
Smoke filled the air!

When have these zombies ever seen such a scene?

After conquering the Chuchi Star, the Zombie King led the other twelve generals and the zombies to the next plane world.

Then they also built this Demon King City under the instructions of the Zombie King.

In the past few months, the races on the Chuchi Star have not had the ability to organize a counterattack.

They dare not even fart!

How come someone is so bold as to attack the Demon King City?

Most of the zombies on the square walked towards the wall in unison.

A large part of the wall hit by the "Flame Roar" collapsed.

And the second explosion attack of the Flame Roar also blew up more than a dozen zombies. ,

Tu Yan watched their every move through the sniper rifle scope.

Seizing an opportunity, he jumped directly and jumped to the ground.

Then Tu Yan acted quickly, and while running fast, he also took out the "Chameleon Clothes".

After putting on this dress, Tu Yan instantly turned into a bipedal minotaur.

There are two wings on its back, and the wings are made of the symbol of the zombie beast, the 'black sticky substance'.

Tu Yan also took advantage of the chaos to slip in.

While running, he shouted 'There are enemies, there are enemies'!

In this way, Tu Yan easily slipped into the center of the Demon King's City.

This method of alerting the enemy and taking advantage of the opportunity saved Tu Yan a lot of time.

When entering the gate, you don't have to be interrogated by other zombies to avoid revealing flaws.

In the center of the Demon King's City, the zombies chattered.

In the end, it's nothing more than the meat of the demon species, how unpalatable.

Even the dragon species is the same.

Tu Yan's face twitched, and he held back the anger in his heart, so as not to be too impulsive and kill these zombies who spoke ill of him.

To be honest, the level of these zombies is also quite high, with an average of about LV70.

If a fight really breaks out, Tu Yan alone will be in trouble.

‘Heh, I’ll let you go this time! ’ Tu Yan thought to himself.

When he was about to move forward.

He felt a chill behind him, and he turned around to look.

There was a six-legged lizard, which just stretched out its black and sticky tongue and licked Tu Yan’s back.

“Hey, little brother, are you new here?”

The six-legged lizard’s voice was very gloomy.

His words attracted the attention of the zombies beside him.

These low-level zombies that could only squeak knelt on the ground and were very respectful after seeing the six-legged lizard.

Seeing this, Tu Yan also understood that this six-legged lizard should be a leader or something like that.

He also knelt on the ground like those zombies.

The mid-level zombie beast that could already speak reminded Tu Yan how to address this six-legged lizard.

“Sergeant, I’m sorry for not welcoming you.” This mid-level zombie beast also looked very respectful.

The six-legged lizard nodded and looked at the surrounding beasts with satisfaction.

"What's your name, young man?" Then the six-legged lizard looked at Tu Yan who was kneeling in front of him.

"Reporting to the sergeant, I am Cork. I used to be on JH missions outside, and only recently returned to the Demon King's City."

Tu Yan answered calmly and with reason.

This chameleon suit, when used.

Not only can it change from the appearance, but also the sound, including the information of the species, can be provided to the user.

It can be said to be an all-round lurking equipment.

The so-called JH mission is also the information provided to Tu Yan by the 'chameleon suit'. To put it bluntly, it is a patrol mission.

The six-legged lizard nodded when he heard this.

Just now, he felt that this 'Cork' was very strange. After this inquiry, he put aside his doubts.

"Well, thank you for your hard work."

"For the great King of Funeral Beasts."

Tu Yan's voice was very sincere, but in his heart, he had already cursed the so-called 'King of Funeral Beasts'.

"Is there anything else now?"

"Uh, no."

In order not to expose his identity, Tu Yan could only helplessly say that there was nothing.

"Okay, go to the cave to see if there is anything I can help with."

After saying this, the six-legged lizard left on its own.

Tu Yan, who really had no other choice, had to follow the arrangement of the six-legged lizard.

Go to the cave to see the situation first.

Although he was walking towards the cave next to him, Tu Yan's eyes were fixed on the magical wooden castle.

During this period, he pretended to inquire about the location of 'Taotie' because he had just returned.

The replies he got were all that Lord Taotie was in the castle.

When Tu Yan came to the cave, waves of stench instantly swept his nostrils.

He resisted the urge to vomit.

Found a zombie beast guarding the cave, which looked like the chief here.

He walked forward and explained his purpose and the meaning of the six-legged lizard.

The zombie beast pointed listlessly at the countless caves behind him.

"There are enough people here, why don't you go to the cave of the newborn zombie beasts?"

"Is it over there?" Tu Yan pointed to a cave in the corner.

"Well, go ahead."

"Okay, thank you."

Tu Yan frowned and walked towards the cave.

Newborn zombie beasts? Could it be that zombie beasts have babies?

But such thinking was interrupted by a fierce cry.

"Let me go! No!"

Not far away, several Skywings were tied up.

There were several zombies controlling them.

"Why are you screaming! Damn it, believe it or not, I will let you have fun now!" The zombie on the side grinned.

This is a four-legged zombie with two dog heads, a two-headed dog, and he also showed an extremely obscene expression on his face.

Tu Yan swallowed his saliva when he saw this.

He had heard from his companions of other species that some mid-level zombies have all kinds of desires, including "sexual" desires!

Although it was difficult for Tu Yan to imagine this scene, he couldn't help but believe it when he saw the scene in front of him.

After the zombie slapped the Skywing, a certain "banana" under its crotch swelled up.

"So big."

Tu Yan had only this thought in his mind.

As for saving people?

He didn't know those Flügels, and he also had a mission to accomplish, so how could he save them?

Tu Yan could only comfort himself in this way, but his bulging veins and tightly clenched fists had already exposed his anger!

He swallowed hard.

In his heart, he firmly memorized the appearance of this zombie.

When he completed this lurking mission, he would definitely kill this zombie!

After shaking his head, Tu Yan had no choice but to walk towards the cave.

Maybe the zombie was "fast".

After the screams and subsequent "groans" from those Flügels,

the zombies carried the Flügels and walked towards Tu Yan.

"Be happy, you can still feel pleasure before becoming the food for the new zombies, hahahaha."

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