The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 142: Encountering the Dragon Again

"Damn, there's a giant dragon, let's leave quickly! They have a bad temper!"

Dean saw this and took off, trying to get away from the dragon.

And somehow, those giant dragons seemed to have their eyes on Dean, chasing him relentlessly!

How can a duck fly over a dragon?

Not even a duck that flies like a jet!

In a short time, Dean was surrounded by several giant dragons behind him!

When Dean saw this, he complained in his heart that Tu Yan had dragged him into such a desperate situation.

Then he lowered his head and dived, rushing towards the ground.

Dragons will always be the masters of the air, but don’t make enemies of them!

"Tu Yan! Look at you! If I had stayed honest in the mountains, I wouldn't have encountered this kind of thing!"

Dean gasped for breath, he hated Tu Yan!

"Oh, put me down. I'm not afraid. I'll show you as many as I want."

Tu Yan was very disdainful. He was afraid of the giant dragon? hehe.

Dean only thought Tu Yan was a fool and didn't know how terrifying the dragon species was.

He hurriedly ran for his life without losing any speed, and managed to land on the ground smoothly.

"Run away! Ignore me!"

Dean stumbled and almost couldn't get up.

Although he complained about Tu Yan, after getting along with him for a few days, he also had some feelings for him.

After the emergency landing, he quickly asked the two people on his back to escape quickly.

As long as they escape into the forest, those huge dragons will not be able to get in.

And yourself?

I can only think of another way.

"You're pretty cool. You didn't think about escaping by yourself. Don't worry, let's see what they mean."

Tu Yan moved his hands and feet and looked at the dragon slowly descending from the sky with ease.

"Oh? Are you two Flügel? Why don't you have wings?"

A total of five dragons landed on the ground.

The leader of the dragon spoke.

He is a slightly old dragon.

There are traces of battle everywhere on the indigo skin.

The right wing is also missing a piece. It's hard to imagine that he can fly at high speed under such conditions.

Eyes like emeralds, sparkling.

It was in sharp contrast to the gloomy and old-fashioned look on his body.

"That's right. It's hard to explain clearly. In short, we are two people from different worlds. May I ask, what do you mean by following us all the time?"

"Did you know? My 'pilot' was so frightened when he saw you that he crashed the plane. Let me introduce you first, I am the human species Tu Yan."

Tu Yan looked at the giant dragon in front of him with a smile.

But Dean on the side quickly grabbed Tu Yan's hand with his 'duck wings'.

He nodded and bowed to the giant dragon in front of him.

"Hello, Lord Dragon, hahaha, I'm sorry, I flew into your airspace, can you forgive me?"

"You were the one flying just now? Who do I think you are? It pollutes the air and stinks to death."

"This is a small one." Dean hadn't finished speaking yet.

Tu Yan pushed him away.

He almost hit Heerlen.

Heerlen also grabbed Dean and shook his head at him.

He indicated that Tu Yan would just let Tu Yan handle the matter.

Dean was very anxious, worried that he would be swallowed by the dragon species in the next second.

"Tell me, what do you want from us?"

Although Tu Yan also looked up at the dragon, his aura was very different from Dean's.

It's even a bit 'condescending'.

And his expression was a bit impatient, after all, he was in a hurry.

"What's your attitude? This is the first time someone has spoken to me, Lord Bart, in this tone."

Tu Yan nodded, knowing the name of this giant dragon.

But he also complained in his mind, 'This is the first time I see such a shameless person calling myself an adult. Tsk tsk. ’

"Say quickly, or we'll leave." Tu Yan rolled his eyes.

"Haha, human species, right? Just right! I'm hungry, so I'll eat you now!"

Bart opened his bloody mouth, pretending to swallow Tu Yan.

Tu Yan was not in a hurry.

A snap of the fingers.

Two-handed swords.

The entire blade of the Demonic Thousand Blades even emitted a faint purple light.

Then the fragments on the blade quickly decomposed and continued to extend, turning into a 40-meter-long sword!

Tu Yan pointed at the giant dragon Bart with his 'forty-meter sword'.

Bart's mouth almost hit the tip of the knife, but luckily he stopped it in time.

Bart squinted his eyes, panted slightly, and looked at the sharp blade in front of him extremely nervously.

He had a hunch that if he hadn't stopped just now, the knife that gave him a sense of threat would definitely be able to pierce his defense!

Bart swallowed hard, stretched out his smelly tongue and licked his dry lips.

"Tu Yan, right? Do you know what you are doing?" Bart withdrew his faucet and stared at Tu Yan condescendingly.

At the same time, he put the dragon's claw on his back and quietly made various gestures.

When the four giant dragons behind him saw this, they snorted slightly, indicating that they understood what Bart meant.

"I'm asking you, what are you doing? I'm in a hurry, do you know who I am? Oriel is my little brother!"

Tu Yan didn’t want to talk nonsense to Bart either.

Although playing a game is also extremely efficient.

But facing five giant dragons at once, you still have to die several times.

In order to rush for time, Tu Yan directly moved out the 'Giant Dragon Oriel' he encountered on the earth.

"Uh, don't be too arrogant! Brother Olier's name is not what you want to be able to call him!"

Bart was also slightly startled when he heard Olier's name.

But after hearing Tu Yan's attitude towards Oriel, he also roared angrily.

"Brothers! This human being insulted our brother Oriel and cut him into pieces!"

Bart doesn't plan to ink anymore either.

Call the giant dragons behind you and prepare to deal with Tu Yan.

"Bone dragon, Menluo, four of the twelve generals, is dead."

Tu Yan looked at the giant dragons rushing towards him.

Monroe's name was spoken calmly.

And their reaction was just as Tu Yan expected.

As soon as the word "Monroe", the dragon traitor, came out, they immediately froze on the spot.


Bart's eyes flashed with disbelief and a little happiness.

"Why are you lying to me? I'm from the Earth, and the Legion of Death Beasts is over there right now. I met Oriel there and defeated Monro. Oh, by the way, your reincarnated Dragon King is also my little brother."

Bart's eyeballs were almost popped open!

He was so surprised that he trembled slightly, stretched out his right dragon claw, and asked tremblingly.

"Dragon King, is he reincarnated?"

"Yeah" Tu Yan nodded.

Hot tears immediately flowed from Bart's eyes.

Joy swept across his eyes instantly.

The giant dragons behind him also collapsed and cried at this great news!

Afterwards, Tu Yan could only look at the tearful dragons while explaining the things on earth in detail.

Every detail of Tu Yan is real and meticulous.

Bart and the others also believed in the human being in front of them and did not lie to them.

"You're wasting so much of my saliva. Tell me what's going on." After finishing the matter, Tu Yan looked at the dragons impatiently.

"Uh hahahaha, Lord Tu Yan, don't be angry, we are just passing by."

"I was staying well in the cave on the east side, but I felt a strong pressure and felt that my life was threatened, so I ran out. I smelled the smell of farts on the road again, so I flew to take a look."

"Threat? A threat that the giant dragon is still afraid of?" Tu Yan licked his lips and asked.

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