The twelve generals should be the only ones who can make even giant dragons feel scared and run away.

Tu Yan wondered in his mind what that mysterious and powerful pressure was.

Before he could think about it carefully.

Bart spoke.

"Lord Tu Yan, if you are interested in that mystery, we will take you there to have a look."

"Oh? Aren't you so scared that you ran away? Why do you dare to go back?"

"You are the great benefactor of our dragon race, Munro. After he betrayed the Beast Legion, he even killed my son."

Bart gritted his teeth.

"So, no matter which planet you go to, Master Tu Yan, you will be a great benefactor to our dragon species!"

Tu Yan was stunned for a moment, and he looked directly at Bart.

He didn't expect that the dragon species were all such upright beings.

Bart and Oriel also traveled to Planet Church at the beginning.

But when the planet Qiu Qi was captured by the mourning beasts, Bart was not selected in the 'random time travel'.

He can only continue to live on this strange planet as a dragon.

After hearing the good news brought by Tu Yan, he was also very happy and decided to follow Tu Yan wholeheartedly.

Even if his life is in danger, he will not hesitate.

But all the dragons' actions shocked Dean.

He was ready to run for his life.

Unexpectedly, the dragons actually surrendered to Tu Yan.

If Tu Yan said it according to what he said, then he was someone that even the Dragon King knew!

Dean stared at Tu Yan blankly, wondering how many more times this human being would surprise him.

Heerlen seemed to have noticed something strange about Dean. She glanced over, looked at Dean and said.

"As I said, we are here to capture the Demon King's City and save Qiu Qixing."


This was the first time that Dean truly believed that Tu Yan and the others were serious.

Tu Yan also felt Dean's hot gaze.

He smiled at Dean and said.

"Come on, come and see with us."


"Then it's all down to you, Bart. You can lead the way."

"Lord Tu Yan, do you want to go with that monster-type explosive duck?" Bart looked confused and hesitated.

"Yeah, is there any problem?"

"You all ride on my back and I will take you there."

Bart swallowed, after all, Dean's flying style was really unforgettable.

Tu Yan also understood and laughed.

"Come on, Dean, let's get on Bart's back."

Just like that, Tu Yan, Heerlen, and Dean rode on Bart's back.

It flew in the direction of the mysterious power Bart mentioned.

On the way, after learning the purpose of Tu Yan's trip, Bart and other dragons quickly expressed their willingness to help Tu Yan capture the Demon King's City.

"Besides my mission here, the most important thing is to destroy the equipment in the Demon King's City."

"If you encounter the Twelve Generals, just kill them. If possible, don't launch a full-scale war. If you can sneak in, just carry out assassinations secretly."

In order to complete the mission as soon as possible, Tu Yan returned to Earth.

After much deliberation, I decided to avoid siege warfare as much as possible.

Siege warfare requires a huge amount of personnel and logistics.

After the battle of 'Wan Chaojun' on Earth, Tu Yan now understands this truth very clearly.

After Bart and the others heard about it, they also said that they would wait for Tu Yan's signal in the woods nearby.

As long as Tu Yan needs it, they are willing to go through fire and water!

In a short time, they resisted the cave in Bart's mouth.

This is a bare volcano, not high, with not even a tree on it.

Gray mixed with red soil, look closer.

The steam coming towards you.

The closer you get, the more you can feel a strange energy pressure.

It seemed like the aura of a powerful creature shrouding the volcano.

"When did you become aware of this power?"

Bart hovered in the air, while Tu Yan stretched out his head and looked at the mountain carefully.

"This morning, we have lived here for a long time, and we have never noticed this power."

"I've seen a few Twelve Generals, but this doesn't feel like Twelve Generals." Tu Yan lit up a cigarette. He decided to let Bart hover in the air first to see the situation before making a decision.

Dean on the side showed a thoughtful expression.

"Lord Bart, is this very close to the Demon King's City? I haven't been here for a while, so I only remember the general direction."

Dean plucked up the courage and boldly asked the dragon Bart.

"Yes, if you climb over this volcano and fly straight, you can reach the Demon King's City in just half a day."

As a dragon, Bart originally had no good feelings toward Dean, a blue duck.

But considering that he was with Tu Yan, Bart also answered seriously.

"That's right. Lord Tu Yan's powerful power should come from the demon species. I can feel it."

Dean said seriously.

"Oh? Demon species?"

Tu Yan frowned and looked at the weird volcano on the ground.

Indeed, although this power is very powerful, it should not belong to the Twelve Generals.

Since even the dragon species is afraid, and this planet is a demon species planet.

There is really only one possibility left, which is the pressure of the demonic species!

"Looking at your expression, do you know who the master of this mysterious power is?"

Tu Yan raised his eyebrows and looked at Dean, who had a frown on his face.

"This is just my guess. I have only seen his majestic back once. Maybe he is our king of monsters!"

"The King of Monsters? Didn't you say that he was defeated by the Mourning Beast and imprisoned in the Demon King's City?"

"I don't know. I also heard this news from other demon species. It's so close to the Demon King's City. Maybe he escaped!"

The more Dean talked, the more likely he felt that this was possible, and he looked at Tu Yan eagerly.

He wants to jump down right now and go find his great king!

"Let's go, we have to go down anyway."

Tu Yan shrugged his shoulders needlessly and motioned for Bart to fly down the mountain.


Bart led the rest of the dragon companions and flew to the mountainside.

Heerlen was silent all the way here, which was noticed by Tu Yan.

When he was about to land, he poked Heerlen's arm and asked softly, 'Are you feeling uncomfortable? ’

"Ah no, it's okay."

Heerlen showed an extremely forced smile.

"Oh, that's good." Tu Yan had no choice but to jump off the dragon quilt, then turned around and stretched out his hand towards Heerlen, preparing to lead her down.

Heerlen also blushed and rejected Tu Yan's kindness.

This made Tu Yan a little embarrassed.

As a straight man, Tu Yan had to constantly think about what made Heerlen unhappy.

Before he could come to a conclusion, a heat wave came from the entrance of the cave not far away!

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