The zombies on the wall found that Tu Yan was injured. Now it was the perfect time to wait for Tu Yan to become their companion.

Now they just had to wait and let Tu Yan become a zombie!

"Quick! Let Lord Xius Flame Demon come up and see how to deal with this human species!"

The tone of the zombie who was temporarily in command seemed to have treated Tu Yan as a zombie.

After all, in their minds, no one can escape the zombie virus!

Tu Yan endured the severe pain and began to breathe heavily.

It might be because he was fighting all the way.

Tu Yan's physical strength gradually began to fail.

It was so easy to be infected by the zombie virus.

Tu Yan bit his tongue, tried to keep himself awake, and tremblingly reached out to the space backpack.

There were three "Anti-Toxins" in the space backpack!

"Wait! Tu Yan, don't use Anti-Toxins! I don't know what will happen!"

The voice of 9527 came in his mind.

"What the hell, what should I do? I'm going to become a zombie!"

Tu Yan felt his heart beating faster and faster, as if it was about to pierce his chest!

"Margaret, now!"

9527's voice sounded in two places at the same time!

One was in Tu Yan's brain.

The other was in Margaret in the clouds in the sky!

It turned out that the earphones that 9527 relied on were worn on Margaret!

This ensured that Margaret, who was supporting in the air, could know Tu Yan's situation at all times.

"Here it comes! Nine Styles of God Killing - Heavenly Tribulation Breaking Thunder!"

Several indigo-colored lightning bolts quickly appeared in the sky!

Maybe it was because the distance was too far.

This move can be said to be thunder with little rain.

What fell on Tu Yan was only a lightning strike as big as half a tree.

But it was enough!

Tu Yan was struck on the spot and was burnt inside and tender inside.

The fifth death superposition!

When Margaret's attack just now was discovered by the intermediate zombies on the city wall.

"What happened just now? Thunder?"

"Is someone using magic? Hurry up, let everyone pay attention, there are other invaders! Where is Lord Zeus Flame Demon? Why hasn't he come yet?"

Speak of the devil, and he will appear.

I saw Zeus Flame Demon yawning as he walked up to the city wall.

"What's going on?"

"Lord Zeus Flame Demon!"

Then, the zombies who had been guarding the city hurriedly reported the situation again.

"Oh? Thunder? That should be a skill of the elves or the Flügels. Oh, let's ask a few teams to look for it."

"But, what a pity, that human race should be quite powerful."

"The stronger the race before the transformation, the stronger it will be after becoming a zombie. What a pity. But. If the one who used the thunder skill was this human race accomplice, why did he kill him?"

"Maybe it's because he didn't want to see his accomplice become a zombie. Haha, boring, why don't you just join the zombie army like me."

Zeus Flame Demon looked at Tu Yan who had turned into charcoal below and couldn't help laughing.

He also tried his best to fight against the Zang Beasts at the beginning.

But so what? With the Zang Beasts being so powerful and infected with the virus, who can be their enemy?

There are only two outcomes.

Death or submission.

He was very smart and brought nearly a few thousand elite demons to surrender to the Zang Beasts Corps.

He was smooth sailing in all the planes he had been in.

Until he came to this ghost plane - Earth.

It's not because he doesn't like the food here. I have to say that the food on Earth is very delicious.

It's because it's too cold here!

This city, this Wanchao County is too cold!

This time on Earth, his most important task is to protect this city.

Because there is a transmission device of the Zang Beasts Corps in this city.

And it also has the technological weapons of the Earth, so it is heavily guarded!

Just when the Zeus Flame Demon was stunned.

The narrator's Zang Beast called out several times before he was barely pulled back from his wandering in the air.

"Lord Xius Flame Demon! Lord Xius Flame Demon!"

"Tell me! What's wrong!"

Xius Flame Demon glared at him. The zombies next to him were a little bit submissive.

"That...that human race doesn't seem to be dead yet, and the zombies' virus infection doesn't seem to work on him either."


Xius Flame Demon was very surprised.

He lay down on the wall and looked down.


After being resurrected, Tu Yan became completely free and easy.

With a 50% increase in all attributes, his speed was also much faster.

Running around, placing gasoline barrels, very refreshing.

Several zombies have already jumped down from the wall, ready to catch Tu Yan.

Tu Yan looked relaxed, aiming for an opportunity.

Start the 'three-dimensional maneuvering device'.

In a flash, he ran to another place.

If it doesn't work, just pull out your hands.

One hand holds the magic knife Qianren, the other hand holds Tiansuo Zhanyue.

Intermediate zombie?

If one slash doesn't work, then two slashes, no more than ten slashes at most!

"Damn, what the hell is going on!"

The Zeus Flame Demon was almost spitting fire.

Thousands of zombies have already died at Tu Yan's hands!

What's going on?

When has the Zombie Corps ever suffered such a setback?

"No. He must be dealt with, otherwise the Twelve Generals will be angry if they know about the losses here."

"Brothers! Follow me!"

The Zeus Flame Demon jumped up and jumped directly from the city wall.

And the so-called 'brothers' behind him were just a group of traitors who followed him to betray the demon species.

"Oh? Demon species?" Tu Yan saw a large group of opponents jumping down from the city wall,

and the Sky Lock Zan Yue in his hand began to tremble.

It's not that he was afraid.

But he was tired.

Continuous battles, constant death and rebirth.

The superposition of pain perception, even with a breath now, the frost inhaled into the lungs is like a blade wandering in Tu Yan's body!

Looking at Tu Yan's 'fearful' expression.

The Zeus Flame Demon couldn't help but grin.

"It seems that you, the human species, have reached the limit. I really don't understand why you can stay awake and not become a zombie after being infected by the zombie beast?"

There was a hint of sarcasm in the tone of the Zeus Flame Demon.

"Heh, traitor? A demon traitor? All on fire. Heh, come on, come and die!"

Tu Yan activated the 'three-dimensional mobile device', but the target was not the city wall!

But the rock behind him!

With a 'click' sound!

The hook firmly grasped the rock opposite the siege.

He threw Tu Yan over.

"Heh? Deserter?" Xiusi Flame Demon spat on the ground, glanced, and saw the 'long red line' at the foot of the city wall.

"What is this?" Xiusi Flame Demon walked forward puzzled.

But with a 'bang'!

Because Xiusi Flame Demon itself is a giant igniter.

As soon as it approached, the gasoline barrel also exploded.

Fortunately, at the moment of the explosion, Xiusi Flame Demon used magic to annihilate it.

It did not detonate other oil barrels.

But Xiusi Flame Demon also reacted!

He looked in the direction of Tu Yan in amazement!

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