Tu Yan's limbs and bones were all shattered, and his violent breathing gradually recovered as the door of death dissipated.

But what replaced it was annihilation!

Starting from the most seriously injured part of Tu Yan's body, it turned into ashes and dissipated into the air.

But at this time, he was still enduring the pain and staying awake.

With that shocking kick just now, he was very sure that it would definitely kick Du Shaliang half to death.

In a daze, he seemed to hear the sound of broken bones and the rippling sound of the 'silica gel' vibrating violently.

Lie on the ground and try to raise your head.

Tu Yan saw Du Shaliang not far away who was also lingering.

Before he could make any reaction, he died directly.

After being resurrected again, he was also unconscious.

And what about Dussarian?

Half of his body was broken by the kick, and now only his upper body is here.

The lower body had already flown to nowhere.

All the internal organs were shattered and black blood flowed out.

The hoarse trachea spit out dirty vomit.

Even the wailing seemed feeble.

At this time, Du Shaliang could not have the 'touching' and 'charming' beauty that she had before.

She now looks like a rag that is thrown away after use.

It seems that Du Shaliang was unlucky.

At this time, Tu Yan and Nat City had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Super attack power, countless attack methods, and the invincible 'death resurrection'.

It just so happened that at that time, Tu Yan had suffered the most deaths, and Du Shaliang actually ran out and died himself.

If only Du Shaliang could calm down for a while.

When the one-hour duration of Tu Yan's 'death superposition' has passed, he has to start dying again.

She could push Tu Yan to the ground with one hand and rub him wildly.

Unfortunately, there is no if.

At this time, Du Shaliang was desperately trying to leave this ghost place.

Fight next?

She was psychologically traumatized by Tu Yan!

But a very unfamiliar heavy feeling came over my heart.

Making her sleepy.

She knew what this felt like.

Although she has never tried it herself, there are countless people who have tasted this feeling under her hands.

This feeling is death.


When Dusaliang was dying, she was still talking about the Sangbeast King whom she respected the most.

At this moment, a mid-level mourning beast happened to pass by.

Originally planning to continue on the battlefield, he found Du Shaliang with only one breath left.

He quickly stepped forward and lifted up half of Du Shaliang's body.

"Lord Dussarian! Lord Dussarian! Hold on! I will take you back to the base camp now!"

This mid-level mourning beast was originally brought here by Du Shaliang.

Now that he sees his master in this state, he naturally no longer cares about the situation.

In a flash, he left Wanchao County.

But before he left, he forgot to check his surroundings carefully.

If he could be more careful, he might be able to find Tu Yan who was unconscious.

He was also able to capture Tu Yan, the ‘slaying beast killer’, alive.

Unfortunately, there is still no if!

Let’s talk about the battle of large forces on the ground.

At this time the battle was coming to an end.

The arrival of the ‘Guardian Alliance’.

Not only does it make up for the disadvantage in quantity to a certain extent.

The improvement in quality is not as simple as just a little bit.

On the battlefield, the military commander of the Guardian Alliance is none other than Yue Zhiming!

This former human major general can be said to be the best among the best in earth's military theory.

That's why he became a major general at such a young age.

In Nat City, he has already based on the characteristics of each race.

Organize and drill a set of scientific and effective war formations.

First, the strong orcs and demons served as the vanguard.

Led by Terry.

The middle troop is the human species.

After some analysis, Yue Zhiming found that most of the human race's warrior abilities can work best at medium and long distances.

Therefore, the human species is naturally placed in the middle position.

Except for those warriors whose abilities are expressed in close combat.

In the rear area, there are elves who are good at using long-range attacks.

As a mobile force, the Flügels hover in the air and fly wherever they need help.

This kind of team weaving looks very simple at first glance.

But there are still secrets hidden inside.

Each ladder unit has its own leader.

The leader issues unified orders.

Where to attack and where to retreat.

Everything is orderly and without any panic.

The most obvious one is the elven long-range unit where Heerlen is located.

Wherever the magic bows and arrows in their hands went, Heerlen shot!

A small bell was tied to each of Heerlen's arrows.

Heerlen hit a target, and in the next moment, hundreds of bows and arrows shot at him!

No matter how powerful the mid-level mourning beast is, it cannot withstand the combined attack of the elves!

Among the counterattack force are the demon species Sanlin and the elf species Elimi.

At this time, I also admired the combat strength of the Guardian Alliance.

This can already be called the ‘art of fighting’!

The battle in Wanchao County is gradually coming to an end.

The reinforcements from the Guardian Alliance and Tu Yan's mighty display.

This caused a shocking reversal for the counterattack troops.

The Zang Beast Corps originally had two twelve generals as the backbone of the leadership.

But now one is dead and the other is injured.

Without the command and support of the twelve generals, the Zang Beast Corps naturally showed signs of defeat.

After Terry and Heerlen teamed up to kill the last Zang Beast.

The battle of Wanchao County was finally over, and only some finishing work was left.

After a whole night of fighting.

The sun also belatedly showed its extremely wise bald head.

A ray of orange light shone on the snowy Wanchao County.

The reflection of the ripples was reflected, and the light jumped around under the refraction, which was extremely dazzling.

Like the most dazzling pearl on the earth.

And this ray of light also shone on the great hero of this battle-Tu Yan.

Heerlen also came to Tu Yan, and Yue Zhiming, Long Zhihua, and Terry of the Guardian Alliance walked towards her.

Not only them, but also Margaret, Mark, Sanlin, and Emily from the counterattack force.

"Thank you!" Sanlin, the leader, expressed his gratitude solemnly.

During the battle just now, Sanlin and the others already knew why the Guardian Alliance came.

"No need." Heerlen turned around and patted the dust off her body.

"Victory is good. Everyone! We won!"

Heerlen suddenly became excited, pulled a piece of cloth dyed blood red, and cheered loudly.

Her originally crisp voice, which became a little hoarse due to traveling and fighting all night, instantly infected everyone present!



"We won!"

"Defeat the Zombie Legion! Ah ah ah!"

The boiling cheers were mixed with too much hatred and excitement.

And this day was also remembered in history.

This is the first time in the history of the earth that so many zombies were annihilated and a city was captured!

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