The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 118 Dragon! Join the battle

With the explosion of the ‘Roar of Flame’.

Everyone rushed up in unison.

Tu Yan also specially gave the ‘Death Chainsaw’ to Mark to use.

After all, Tu Yan already had the two magic weapons ‘Sky Lock Slashing Moon’ and ‘Demon Knife Thousand Blades’.

It is better to give the eliminated ‘Death Chainsaw’ to Mark, who has the weakest force.

Mark also held the Desert Eagle in one hand and the Death Chainsaw in the other.

Against the backdrop of the big white coat, there is an inexplicable feeling of hair standing upright.

Can you imagine a ‘white angel’, a ‘life-saving’ character picking up a chainsaw?

If you can imagine it, use your brain to think hard.

The attacking force advanced smoothly.

Under Monroe’s instructions, the defense of the south wall was not strengthened.

It was just a few troops pulled from the other three walls to make up the numbers.

They didn’t expect that someone would really launch an attack at night.

The Flügel species used their flying advantage to launch lightning raids in the air, and would rush to any place that needed support with a set of skills.

The demon species used their bodies to play games, like a "small tank", rushing around, and occasionally using special magic attacks.

The elves used magic bows and arrows to provide long-range support in the rear.

As the saying goes, each has his own duties and works together.

But Tu Yan had a strange feeling.

That is, the cooperation between these three races was not perfect.

This was a very strange feeling, which left a mark in Tu Yan's heart, making him pay attention to this matter at all times.

"9527, don't you think our attack is strange?"

"Strange? Oh, don't use the military tactical knowledge of the earth to measure these. How should I put it? I think there is a big difference between the human race and other races."


"Maybe it's different. No matter what race it is, there is no technology on their plane planet."

"This is a phenomenon. If there is a war on their planet, the process of fighting back and forth is equivalent to the war of the human beings on earth in the cold weapon era."

"As a modern person, you have seen modern wars and know ancient wars. tactical arrangements. Naturally, it would feel strange. "

"And I, at most, am the pre-war tactical arrangement. During the battle, I can't become the commander of the entire army."

"In a word, other races can only fight on instinct and cannot cooperate with other races. They only know tactics, not strategy, and have no real combat awareness."

"Oh, I understand after you said that."

"Now I don't have the time to care about this. What I have to do now is to capture Wanchao County!"


Tu Yan fell into a brief contemplation while controlling the fragments of the 'Thousand Blades of the Demonic Knife'.

What he was thinking about was that after so many battles, from a macro perspective, who had excellent battlefield command.

After thinking about it, perhaps only the two proto-human soldiers were relatively good.

That is Long Zhihua from Quan'an Prefecture, and Yue Zhiming from Nat City!

One general and one major general.

As expected of a soldier from Yanlong Country, his command awareness and combat awareness can be said to be at the forefront among the many races that Tu Yan has come into contact with.

While Tu Yan was stunned.

A zombie with a body like a snake and a head like a chicken pecked at Tu Yan's heart!

This low-level zombie seemed to recognize that the human in front of him was the one who killed people in the morning.

After seeing that he had defeated such a powerful opponent, he couldn't help but "coo" and was very excited.

But after a burst of excited cries, he suddenly found that the enemies in front of him didn't seem to care about Tu Yan's death.

This was not the behavior of his companions at all.

Before it could react.

A figure quietly approached it, grabbed its neck with one hand, and lifted it up!

It looked at the man in front of it in horror. This man was Tu Yan who had just been pecked to death by him!

It didn't have the brain to understand why this person who was supposed to die was resurrected?

"Hey, ***, go to hell."

Tu Yan exerted force and directly broke its neck with a "click"!

"Bah, what kind of bastard dares to kill me."

"Heh, who told you to be in a daze." 9527 sneered.

"Send you a big head ghost."

Tu Yan also refocused his attention on this war.

He held a magic weapon in each hand, crossed them together, and shouted to the sky!

"I can't see you!"

Superpower activated!

Hundreds of zombies around Tu Yan fell suddenly, stunned and silent for three seconds!

Everyone took advantage of this gap and output crazily!

They rushed through the ruins of the south wall as if they were in an empty space, and came to Wanchao County!

Tu Yan finally entered Wanchao County in a real sense.

Although it was night, under the illumination of torches, stars and the moon.

Tu Yan also barely saw the appearance of Wanchao County.

It is very different from other cities!

You can see at a glance that the purpose of this city is not for citizens to live in!

Not high floors, square buildings.

Everywhere is full of rigor, efficiency and practicality.

There aren't even any public entertainment facilities.

Even if there are no zombie corps here.

The air was filled with a repressive, cruel, and cold smell.

They rushed forward, and under the leadership of Tu Yan, their attack achieved very good results.

But that was the end!

Since they entered Wanchao County, the enemies have become stronger and stronger, and their numbers are increasing.

Moreover, a Zombie Servant has retreated and started running towards the center of the city!

It was about to "tell the whistle" and inform Monroe that the enemy was coming.

There were mid-level Zombies everywhere, and Tu Yan and his men were gradually unable to hold on.

Just as casualties began to appear, waves of dragon roars came from behind Tu Yan and his men!

"Damn, it's too slow."

Although he was complaining, Tu Yan also smiled slightly.

Because he knew that the most powerful allied forces were coming, the dragon species. Oriel!

I saw Oriel taking the lead in the charge and flying in the front.

Behind him were ordinary dragon species.

Behind them were the "semi-mechanical dragon species" transformed by Mark and 9527!

The appearance of the giant dragon species also surprised Sanlin and Elimi.

They had never seen so many giant dragons at once.

"Don't be dazed! Keep attacking!"

Tu Yan hurriedly said loudly, barely stabilizing the morale of the army.


But there were other "people" who were also surprised.

In the center of the city, Monroe, who was sleeping comfortably, suddenly opened his eyes after hearing the roar of the dragon.

His eyes were actually white!

"Oh? A giant dragon? It's been a long time since I saw it. Forget it, let's go see which old acquaintance it is."

Monroe sat up and exhaled a breath of white hot air.

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