This sentence also shone into Dean's heart.

A certain inferiority complex gradually began to dissipate.


"No buts. Without you, all creatures on Church Star will continue to be ruled by the Zang Beasts in an extremely cruel way. At least half a year!"

"But with you, you will carry us over with all your strength, and the time will be greatly shortened."

"In other words, you are the hero of the entire Church Star and the entire demon species!"

Tu Yan's tricks are one after another.

He did not give Dean any chance to think or refute.

He was fooled by Tu Yan.

"I am a hero?" Dean asked timidly.

"Yes, so, can you carry both of us? And how long will it take?"

"Yes! I can carry both of you! Time. The normal flight speed is 7 days, and it will take 3 days and 3 nights without sleep."

Dean's burning eyes took on a different color.

"Then fly slowly. Food, water, and rest are all very important."

Tu Yan made a decision immediately.

Then he followed Dean's instructions and jumped directly onto his back.

Then Tu Yan looked down at Heerlen.

He stretched out his right hand naturally and said softly.

"Come up, why are you standing there?"


Heerlen licked his lips with his tongue, and his heart skipped a few beats when his fingertips touched Tu Yan.

"Okay, what's next?"

"Lord Tu Yan, please hold my feathers, Lord Heerlen, please hold Lord Tu Yan too, so you don't fall down."

Dean had just finished saying 'flight preparation'.

Tu Yan immediately stretched out his hand and focused on the blue feathers on Dean's neck.

When Heerlen heard the word 'hold', he lowered his head shyly.

He only dared to hold Tu Yan's clothes slightly.

"Take off! Quack~Quack~"

This flight was different from usual.

Dean was excited.

His wings instantly changed from their original soft state to straight and firm like a fighter jet.

It was as if the wings were made of blue steel.

Then there was a deafening sound of "Puff~Puff~Puff! Puff! Puff!!!"

It resounded throughout the forest!

The gas released by the blue duck's butt was actually yellow!

As Dean continued to fart, he took off smoothly!

It was still the sprint mode like a fighter jet!

Not the sissy behavior of a helicopter that slowly took off!

A real man! He should move forward bravely!

Tu Yan was well prepared and firmly grasped Dean's feathers, so that he could quickly control his balance to avoid being blown to the ground due to super-high-speed flight.

But it was hard for Heerlen.

Because she was shy, she only dared to grab the corner of Tu Yan's clothes.

With such a sudden acceleration, the super strong recoil pushed Heerlen hard and almost threw her off!

She had no choice but to stretch out her hands and hug Tu Yan tightly!

"You two, sit tight, I'm going to speed up!" After saying that, Dean's fart became louder and more smelly!

A blue figure passed through the air, and behind it was an extremely ugly yellow fart.

Tu Yan was worried that Heerlen, a girl, could not accept such an exciting thing.

But he didn't expect Heerlen to scream louder than him.

"Wow!!! Ah ah ah!!! So cool! So fast!"

While feeling the rapid wind, Heerlen only hugged Tu Yan's waist with one hand, and the other hand waved to the ground quickly.

Tu Yan smiled slightly.

It seemed that he had returned to the scene when he met Heerlen in Nat City, where he carried Heerlen on the Yanyu motorcycle.

At that time, she was also like now, feeling the "speed and passion"

Before Tu Yan finished recalling.

He immediately looked embarrassed, and at the same time extremely suppressed some primitive impulse.

Heerlen was already lying on his back.

(Anyway, I block this post every time I write it. Think about it yourself. You are driving a motorcycle, and a girl is sitting behind you, hugging you tightly.)

"Sister, this speed is really exciting, but I feel uncomfortable." Tu Yan could only complain in his heart.

But listening to Heerlen's childlike joy.

Tu Yan was gradually relieved.

At the same time, he focused on himself.

He began to appreciate the natural appearance of Church Star.

In this way, they flew for five days.

Except for eating and sleeping, they were basically in the sky.

Maybe it was because Dean hadn't used "farting flight" for too long.

A lot of gas accumulated in the body, so he could fly for a long time.

Food, basically fruits, or some edible magic species.

Water, also replenished by fruits.

The water on Church Star is that kind of sticky green substance.

Although Dean repeatedly assured that it was drinkable.

But Tu Yan and Heerlen couldn't muster up the courage.

On the sixth day, accompanied by the dripping of dew, they also yawned and got up.

After flying for a few days, the closer Dean got to the Demon King City, the more regretful he became.

He didn't believe that the two people in front of him could defeat the Twelve Generals and save Church Star.

Dean planned to send them all the way to the swamp in front of the Demon King City and then part ways with them.

After waking up, Tu Yan didn't rush to eat breakfast.

Instead, he was immersed in contemplation.

He was not like Heerlen, who had experienced three planes of the world.

Church Star was the first new world he had come to.

He was full of curiosity about everything here.

This place was too different from the Earth.

In the past few days of flying, it can be said that he had visited half of ‘Churchi Star’.

The most intuitive feeling was that there were no houses!

After all, the demon species slept on the ground.

They had only seen one or two small houses, because Dean was too fast and had not had time to take a closer look.

But according to Dean, only the Flügel species would build a house to live in.

The second feeling that Church Star brought to Tu Yan was the colorful trees and mountains.

And the swamps that could be seen everywhere!

Swamps seemed to be the specialty of Church Star.

Here and there, they could be seen everywhere, of different sizes.

According to Dean, these swamps had a special effect on the demon species.

Not only could they improve their own strength, but they could also heal wounds.

Therefore, swamps with good effects were often the battlegrounds for military strategists.

The Demon King's City is built on the best swamp on the star Church.

"Tu Yan, let's go." Heerlen came to Tu Yan, patted his shoulder, and motioned him to ride on Dean.

"Okay." Tu Yan retracted his thoughts and sat on Dean.

After a few days of traveling, Heerlen has developed a habit of sitting behind Tu Yan and hugging his waist.

Just when everything was ready.

Dean was ready to fly with "bang", "puff bang", "bang bang".

There were bursts of dragon roars from the sky!

It's a giant dragon species!

And looking at their direction, they are flying towards Tu Yan!

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