"What's this."

Extremely hot air currents hit, and the wind speed is extremely fast.

Tu Yan had no choice but to quickly stand in front of Heerlen and protect the girl.

Because the heat wave hit the person's face and caused bursts of stinging pain, Tu Yan could tell without using his brain that his face must have been bruised and bleeding everywhere.

When Bart saw this, he quickly squatted in front of Tu Yan.

He used his huge body to protect Tu Yan.

"Lord Tu Yan, please forgive me. This is the heat wave of the volcano. It will erupt every once in a while. It will be fine in a while."

"It's okay, it's okay, you have to be careful yourself."

After receiving Bart's protection, Tu Yan's pain was obviously much better.

Touching his face, pain immediately hit him, as if salt water had been poured on the wound.

"Hehe. It hurts, it hurts." Tu Yan hissed.

Heerlen quickly walked up to Tu Yan and looked at Tu Yan who turned into a red 'tabby cat' with distress.

He quickly took out a Tao Zhi bottle from his backpack.

"What are you doing? There's no need to stand in front of me. These heat waves are fine."

As Heerlen spoke, he unscrewed the bottle and applied the light green viscous paste on Tu Yan's face, gently smearing it.

"Does it hurt?" Heerlen asked as he applied it, his big eyes reflected Tu Yan's red face.

"Yeah." Tu Yan nodded.

For some reason, Tu Yan was not afraid of anything, and it didn't matter how many times he died on the battlefield.

At this time, I really felt that the wound on my face was very painful.

He just wanted Heerlen to continue to apply the ointment on him carefully, conscientiously and gently as he was doing now.

"Just be content. This is the cooling ointment grown by our elves. Now this is the only bottle left. After applying it, your wounds will heal quickly and no scars will be left."

Although Heerlen said this, there was a lot of ointment smeared on his hands.

"Thank you." Tu Yan swallowed and looked away, not daring to continue looking at the beautiful Heerlen at such a close distance.

"Next time this happens, don't stand in front of me." After Heerlen finished applying it, he gently blew the fresh wind from Jiao Didi's lips, which relieved Tu Yan's pain.

"I still need it. After all, you are a girl. Wait, you don't have to waste it. I can just die once. There will be no wounds at all."

Tu Yan realized this problem and said it outright.

"Uh, okay, I don't care about you, you big piece of wood!" Heerlen rolled his eyes, wishing he could knock Tu Yan to the ground with one punch.

"Wood? Hey, what were you doing on Bart's back just now with a gloomy look on your face? I want to lead you down, but you still refuse?"

"Why are I telling you, Luo Luo Luo"

Afterwards, Heerlen stopped talking to Tu Yan, and under the protection of Bart's giant wings, he checked the surrounding situation.

When Tu Yan saw this, he had no choice but to stop asking further questions.

But what he didn't know was that Heerlen's face was already red at this time.

She was squatting on the ground alone, holding a small stone and talking to herself.

"Idiot. It's better to continue sitting on Dean. In this case, I can still hug you! What am I thinking? Me! Heerlen! You can't do this!"

Heerlen quickly shook his head, stood up, and glanced at Tu Yan with a more sweet meaning in his eyes.

It turns out that the dragon's back is too big.

The three of them were all sitting cross-legged on the dragon's back.

In the gap between flights, it was still the same blue sky and white clouds, flying at high altitude.

For some reason, Heerlen remembered that these past few days, she had been holding Tu Yan's waist, sitting on Dean's back, flying and flying all over the Church.

It seems that he has forgotten the existence of the mourning beast and the existence of his homeland.

It seemed like there were only two of them in the whole world.

This was also the reason why she didn't dare to look directly at Tu Yan when she got off the dragon's back.

Just when Heerlen was thinking about these sweet and pink things.

The volcanic heat wave is over.

"Heerlen, okay, we're leaving."

Tu Yan called to Heerlen in front, asking her to hurry up.

"Come on."

After regaining consciousness, Heerlen started running towards Tu Yan, who was standing in front waiting for her.

In front of everyone was a dark cave.

This cave just grows on the mountainside.

Very strange.

"You guys live in this cave?" Tu Yan asked with the corners of his mouth twitching.

"Yes." Bart nodded stupidly.

"It's not hot. A heat wave like this happens occasionally. It doesn't hurt when it hits you." Tu Yan looked at Patna as if he had 'scored 100 points on the test', as proud as a child, and was even more speechless.

"No! How could it be? It's very comfortable. The hot feeling on my body is so warm."

Watch as Bart prepares to gush about the benefits of living inside a volcano.

Tu Yan quickly interrupted him.

"That's enough. I won't live here anyway. Let's go alone. I feel that the power is not here."

"Well, we felt like we were in a cave at first, but now he seems to have changed his position."

Bart also nodded and pointed to the mountain peak not far away.

"It should be right there."

"Then let's walk over so as not to alert the enemy."

Fortunately, Bart and the others landed very close to the mountain.

In just a few steps, they arrived at the crater.

The boiling magma inside was constantly rolling, like a giant dragon of fire lurking inside.

This crater is quite large, about half the size of a football field.

The mountain pass is about a hundred meters away from the magma.

Approaching this mountain pass, the word "hot" is everywhere.

It's like living in an oven under the scorching sun.

Just when Tu Yan couldn't stand the heat and was about to slip away.

They found a figure in the magma.

From a distance, it was impossible to tell his identity.

But he was in the magma, as if he was swimming, rising and falling with the magma.

"Fuck. Swimming in the magma" Tu Yan looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

"Hey, can you? Don't you like the heat wave, the hot feeling, go down and swim." Tu Yan pushed Bart's dragon claw.

"No, no, no, if I go down to swim, I will be burned into dragon bone soup." Bart shook his head quickly.

"Tsk, just now you said it was warm and comfortable, sure enough, men's mouths are deceiving."

Tu Yan inadvertently complained, and even scolded himself.

Dean, on the other hand, remained silent.

"What's wrong, Dean? Is that figure your king?"

"Not sure, maybe. Maybe not." Dean's croaking voice sounded a little frustrated.

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