.

He is about three meters tall, with a human body and limbs, but his body is wrapped in a ball of red flames.

From his blurred facial features, it can be barely judged that this is a ruthless ‘person’.

“What’s going on! Which jerk is here!”

As soon as he came up, he cursed carelessly.

He betrayed the demon species and joined the Zang Beast Corps.

In fact, he was very insecure. Most of the people around him were Zang Beasts. In such an environment, he could only make himself look tough and ‘not easy to mess with’ to get by.

I don’t know if it was good luck or strong ability, but Xius Flame Demon became the highest commander guarding the southern wall of Wanchao County.

Many mid-level Zang Beasts nearby saw that Xius Flame Demon was so aggressive, and they were inevitably impressed by his aura.

They lowered their heads one by one to explain what happened.

Among them, a Zang Beast that looked like a monkey spoke up.

"Or, go and tell Lord Twelve Generals."

As soon as the words fell.

Xiusi Flame Demon came over with a giant hand and tightly grasped the neck of the zombie!

"Look at what you are saying! How can you trouble Lord Twelve Generals! Here, we are all right!"

Xiusi Flame Demon narrowed his eyes and looked at the zombie.

"Yes, Lord Xiusi Flame Demon"

The zombie could only hold back his throat and tremble.

"Humph, come, open the small door and release the infected zombies. Just one enemy? Do you still need Lord Twelve Generals? Ha, I'm going to sleep, call me if you have anything!"

After saying that, Xiusi Flame Demon went down the city wall without looking back.

He didn't take Tu Yan in the distance into consideration at all.

After receiving the order, this group of mid-level zombies also took action immediately.

The mid-level zombies who could think and speak thought about it and decided to send out some low-level zombies on the basis of the zombies.

In this way, when Tu Yan arrived at the foot of Wanchao County, less than a thousand meters away.

A large group of zombies and low-level zombies rushed up.

Tu Yan, who parked on the edge of the rock and put away the Yanyu motorcycle, twitched his nose and looked at the human zombies running from afar.

"Don't think about it. Mark's "Anti-Toxin" can only be used on creatures that have been infected for a short period of time."

"We are not sure how long this group of humans have been infected. Even if these humans are military scientific research talents, we can't waste Anti-Toxin. Just kill them!"

9527 knew what Tu Yan was thinking and persuaded him directly.

Tu Yan also nodded, and rushed towards a large group of zombies with a firm expression!

Two knives came out at the same time.

Tu Yan continued to control the fragments of the Demon Knife Qianren with his mental power, allowing them to attack the zombies in front of him like an "assassin".

The Tiansuo Zhanyue in his right hand was placed across his chest, slashing one by one. When the ten-minute cooling time was up, it was immediately a "Crescent Sky Rush"!

Killing so many zombies! As if no one was around!

During this period, Tu Yan was accidentally attacked by a mid-level zombie beast on the city wall.

He died.

But in the chaos, he quickly resurrected.

Taking advantage of the chaos, no mid-level zombie beast found anything wrong.

With super high strength points, when attacking zombies, it was like hitting a paper doll.

But because of his low defense points, other zombies also hit him like paper.

This is a big killing!

Either you die or I die!

I touch you, you die!

You touch me, I die!

But I am immortal!

It was under such a "playing tricks" tactic.

After Tu Yan died four times, he killed all the thousands of zombies in front of him!

Stepping on the piles of corpses, Tu Yan, who was breathing heavily, grinned.

He took out his sniper rifle, and the Roar of Flame had already cooled down, so he fired a shot directly at the city wall!


A strong explosion sounded, and a hurricane blew.

Tu Yan was blown back several steps.

When everything was settled.

The silver city wall was still motionless, and there was nothing wrong with it!

"Damn, it's really durable."

Two rounds of Roar of Flame couldn't blow down the titanium alloy city wall in front of him.

"No! Tu Yan! There, there is a burnt mark!"

9527 found a small black charcoal that appeared on the place where he was hit just now.

This is the mark left by the explosion and burning!

This little black focus is more conspicuous under this silver wall.

"Oh, let's continue!"

Tu Yan, who was in high spirits, acted quickly!

Three-dimensional mobile device!

The iron hook flew towards the extremely hard wall!

Although the iron hook could not grab the wall, this three-dimensional mobile device also had the function of a magnet.

It could firmly suck the iron hook onto the wall!

When the rope was firm, he pulled it hard and pulled Tu Yan directly towards the wall!

'Bang! '

After using the three-dimensional mobile device several times, Tu Yan had become more and more handy.

He stepped heavily on the wall with both feet, forming a 90-degree right angle with the ground.

Then he gently untied the iron rope of the three-dimensional mobile device, jumped smoothly, and landed safely on the ground.

Then he ran quickly.

He took out one gasoline barrel after another!

He placed them on the corners of the wall.

When he was about to reach the edge, he braked suddenly, turned around, and ran back again.

Gasoline barrel!

Gasoline barrels!

After a while, eighty-nine gasoline barrels were placed out, and the number was still increasing!

From a distance.

In the snowy land, there was a silver wall, and a straight red line appeared under it!

"Quick! Go down! Defeat that human species!"

All the zombies on the wall were stunned.

They didn't know how this human species could defeat all the zombies and escape from the dead!

So after a long while, they realized that they couldn't let it go on!

"Go to hell! Human!"

One of the zombies bit Tu Yan's thigh, and then he flew out at such a fast speed.

But this bite did not kill Tu Yan!

"Everyone, wait! Let this human be infected by us!"

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