The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 132 Subconscious Protection

"Dear soldiers, fellow countrymen!"

"We! Victory!"

"I know there are heavy casualties, but! This is a victory for all our races!"

“Therefore, rejoice!”

"Human species! Long live!"

"The beast race! Long live!"

"Elves! Long live!"

Gradually, under the leadership of Heerlen, a hero among women.

The atmosphere at the scene gradually improved.

Everyone started cheering vigorously.

All races were called out, except for the ‘number one’ race of gods.

"Capturing Wanchao County! It is of great significance!"

"A large number of heavy weapons and technological weapons are stored here. It can be said to be the strongest arsenal on the entire planet."

Based on the information sent by 9527, Heerlen picked out the key points and briefly summarized them.

"So, this is the first and most critical step for us to fight against the mournful beasts!"

"I! The elf, Heerlen! I am proud of you, him, her, it, and us!"

"Now, all soldiers, except for their own tasks, camp where they are and rest!"

"Yue Zhiming is responsible for all on-site command!"

"The above, dismissal!"


All the soldiers roared, and their hearts had changed.

The haze gradually dissipated from people's hearts.

Everything is starting to go in the right direction.

After finishing all the follow-up arrangements resolutely and neatly, Heerlen also breathed a sigh of relief.

Yue Zhiming also looked at Heerlen.

"I'm going to organize it. How about you take a break?"

"Yeah, thank you for your hard work."

"It's okay, you are our boss."

Yue Zhiming waved his hand towards Heerlen, and then went to organize the specific finishing work.

And 9527 also jumped out at this time, saying that he was going to visit the arms warehouse in Wanchao County.

Wait until everyone has left. Heerlen staggered to Tu Yan's side and sat down on the ground.

He was breathing heavily, and his hands were too tired to lift.

"You stinky salted fish, how long have you been lying here?"

Looking at the sleeping Tu Yan, Heerlen shook his head.

But at this moment, several figures who were not afraid of death came out.

It turned out to be Yuyinyi and others who had been following Heerlen.

They originally just wanted to go with Heerlen to see if there was a good time to 'solve' Heerlen on the spot.

But I didn’t expect Heerlen to call out so many people at once.

And their target is also Wanchao County.

They were so frightened that they hid aside and slipped to a small town on the mountainside.

After sleeping with my head covered, I saw that the war was over, and I was ready to come over to see if I could pick up the leaks.

Looking around, I happened to see Heerlen sitting there.

And Tu Yan was lying like a dead corpse.

"Hello, Your Highness Heerlen. Oops, I feel so tired after fighting all night."

Yuyinyi moved his muscles and bones, and his body was stained with blood, and his clothes were in tatters.

After the battle, everyone was in a panic. If he wanted to pretend that he had participated in the battle, he had to act like it.

"Ah, is it you?"

Heerlan frowned, thinking in his mind whether he had seen these elves in the battle last night.

"Yes, alas, I got separated from you as soon as I got here. We had no choice but to run around on the battlefield. Although we defeated many mourning beasts, we were always worried about your situation."

"Fortunately, you were not injured, otherwise I would have felt guilty. Hey, isn't this Tu Yan? Why is this man sleeping here?"

Yuyinyi said the word 'sleep' loudly on purpose.

Heerlen really participated in the battle because of Yuyinyi and the others at first, but when he heard Yuyinyi say this, he also sneered.

Tu Yan is the great hero of this war. Without him, he can resist two twelve generals. How would he want to attack Wanchao County?

What a fool’s dream!

The Yuyinyi in front of him must be lying. He didn't participate in the battle at all last night!

But they were all fellow elves, and Heerlen didn't want to make the matter a big deal.

"Go back where you came from."


Yuyinyi's originally handsome face suddenly collapsed.

He narrowed his eyes at Heerlen.

Heerlen, who had just experienced a big battle and was still resting, looked a little weak.

Plus the sleepy Tu Yan.

Yuyinyi and the others had a solid sleep last night and were full of energy.

Everyone else on the battlefield has already left Heerlen one after another and is busy with their own tasks.

A voice echoed in Yuyinyi's heart.

Can win! It can be strong!

What we need to do now is to cover Heerlen's mouth to prevent her from calling for help, knock her unconscious, drag her aside, and then...hey hey hey.

Yuyinyi winked at his companions.

The companions also nodded, understanding what Yuyinyi meant.

"Your Highness Heerlen, if I said something wrong, I apologize to you."

Yuyinyi said sincerely.

At the same time, don't forget to move your steps and get a little closer.

"Your Highness Heerlan, do you know that in the battle last night, my companions and I fought bloody battles?"

Yuyinyi's expression was indescribably sincere and aggrieved.

People who don't know may really think how hard it is for them.

Heerlen said nothing, looking at an idiot with his eyes.

"Hmph... If you don't accept my toast, don't blame me for being rude. Brothers, go!"

Yu Yinyi saw that the distance was enough, and he tore off the mask he had been wearing.

He rushed forward with his compatriots!

Heerlen didn't expect them to be so bold.

When he was ready to fight back, he felt a needle-like pain when he raised his hand.

The fatigue after the fierce battle had not been eliminated!

He was stunned.

Yu Yinyi's hands were about to touch Heerlen's lips.

As long as he was blocked like this, a few elf men in good condition could indeed control Heerlen!

At such a critical moment!

The sound of "Swoosh~" floated in the air!

It was the sound of something piercing the air and breaking the wind!

I saw a purple-striped blade piercing Yu Yinyi's heart!

It penetrated through!

With a spin, it flew towards the other elf men!

Everything happened too fast, no one reacted!

Yu Yinyi and the others didn't even have time to wail, they just fell to the ground!

There was no more life.

And after killing everyone one by one, the purple blade also fell to the ground.

The light dissipated, and it turned into an ordinary piece of scrap metal.

Heerlen watched all this in amazement.

She came to her senses and looked at Tu Yan, and instantly understood what happened.

Tu Yan, who was unconscious just now, actually moved!

His fingers went from clenched fists to now extending his index and middle fingers.

It turned out that it was Tu Yan who saved Heerlen.

The purple blade was the fragment of the "Thousand Blades of the Demonic Sword"!

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