The End of the World: I Can Resurrect Infinitely

Chapter 147 Demon King's City? Farmhouse Bar

That afternoon.

They also arrived at the woods in front of the Demon King's Castle.

This place is about thirty kilometers away from the Demon King's Castle.

If flying at full speed, Taotie would arrive from Demon King's City in only five minutes.

This forest is called 'The Lost Wonderland', and it is the location of the decisive battle with Taotie.

In this mysterious wonderland, if a monster species that is not very powerful or familiar with the terrain comes in.

It is absolutely impossible to get out.

The woods here are also very strange.

Straight, tall, and not that thick, these trees are about twenty meters tall.

The most peculiar thing is that every two meters or so, they have a fault!

This fault is about ten centimeters high.

From a distance, these trees look intermittent.

He stretched out his hand toward the fault and penetrated directly through it.

Looking at these trees that were beyond the control of gravity, Tu Yan felt very curious and kept touching them left and right.

Deep in the woods is a large swamp and a small plain.

The grass growing on the small plain is also strange, most of it is purple.

Saw this scene.

Tu Yan could only complain in his heart.

I don’t know if it’s because I’ve been on Earth for a long time, but the colors on this ‘Church Planet’ look weird.

The aesthetics of the earth’s consciousness is better.

Be green when you should be green, and never be perfunctory.

After identifying the location of the final battle, Tu Yan set off with Dean.

Neither the powerful Bai Ze nor the huge Bart are suitable to lead Tu Yan on a journey.

Only Dean, who is the weakest in terms of size and strength, can do this.

Tu Yan lay on top of Dean, feeling the 'whoosh' caused by the excessive speed.

Looking at his crotch, Dean's body was shaking more and more the closer he got to the Demon King's City.

He said with some distress.

"It's good to get here. I'll walk the rest of the way. It's a bit dangerous to go down any further."

"It is my mission not to send you to the Demon King's City! We have agreed from the beginning, Tu Yan, that I will not escape this time, and I will ask you to defeat Taotie!"

"It's inevitable."

Seeing Dean so determined, Tu Yan couldn't say anything else.

There is a brief silence, but time does not stop.

About ten minutes later, Dean panted and pointed at the back of the huge city in front of him.

"We're here. Gua, this is the Demon King's Castle in front of us."

"Well, thank you for your hard work."

Tu Yan's attention was not on the Demon King's City. Instead, he stood in front of Dean and rubbed his duck head.

"Good job, I'm leaving now, bye."

Tu Yan turned around and left, but Dean stayed there for a while before leaving and went to the nearby reception area to wait for Tu Yan's return.

But when Dean left, he still felt strange, "Hey, why is Lord Tu Yan walking so strangely? It seems like he staggered a lot." ’

What Dean didn't know was how much courage Tu Yan mustered up to continue moving forward.

When he saw the so-called 'Demon King's City' in front of him, he lost his soul and it took him three seconds to come back to his senses.

What a city!

To use such an arrogant name as "Demon King's Castle" is crazy!

Tu Yan originally thought that Demon King City would be a huge castle city with walls all around.

But when I think about it, the races on Church Planet basically sleep on the ground and don't need buildings.

So I have a strong curiosity about Demon King Castle.

Now, when Tu Yan stood in front of the Demon King's City, he just wanted to say loudly, 'Liar! Demon King's Castle is just a fucking farmhouse! Depend on! What a waste of feelings! ’


The Demon King's Castle, which has an extremely cool name, looks like a farmhouse from the outside!

It is built on flat land between mountains.

Except for the front, the other three sides rely on the mountain, which saves a lot of materials when building the city wall.

The side where Tu Yan is located is the front.

The front wall is all made of trees!

Just uproot a tree, change its position, and place them in rows!

For basic defense, these trees are so damn strong!

A ‘wall of trees’ about five meters high!

That’s it for the Demon King’s Castle!

Because through this wall of trees, there is basically no building or anything higher than this wall!

Except for a strange castle about ten meters high in the distance, but that castle was also made of wood.

This isn't the Demon King's City, it's a farmhouse in the countryside, or a primitive human's cottage!

After shaking his head, Tu Yan also recovered from the "spitting".

There is only one main entrance in the wall of trees in front of you. If you want to enter the 'Demon King's City', you can only enter through this main entrance.

You don't need to think about it, you also know that there must be many mourning beast soldiers guarding the gate.

He flexed his muscles and then snapped his fingers.

He took a few steps back, turned around, raised his feet, and slowly rose into the air as if he were walking up stairs!

It was very leisurely, as if an invisible transparent staircase appeared in front of Tu Yan.

This is the correct use of the AT force field.

Tu Yan skillfully controlled the AT force field to come to him.

Then let them lie flat.

There are four pieces in total, stacked layer by layer, turning into a transparent staircase.

When Tu Yan stepped on the fourth AT force field step, the original first AT force field step "swished" and quickly came to Tu Yan, becoming the fifth step!

Theoretically, Tu Yan could just go up to the air like walking up the stairs!

But his purpose was not to walk shoulder to shoulder with the sun.

He stopped after walking more than ten steps.

At this time, he was about ten meters away from the ground.

Then he turned around easily and lay on this AT force field step.

Using the trees next to him as cover, he closely observed the situation inside the Demon King's City.


Countless zombies!

Densely packed!

The Demon King's City is extremely vast, and it is basically open space.

There are only a few buildings.

Those buildings are also strange, and they are basically built of wood.

They are not square, but round and flat. I really don't know what they are used for.

There are countless caves on the three sides built by the mountain.

These caves should be where the zombie army sleeps.

However, compared with the number of zombie army, there are still too few.

I think there should be many zombies sleeping in the open space.

And at the innermost of the Demon King City, there is a strange castle.

Its height can be said to be outstanding in the Demon King City.

Tu Yan took out the sniper rifle and observed carefully through the scope.

That Taotie and the equipment that absorbs planetary energy should be in this castle.

After licking his dry lips, Tu Yan pressed down the sniper rifle and aimed at the direction of the wall.

"Flame Roar"!


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