The toughness of the AT force field is linked to Tu Yan's strength points.

It is more than enough to deal with these shrimp soldiers and shrimp generals.

As long as he does not encounter a too strong opponent, Tu Yan can continue to use this trick of "basketball court falling from the sky" to crush the opponent directly!

But these four AT force fields have their own little tricks, and Tu Yan decided to study them more on weekdays.

The AT force field is controlled by mental consciousness, so Tu Yan is so tired.

After resting for a long time, he got up and walked towards Heerlen.

"Hurry up."

In front of Heerlen, Tu Yan showed a proud expression like a child.

"Hurry up, you are the best." Heerlen also looked at Tu Yan with a smile.

"Humph, that's not right. Okay, let's make a fire and eat roast duck."

Tu Yan glanced at Dean and his eyes changed instantly.

The person who was still smiling in the last second was directly cold as ice, with a knife in his eyes.

Dean looked at Tu Yan anxiously. He was so scared that his legs were weak and he sat on the ground unable to move.

There was even a fishy liquid between his legs.

He knew Tu Yan was strong, but he didn't expect him to be so strong!

So many zombies were not enough for Tu Yan to fill his teeth!

"I'll give you one minute to prepare an excuse." Tu Yan yawned.

"Gua" Dean swallowed hard.

His brain worked quickly.

In his brain, he carefully thought about the feasibility of various plans and excuses.

But it's a dead end after all!

Thinking of this, Dean was also broken.

"No, there is no excuse. Anyway, if you want to go to the Demon King's City, you will definitely let me take you there. It's a dead end there, and you will be attacked by zombies. I don't want to become a zombie! Kill me! Kill me now!"

"I won't betray the demon species! I don't want to become a zombie! Kill me now!"

Dean's small eyes burst out with firm belief.

It was as if a violent wind blew out of his eyes.

Tu Yan looked at Dean silently, staring at Dean's expression carefully.

"So, is this the reason why you defected to the Corps of Zang Beasts?"

"No! I didn't betray the demon species! I just knew there was a Corps of Zang Beasts here, so I deliberately led you here."

"Then why do you conclude that we will lose to the group of Zang Beasts in the Demon King City?" Tu Yan asked disdainfully.

"Because even our great demon king was suppressed by them!"

"Monster King?"

"Yes! The great demon king can be said to be at the top of the entire demon species. After the creation of the world, he is the first demon species to appear!"

"It can also be said that the ancestor of all demon species is extremely powerful, but even the demon king was defeated by the twelve generals, let alone you two."

After Dean said this, he looked at Tu Yan with a fearless look.

He only hoped that Tu Yan could give him a quick death.

"Are you blind? How can you say that there are so many zombie corpses in front of you?"


"Stop nagging me. If you don't want to become a zombie, just take us to the wall of the Demon King's City. You don't have to go in with us."

Tu Yan's tone was also much softer.

He did plan to eat roast duck.

But seeing Dean's determined look of wanting to die, he felt a little bit reluctant.

If Dean showed a face of wanting to live and being afraid of death, Tu Yan would definitely kill him on the spot.


"Yeah. But. Hehehe, before that, let me vent my anger first!"

After that, Tu Yan kicked Dean over and kicked him viciously a few times.

"It feels good! The death penalty can be avoided, but the living crime cannot be escaped. Take us to the Demon King's City, don't fool us anymore!"

Tu Yan clapped his hands and signaled Heerlen to remove the shackles magic.

Dean, who was kicked and screamed, stood up with difficulty, and was still reluctant.

But after Tu Yan's strength display and repeated assurances.

He had no choice but to agree to Tu Yan's request.

"Come, go find something to eat, don't play tricks, Heerlen has already placed a positioning magic on you, ha, if this happens again, I will roast your wings and feed you!"

Tu Yan said angrily.

Seeing this, Dean also ran away and ran towards the depths of the forest.

Judging from his appearance, he should not dare to play tricks again.

"Why are you so bad, and you still use positioning magic? You are really good at fooling people. By the way, your attitude towards Dean is too bad, right?" Heerlen supported his forehead and said in silence.

"He is an M, and he can't be controlled without becoming an S." Tu Yan's expression was also innocent, as if he didn't do it on purpose.

"M? S? What do you mean?"

"Uh, no, no, no, I'm just talking casually." Tu Yan waved his hand quickly.

How to explain to Helen the advanced terms such as ‘SM’, ‘ravage’, ‘whip’, ‘candle’, etc.?

Tu Yan couldn’t do it.

After a while, Dean really came back.

He brought some non-toxic and delicious fruits.

Tu Yan was very satisfied and decided to continue the path of ‘SM’.

He ate a few bites and found that it tasted good, which made him feel better.

After eating, it was time to get going.

“Tell me, is there any shortcut to the Demon King’s City?”

“No.” Dean said something with a hint of meaning and rejected it directly.

"Hmm? I'll give you another chance to organize your words?" Tu Yan looked at Dean with contempt.

Dean was so scared that he trembled.

"Okay, okay! I admit it! Although there is no shortcut, I can fly, and the speed is quite fast."

"Duck? Can fly? The duck in hand flew away? Hahahaha"

Tu Yan laughed, but seeing Dean's serious expression, he also restrained his laughter.

"Can you really fly?"


"Then why didn't you fly when I hit you in the sky this morning?"

"Because when I fly, I will... I will fart. I fly by farting."

Dean blushed and lowered his head.

The explosive ducks of the demon species can indeed fly.

And the speed is quite fast.

But just like the name of their tribe.

They accelerate their flight by exploding the gas in their bodies.

The role of the wings is just to control the balance.

The real power of flight still depends on the gas released by the "butt", in layman's terms, it is farting.

Dean, who thinks he is the king of the mountain, naturally doesn't like this ability.

So he would rather fall to the ground and be half dead than fly by farting!

"Oh, let's go. Can you carry both of us? And how long will it take you to get there if you fly at full speed?"

Tu Yan saw Dean's embarrassment and went straight to the point and said it clearly.

"Well? Wouldn't you feel embarrassed? If you sit on me and I keep farting, won't you laugh at me?"

Dean asked doubtfully.

"Why? Why should I laugh at you? This should be your innate ability, so cherish it."

Tu Yan said very seriously.

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