In fact, it's no wonder Tu Yan has such thoughts.

Even Heerlen beside him thought so. When she picked up the bow and arrow in her hand, she realized that everything was superfluous.

Just leave it to Tu Yan.

Tu Yan, who felt strange about all this, specially used the 'Eye of the Illustrated Book' to check it out.

You won’t know if you don’t look at it, but you will be shocked when you look at it.

It turns out that the levels of these mourning beast legions in front of them are not high, the highest is only LV45.

And he is at least ten levels higher than them.

In addition, he added his perverted method of adding points - full output.

These mourning beasts in front of us are indeed like scarecrows.

But this also brings about a problem.

A capable martial artist does not gain any experience when defeating an opponent five levels lower than himself.

In other words, Tu Yan would not be promoted to one level after he worked so hard to defeat such a sad beast.

It can be said that the effort was in vain.

But Tu Yan enjoyed it. After all, Wushuang mowing grass was every man's pleasure.

Knife after knife, punch after punch.

He is simply like the most 'diao' person in the world.

Tu Yan did enjoy it, but it was painful for Dean.

Heerlen had nothing to do, so he used Magic Dean to tie him up and pull him to his side.

"Watch the show and eat roast duck later."

Unable to run, Dean had to witness this feast of slaughter!

As Tu Yan gradually deepened.

Heerlen could no longer see Tu Yan's figure.

I only saw the mourning beasts that were chopped into the sky, and the ugly screams of the mourning beasts.

And all kinds of bloody flesh.

Heerlen saw this miserable situation in the world.

Everyone began to sympathize with the mourning beast.


Because Tu Yan went too deep, his back was exposed to a mourning beast with three bull heads.

Accidentally, he was hit in the back by a horn.

With a burst of force, he thrust in violently.

Just disembowel him!

Although Tu Yan's attack power can indeed activate 'Unparalleled', others can also activate 'Unparalleled' on him.

Before this group of mourning beasts could get excited and celebrate their victory over Tu Yan.

Tu Yan came back to life with a cruel smile!

Eternal, activate!

Death stack, activate!

Death reward, activate!

Tu Yan, who was resurrected, was stunned on the spot at first.

Then responded quickly.

He quickly manipulated the fragments of the 'Thousand Blades of the Demonic Sword' in his left hand.

Clean up the mourning beasts in front of you first.

The reason why Tu Yan showed a surprised expression.

That's because of today's death bonus.

AT force field!

Tu Yan quickly ran and jumped towards the sky with all his strength.

It's five meters high!

Then he twisted his body in the air and aimed at the densely packed beasts on the ground.

Hands outstretched!

Shout loudly!

"AT force field! Four pieces superimposed!"

Suddenly, a strange feeling appeared in front of Tu Yan.

It was as if a piece of transparent glass appeared across the sky.

And it’s still four dollars!

These four pieces of glass are only about ten square meters in size, almost as big as a bus, and they are still square.

Then after the four pieces were put together, they actually extended and were as big as a basketball court.

And these four pieces of transparent glass are difficult to detect.

It can only be noticed by people through the reflection of sunlight in the air.

Then Tu Yan used his mental power to constantly control the entire AT force field during the fall.

They fell quietly towards the ground!

Extremely fast!


A loud bang!

It was as if something extremely heavy suddenly fell down.

It's still transparent and invisible.

And within the impact range of this AT force field, all the mourning beasts were turned into pulp!

They were simply smashed and crushed to death!

With Tu Yan's control, the AT force field gradually deepened into space.

Only then did the other mourning beasts discover this piece of transparent glass with blood and flesh!

But the next moment, it disappeared.

It turned out that Tu Yan took it back directly and then summoned it again!

Such a horrific thing, such a quick and silent death, are scenes that these mourning beasts have never seen in their lives.

This frightened them so much that they all expressed their thoughts of escaping from the battle. ,

Once the idea comes, the next step is to do it.

Many mourning beasts had turned into frightened birds and ran away.

But Tu Yan had no intention of letting these mournful beasts go.

Tu Yan picked up two sharp knives and continued to attack the group of mourning beasts.

Then he controls the AT force field through his mental power.

The AT force field that reappeared was extremely transparent again, without the blood stains and fleshy flesh just now.

Under Tu Yan's exquisite control, these four AT force fields cleverly blocked the way of those mourning beasts.

No one could react to the transparent wall that appeared out of thin air.

They all swarmed into each other.


The sound of banging against the wall appeared one after another.

There were also a few poor mourning beasts that were too fast and were killed directly.

Many mourning beasts also reacted and reached out to touch the transparent wall in front of them.

Then he raised his fist and tried to smash it, but it didn't help!

The AT force field is too strong, even if it breaks my own bones, it won't break.

If you can't fight, you can't run!

The wise beast quickly changed directions and ran away.

But Tu Yan continued to control, and the AT force field made a 'spinning jump', blocking them again!

Not only that, their escape route is very simple, and only two AT positions are needed to intercept them.

The remaining two pieces also played a role.

He rushed towards the mournful beast that was stopped in front of the 'transparent wall'!

Hard impact!

The poor beast is like a sandwich, in a dilemma!

He was directly crushed into a pulp by two AT force fields!

Plasma, brain plasma, burst out!

A perfect end to this one-sided massacre!

Tu Yan was also a little tired, panting as he looked at the corpses scattered on the ground around him.

Seeing that there were no new enemies, he relaxed completely and sat directly on the ground, breathing heavily.

"It's great! But I'm so tired."

Tu Yan snapped his fingers and retracted the AT force field.

The use of AT force fields consumes a lot of mental energy.

The AT force field is four identical pieces of 'transparent glass' with an area of ​​about 10 square meters.

Through Tu Yan's control, it can appear silently within a distance of 100 meters with Tu Yan as a radius.

These four AT force fields can also be merged into a huge AT force field, and the area will be expanded to about the size of a basketball court.

Generally speaking, AT force fields are used for defense.

Just put these four AT force fields next to you to form a cube transparent barrier.

But Tu Yan, who doesn't like defense and only wants to attack, after getting this AT force field.

The only words that come to mind are 'sandwich'.

Good auxiliary and defensive items turned into cruel killing tools in Tu Yan's hands.

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