"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? Why did I scream?"

Tu Yan, who was falling rapidly into the molten air in mid-air, understood Heerlen's intention halfway through shouting.

Why talk so much nonsense? Just show your abilities and convince everyone.

Before Bai Ze and Bart could react.

Tu Yan fell into the lava with a 'plop' sound.

"What are you doing!" Bai Ze became unusually serious, even a little angry.

Heerlen shrugged his shoulders indifferently, with a bit of disdain on his face.

But Dean, the blue duck, knew what was going on.

After all, we have been traveling together for six days.

I also learned about Tu Yan’s ‘death reward’.

It's just that the method of death that Heerlen gave Tu Yan every day was very different.

Sometimes he would be pushed down from a high altitude, or he would sit on Dean and hold Tu Yan, with a knife in his back.

Tu Yan died wonderfully every time.

"If you have time, go and save him quickly. His ability is to resurrect, but after resurrection he is still in the lava. Death is inevitable." Heerlen pointed at Tu Yan who was struggling in the lava. .

"What? Wait." When Bai Ze heard this, he also jumped into the lava.

He happened to see Tu Yan wave his hand towards him after he came back to life.

"Hurry! Otherwise you will be burned to death again!"

‘Plop’ and ‘crash’

Tu Yan sank into the lava and was burned into charcoal.

After dying twice, he was reluctantly picked up by Bai Ze.

Fortunately, Bai Ze has a transparent barrier that makes him immune to the magma.

Otherwise, Tu Yan may fall into the dilemma of infinite death and infinite resurrection this time.

Tu Yan lay on top of Bai Ze.

I felt a strange feeling.

It is a kind of warm and nourishing power for the soul.

It's like a gift from heaven.

Tu Yan felt that his strength had increased slightly, and even his mental power had expanded.

Normally, if you die twice, you will feel a little tired, but when you lie on Bai Ze's back, this fatigue seems to disappear.

Bai Ze also drove Tu Yan to the crater in one breath.

Tu Yan jumped lightly and landed safely.

"This is my ability. I can be resurrected infinitely. I have defeated several twelve generals on earth."

Tu Yan looked at the dumbfounded Bai Ze and Bart and said to himself.

"Hey, wake up, everyone, why don't you continue talking?"

"Well I'm still in shock, let me digest it."

Although Bart and his dragon companions have big heads, it still takes some time to understand new things.

As for Bai Ze, he has completely understood it, and he is constantly thinking about it at this time.

Thinking about whether Tu Yan's immortal body could defeat Taotie.

"But after your death"

"Every time I die, my basic attributes will improve." Tu Yan directly answered Bai Ze's confusion.

"This is too strong."

Bai Ze was speechless. This was the first time he heard of such a shameless ability.

"However, the more I die, the greater the pain will be, which is also a kind of mental torture. Generally speaking, if I die dozens of times, I will fall into a coma, but that's it."

"I don't know why, but when I lie on your back, I feel at ease, which relieves all my fatigue."

Tu Yan looked at Bai Ze and blinked. His look was like that of a little fanboy.

"Well, maybe it has something to do with my ability. I am the source of all auspiciousness. If you are with me, you can be cleansed wholeheartedly."

Bai Ze explained.

"Oh, no wonder that's the case." Tu Yan nodded, and with an inadvertent glance, he saw Heerlen with his mouth pouted.

He walked to Heerlen in confusion and asked quietly.

"What's wrong? You just kicked me down before I could even react."

"I see you're unhappy." Heerlen shook his head and ignored Tu Yan.

"Uh, what's going on?" Tu Yan became increasingly confused about what Heerlen was thinking.

This elf girl was as unpredictable as the wind to Tu Yan.

"What is that Bai Ze? And what is the Book of Mountains and Seas? Why are you so excited when you see him? The way he looks at you is also very kind?"

Heerlen directly asked the doubts in the minds of Bart and Dean.

"Oh, this is it, let me tell you"

Later, Tu Yan explained the ancient legends about the Yanlong Kingdom, the Classic of Mountains and Seas, and the status of the auspicious beast Bai Ze in the hearts of everyone in the Yanlong Kingdom.

"Well, thousands of years ago, Church Planet and the Earth briefly merged together."

"I and other demon species appeared in what is now the Yanlong Kingdom."

"It can be considered a fate."

Bai Ze explained.

Only then did Heerlen suddenly realize and nodded.

But this shocked Dean.

The look he looked at Tu Yan was filled with the word 'dog licking'.

If Bai Ze hadn't been there, he would probably have knelt at Tu Yan's feet.

Tu Yan, a human being, is too mysterious.

Not only did he know the dragon species, but he also had a relationship with his great monster king, Bai Ze.

"Okay, this is the current situation. So, I believe I can defeat Taotie."

Tu Yan said confidently.

"Believe it! I believe it!"

It was Dean, who was the most skeptical at first, who spoke first.

"In this case, maybe we can win!" The gloomy clouds on Bai Ze's face dissipated a lot, and he nodded confidently.

"No! We will definitely win! Before that, let's leave this hellish place." Tu Yan wiped his sweat and just wanted to leave this hellish place quickly.

"Ah ha ha ha, count me in. Let's go to the woods and talk." Bart stretched his wings and prepared to take them down.

Tu Yan, Heerlen, and Dean also got on the dragon's back and flew towards the woods below the mountain.

Bai Ze flew into the sky, white clouds appeared on his four hooves, and the clouds and mist floated down.

After arriving in the woods, Dean, who knew that he was not a 'combat unit', quickly ran to find some fruit.

Then Bai Ze told the information about the 'Demon King's City' that he knew so far.

An army of millions of dead beasts!

Perhaps because Qiu Qixing itself is relatively small, most of the mourning beasts on it are concentrated in the Demon King's City.

As long as the Legion of Death Beasts in the Demon King's City can be destroyed, Qiu Qixing will be considered liberated from the rule of the Legion of Death Beasts.

But after Bai Ze found out why Tu Yan, a human being, came to Qiu Qixing.

He immediately rejected the option of a strong attack.

"No, Tu Yan, you only need to defeat the Twelve Generals and destroy that device. Speaking of which, I have also had a relationship with the Earth Consciousness Body, including the Qiu Qixing Consciousness Body, but I didn't expect this group of mourning beasts. It's actually possible to extract 'planetary energy', ugh."

Bai Ze sighed, a trace of worry appearing on his face.

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