The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 117 General Attack! Begin!

"Hmph, I knew you were the kind of person who would flatten a mountain even though you knew there was one in front of you."

9527 chuckled.

"We've already communicated with the dragon species. When the signal appears, they will arrive in half an hour."

"Sanlin, Emily, and Margaret, go tell your race that it's 10:30 p.m. now. We'll set off in an hour!"


The three 'people' of different races answered in unison.

But Tu Yan took a deep breath, feeling that this was inappropriate, and still expressed his doubts.

"If we fight at night, it may last a long time. Do the others get enough rest?"

"Enough. I was preparing for this while you were sleeping in the daytime. We came in batches to look out. Now I'm full of energy."

"And the zombies shouldn't have guessed that we would attack in the middle of the night. Anyway, Tu Yan, you woke up at the right time."


Tu Yan twitched the corners of his mouth, not knowing whether it was good or bad to wake up at night after sleeping for a whole day.

But 9527 didn't have the time to listen to Tu Yan's complaints.

He immediately talked about several points that need to be paid attention to during night battles.

"In short, light is very important."

"Mark and I have dissected several zombie corpses and found that only a few zombie corpses are not afraid of fighting at night."

"But most zombies still need light at night, so there are only a few torches in Wanchao County."

"Those races who can use light or fire, please remember to always help your companions illuminate the nearby roads."

"We are the attackers. Although the city wall has collapsed, the natural advantages of the defenders still exist, so please don't worry that the light source you provide will be used by the zombies. It's better to be used than a blind cat catching mice."

9527 talked for a long time.

After talking for almost half an hour, 9527 asked Tu Yan, who was drowsy, to use the signal gun.

It's still the kind of mountain range that needs to be crossed over this side and go to the other side of the mountain to avoid being discovered by the zombies in Wanchao County.

Tu Yan was very careful when using the signal strength, and tried to shoot at a 45-degree direction.

After some repairs and battle plans.

They, a group of about a hundred soldiers, set out on the journey.

In order to achieve the effect of a sneak attack.

They deliberately moved forward in the dark.

In the dark snow, only Wanchao County in front of them was shining with the only light.

Everyone moved forward slowly.

They stopped when they came to a small snow pile in front of Wanchao County.

They all lay on the snow and carefully checked the situation in front of them.

Tu Yan's personal performance early in the morning made the scene in front of him very chaotic.

Corpses, rubble, titanium alloy fragments, and the zombie army patrolling back and forth.

The cleanup of the ruins was also carried out at a rapid pace.

"Tu Yan, how is the situation? Is it similar to what you saw this morning?"

Sanlin suppressed his voice and secretly asked Tu Yan.

Tu Yan glanced at it and almost laughed out loud.

It turned out that Sanlin, a four-legged demon species similar to Qilin, was lying on the snow with his limbs bent, which was very funny.

"Almost. Haha. Sanlin, you look so funny lying on the ground."

"Well, it's more convenient for you other races. Bipedal creatures are different."

Sanlin could only smile regretfully.

"9527, how is it?"

"Not much, it's almost the same as in the morning, except for the zombies coming and going to clean up the ruins, there is no difference. Strange. How confident are the zombies guarding the city in themselves?"

What everyone didn't know at this time was that although the zombies of Wanchao County had full confidence in themselves, the reason why they didn't send troops to look for them and didn't immediately build a new city wall was because of their immediate superiors - the twelve zombie generals.

These twelve generals were just too lazy and had been sleeping late.

They didn't have extra time to deal with Tu Yan and others.

The big noise of the city wall falling down naturally woke up the silver-haired man who had been sleeping.

But so what?

It was just waking up and changing positions to continue sleeping.

Until a Zombie attendant rushed in and shouted loudly.

"Lord Monroe! Lord Monroe! It's bad!"

"If it's not a big deal, I'll kill you"

Monroe exuded a terrible waking up smell all over his body.

Many attendants beside him trembled, and they all silently said in their hearts, 'As expected of the Lord of the Twelve Generals, when he gets angry, his temper is different. '

The attendant kneeling on the ground naturally did not dare to delay, and quickly told the situation of the destruction of the south wall.

As soon as the voice fell, a piece of bone was directly peeled off from Monroe's body and pierced straight into the attendant's heart!

After a turn, the bone with a beating heart inserted returned to Monroe's hand!

"Baji" a mouthful!

Monroe swallowed it in one gulp.

The Zombie attendant stared at the empty chest in front of his chest in amazement.

He couldn't believe that his heart had disappeared.

"Bah, that's disgusting. It's just that the south wall was breached. What's the big deal?"

After saying that, Monroe turned over and prepared to go back to sleep.

"Hey! That's not right. The south wall was breached?"

Monroe seemed to realize something and sat up. He looked like he was still asleep, and was in a state of confusion and unconsciousness.

"Forget it. The breach of the city wall means they are going to attack here. Just wait for them to come."

The trembling servant on the side dared not breathe, fearing that Monroe would appoint him to pass on the order.

"That person, eh, it's you. Your name is... Forget it. Anyway, you are just a bitch. Go tell Zeus the Flame Demon that he is dead. Anyway, tell them not to chase him. Just wait for them to attack."


The servant who was named had to kneel on the ground and accept Monroe's order.

"Oh, about the city wall. Since they want to break it so much, just wait for them to come, turn them into zombies or capture them alive, and then let them repair the city wall."

"Also, unless they have already conquered the southern area, it is not a big deal. Do you understand?"

Monroe yawned and said slowly.

"Yes! Lord Monroe! Got it!"

The attendant swallowed his saliva and dared not breathe!

Then he quickly retreated to convey Monroe's order.

This is exactly what happened to Wanchao County after the south wall was breached.

Tu Yan and the others didn't know that all they could do was to capture Wanchao County!

"Okay. Brothers and sisters, let's start to capture Wanchao County! Go!"

The first shot as always!

Barrett's Black Katie Flame!

"Flame Roar"!



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