But after the excitement, all that was left was fatigue and pain.

Heavy casualties!

Not only the counterattack troops, but also the Guardian Alliance that came later.

The casualty rate was also shocking.

Not only because of the strength of the zombies, but also because of the infectiousness of the zombies' viruses.

The most painful thing was that they were comrades in arms one second, and became zombie enemies who killed each other the next second.

There were only a dozen people left in the troops of Sanlin, Emily and others.

The most serious casualties were the dragon species.

There were only four left, and Oriel was still unconscious.

The number of dragon species was originally small. A total of forty dragons were dispatched in this battle, and more than thirty died.

The sound of crying came from nowhere.

In a short time, it infected everyone.

This victory was too heavy.

Heerlen also began to fall into a brief silence.

It was a kind of self-blame.

If it could be faster, faster, with the support of the Guardian Alliance, perhaps the casualties would not be so tragic.

At this time, a cold voice sounded.

"Instead of blaming yourself, you might as well deal with the finishing work quickly."

It turned out to be 9527.

He turned into a projection figure and waved to Heerlen.

"9527? Long time no see." Heerlen also recognized 9527 at the first time.

After all, 9527 was found by Tu Yan and her at the research institute.

"Yes, Heerlen, put me on, give you some information, and you should know what to do."

9527 pointed to the earphones on Tu Yan's ears.

Heerlen nodded, squatted down, and reached out to touch Tu Yan.

Looking at Tu Yan's peaceful, baby-like slow breathing.

A touch of blush was smeared on her face.

After putting on the headphones, Heerlen regained her heroic spirit just now.

9527 also quickly transmitted all the causes and consequences of this battle and information to Heerlen's brain.

In a trance.

Heerlen also understood what 9527 meant.

"Okay, please, you should know what to do next, I still have some things to do."

After saying this, 9527 disappeared.

As if returning to his own consciousness, he slowly immersed himself in his work.

Heerlen nodded, his eyes sharp.

"Mark, is Mark here?" Heerlen said.

"Here." At this time, Mark was also a little depressed, his face was covered with dirty mud and blood.

His clothes were also tattered, like a beggar who had been beaten.

Mark had never really been on the battlefield.

He was not a real combat unit.

After a whole night of bloody fighting.

He began to hesitate and retreat.

He was afraid, he was afraid of fighting with the zombies.

He had encountered his own bottleneck when he was only talking about war on paper.

Heerlen also noticed something was wrong through his trembling hands.

"Hello, Mark. I am Tu Yan's friend, Heerlen. These are my companions. We are the Guardian Alliance."

"I beg you! Save our Guardian Alliance!"

Heerlen bowed down very solemnly and was very polite.

"Oh, no, no, since you are Tu Yan's friend, you don't have to be so polite."

Mark was also frightened by Heerlen's action.

He quickly helped Heerlen up.

His gloomy mood also dissipated a lot.

"Mark! I know you are a doctor. Please save our Guardian Alliance. The casualties in this battle are too heavy."

"This" Mark licked his lips, and a fearful expression appeared on his face.

In fact, as a doctor, Mark should not go to the battlefield, but the situation was urgent and the number was insufficient, so he was forced to go together.

"You don't have to care about the life and death of your companions, but you have to at least help those of us who come to support. Why should we help you?"

Heerlen deliberately said something unpleasant, although it was unpleasant, it also had an effect.

Mark was stunned when he heard this.

He looked at the piles of corpses behind him.

Although he felt like vomiting, the survivors who were constantly squirming in the pile of corpses.

He was deeply shocked.

There are still survivors trying to survive. As the only doctor, how can he be depressed here!

"No!" Mark's eyes were ignited again.

"Miss Heerlen, I'm really sorry. Bring the last remaining soldier of your Guardian Alliance here. I want to treat the counterattack troops and the dragon species first."

"Their casualties are the heaviest!"

"Okay! I've been waiting for you to say this!"

Heerlen saw that Mark had walked out of the shadows and smiled.

Mark was stunned and realized that Heerlen said this deliberately for his own good.

"Long Zhihua!"

"Here!" Although Long Zhihua is nearly fifty years old, he is respectful in front of Heerlen, a young and beautiful woman.

Perhaps it is the influence of the military unit.

"In the Guardian Alliance, all medical workers are assigned to Dr. Mark. Mark is the top leader of the medical team!"


Then Long Zhihua left and went to the Guardian Alliance to recruit men.

There was a small episode in the middle.

The so-called medical workers are actually mostly human.

When they heard that the leader of the medical team was a beastman.

Showing a surprised expression.

Orcs? That muscular, hairy race?

Can you be a doctor?

But after all, under the iron-clad military regulations of Yue Zhiming and Long Zhihua, all members of the Guardian Alliance are already excellent soldiers who obey orders.

After expressing his confusion, he also tried his best to help Mark take care of his subordinates' affairs.

"Sanlin, Emily, thank you for your hard work, but I still have to trouble you. You are more familiar with the counterattack force. Please bring some people from the Guardian Alliance with you to find survivors who are still alive."

"Terry, follow Sanlin and the others."

Terry is the heroic silver werewolf from Nat's Eastern Army.

"Yes!" Terry said angrily.

But Sanlin hadn't reacted much yet. When he saw everything in front of him starting to move in an orderly manner and at a high speed, he felt extremely admirable.

Emily is different.

As both elves, she had already recognized Heerlen as the princess of the elves!

The daughter of the Elf King and a genius magician!

Emily's eyes were starry. When Heerlen said something, she nodded and waited until Heerlen finished speaking.

She agreed louder than anyone else.

"Margaret! We also have some Flügels here, so please lead all the Flügels and hold on a little longer."

"This side has become our temporary base for the time being. The Flügels are responsible for patrolling to see if there are any zombies or zombies in other parts of Wanchao County. Pay close attention!"

Margaret didn't say anything, she just nodded as 'got it'.

Before leaving to inspect, she glanced at Tu Yan.

An inexplicable loneliness enveloped her heart.

"In the end, it's Yue Zhiming. You know what you want to do without me telling you, right?"

Heerlen glanced at this old comrade.

"Okay, okay, I know." Yue Zhiming rolled his eyes, then turned around and looked at all the soldiers behind him.

"Everyone! Listen! Heerlen has something to say!"

Poor Yue Zhiming was used as a microphone by Heerlen.

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