"Boom, boom, boom"

Cracks appeared in the city wall where Tu Yan's punch struck.

Keep spreading.

Immediately, the entire southern city wall collapsed.

After Margaret received the 'give up' instruction from 9527.

Already flying down into the clouds.

When he saw the city wall beginning to collapse, he accelerated his speed and rushed towards Tu Yan.

After Tu Yan threw the last punch, he used all his strength and slowly fell backward.

Marigot dodged, and the wings around her waist became extremely tight.

A 'squeak' sound came out.

He hugged Tu Yan, flew close to the ground, and flew towards the rear!

"Ah Margaret? I succeeded?"

Tu Yan, who was in Margaret's arms, muttered.

"Yes. You succeeded. Let's go back."

A piece of feather flew from Margaret's wings and hit the southern wall of Wanchao County like a piece of dust.

Wan Chaojun, wait until all the dust blows away with the wind.

Only a tragic scene was left.

Many mourning beasts standing on the city wall were crushed to death by gravel and debris after falling to the ground.

Those who are immortal are also injured.

After the entire city wall collapsed, huge pieces of rubble and titanium alloy iron pieces were scattered on the ground.

How many corpses of zombies and beasts were covered.

Perhaps because the city walls are constructed of titanium alloy.

The collapse of the southern wall did not lead to the collapse of the other three walls.

But the loosening of the other three city walls is inevitable.

Sanlin, Mark and others used telescopes in the small towns on the mountainside to keep an eye on the movements of Wanchao County.

After seeing the bursts of dust caused by the collapse, they knew Tu Yan had succeeded.

He immediately started getting ready, waiting for Tu Yan's arrival.

After a while, Margaret brought Tu Yan to the small town on the mountainside.

"Quick! Mark, come and see Tu Yan's situation, Sanlin! Continue to observe the situation over there where you are playing Chaozhou Opera. If the Shou Beast Legion finds this place, retreat immediately!"

9527 also immediately gave the order.

Mark was already prepared. He took Tu Yan and carefully checked other physical conditions.

"There is nothing wrong with my body, but I am too tired now and I am suffering from too much pain mentally. I just need to rest for a while."

Then, Mark picked up the 'glucose' drip and asked Tu Yan to replenish sugar first.

"Mark. I'm cold."

Tu Yan lay on the bed and said shivering.

All the winter clothes on his body were in tatters, and he could no longer withstand the cold winter.

"There is a vest in the space backpack. Take it out and help me put it on."

After saying this, Tu Yan lost consciousness and fell into a coma.

The twelve deaths have exceeded the previous number of deaths.

Coupled with the continuous fighting for several hours, it was a physical and psychological test for Tu Yan.

And Tu Yan’s so-called ‘little vest’.

It is his death reward today.

Mom's brand vest: Put it on and it can automatically adjust your body temperature. It is a must-have magic weapon for home travel.

Mark quickly helped Tu Yan put on this little vest.

In confusion, Tu Yan immediately felt a warmth coming to his heart.

It's like being in a furnace.

With this 'Mama brand vest', Tu Yan won't need to wear so many clothes if he fights in the snow in the future.

By the time Tu Yan woke up again, it was already night.

He shook his heavy head, as if his head were made of iron after a hangover.

At this time, he was in a bedroom, with only Mark taking care of him.


When Mark heard the noise, he also put down the medicine bottle in his hand. It seemed that he did not forget to conduct pharmaceutical experiments while taking care of it.

"Brother Tu Yan, are you awake? How do you feel?"

"It's okay, I just feel like my bones are about to fall apart. How long have I been sleeping?"

"It's only half a day, and it's only night now."

"How's the situation?"

"The Legion of Death Beasts hasn't attacked yet. What 9527 means is to wait until you wake up before launching the attack. I don't know the details. I've been in the room the whole time."


After saying that, Tu Yan made a gesture to get up.

"Are you going to get up now? I suggest you take a rest. I'll just ask someone to bring you food."

"It's okay, I can do it."

"Then put your clothes on."

"Hahaha, it's okay. I forgot that I have a 'Mama brand vest' on me. It's very warm."

It was said to be very warm, but it still felt weird wearing only a small vest.

Tu Yan also put on a shirt before opening the door and walking out.

The roar of hunger did not attract Tu Yan's attention.

He just wanted to know the situation in Wanchao County at this time.

After opening the door, he found Sanlin and the others.

It’s the same bonfire, the same group of people.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Tu Yan entered the topic.

But Sanlin interrupted his thoughts with the excuse of "fill your stomach first".

"Okay, but to be honest. You Flügel's cooking skills are really not that good, and the food you cook is really unpalatable. It's such a pity that there's not a single human here except me."

Tu Yan looked at the green stuff in the bowl and felt disgusted.

But I couldn't help but my stomach growled.

"Then don't eat it. I'm sorry, today it's the Flügels who cook, and tomorrow it's the elves who will cook."

Margaret made a face and said disdainfully.

"Okay, back to the topic, Tu Yan, can we fight later?"

9527 looked at Wanchao County at the foot of the mountain and said without looking back.

"Yes, but are you sure it has to be at night?"

"Well, we are in a hurry. We don't know how long it will take for the Zang Beast Corps to repair the city wall, so it is the most correct to attack decisively."

"During the time when you were unconscious, we carefully stared at Wanchao County with telescopes."

"Unlike what I imagined, the revenge did not come."

"I thought that the city wall was broken, and the Zang Beasts would feel embarrassed and search the mountain frantically, but I didn't expect"

"They are just like nothing happened."

At this point, there was an obvious pause in 9527's tone.

Because this situation is completely different from what was expected.

I thought that after breaking the wall, the Zang Beast Corps would search the mountain like crazy and find Tu Yan and others.

But this did not happen.

Instead, it was as if nothing had happened.

There is only one possibility. That is, they are fearless!

The Zang Beast Army must have a powerful figure in charge, they are not afraid of anything!

Since they want to break through the city wall, they will definitely continue to attack.

Instead of looking for enemies all over the mountains and plains, it is better to wait and see.

This is absolute confidence in strength!

Tu Yan also understood the meaning of 9527's words.

He snorted and asked 9527.

"Have you notified the giant dragon Olier? Since we are going to act tonight, when will they arrive?"

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